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I love animals, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 1 bird, I havent had my bird for very long but I love her to death, she's a cockatiel and I've taken it upon myself to research as much as i could about everything i would need to know about her. I horseback ride and love horses too. I also speak spanish.

  • Arcsoft web site instead of yahoo! mail?

    I'm trying to view my mail through Yahoo! but when I click mail and go to the url: I get sent to "Arcsoft." Is anyone else having similar problems or know what to do?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Cloudy water?

    Tank history:

    Tank is a 40 gallon breeder (long and wide, but not so tall). Set up for about 4 months. We had the fish in a smaller tank so we put in half the water from that tank along with the filter and gravel to keep the good bacteria (that tank began 2 years ago). We use a gravel vacum to clean 50% of water usually every 2 weeks (we are in a drought and can't waste too much water). Tests have been good. Ammonia and nitrates a little high because we take it to be tested before we clean it. The water is a little hard however. The past month and a half the tank has been cloudy (grey-ish, white-ish). Water tested fine, so we were confused and changed it. Never got much better. Temp is set to 80-82, but I try for 80. About 4 weeks ago we decided to get a new (hopefully better) filter. We just this past week turned the old filter off. It was a bio-wheel and was disgustingly dirty. Bad news - nothing's changed. We started it running along with the old oneWe just put the airstone back in

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • scared cat was not always so scared?

    We got the kitten when he was a kitten. We saved his life because he had a severe upper respiratory infection, and the shelter was not medicating him. Once he started getting a little better, he started sleeping on my mom's head the entire night. He was very loving and trusting of everyone. My ex-boyfriend about 4 years ago (a few months after we'd had him) threw a bouncy ball to him to play with, but it hit him. The cat (Kitty) was terrified and ran under the bed. My boyfriend felt bad, but wouldn't calm down or "apologize to the cat" (I mean encouraging the cat to come back out and regain his trust). He is about 5 years old now, maybe a little younger, but he is terrified of everyone, just over the past couple of months will he actually go up to my mom. He has, since the incident, only let me be the one he trusts. He is so loving with me and craves attention. He won't let others see him, friends don't know we have three cats until we tell (to be cont'd)

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how to make the "formated" go away in word 2007?

    i need to change the font color because i'm out of bkack ink... simple... NOT it makes this thing pop up on the side of the screen that says "formatted" talking about how it changed the color diff there, but when you print, that prints out too, i can't get it to go away, plz help i need to sleep i have class tomorrow and this won't print!!!!!!!!!!!! microsoft word 2007

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • has grey's anatomy been left without scripts?

    is that why there are so few new grey's anatomy's on lately? this writer's strike is driving me crazy!!!!

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Big Shots- Why did it not air tonight (nor will it air the 22)?

    is it because of the writers' strike? or was it planned this way? i'm really upset and i didn't hear anything about why it isn't being run, they didn't even say something like... "big shots will return the 28th at the normal time" they just disregarded it. WHY?

    5 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • is it illegal to know that people are drinking underage in the suite next to yours?

    I live in a dorm immediately adjecent to my campus but it is not affiliated with it. It is set up so that each bothroom is shared by 2 rooms (like a jack-and-jill bathroom). My roommate and suitemates (the ones who share our bathroom) drink alcohol in the suite joined by our bathroom (not my suite). I know they drink alcohol over there, but they have never come to drink in our suite. Is it illegal for me to know that they are drinking underage in their suite? They all got drinking tickets while I was gone once, and if I was here, would I have gotten a ticket too?

    I need to know!!

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What gauge headpin fits a 3mm swarovski crystal?

    I'm new to this and want to order 3mm faceted bicone swarovski crystal beads and need to know the gauge i should order so the headpin will fit the whole, i dont want it to not fit or be way to small, please help

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How do you make your hair stop hurting??

    I have tried everything, my hair has hurt for months now. I used to think it was because it was dirty or needed to be washed, but that's not it because I wash it twice in the shower to make sure it's clean, and it still hurts immediately after the shower. It's driving me crazy, please help me, I need to figure out how to make it stop hurting. It hurts if I do anything with it so it isn't falling straight down, for example, putting it in a high ponytail, a low ponytail, a bun, anything. If anyone knos why it might hurt still, or how to make it stop hurting, please tell me!!!

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • whats the best quality printer (brand) for a reasonably cheap price?

    what brands are the most reliable, everyone has problems with printers and i was wondering which would be the best option for me to buy to take to college and have the least problems with?

    3 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • what should you do when your bird is testing you?

    I have been told that it is likely that my young male cockatiel is testing me, but I don't know how to show that I'm that "flock leader," what should I be doing to show that i'm a good constant leader when he tests me? and what do birds do exactly when they test you and how should you react to it?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • When a bird tests you? at a younger age, what does it do? and how are you supposed to respond?

    I've read that birds begin to test you at an early age, what does that mean? what are the signs of it? and how should you respond to it? I know i'm supposed to be the flock leader, but how do i demonstrate that?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel is getting to be aggressive :(?

    My incident is similar to the one described in the question posted -;_ylt=Aq8so... - but I'm not sure if my cockatiel is biting. I've just recently figured out that he is a boy because he went through his second molt and has dark dark black tail feathers and really bright cheek patches. I used to just call him moody and thought it was funny, but now it upsets me and makes me feel like he doesn't love me anymore. He used to be so sweet and always run up to me on the floor, he does still seem to come to me for comfort and doesn't like when I leave the room if he's out, but when I'm with him he kind of squeaks and hisses and, with his mouth open, hits my fingers, lately its turned harder more towatds biting, but I havent ever pulled away so he doesn't know that biting will get what he wants. he does this when i try to give him scratches sometimes, if I move my hand when he's close to it,

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • tomato leaves and bud tips of flowers looking odd?

    the leaves of my tomato plant are kindo spoltched with what looks like bleached parts, parts of the leaf are lighter/white, the flowers are growing into little bud, but before they open, the tips turn a little dark, and other buds are turning black and dying before even opening, what is wrong with it? and how do i fix it?

    i do believe it got frostbit a littlebit a while ago, but frost isnt anything i have to worry about now, do you think the flowers may still be turning black as a result of that? some of the flowers look like they are doing ok but i am worried that they will turn black soon

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • my bid seems moody :/?

    she's a cockatiel, and she is infatuated with herself in the mirror (for background info) but she sometimes seems to get moody, and if i put my finger for her to step up, she hisses and basically hits me with her mouth open all over my hand like crazy, she's not biting, but seems annoyed, she does it when i pet her too, or if i reach in to change the food, I have to put my hand over her head and she tries to hit my hand with her beak as described, and hisses, the same if i try to move anything close to her but when i move it she chases my hand and hisses at it

    is this a behavioral problem? or normal? and if it isnt normal, what do i to to correct it?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • tomato plant leaves and flowers looking odd?

    the leaves of my tomato plant are kindo spoltched with what looks like bleached parts, parts of the leaf are lighter/white, the flowers are growing into little bud, but before they open, the tips turn a little dark, and other buds are turning black and dying before even opening, what is wrong with it? and how do i fix it?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Bird Bonding issues, second to a mirror?

    My cockatiel is really good, she used to love to be with me and do her little call to me, but now it has found a more interesting thing to bond with, the mirror! I had one in her cage so she wouldnt scream while I was at school, but then it got to the point that she would rather be in her cage than out with me because of the mirror. I took the mirror out and the floor mirror out, but i have a hanging mirror, she climbs up the dresser and to the mirror (they are whicker so its easy for her) and she stays there the entire time i have her out, if i take her away, she flies right back to the mirror, how do i solve this, it really sucks being second to a mirror!

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Strawberry plants aren't getting flowers?

    I planted everbearing strawberries, when i first got them they had some flowers which turned to strawberries but then got dark and shrivelled, now the plants are much stronger with lots of new leaf growth, but they arent getting any flowers, the leaves just keep coming.

    and for feeding/fertilizing? what fertilizer should i use and is that the same as feeding? because people say feed them twice a year, but the fertilizer says like once every 3 weeks so what do i do?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Women's Rights and Abolition of Slavery?

    do you think that women could have realized they were more than just possessions when they saw blacks struggling to gain their freedom and rights? or do you think it was something else?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • begginer crocet patterns?

    I'm a begginer and I am making little dishclothes to learn how to do certain stitches but I want to make something bigger now, I was wondering if any1 could suggest a good site or a book (like the ones from michael's) that would have clear instructions for begginers

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago