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I am a happy single mother of a Preschool aged daughter. I am liberal and open minded. Love working with young children and helping them learn.

  • We have stared homeschooling through K12, but it takes us 7 hrs to complete a day. How to cut down the time?

    She is in 1st grade and it is taking us 7 hours to complete her work for the day. Is there anyway to cut down how much is done? Cause they said it would only take 5 hours, but it takes much more time than that. Any help from someone whose been through it would be great.

    4 AnswersHome Schooling8 years ago
  • What are my child's rights? How to hold her public school accountable?

    My child (who is 6) has a documented anxiety disorder along with ADHD. She is on meds for both. I have had nothing, but trouble with her Kindergarten teacher since the beginning of the year. She singles my child out and makes her out as a freak. She started a notebook and puts a happy or sad face in it everyday depending on her behavior that day. She tells the other students to inform her when mine is being bad so she can write it down, and threatens my daughter with it all day. The last straw was Friday. She put her outside the classroom for 10 minutes. My daughter started crying cause she doesn't like being alone. The teacher shut the door and told all the other teachers to do the same. The doors at her school are solid. So she was left unattended and alone for 10mins crying and they documented it in her notebook! My child is NOT violent. She is a good kid and doesn't deserve what was done to her. What rights does she have? I will be pulling her out of the system and homeschooling her, but was wondering if there is anything I can do legally. She has even worse anxiety thanks to this and has biten her nails completely off. Any help is appreciated, and the teacher documented everything. So I have proof.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can I get an odd dream interpreted?

    I had the oddest dream I've ever had. I usually don't even remember my dreams, but this was one I had to sit down for a while before I could get ready for the day. It started with me doing my morning routine over and over, but it would change slightly each time I woke up again. Then, it started getting scary, and a friend I know in real life appeared in the dream, and told me I am in a dark place, I need to wake up. So then I realized it was a dream, and tried to wake up. So now, every time I woke in the dream, it took a few minutes before I realized it also wasn't real. I couldn't wake up. The last segment was the worst. I got in an elevator with random people, and when the doors shut they closed in on me and had evil looks on their faces. I finally woke up in real life then. Honestly, it took a good 5 minutes for me to believe I was indeed awake! It was crazy. Any idea what it could all mean? Or was it just random crap?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Is washing cloth diapers in a daycare together unsanitary?

    I had an interview for a daycare recently that used cloth diapers only. They provided them for the babies while at the daycare and washed them at the end of the day. This doesn't seem sanitary to me. To put all the soiled cloth diapers in a pail together all day, then to wash them all together. I would think even if your using bleach, there would still be a chance of spreading a disease. The Director then told me that Hand Foot and Mouth were a problem at the moment. Now, I know HF&M is highly contagious in it's own right, but it stays in feces for weeks after the symptoms have all gone away. So is having them put all the soiled diapers in one pail for an entire day a good idea? Then washing them all together? This thought bugged me enough that when offered the job, I declined. I am not anti cloth. I have had several families use them over the years, but usually they are their own and all I do is bag them and then the parent takes them home. What are other peoples thoughts?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What to do about a 5 year old hitting you?

    My 5 year old daughter has just recently started hitting me to show me she's unhappy or angry with a decision I've made. It's usually when she's told she's grounded or she's been reprimanded.. Her behavior has been rocky lately but this is something new. She has never hit me. I am not opposed to spanking when she needs it but I don't feel spanking her will remedy this situation. It only makes it worse. What have you other moms done? I have grounded her for the weekend, which she doesn't like, but it doesn't really resolve the issue. I am trying to get her to express her anger in another way, but not sure if this is the right thing to do or how to go about it. I know I do not condone it and will not allow it.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Would I be able to learn to drive in 4 months?

    I am an adult and have decided it's high time I got my license and a car so I don't have to take that darn bus everywhere. Yeah, I know I should know how to already, but hey at least I'm doing it now. Going to get my permit next weekend then my bro will work with me once a week for 2 hrs a time. Would I be good enough to pass the drivers test by end of Sept you think? Just wanted to take the test before the heavy rains started.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Is it normal for a 5 year old to run off on you?

    While playing at the lake today my 5 year old got interested in something and ran off after whatever it was. She was on a mission and no yelling was going to break her from it. I had to run after her to stop her. Now she use to do this when she was really little but she hasn't since she was 2ish. Is it still normal for kids this age to do this. Of course she got in trouble and we talked about why we don't run off. Just wondering if kids this age still tend to run on occasion.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Which instrument should I start my 5 yr old on? Piano or Guitar?

    My daughter loves music. She loves The Beatles, Eric Clapton, and David Bowie. She has shown great interest in playing an instrument like the people she listens to. I was going to start her on piano, then have her do guitar. My friend said I should just start with guitar but I feel 5 is too young. Piano will teach her the basics and she can learn guitar after. Should I just start with guitar or do piano first? I already have a good keyboard she can use.

    6 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • I think my 5 yr old daughter may be being touched inappropriately at daycare. How to I ask her about it?

    For a month now I have had trouble with my daughter at daycare. It began when a new girl was enrolled who had once gone to our school. This little girl has problems and was hard to deal with at our school but I thought maybe a new school would work for her. After a few days I noticed a change in my daughters behavior. She starting saying bad words, yelling at me, throwing tantrums over nothing. All behaviors odd for her. She told me she started to play with the new girl and she was her new friend and that the new girl taught her these things. Then, 3 weeks ago she told me the new girl had touched her "boobies" and then spit at her when she'd told her no. I told my daughter to not play with her and reported the incident to the directors who then documented it and informed me they would watch them closely. Since the event she has started having accidents, which she never has, doesn't want to go to school, and started playing with herself which I thought was just an age thing but after today I'm having second thoughts. She told the daycare teacher her friend touches her private area and she doesn't like it. She won't say who and when I asked her she says she was just kidding. I don't think she was. How do I get her to talk to me about it without putting ideas in her head or making her feel scared or ashamed? I am thinking of pulling her from the daycare but I'd like to know if something really happened or if she's making things up? Five year olds don't do that do they?

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • My daughters dad has decided he wants some custody after being absent all her life. What rights do I have?

    My daughter is almost 6 and her dad has never seen her, is not on the birth certificate cause he wasn't at her birth, has never paid child support, and has some mental problems. We live in different states and an airplane ride would be necessary for visitations. I'm not against him seeing her but I don't want her going down there to where he lives. I feel he hasn't even been a dad he was just a sperm donor and a pain in my rear. So I feel he needs to take initiative to come see her and get to know her. My question is what do I do? I have full legal custody so I don't know if that helps. I also live in WA state. He lives in CA. According to a mutual friend we have he is living with a family from his church, still doesn't work consistently, and still doesn't take his meds like he should. Any info would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Any ideas for some cheap poor man type meals?

    I am the only income for 3 people and it's not much. So I have to be creative with meals. I am looking for some new recipes. Any ideas? I'm not very picky, but my daughter can't eat eggs. I do make egg meals but I will make her a small batch without eggs. Hot dogs and mac & cheese have been my friend LOL.

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Do you think my daughter was being a brat or was my mom over controlling?

    Okay so my mom was doing an art project with my 5 year old. My kid loves art and has her own little art area with different mediums available for her to use. She likes to create her own things. Well, my mom wanted to do a craft with her. My mom wanted it a certain way but my daughter wanted it HER way. My mom felt my kid was being a brat and I reminded my mom that she's 5 and it is her art project. My daughter got really upset because my mom wouldn't hang it up cause it wasn't how my mom wanted it done. I didn't think anything of it at first but now I'm thinking my mom was way out of line. I mean maybe it wasn't how she wanted it but my daughter was still proud of it and wanted grandma to display it. I think my mom expected too much and tried to control it too much. Now, I'm first to admit when my kids being a brat but in this case I think my mom should have let my daughter do her project how she wanted. What do you think?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • If I have video footage of someone stealing my paper, can I press charges?

    My next door neighbor has stolen my paper several times. I got tired of it and got a mini camera and put it on a door hanger I have. I have very good video footage of the guy stealing it. Can I press charges? I am tired of it. I believe he is the one stealing others decorations, etc. too and am tired of it.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Should I get dentures? Would it be cheaper?

    I finally have dental insurance after never having it. I never once went to the dentist as a child as my parents didn't know better and frankly didn't care if I had messed up teeth. I now need a large amount of work done. I went to a dental clinic a few years back and the work I would require would run in the thousands. I have several cavities and 2 that are completely decayed through and need to be removed. All teeth on the top are crooked and several cracked. Gross I know. Now I have never done drugs or smoked this was from years of poor dental care. I am tired of not being able to smile and being ashamed of my teeth and people thinking I do meth when I don't. I want to get my teeth fixed, but don't know if I could afford the co pay after the insurance coverage. So would dentures be a better option for me? I know I need to get this work done sooner rather than later but wanted to know what options I had.

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • How many hours a day do you home school your Kindergartener?

    My daughter missed our Kindergarten cut off by a few days, but she IS ready. She is starting to read and wants to learn to read more. She also is interested in the world(other countries) and science. So I wanted to home school her this year and possibly next year. She is in a preschool during the day so I don't want to do too many hours this year and next year I'll have her stay with my mom and school her when I get home. What I'm asking is an hour a day enough for a Kinder? It's all her focus is now and it's all it takes for her to learn a new concept. She is absolutely bored at Preschool cause she's above what they are doing. She knows her letters, writes them, is spelling and writing words, is adding and subtracting. So just because the government says she's not ready she is. I think its a shame some kids are pushed till they crack and others are kept back in the public schools which is why I'd rather home school. So is an hour a day enough?

    3 AnswersHome Schooling10 years ago
  • What can I take to my child's daycare for her B Day besides sweets?

    She is having cake for her party Sunday, a pie for her actual birthday Wednesday, so I really don't want her having more sweets at school. What else can I take that would be considered a fun treat to kids but not as horrible as a cupcake. It has to be store bought(school policy)

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • How can I make decent meals for my family when I get home so late?

    I am a single mom and I like to cook real meals, but when I don't get home till 7 and have a little one who is passed out by 8:30 I don't have a lot of time. Recently I have resorted to making TV Dinner type meals and I hate it. I want to make real meals. So my question is how do other people do it? How can you make a decent dinner when you have 30mins or less in which to do it? Anyone have shortcuts?

    6 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • What do you do to encourage your child to respect others?

    I want my daughter to respect others. Especially elders. How to do this when the majority of Americans are disrespectful? I encourage her to open doors, pick up things other have dropped, say please and thank you. I always try to be respectful of her. Including her in conversations when appropriate, helping her clean up, etc. What are things you have done to model respect to your children?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What type of lawyer do I need?

    I bought a reclining chair a month ago at a furniture store. When it arrived the reclining mechanism didn't work. I called them that day and informed them. I've been forced to play phone games ever since. The bottom line I get is that they don't want to fix it and don't think I'll do anything about so they are playing games. They thought wrong. I paid $400 for this chair and I want it fixed! I would like to get a lawyer involved but not sure which type I need. I'm not going to let them screw me out of my hard earned money. I saved a long time to get that chair and I want it working w/o having to pay someone else to come fix it.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • How much of a reward should I offer for my stolen camera?

    I had just bought it 3 months ago and had it stolen at the daycare center where I work. Yes one of my parents stole it. I had pictures on it i want and it's value was $70. I want the pictures back desperately would $50 be enough of an incentive for a little thief to bring it back acting like they just happened to "find" it?

    1 AnswerCameras10 years ago