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Joel 2
I am a young man on fire for Christ. I feel that God is calling me to begin to pray and seek His face for the revival that is spoken of in Joel.
Does anyone remember CW strat for windows 95?
There was a Civil War strategy game for windows 95 that I used to be addicted to. Does anyone remember this game? or know where to get a download for it?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoA question concerning a complicated matter in my church?
For the past few months a small group in my church has been praying for a fresh move of God. I feel that God wants to move and pour His Spirit out on us, but I don't know if this is the direction the Pastor wants to go. In fact, I don't know if the Pastor has any direction at all. Granted he is a good and Godly man, but he is not a preacher - more of a teacher - and there is no real mention or call for God to move from the pulpit. I guess my real concern in this matter is what to do. I have had a restless feeling in my spirit trying to decide how to approach this matter. I feel that God wants to bless His people and and be faithful to the ones seeking Him to move, but I don't know how this can be accomplished when there is no stage set for God to move. Are there any thoughts, comments or words of wisdom about this situation?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow should I cite this paper?
I am doing a paper for my Political Science class. The prof has emailed us several readings for the class. One of these sources, for example, a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence. I'm not totally sure exactly how to cite this and other sources. Any input would be helpful. Thank you and God bless.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoPhysics/Math question?
The velocity of the transverse waves produced by an earthquake is 8.9 km/s, and that of the longitudinal waves is 5.1 km/s. A seismograph records the arrival of the transverse waves 76 s before the arrival of the longitudinal waves. How far away was the earthquake?
If anyone gets this I'll be surprised.
3 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoquestion about finding joules?
I'm trying to find Joules which is Newtons x meters. I am only given kilograms and meters though. how would I find the Newtons?
1 AnswerPhysics1 decade agoAre there any other Ohio State fans here that are overjoyed by the Michigan loss?
7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoAthletic Injury.......?
I played a football game Friday, and Saturday. Just one game spread over two days due to weather. But anyway, my knee felt a little weird on Saturday but I didn't think too much of it. When I got home it seemed to get worse, but it still wasn't too bad. When I woke this morning I was walking funny. My foot and ankle are turned out to the side, and when I try to straighten it, my knee...front and in pain. I have put ice packs on both front and back, and ace wrapped it. But this seems not to be working. Any thoughts on what this may be?
4 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoR&S congregation, wish me luck?
Tonight is our first game. This is the Friday I've been ready for for a while. So atheists will you wish me luck? Christians will you pray? I feel super nervous right now, and I think it will last until the third play of the game or so. But anyway, I'm signing out for the evening, so have a great day.
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#20 If there was one thing that you could change about yourself, what would it be?
I would have to say that it would be my pride. Man I am a prideful guy, but a very sexy prideful guy...there I go again. lol. God Bless.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#19 if there was one freedom that you had to have taken away, which would you prefer?
I would say freedom of religion, because the church always prospers when persecuted, and it would show the soon return of the Lord.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#18 If you could talk to any Bible character, who would it be?
I can talk to God already. I would have to say...uh...Peter. That is a hard choice, but he is my favourite disciple. I would ask him how to run a successful church.
46 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#17 If there was one thing about your life that you could change, what would it be?
I think that I would have to change my family's financial situation. I want to do so much, but I don't have the means.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#16 Who, or what group of people, does your heart go most out to?
If I had to be specific, I would say the youth of El Salvador. A very high percentage of the population in El Salvador is youth. Something like 75% of the population is under the age of 16. I don't know the exact number, but it is something rediculous like that. I know a missionary named Don Tripplet that works there with the youth. I have heard stories, and seen sights that moved me to tears. So I would say that is who my heart goes out to.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#15 if you knew that you only had a day to live, who would you want to talk to?
And what would you tell them? I would say that I would tell a fried of mine about the gift of salvation one last time. God Bless.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#14 if you knew that God would answer yes to any prayer that you could pray, what would it be?
I honestly can't say. I think that one I would consider would be to talk to my sister who passed away 9 yrs ago one more time. I would tell her just how much I love her and how I miss her and how she was a blessing to everyone around her. God Bless.
71 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#13 what is your favourite Sunday dinner?
I still love coming home from church and eating the roast beef, lima beens and mashed potatos. DELICIOUS. God Bless.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#12 how do you worship God?
I like to turn on my iPod and sing along to worship songs.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#11 Favourite hymn, and for those that may not know hymns, favourite song.?
I would say that my favourite hymn...if I had to pick just would be Amazing Grace. I know that is quite generic, but I love that song. God Bless.
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago#10 what helps you to "count your blessings?"?
I find it helps me to thank God everyday for what He has given me, and then thank Him for one thing that I can find good in the day. Sometimes I can come up with several things, but on other days it seems like a struggle to come up with one. So far today, what do you have to be thankful for? God Bless.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago