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My name is RJ. I live in Ontario, Canada I am quiet and reserved but very friendly and non-judgemental. I am open to everything and enjoy having meaningful conversations and helping people out directly or indirectly. I enjoy playing guitar, longboarding, driving, animals, space, paranormal, religions and being spiritual. I have a need for speed! Faster! I know a lot about music, spirituality, guitar, drugs, love and relationships..I have a decent opinion on anything and try to always leave a decent or humourous answer. ~I'm not in this for the points~

  • Government of Canada bank deposit numbers?

    I am on ei and when I receive my payment at the start of the week through direct deposit the government code for it says "318 Canada".. I got an additional unexpected deposit today with the code "600 Canada" and I am curious to find out what this code and any others stand for? Thanks.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Government of Canada bank deposit numbers?

    I am on ei and when I receive my payment at the start of the week through direct deposit the government code for it says "318 Canada".. I got an additional unexpected deposit today with the code "600 Canada" and I am curious to find out what this code and any others stand for? Thanks.

    3 AnswersInternational Organizations8 years ago
  • Switch cell phone from Bell To Wind (Ontario)?

    I am with Bell mobility right now paying almost $80 a month for limited services. I found out I can get a plan with Wind Mobile for $40 a month that gives me everything I need, and more, with unlimited services. Bell are huge crooks, and I want to get away from them fast. They do not deserve customers. Could somebody possibly help me on how to switch my cell phone to a different provider while under a contract? Thank you, I'm ready to start saving money.. lol

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Got any life or work advice?

    I'm 23. Typical situation living in my parent's basement. All I seem to do is sleep, study/ go on the computer, and work. I do little things in between, but Im sick of the process already. My job makes me go back and forth from midnights, to mornings, to days and evenings, randomly, and it messes me up. I only get like 25-30 hours in a week if I'm lucky, too. I've got a lot of debt, but I'm not really getting anywhere in terms of getting it paid off, and I'm not buying anything pretty much. When I go on Facebook I look back at all the people I went to highschool with and they're all doing awesome stuff like living in Australia and England or backpacking all over Europe, being realtors, lawyers, scuba diving instructors in the bahamas, professional sports players, firefighters, paramedics and cops, all making a name for themselves. Ironically most of them came from wealthy families and went to university and stuff, but I can't seem to find my calling. I live in Ontario Canada where I have been my whole life, out in the boonies. The furthest I've been from home is Quebec City lol. I'm stocking shelves in a bloody grocery store and it's slowly killing me lol. I know a few things that I like, such as music and guitar, cars, and all things UFOs and having to do with what I believe is a hidden human origin, NWO, 2012 oriented stuff, but I dread thinking about doing ANYTHING for the next 40 years! Right now I can just grasp paying off the debt and studying. So far the most appealing things are being a mechanic (even though I have very basic knowledge of the detailed workings of a car) or a farmer, off the grid and on my own terms, self sustained, which seems difficult from my position right now. I've kinda given up the rockstar dream, I guess :( Anyways sorry for the complaining, thanks for reading, could you give me some advice?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What is an "affinity" bank account?

    I just signed into my online banking, and I have an extra account that is showing up and it says the word "affinity" followed by a few random letters and numbers, and there's $8 in there! I don't know what this account is or how it got there or anything. I looked up affinity but it didn't seem to relate to the fact that there is money in my account, lol. Could someone please answer this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Roommate sleeps all day, doesn't work, I get jealous, weird situation?

    I'm 23 and living at home still, and my parents were nice enough to let an old friend come live in a spare room with us for a cheap rent price per week. It's great having one of my best friends around all the time, but that's the problem... I barely get to see him because he sleeps all day. I don't exactly know what time he goes to bed at night, about 5AM or so, but he usually doesn't even come out of his room until about 8PM that evening. This is absolutely absurd to me. I work a part-time midnight job and I comfortably get between 2 and 6 hours of sleep per night, or per day, whenever I'm working. I know my room mate isn't up ALL night, because I am sometimes and he isn't. Even when I am up all night, I can go to bed at like 8AM after work and sleep until 11AM just fine. Why could he need like 12+ hours of sleep each night? He doesn't work, is getting employment insurance and has a good job waiting for him in a couple months. I don't want to have to deal with having everything all dark and quiet all day until 8 PM each day, having to do all the cleaning, all the "chores" plus go to work while my friend takes it easy and sleeps all day while paying the same rent price per week as I do. When he gets up, he's only up for maybe 6 hours and we play some video games or something then he goes back to his room or to bed. I know it's a little wierd posting this on here but Im hoping someone could tell me if there is a problem with him, or with me?? Im still not sure how Im able to sleep in sporadic periods of two hours and still have lots of energy and be up all day and most of the night, all the time. I'm vegetarian too and I honestly barely eat, I have about 1000 calories per day, I drink tons of water, but technically I should have even less energy lol. Can you give me some possible reasons why my friend needs so much sleep and why I don't? Or just on this whole situation? Thank you!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Repeated dreams of UFOs?

    I keep having dreams of UFOs, and they are getting more and more intense. I just had one last night where I was at my work and I looked out the window toward the sunset and there was a HUGE round black silhouetted craft slowly making it's way along the horizon and slowly going down almost along with the sun. I grabbed my cell phone as fast as I could and was trying to swipe to the camera icon to take some pics or videos, and I kept fumbling with it and I never got any images captured lol, it made me angry so I ran outside and as soon as I got out I looked up and there was a black jet or helicopter dropping quickly from a high altitude, and it did an epic swoop up as it got close to the ground and went off after the craft, followed by tons of military jeeps, tanks and people barricading the road with guns all angrily yelling at me and my co workers to get back, and they were pushing us all out of the town by physical force. I stumbled back and fell on the ground. Thats pretty much when I woke up. It was an intense dream and I was wondering if anyone else has frequent dreams about UFOs?

    I also just watched that movie Paul last night lol

    The crafts look way different in every dream I have of them, one time they looked almost like several coins that were flipped into the air and stayed suspended, another time there was just one craft that moved almost like an insect flying. Im pretty into ufo and alien stuff as it is, so I can see why I dream about it too :)

    Share your dreams or interpret mine? thanks for reading

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • I'm going through changes, any advice, who can relate?

    Over the past few years I've become very spiritual, and interested in religions, ufos, paranormal, the whole concept of a God, NWO, anything mysterious that we do not exactly know for sure yet, and I've always been a very polite, quiet, fairly serious person, and as I grow older, I'm becoming less like my friends, or they are becoming less like me. Most of them don't think a second thought about anything beyond what they see day-to-day in their normal lives, and some are proud to boast they are atheist. Some of my friends even put Christian channels on the radio and laugh at it. The thing is, how can they not see that it makes sense? There are many good lessons and rules to be learned through the "stories" of the Bible, whether you are religious or not there should not be any denying that any decent human being follows certain guidelines, those of which are conveyed in the Bible and all other religious ancient texts.. I don't quite know how to word it, but is there any way I can "wake up" my friends to their spiritual side? It's getting hard to hang out with them because our interests are shifting. I am not Christian, but I am completely open and accepting of anything that resonates the message of Love or hints at past visitation by powers beyond what we know today. All I seem to want to do now is be by myself and think deep thoughts and connect with my inner self and do research into our history. Has anyone else gone through changes as they grow older, and look back to realize one of the only things you have in common with your friends anymore are the good times in the past?

    Thanks for reading, feel free to discuss whatever you want to as well that relates.

    7 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Bell mobility data usage concern?

    I bought a 6GB per month mobile cell phone data plan available in Ontario Canada for Bell mobility, and on my online account there is a "usage tracker" feature that updates approximately every 4 hours. I bought the 6GB on February 10th, and since then, I know I have used almost 6GB but on my Bell account under the usage tracker it only says I've used just over 6MB! It seems to only check my usage for brief intervals when it updates.. between 10 seconds and 2 minutes at a time, in 4-8 hour intervals. I have an application on my cell phone that tracks my usage and says I am getting close to 5.5 GB now, so what's up with Bell? Is this something they do to rip their customers off? Will I be slammed with tons of extra data charges come bill time? I've been obsessively checking the usage tracker and it continues to update in this manner. Could anyone please offer me any advice or have you had anything similar happen to you? The Bell reps don't seem to have any other information besides what I am able to view on my account too. Thank you!

    This is what the usage tracker tells me, to give you a better idea of what I mean

    Date Time Call type Duration Data Billed by

    15/02/2012 1:05 AM Brwsr 0:02 0.04 per MB

    15/02/2012 1:05 AM Brwsr 0:01 0.02 per MB

    14/02/2012 7:34 PM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    14/02/2012 7:34 PM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    14/02/2012 8:17 AM Brwsr 0:04 0.08 per MB

    14/02/2012 8:17 AM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    14/02/2012 8:17 AM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    13/02/2012 10:19 AM Brwsr 0:09 0.16 per MB

    13/02/2012 10:19 AM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    13/02/2012 10:19 AM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    13/02/2012 10:19 AM Brwsr 1:33 1.56 per MB

    13/02/2012 12:54 AM Brwsr 0:01 0.02 per MB

    13/02/2012 12:54 AM Brwsr 0:05 0.1 per MB

    4 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • I found someone's driver's license and want to return it?

    I live in Ontario, Canada and I found someone's driver's license. It is a D license that exprires in 2016 so I am sure it must be missed. I've heard that I can drop it in any canada post box and it will be returned to the owner? What is my easiest and quickest option of getting this card back to it's original owner? Thanks!

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Travelling (long boarding) between Toronto and Oshawa, Ontario?

    My friend and I are planning to take the GO train from Oshawa to Toronto, and then ride our long boards back to Oshawa along the waterfront trails. I've never gone so far before on my board and I am a little worried we might get lost or become too tired or something. My friend has full confidence that we will be fine. I'm in better shape than he is too. It's about 70KM of a ride. Anyone done this before, even on a bicycle? What advice can you suggest?

    3 AnswersToronto10 years ago
  • Spirituality and Cannabis?

    How does smoking Cannabis affect me spiritually? Do any religious or spiritual texts mention it's beneficial use in smoked form? Some texts pertain to anything ingested, to be a poison to your body, so it just gets me wondering. Thanks!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I have a muscle calcification?

    About 4 years ago in my right thigh I developed a bone calcification, about the size of a matchbook and maybe an inch thick in my muscle. I believe it to be myositis ossificans. It took a few months for doctors to figure out what it was for some reason. I dont recall having any trauma or injury to that area. I am so sick and tired of this lump in my leg. At first I didn't mind it that much but now it really affects my everyday life especially because I am 22 and trying my best to be active and healthy. I longboard quite often but I'm always in pain and it limits my abilities to bend and perform well. I can't bend down without my entire leg making loud cracking sounds and its very uncomfortable, my muscle that it is on is deteriorating and weak, it is on a main muscle and when I flex that muscle it makes my thigh go numb because the lump is situated near a vein and it cuts off the circulation a bit, and I can not comfortably stand on that leg without it shaking, and if I stood on it long enough I know it would buckle from being weak. It still sometimes hurts, especially in cold weather, rainy weather, and sometimes even air conditioned buildings. In 2007 the doctor shook this all off as nothing and said I shouldnt worry about it since it isn't cancerous and am able to live with it, but it has really changed my life for the worse. I feel like I can not reach my maximum potential.

    Is there any way to remove myositis ossificans/ muscle calcifications? Does anyone else have experience with it? I've been looking up Iontophoresis with acetic acid and I hope that's the golden ticket to getting my active life back :D By the way Ive tried Edgar Cayce Castor Oil packs but I don't have the dedication to do that for hours a day for so many months. Anyone have any experience with any of this? Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerInjuries10 years ago
  • I am interested in being a mechanic?

    I'm not really sure what type yet, but I know I've always loved cars and would be interested in working on them. It's always been my dream to customize my own car or even build my own car someday. The problem in my eyes is that I am 22 years old and have had no mechanical experience. I took one class of auto technology in high school for small engines and I hated the people in the class and was bullied for some reason, so I chose not to take the next class where we'd start working on cars, because everyone in the class were jerks and I couldn't really concentrate and enjoy it lol. Is it too late for me to start getting into auto mechanics? Most people I know who are into it have been tinkering with cars since they were children, and I barely know how to find my way under the hood, mostly because my family never allowed it, we had a small property and no way to possibly work on cars on our property. What kind of advice could you provide for someone at my age who is interested in mechanics? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • I could use some financial/debt advice?

    I'm a 22 year old man from Ontario, Canada and I am about $12,000 in debt right now. I have a maxed out credit card at $2,000, a student loan that's I owe about $5,000 on, and a bank loan of just under $5,000 owing. I am unemployed and need to make payments each month obviously for each of my debts. My dream is to travel the country, get off the grid as best I can, and one of my best friends wants me to join with him this spring to travel. I need to be out of debt by then. I know there are obvious answers like work my way out, but realistically, can I get out of this? I've considered bankruptcy and running away but I want to be responsible. I made a bad mistake of putting myself in so much debt, that I will never make again. I will never spend another penny I don't have.. Im stupid stupid stupid!!.. and I think it's right that I fix it..even though I feel ripped off anyway lol. So can anybody offer me any advice? Its been very difficult to find employment, I can't remember how good it feels to be debt free. Thank you for reading.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • All my fish are sick and dying, help!?

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 3 tinfoil barbs, a green severum cichlid, and a few bottom feeders, a frog, pleco, raphael catfish, and firemouth cichlid. About 5 days ago they all started getting very sick. My severum has what resembles to me, very small little air bubbles covering most of her body, and her colour has faded, and my barbs all have a strange film over their eyes that can best be described as appearing to be molting off of them. One of the barbs is kind of on it's side now, still breathing though, but I don't want my fish to all die, I have no idea what's wrong. The catfish isn't doing so well either. He isn't hiding like he normally does, and he is just swimming up against the wall near a corner right out in the open, and not doing anything else. I have owned them all with very little problems for 4 years now. The other fish seem to be ok so far I did recently remove a member of the tank and add a different member from another tank, but I switched them back after a few days when I noticed the fish weren't as happy with that setup. I fear that adding that fish could have brought some disease over to my tank, even though that fish is in the other tank and thriving. Anyways this was about 5 days ago now since I have moved them all back to their original setup and things seem to be getting worse. I did a 3/4 water change 2 days ago too, and added a bit of aquarium salt to their water too, as that has done wonders for me in the past. Sorry for all the details, this is important to me, can anyone give me any information? Thank you!

    4 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Question for 'The Byrds' fans?

    I really like what I know by The Byrds, which is just an essentials CD and a few extras I bought from iTunes. What is your favourite Byrds album, or which one do you recommend I should get? By the way I always pay! Thanks!

    4 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • My dog was just hit and killed?

    My dog, my very best friend, was just hit and killed by a car tonight. I don't live at my parent's house anymore where this happened, and I am devastated, I just got the news like 15 minutes ago and I've been crying ever since :( She was a 5 year old beautiful white sheltie chihuahua mix and was not only the greatest dog I've ever met, but the greatest animal I've ever had the pleasure of training and raising, and growing alongside her. I just needed to get that out, but I know I need to put a question.. what can I do to help me grieve her loss? It's going to be so weird visiting home and not being greeted by my bundle of fur :( I am going to miss her so much, I really dont wanna be alive right now, life sucks :( I am frustrated and depressed and don't know what to do.

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I'm still not over my ex?

    I was with a girl for about 3 years, she broke it off with me in november of 2009. I'm still not over her :( We live in different places now so we never see each other, hear about each other, and we're blocked on all internet sites we used to both go on. I don't know what to do next. It's almost been 2 years now since we've been apart and I still cry sometimes thinking about our past relationship. I love her and I wish her well. Anyways, what do you think I could do to help me now? I get out a lot.. I've moved locations since our breakup. I just loved her so much and still do.. thanks for reading.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Looking for a certain type of game?

    I'm looking for any game for the Xbox360 that has fun multi-player mini games. A good example is something like Fusion Frenzy.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago