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I really like the Problem Solverz and wonder when they'll put it back on TV. Also, I HAVE A DEGREE!!!

  • Why does my mom keep calling me, only to hang up after less than half a ring?

    She has a land line phone (not sure of the provider--she lives 500 miles away). I live in a ground level apartment surrounded by small mountains in a very rural area, so my reception is poor. I thought that maybe my phone was dropping her calls, as it often does, but this has happened almost 20 times in the past hour, so one of them should have gotten through.

    When I try to call back, it doesn't ring and just says that my call is being forwarded to an automated voice message system. But my mom has an answer machine hooked up so I don't know what the "automated voice message system" is.

    I have a cell phone. To rule out problems on my end, I tried calling her with a friend's cell phone and got the same result.

    Can someone please help me with this issue?

    1 AnswerLand Phones9 years ago
  • What are some over the counter treatments of excessive menstrual bleeding?

    I don't have insurance at the time, so going to the doctor is not an option.

    I learned that ibuprofen helps to reduce bleeding, and works quite well for me. Without taking 800mg every 4 hours for the entire duration of my period, however, I bleed so much that I am faint and lightheaded. Without the ibuprofen, I soak 1-2 super absorbency tampons per hour on the first 2 days.

    While my ibuprofen routine is working well for now, I'm noticing some stomach problems. I know that if I continue taking this much for much longer, I'm going to run into GI problems.

    Other than the heavy bleeding, I'm extremely regular. I'm also almost 22, and until a year ago, I never even had problems with heavy flow. Going to the doctor is, again, not an option because I'm uninsured at the time. Birth control is also not an option because even once I get insurance again, I'm on prescription medication with which birth control interacts.

    So what do you ladies use to help with these problems?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Guys: what is masturbation like? What was your first time doing it like?

    This is such a weird thing to ask, but I'm a female writer, and I've never written anything like this before. I plan on writing a scene in a story where this is involved because realistically, people get themselves off... and I want it to be an accurate portrayal.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Vertical (Michigan) license but 21 years old, can I buy alcohol?

    It's stapled to the temporary one and clipped in the corner. I'm hoping they'll send the new horizontal one by then because I renewed at the beginning of the month and my birthday's not until the 23rd, but I'm presently (temporarily) living in Ohio, and getting up to Michigan to get it in time for my party will be hard (I sound like such a prissy girl). If this won't work, could I use my passport card instead?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Parent on "temporary" disability -- does this count as SSI for FAFSA?

    He's worked full time through chronic kidney failure in end stage for a few years, but in February the dialysis stopped working. He was in the hospital for close to a month, got a little better, came home, and intends to start working again in June... but has been on Disability pay in the meantime. Also, he's been on Medicare for a couple of years.

    Does any of this count as SSI for that question on the FAFSA, or does it have to be a situation where the person is permanently on it, with no intentions/ability to go back to work, ever?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to get high at work?

    I wanna do some V.

    15 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Hey baby, wanna do some V?

    I got a really big bottle of it. I could share a pill or two. Ya dig?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I work in a computer lab and have a migraine. Doesn't that suck?

    I took Relpax AND vicodin because I also have a tension headache, a broken rib, and some back pain (along with some neck pain from a whiplash-like injury to my neck and head about a year and a half ago).

    Will you kiss the boo boo's on my brain?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Should I take vicodin?

    I have a broken rib from coughing. I took vicodin at 10am. I had a LOT of fun in math class. I'm at work now. I have to drive home at 6. I think I can take another one at 4. Should I drive while under the influence... OF VICODIN?? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Prednisone withrdrawal after 10 days, 20mg?

    I took 20mg of prednisone for 10 days for a very bad cough/breathing problems I've been having. I ran out of pills a day and a half ago. Today, I feel very tired, dizzy/lightheaded, "out of it," and last night I was passing out (though I might have just been tired then). Nothing helps: not food, water, caffeine, sports beverages, or anything.

    Is it possible to become dependant on steroids after taking 20mg once per day for 10 days and then stopping abruptly?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Pain and swelling in ribs from coughing? Muscular or bone?

    I'm about to go to the doctor on Friday for the third time. I've had terrible, uncontrollable coughing problems for the past two months or so (I lost count, I'm so tired). Initially, without tests, they said bronchitis + sinusitis, put me on a nebulizer, and sent me away with bactrim and codeine syrup. The sinus stuff cleared, but the cough persisted. I ended up with terrible pain in my rib area and visible swelling. It was so bad that I couldn't move for several days. It took 800mg ibuprofen every 4 hours to keep it bearable. If I missed one dose, it would get out of hand. But this made my stomach feel awful.

    The cough lightened up a little bit, and the rib swelling went down a little. The cough did persist though -- I went back to the doctor, who now thinks I have asthma. He put me on zithromax(sp?), an inhaler, and prednisone (still didn't do any test). The cough has gotten dryer, but also deeper, and the rib pain/swelling is getting bad again.

    When it gets bad, i also get more tired, but this may be due to loss of sleep. There is no visible bruising, and strangely enough, the only confortable way to lay is on the affected side.

    I'm going back to the doctor on Friday. Should I ask him to do a chest x-ray, or is this probably just a pulled muscle or something?

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do I find "side jobs" to make a little cash?

    I'm not really skilled in anything, nor do I have a degree, but I'm going to lose my job over the summer, and I know I won't be able to find another one, because A) the economy around here sucks. it took a whole year for me to find THIS job, B) I'm moving at the end of the summer, and C) I'm going to be traveling a LOT over the summer because I'm still not sure where we're moving -- it all depends on where my cohabiting friend can find a job/what financial aid package I can get from universities.

    In other words, finding and holding down something 'steady' may not be an option, so I wanted to know if there's some way I could find "side jobs" that don't require regular commitment, where I can just pocket some cash from the day/week of work I do and then be done with it.

    Anyone ever do that?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Poetry: I know you can do this. Will somebody PLEASE offend me?

    I posted this in Polls and Surveys already, but didn't get very many good answers. I want you guys to offend me. That's all. Seriously, there is NOTHING you can't say. Since I'm asking this in Poetry, you can write a poem if you'd like. You can be serious, you can be funny... I will NOT report anything you post (though I can't speak for others).

    Yes, I am THIS bored at work.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is the most offensive thing you could possibly say to me right now?

    Without giving any details about who I am or my life, I want you to try to offend me. If anyone succeeds, they will get Best Answer. If no one succeeds, but something is very funny still, they will get Best Answer anyway. If you all suck at being offensive AND funny, then no points.


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If Jesus forgives all our sins, then what is the point of trying not to sin?

    Perhaps I'm missing something on the noetic structure of Christianity, but I was raised Catholic and have also studied philosophy of relgion a little bit, and am still confused. It is my understanding that the only thing Christians need to do in order to go to Heaven, is to accept Jesus as their savior and ask Him for forgiveness for all their sins. If this is so, then why wouldn't I just live my life as I please (sex, drugs, murder, rape, etc) and just say "sorry" every time I do it? If Jesus loves me, he would know that I also love him and don't really "mean" to do all these bad things. Is there a point at which he would "cut someone off," despite the fact that they still believe in him and regularly ask for forgiveness?

    Next part: How is this fair to the atheist/other theist who does not recognize Christ, but lives their life in a morally upright way?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I had bronchitis, got antibiotics, got better for a day or two, and got sick again. Is this normal?

    I normally cough quite a bit (usually not too productive), but about 5 weeks ago, I started coughing a lot more. At first, it was the dry cough, but then I started getting a LOT of dark brown mucus, and then I got sinus congestion. After about 3 weeks of that, I went to the doctor because the shortness of breath was making me almost pass out. The doctor listened to me cough, said I had bronchitis, put me on a nebulizer, some cough medicine, and some antibiotics, and sent me on my way.

    I started getting better for a couple days, but started getting terrible pain in my ribs (one was visibly inflamed). Then, my congestion started coming back, and I started getting new symptoms: one side of my throat swelled up huge so I couldn't eat or drink easily. The swelling spread to surrounding areas (neck, head, shoulders). I took exorbitant amounts of ibuprofen and this was gone by yesterday.

    Now, I'm just coughing again, but it's EXACTLY like at the VERY beginning of the sickness (bloody mucus in the morning and at night, mostly dry the rest of the day), but still with some congestion and pain. I'm worried that this is just going to be a giant loop of bronchitis or something. I'm also afraid of going back to the doctor because they might just tell me I have a new strain of it or something, give me the same stuff, and the same thing will happen again.

    I guess my questions are: is this normal? should I just deal with it, or just go back to the doctor?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • My parents live in Michigan and claim me as a dependent. I live in Ohio. Which state do I pay taxes to?

    I'm starting a new job and I'm not sure which state I'm actually a resident of. I've been living in Ohio for about two years now. I still have an MI drivers license.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Since when is it a shame not to get a degree?

    My parents don't have college degrees. They're not even certified. My grandparents don't, either. Yet, in this town, there is virtually no job you can get without a degree. Granted, I'm living in an area where the unemployment rate is between 15 and 20 percent, but even many retail stores "strongly recommend" an associates degree for those applying to be a cashier.

    Now, I'm an intelligent person. I know my calculus, I write novels and compose music for fun, and am teaching myself computer programming languages. I have a slight preoccupation with linguistics, symbolic logic, and immensely enjoy a good ol' theism vs. atheism debate.

    I have not completed a degree for two main reasons:

    A) My parents can't help me out, I don't qualify for Pell Grants, and student loans are expensive. I've got enough of it already, I don't need more.

    B) I study something intensely for 1-2 semesters (21 credit hours or so), and then I get burned out on it, have a 'midlife crisis,' and choose a different area that has nothing to do with the last thing, because I cannot bear it.

    Not to mention, I really wouldn't mind being an "armchair intellectual" while working a job that just "gets me by." That way, there's no real commitment, in case I get bored with it.

    At any rate, what IS the big deal with getting a degree nowadays?

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What's up with giving/getting chocolate and other gifts for Valentines Day? I want some chocolate too?

    What a strange and annoying tradition! Fifteen year old kids look to get something "special" for their bee-eff or gee-eff who they've been dating for, lykeeee o-m-g two MONTHS!!!!!! -- and can't figure out why it's so hard to find a "special gift." Twenty-somethings buy their significant others gifts because they're hoping to get laid, or because "it's Valentine's day, and I love him." Married couples get each other gifts, but why? Shouldn't they be showing true care for each other that manifests itself in the small things day-to-day?

    Oh, and will someone bring me some CHOCOLATES?? I don't want the love or the romance, I just want some chocolate. Thanks!

    2 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade ago