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  • Meaning of life what is it?

    What do people feel the meaning of life is? Work? Family? Money? What is the point? You get up and go to work come home exhausted,then you get paid and it is gone.The kids grow up and have no time for you ,then you are in pain from a old worn out body.Your whole life it seems like is focusing on money,for what?If you do not have a perfect credit score you are not allowed to help people .Is life about helping everyone else and then you get old and lonely and die? Why does the government control us? Why?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Men do not like paying for children or ex so why?

    Who think that men who do not pay child support should have to have their children? Then they can worry about having more then a bachelor apartment to pay for? They can worry about Everything.Which Mother would give their child to the ex husband to bring up.Most people feel spouse support is a dirty word,so give him the kids let him worry about the $$$ and the woman go do what she wants to.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Spouse Support and Women?

    Who thinks a woman should receive Spouse Support ? If the Mother does not then she can not keep the child in the lifestyle he/she is accustomed to.Also when the Mother stays home and does not work the Husband/Father is way ahead in his career.Or should the Mother/Woman just give the child to him so he can work the extra hours to support the child .

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Reincarnation man or woman?

    I f there is reincarnation would you like to come back as the opposite of yourself.I would prefer to come back as a man in the next life.Anyone else's thoughts on this?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • My son does not seem to care about anyone else?

    What do you think about a son who only wants his dad around because of money ? My son knows that his step dad has not been paying me child support and I am having to go to the court house to get him to pay.Recently he and his girlfriend rented a brand new house,his dad is helping him pay for it too,But the dad of my two minor children get hardly any money.Now he rents a new house with his dad paying money,and does not care if his two sisters get any support.I almost feel like taking the dad make to make it hard for my son.What do you make of a son like that?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Mixed up about husband?

    My husband and I split up 4 months ago after 28 years and five children.He started smoking marijuana,and it got really bad to where I threw him out.He hasn't been paying hardly any child support either.I can't afford a lawyer either.Now he is saying he will quit his drugs though drug counselling ,and he wants me to come with him.I am not sure if I love him in "that " way any more or not.There was tons of arguing here, no loving and too much disrespect.He looks like a homeless guy now and isn't taking care of himself at all.I tried to meet with him one day to talk about child support and he was too upset.He said he is seeing Doctor's and is going for counselling.That loosing us has been the worst ever. He looks horrible and I am not sure I want him back.My eldest daughter says she hates him and that if he moves here she will move out.There was too much pain with the drugs and the way he never bothered with the kids as he was too busy getting high.He really wants me to go to this drug addiction counselling session with him.But yet my daughter hates him,I have told her once he quits drugs and is "normal" she may like him again.Not sure what to do...

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Love left.but argumentative ?

    When a married man and woman argue all the time and eventually break up but now they are saying they still love each other.How can they still love each other? When they were together they argued most of the time and now that they have not been together for a few months they are saying they love each other.Does that make and sense?Will their love keep them together.Because I do not understand this one

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Women quit having children for feminism to grow?

    I feel feminism would thrive if all women quit having children.Then life would be more of an equal field.Feminism must grow and to have it thrive we should quit having children.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Women living lives without men?

    Who here feels that men and women living apart would have a happier life? Like the nomads,some fertile women could meet with men once every 5 or 10 years and a select few have sex.Then they separate and the child lives with the women .If it is a male child when he gets older he goes and lives with the male's unless he is not highly sexual like elephants

    16 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Men and women are not meant to be?

    Who here feels that men and women living apart would have a happier life? Like the nomads,some fertile women could meet with men once every 5 or 10 years and a select few have sex.Then they separate and the child lives with the women .If it is a male child when he gets older he goes and lives with the male's unless he is not highly sexual like elephants

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Feelings are horrific why do we have to have them?

    My husband and I split up almost 4 months ago.I threw him out,he does drugs.and has for years.We fought too much and there was no sex,in 12 years 3 times maybe.He blames that one on me but it isn't true. He has given me some money for our two youngest daughters not what I feel he should though.He has agreed to go to a family counselling centre that is for drug and alcohol abuse.I have discovered that I still have feelings for him still .Is it because we were together for 28 years so he is a habit or is it because I am insane.I am kind of scared that he will quit the drugs and we may get back together again.I am not sure if I want that life back,but yet if he quits the drugs he may be normal and I am mixed up.Should I quit everything with him now or go for drug counselling with him?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Feelings are horrific why do we have to have them?

    My husband and I split up almost 4 months ago.I threw him out,he does drugs.and has for years.We fought too much and there was no sex,in 12 years 3 times maybe.He blames that one on me but it isn't true. He has given me some money for our two youngest daughters not what I feel he should though.He has agreed to go to a family counselling centre that is for drug and alcohol abuse.I have discovered that I still have feelings for him still .Is it because we were together for 28 years so he is a habit or is it because I am insane.I am kind of scared that he will quit the drugs and we may get back together again.I am not sure if I want that life back,but yet if he quits the drugs he may be normal and I am mixed up.Should I quit everything with him now or go for drug counselling with him?He also has self esteem issues

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Husband and drug abuse and finally giving child support.?

    Well I have been doing all the necessary steps to get child support from my ex husband.We were married for 25 years and together for 28.I have informed him though that if he wanted to get help for drug abuse I would go to the meetings with him.He got paid and gave me half his cheque..and he wants to talk to me today.He says he is in counselling as well.My four daughters that live with me do not trust him and think if he comes back he will just start his drugs again and talk down to them.They despise him for how he has acted for the last few years.Did I get ahead of myself by saying I would go to a family counselling centre with him? I am used to him being around me but I also am enjoying him not being here and my daughters say they hate him.I thought if the three youngest cam with us to the session they may understand the drug abuse situation better.what to do..He hadn't been paying much for child supportin the last three months that he was not living here.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • One night stands how many women ?

    Has any woman considered having one so you can have a baby? Also you would be able to have the child without the father being involved

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Men and the need to continue last names?

    Why do men feel that the children and woman should have his last name.? The children come from her body,she is the one who creates the child not him.Are they insecure about the fact they are people? all children should have the Mothers last name..Any thoughts on what mens problems are?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • ex husband and drugs?

    I and my husband of 28 years split up 3 months ago a huge part is his drugs.The way he treated me and the children was horrible.He also gave very little child support in the last three months.I am bothered by how much his children "hate" him.I wrote to their father saying if he went for drug abuse counselling I would be supportive of him getting the help.That does not mean he is moving back in it just means I feel that by him getting help and me not turning my back on him is a good thing.It may lead down the road to his kids talking to him again,as I do not want them to hate.He also needs to start paying child support as this way he is at least showing he cares.Should I help?The kids are 23,19 ,16 and 14.All daughters.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • ex husband and drugs?

    I and my husband of 28 years split up 3 months ago a huge part is his drugs.The way he treated me and the children was horrible.He also gave very little child support in the last three months.I am bothered by how much his children "hate" him.I wrote to their father saying if he went for drug abuse counselling I would be supportive of him getting the help.That does not mean he is moving back in it just means I feel that by him getting help and me not turning my back on him is a good thing.It may lead down the road to his kids talking to him again,as I do not want them to hate.He also needs to start paying child support as this way he is at least showing he cares.Should I help?The kids are 23,19 ,16 and 14.All daughters.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Sign away parental rights?

    Does anyone know where a mother can get legal documents to get the Father to sign to take away his parental rights? He chooses not to pay child support so the Mother has agreed to not "make" him.Found out she can change the last name to hers legally already,so they can no longer carry his last name.She wants him to just sign over his rights as their Father.Where to go get that paper is in Ontario Canada

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does not pay child support,should he have rights to his kids?

    A "Father" who does not pay child support.Do you feel he has any rights to his kids?

    26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What will happen next?

    Bans and what will happen next?

    Is it scaring anyone about what may come next?In Ontario ,Canada there is a ban on certain dog breeds,will there be a ban on what gender or nationality next?The government can tell a adult not to smoke in cars even though the offensive person owns it. No certain shows,no wearing of certain colours,no animals allowed or children.How often you can eat?drink? I feel that is people do not start standing up for their ability to think they will take that away too.Then what ? Who is willing to stop it?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago