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  • Can Dayquil cause low blood pressure?

    Recently I've been doing a lot of cardio, having to shovel the driveway a lot, and taking zinc supplements. Needless to say I overdid it and passed out from my blood pressure being too low(according to my doctor). My doctor said I'd be fine if I took it easy and ate more salt. I woke up with a cold this morning and took a dayquil sinus and after taking a warm bath almost past out again. I had to lay on the floor. Could someone tell me what I'm doing that is causing this? I'm trying to eat more salt and drink more fluids and I know the hot bath contributed, but I feel like a wimp compared to my previously out of shape self. I stopped taking the zinc after the first episode.

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Earthquake sensitive. Anyone on the east coast feel it too?

    Recently I discovered a correlation between headaches/weird feelings I have and earthquakes. I am now on hour 4 of a massive migraine that came out of nowhere. Does anyone else in the NE have similar symptoms?

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • Is this normal for someone on Weight Watchers?

    I started weight watchers exactly one week and two days ago. I've been staying well within my food allowance (often times under a little) and exercise every other day for a half an hour. I've lost six pounds so far, which I know is awfully fast, but great because I don't feel tired at all and eat tons of healthy food.

    The part that is concerning me is that I am peeing every freakin hour on the hour. And not just regular pee, but clear pee that people often say could be a sign of diabetes (which I have never been diagnosed with) so I'm a little freaked out. Has anyone else on weight watchers experienced this?

    And bonus question; If this is normal what is causing it to happen? I assumed the lost fat has something to do with it, but constantly trudging up and down the stairs to go pee is getting annoying. I don't drink a whole lot extra fluids. AM I GOING TO DIE!? D: -- JK~Maybe.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I'm having a hardwood floor installed and have to let the wood acclimate. Do I take it out of the box?

    I have weeks instead of days to let this stuff acclimate. It is engineered maple hardwood. Do I take it out of the box and lay it out? Or does it matter? Should I open the end of each box and just lay the boxes next to each other? What is the best way to acclimate?

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • Waking/Sleeping problems. Should I be worried?

    Throughout my life I've always had problems with sleep.

    When I was very young I used to sleep walk to the extreme; walking barefoot outside on gravel, having entire conversations with people I didn't remember etc. As I got older these problems evolved into a kind of lucid dreaming prison. I wouldn't walk around anymore, but would often still talk in my sleep, and once when I was aware of it I screamed "WAKE ME UP!" in a panic because the idea of being consciously stuck in a dream terrifies me.

    As I got older things mellowed out, but about 5 years ago I moved to a brand new state and started having panic attacks. The doctor prescribed me Valium to take as needed and that seemed to nip them in the bud...but now I have a whole new problem.

    Whether related to the Valium or not I'm not sure (because I barely take any and just keep it around for emergencies such as these) I've started waking up and panicking because I think I'm still IN my dream. It doesn't have to be a scary dream or even one that makes sense. For some reason my mind is just too fuzzy to discern reality from fiction and for a good 5-10 mins (especially if something wakes me up out of the blue) I'm living out my worse nightmare -- being stuck in my dream.

    Recently I had a dream where I thought I was drowning and when I woke up I could barely breath. I knew I wasn't actually drowning, but for some reason my body was insanely slow at receiving the updated info.

    Just last night I had a dream that I couldn't even remember, but the very thought of remembering that dream, or being stuck in it, made my heart beat so hard that I grabbed the phone before calming myself down in case I needed to call 9-11

    I've tried everything. Relaxing teas. Exercising. Starving myself before bed. Eating before bed. Nothing seems to stop it. I never know what's going to trigger it or when it's going to happen. I always remember my dreams (practically every night) but they often aren't even scary and I'll just wake up for no reason with my heart pounding and my lungs burning.

    It scares me so much that that often stay up as long as I possibly can because I'm petrified that the next time I wake up I'll be stuck between the rungs of consciousness again.

    Is this normal for everyone or should I be worried? It doesn't happen often. Maybe once or twice a month. (Sorry for how long this was, but seriously I have so many other stories of sleep malfunction that I could write a book about them)

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • What is the technical name for this type of lumber?

    Edging my garden are 3 straight 4x4 beams (approx) that are rounded on the top and flat on the other 3 sides. The previous owner of my home used to them to section off a piece of land next to the house, and I would like to get 3 more so next year I can move the garden further from the house and complete the box.

    What are these beams called? My inability to call them by their proper name (I'm assuming) is why I can't find them online. Thanks

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Will my outdoor spigot freeze?

    So, I recently purchased a home and when I did I noticed that the previous home owner had wrapped insulation on all the outdoor spigots. I thought that was sort of unnecessary since there was a shut off valve....UNTIL I tried it and found out it only turns off the front spigot.

    I researched the model number on all the spigots (asse1010-a) and found that this means they are water hammer spigots? When the man that inspected the house showed us the outdoor plumbing he mentioned something about the pipes being anti-freeze, but at the time we were looking at so much I didn't pay much attention.

    They do appear to be they freeze this winter if I don't wrap them up? I live in it gets COLD.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Ceiling vent cover issues.?

    I was installing registers in the ceiling of my new house when - of course- I ran across one that has a solid barrier I simply cannot screw through. I don't know what the barrier is, but after several tries it became apparent that screwing my last register in wasn't the way to go about it.

    So my next thought was glue. I've contemplated using crazy glue, but is there a builders glue that might work better?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Tile question: Will this work?

    So, as it stands right now I have 4.25 inch tiles and .25 grout lines because I'm a noob and didn't realize certain tiles require certain sized lines.

    Now -I know- I have to use sanded grout in order to finish my project, but I installed glossy black tile and have gotten mixed messages as to whether it will scratch the finish or not.

    I'm wondering, if I covered the surface of each tile with painters tape before grouting would this

    1. Work at all.

    2. Protect the finish of the tile.

    It would be a pain in the behind to do, but if it'd keep my tub all shiny I'd be more then willing to do it.

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Can I use sanded grout on glossy ceramic tile?

    I was worried it would ruin the finish but my spaces are 1/4 inch.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Sanded grout with glossy ceramic tile?

    I recently installed glossy black ceramic shower tile in my shower. The DIY video I watched said I needed unsanded grout if I was going to install a glossy tile, but I used very basic 1/4 inch spacers - which typically require sanded grout.

    If I use sanded grout will it destroy the finish on the tile?

    And if it will, is there any way to protect it?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How are you at tiling equations?

    I would appreciate a double check on this problem. I believe I've saved myself a lot of cutting, but I just want to make sure.

    My shower is 59 inches wide.

    My tile is 4.25 inches wide and tall. (square)

    My spacers are .25 inches wide.

    The middle point of my shower 29.5 inches.

    If I move my center line to the right or left by 2 and 1/8 inches I should be able to cover the entire width with 13 tile IF I allow for a 1/8th inch addition in each corner.

    Is this correct?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Do you know any great general contractors in Massachusetts?

    Specifically looking for one that does work in the Littleton/Acton/Ayer area that has experience installing pot lights, updating garages, building, painting etc.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do you secure a new wall on a ceramic tile floor over a concrete subfloor?

    I want to build a linen closet in my bathroom and have the perfect spot for it. I'm clear on framing, hanging drywall et all, but...

    How do I secure the bottom part of the frame? Do I knock out the tile and glue it directly to the concrete or just glue it onto the tile? Are there special nails I can use to secure the wall to the concrete?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Can gas cause left forearm pain/pressure?

    For the past two days my left forearm has been hurting/feeling tight. My pulse is fine, my diet hasn't changed, my exercise routine is the same. This symptom is usually accompanied with mild gas, and comes and goes throughout the day. Has anyone else experienced this?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to calculate how much in capital gains we would pay on stock we sold but didn't purchase?

    My husband has worked for the same company for over five years. As one of this company's loyal employees he was occasionally given stock in the company. In 2010 the company he worked for was bought out and all of the stock he held was purchased.

    25,000 of it went directly to his paycheck and was taxed just like regular income.

    10,000 went directly to our savings account and wasn't taxed.

    We have never bought stock before so have NO idea what we should report or even what we should expect to pay this year.

    Is there any way to figure out just how much we are going to pay? Will paperwork come with his w-2 this year listing the buy/sell price?

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Which is the better workout?

    I've been doing an hour workout for the past couple months (burning 1000 calories a session) and as a treat to myself, bought an elliptical so I wouldn't have to fight for the machine at my apartment complexes gym.

    Now that I can work out any time I want, my question is:

    Which is better, two 30 min sessions (burning 500 calories at a time) or an hour long session (burning 1000 calories at a time)?

    Please site any sources, I'm looking more then just opinions here. I'm trying to lose weight, and have been doing well with the 1000 calorie a day now I'm just wondering wether I'm hurting myself by breaking it up.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Midnight sun, Emailing Stephanie Meyer?

    This is probably impossible...but I thought I'd ask around anyways. I recently read all of the Twilight Saga

    in 3 days :p (boy did my neck hurt)

    then I read them again ( I laid down this time)

    then I found out that there was a possibility of a fifth book and I nearly combusted with excitment.

    but then of course...complications...the bad guys once again prevail and end up ruining everything. I've read the rough draft Stephanie Meyers put up on her website and nearly died when it just STOPPED with no resolution.

    I don't blame her for postponing but I was wondering if anyone knows of any email address or forum thingy I could use to let her know just how much I enjoyed her books

    The need to do SOMETHING is overwhelming.

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago