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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"
Really red skin around nose piercing?
I got my nose pierced about three months ago. But the skin around the piercing is always so red and irritated looking. I don't think it's infected - as it doesn't hurt at all. I clean it every night with Saline solution (what the piercer told me to) and warm water. But I still can't get the redness to go away.
Any ideas of what I could try?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoCountry song about what this guy's life would have been like without his girl?
I've heard it a few times on the radio. I can't think of any specific lyrics but it's a guy talking about all the things he could have done with his life (I know he mentions golf) but then he met this girl and she changed him for the better.
Thanks in advance!
1 AnswerCountry9 years agoAbnormal period, help?
So i have had my period for almost two weeks now. But it's not my normal period. It is an EXTREMELY light flow, almost like i'm spotting but it's dark colored blood and it has a bad smell to it.
I know this is totally gross but should I worry? I've been under a lot of stress lately, could that have something to do with it?
and there is no possible way I'm pregnant so that is out of the question.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoI can't stand my father?
Growing up I was always close to my mother but I could never stand to be around my father.
My father is a racist, self-centered, egotistical, homophobic, rude, obnoxious, abusive pig and I can't be around him without having the temptation to just slap him.
I am a single mom which he strongly objects to and throughout my whole life he basically gave me the the feeling that I could never do anything right.
He and my mom are still married and I want to be around my mom but, I don't know how I can do this without my father getting in the way.
Please help me.
5 AnswersFamily1 decade agoMy daughter's father wants back in our lives?
My daughter is eight months old and her father left me when I was 8 months pregnant.
I didn't hear from him for nine months and then two weeks ago he texted me saying that we needed to talk. He called me, told me he was sorry and wanted to be back in our lives. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want him back, but I'm worried about what would be best for my daughter.
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agohelp; what in the world am I sick with?
So I ate out a lot this past weekend so on Sunday when I started having really bad stomach pains I thought that it was just all the unhealthy food finally catching up to me. But then it just go worse. I had horrible stomach pains normally right below my breasts. Sometimes so bad it was like paralyzing. Finally around 2 after suffering through this for about 15 hours I threw up five times. It was all liquid vomit and it was green. After that I felt better but I still felt sick. I ate a piece of bread and 4 crackers the whole day.
I went to bed and woke back up the next morning and felt 100% perfectly fine. I even went to work.
Yesterday I still tried to avoid greasy foods so I ate half a bagel, some chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese.
When I went to bed I was really hungary so I decided to have a piece of bread. And as soon as I finished the piece of bread it started all over again. Although now I have horrible diarrhea that I can't seem to control. But it's all back again.
What's wrong with me?
4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agowhat song is this? (it was in a commercial for House)?
It's like "you're stupid, I love you"
that may not be exactly right but it would be like a really negative thing than how much the singer loved the guy...
It was on a commercial for fox's House for a while.
Help please!
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoBest diet plan to lose about 30 pounds?
I am looking for a way to lose about 30 pounds and I was wondering if anyone has done this and has any tricks?
I'm already on calorie restriction, I don't have much time to work out since I'm the mother of a six month old (yes, it was pregnancy weight)
so any suggestions?
17 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoQuestion about Verizon ringbacks...?
So right now I have some classical song playing... Is there a way to change it so it's just like a normal phone ringing noise?
I know how to set my own ringback but I really would prefer just a normal ring....
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhat age is a good age to bring a child to the beach?
a couple of my friends with kids want to go to the beach this spring with all the kids. most of them have kids 2 years+
my daughter will be 8 months by the time they go and i think it's too young. but they all are saying she'll be fine.
so i want your thoughts... is 8 months too young?
10 AnswersParenting1 decade agoGood beaches on the east coast to bring kids to?
For spring break me and a bunch of friends want to bring our kids on a vacation to the beach. I live in maryland and I'd like it to be within driving distance (so not in like florida)
we want to go during the "spring break time" so we're looking for a beach where it'll be reasonably calm and not be like drunk parties on the beach.
the kids going range from 8 months- 6 years so any beaches that will be fun for all ages will be appreciated!
5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoWhat are some quick, cheap ways to learn spanish?
I asked this yesterday during the yahoo freeze, so I'll ask it again:
I work at an organization that offers clothes, food and education assistance to those who need it. Probably 95% of people I deal with daily are spanish. I have a translator that stays with me, but often times I think it would be easier if I just knew a little spanish to help other people or to help myself when my translator is not with me. I don't want to spend alot of money. Any suggestions?
10 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoWays to learn some quick, conversational spanish?
I work at an organization that offers clothes, food and education assistance to those who need it. Probably 95% of people I deal with daily are spanish. I have a translator that stays with me, but often times I think it would be easier if I just knew a little spanish to help other people or to help myself when my translator is not with me. I don't want to spend a great deal of money on lessons or software to learn. So, any suggestions?
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agonew mommy. new look?
my baby girl was born last week.
i am only 19 years old and now that i've changed my life forever i figure its time to throw away the mini skirts and skinny jeans and get some more "mommy wear"
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agois youtube not working for anyone else?
when i go to youtube my comp say the server cannot be found... is this happening to anyone else or is it my computer?
33 AnswersYouTube1 decade agowhere my james lovers at? (bb9.)?
are you gonna vote for him to win the fan favorite prize?
12 AnswersReality Television1 decade agodo you think the bb9 contestants this season were stupid with evictions?
here's my opinion.
so it was "Team Christ" vs. "Team Pink" basically. Team pink of course consisting of James, Chelsia, Joshy, &Sharon.
Then Team Christ with Matty, Natalie, Sheila, Adam, &Ryan.
but, here's the thing. no one ever considered the people that they were pissing off were the ones who will be voting for them. Ryan pissed off SOO many people that there is no way in hell he is gonna win this thing.
adam sure as hell pissed a lot of people off too but not nearly as many as Ryan.
so what do you think- was team christ stupid in their methods?
8 AnswersReality Television1 decade agowhich name do you like best?
pick one for both sexes plz!
Emilee Rose
Avery Faith
Nicole Mina
Savannah Rose
Chelsia Kate
Corbin Samuel
Spencer Jon
Dustin Mikan
Dyson George
Christopher Lee
Martin Kraig
42 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago