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Yaoi fans...!!!theres nothing i can say...hehehe i guess there is one a big fans of slam dunk..anime!!!big fans of A7x and avril lavigne...hehehe...dont forget tokio hotel...also jake gyllenhaal...

  • Just done my first nose contour make up?!?

    what do u think it looks like with before (left) and after(right) picture? does it still look the same?

    5 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • The Book Of Eli question!?

    at the first scene of the movie where he was in a shelter, he was looking at a mice..i mean really look at it. and in the morning he saw sunshine with his eyes. Blind ppl are supposed to feel ryt, then why?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Question about Lion King and a movie!?

    So i have this short memory when i was 4 or 5 that i watched a movie about a white Lion. The movie is kinda the same like Lion King, but this white lion is like trying to save someone. All i remembered is that the movie was very sad, in the end it dies or something. I searched for it on google, and Kimba shows up. But i think its not Kimba cause its a movie not series and about an adult lion.. Can anyone help me to figure out what movie is it?

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Need advice and tips on how to hit on a girl please! im a girl too?

    Hi, im a girl, 18 ys old and a bi-curios. So people say that we need to have to experiment our sexuality to know what it really is right? I want to experiment it on a girl, a stranger. Im planning out on going to a cafe tomorrow and try to hit on one. Since i never do such things (i mean flirting and talk to stranger) i need some tips and advice on how to do it specially in a same gender i dont mind a one night stand either. Is getting yourself a lil drunk gonna make u lil less nervous? Help please and thank you :)

  • What do you think about this song?




    you could probably

    spend some more

    minutes and listen to

    the other songs and

    help me by sharing ur

    opinion about

    hows the vocal pitch?

    the accent? the

    grammar? and how

    good are the sounds of

    the songs :)

    if the link dont work

    just search for Lifni


    thank you very much:)))

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Tell me your opinion about my music :)?




    you could probably

    spend some more

    minutes and listen to

    the other songs and

    help me by sharing ur

    opinion about

    hows the vocal pitch?

    the accent? the

    grammar? and how

    good are the sounds of

    the songs :)

    if the link dont work

    just search for Lifni


    thank you very much:)))

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think about my music?

    Tell me what you think

    about my music? help

    me in progress? :)?


    you could probably

    spend some more

    minutes and listen to

    the other songs and

    help me by sharing ur

    opinion about

    hows the vocal pitch?

    the accent? the

    grammar? and how

    good are the sounds of

    the songs :)

    if the link dont work

    just search for Lifni


    thank you very much:)))

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Tell me what you think about my music? help me in progress? :)?


    you could probably spend some more minutes and listen to the other songs and help me by sharing ur opinion about hows the vocal pitch? the accent? the grammar? and how good are the sounds of the songs :)

    if the link dont work just search for Lifni Sanders

    thank you very much:)))

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Made a song last weekend? Tell me what you think! :)?

    there are several songs that i made too.

    you guys probably would like to just spend some minutes to hear them and tell me what u think..

    hows the vocal pitch? hows it sound? hows the grammar and stuff.

    Help me in progress. Thank you so much :)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Gigi saya sakit sekali!!!!?

    Jadi sekitar sebulan yg lalu, gigi sebelah kanan saya mulai sakit saat makan dan setelahnya. Dan berlanjut sampai akhirnya tidak sakit saat makan namun setelahnya dan sakitnya dashyat sekali! Saya memulai mengunyah hanya dengan gigi sebelah kiri..tak lama kemudia gigi sebelah kiri saya berlubang saat saya sdg makan biskuit, dan setelah itu mulai terasa nyeri ringan tapi tak separah gigi sebelah kanan. Hari ini, saya makan dan mengunyah dgn gigi sebelah kiri saya. Saat makan hanya nyeri sdkt namun setelah makan mulai sakit sekali dan tak hilang utk berjam-jam. Tadi saya makan jam 6 sore dan belum hilang rasa sakitnya. Ada apa dgn gigi saya? Kalau begini gak bisa kunyah makanan dong.. Apa ini ada hubungannya krn saya suka merokok sambil makan permen mint? Kalau periksa ke dokter kira2 butuh tarif berapa ya? Thanks and tolong bantu, sakit bgt ini sampai ke kepala :(((

    3 AnswersPerawatan Gigi9 years ago
  • Am i really a red green color blind?

    so few years back i watched a video about ishihara eye test with my friend. she could easily detect the numbers on the spots while i couldnt. i tried to see em but i didnt see any numbers..and i searched about ishihara eye test again on internet and its says that im a red green color blind cause i couldnt see some numbers on the spots. Well what is red gren color blind. i know and can.see that apple is red and grass green. im confused, help please.. im a female btw

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • Saffron-celadon city in pokemon fire red?

    Im playing FireRed. I have obtained 5 badges.. And i already got the Rock Smash HM but i cant use it until the i earn a new badge. Okay so I checked that i should go to Celadon/Saffron City. The problem is, I have been going around all the cities and I still cannot figure out a way to get to either cities. In Cyan City there are two grunts guarding infront of a some sort of paths saying that "The road is in monthly maintenance" ?

    I tried to find the answer on the internet but they all keep saying to go to lavender city and get a tea to give to a guard or something.. And get through the rock tunnel. But I cant find lavender city or rock tunnel. Oh btw i already got a tea from an old lady with a meowth in order to open Brocks gym.

    I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO Ive been around here for HOURS and this is starting to get on my nerves. Are there different types of FireRed game?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago
  • What is it feels like to getting a BJ from a guy?

    while ure also a guy :) is it feel more amazing than getting it from a girl? hehe

  • How do i handle special needs children?

    i work in a regular kindergarten as a teachers assistent. theres this one kid in my class that i need to keep an eye on, help him to do any worksheet and stuff. He is a special needs, hyper active i must say but lower than that. he likes to walking around the class, screaming and imaginating things. i just graduate high school and have no idea how to handle him. his nanny said that sometimes his parents hit and tied him with a rope. the main teacher says that he might be in the lack of love and careness. any tips of how should i handle him in class. i know its hard to know how actually he is without a face to face contact. but can u guys at least help? thanks :)

    4 AnswersSpecial Education9 years ago
  • Please listen to this and help me out?

    So ive been writing songs since i was 14 and id like to know if my accent already sounds good i mean not too asian, does my grammar already correct and does it sound good in ur ears? please help me to keeping on progress :D thanks

    here is the song

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Toko alat musik berkualitas di jakarta? ?

    saya mau beli gitar akustik bersenar string yang harga dibawah 2 jt dan berkulitas..kira2 beli dimana ya? saya takut kalau beli gramedia karena biasanya para salernya tak mengenal tentang alat musik tersebut..tolong?

    1 AnswerLain-lain - Musik9 years ago
  • What do you guys think about my accent?

    is it still too asian? been trying to get rid of it for so long :p hear this

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Im a girl and prefer watching gay porn??

    i mean to see guys kissing and sucking

    each other really turns me on, i know

    mostly girls arent like this so whats

    wrong with meeee??? that makes me straight ryt? its like the same thing when straight guys love to see girls kissing each other :/

  • How come im always single?

    im a girl, 18 ys old. been wondering how come i never had a bf..

    ppl say that im not ugly, in fact they tell me im pretty. im not even fat. im very sociable and have lots of friends. always being nice to people. so what is wrong with me? is it because of my short curly hair and half black(i live in asia, where ppl say that white skin and straight hair is the best) is it because i smoke? or is it because of my aura? aaaah i feel like im gonna be forever alone, can u guys tell me why? thx

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it impolite to ask a man looking-girl a butch and ask if they like girls?

    so theyve been a lot of butch around in my city this past 2 years. never make friends with them tho, but most of em are hanging around with another butch and femme or straight girls..why not with guys? i gotta admit that i sometimes dress like a man and also act like one but seeing another girl like that disgust me and most of the time id rather hang around with guys than girls. i love seeing gay guys too..hehe So if i in case accidenttaly make friends with one of them (butch) is it okay to ask em if theyre lesbian? thanks xx