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allison ivy

Favorite Answers17%
  • Study abroad- where to live in Sydney?

    Im looking for a place for me and my roommate to live for 6 mo. while we study abroad in Sydney, Australia! We want an area very close to the University of Sydney campus...and where the hottest clubs/bars are! We are college students so we want to be in the right area!

    What is the right area/city? Thanks!

    6 AnswersSydney1 decade ago
  • What do I do if my roommate has an eating disorder?

    I truely believe, well know, that my third roommate has an eating disorder. She has lost at least 15 lbs since the start of the school year, works out obsessively and hardly eats a thing. I don't know what to do since honestly, I don't have the time or the mental energy to deal with any of it (I used to have an eating disorder (now recovered.. its been about 4 years ago)... there for I REALLY don't want to get involved).

    What do I do?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What to eat AFTER stomach bug?

    So ive been getting over a stomach bug (diarrhea bug, gross I know)

    and have been using the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) -- and some brothy soup with boiled chicken if I feel like it, and peanut butter too

    today i actually feel my appetite coming back, and my bowels more normal, so what is a good way to ease in certain foods (and what are those certain foods?)

    what should I avoid for right now/slowly ween back in? thanks!

    **PS. any example meals/dishes?

    (pss. i posted this in another category so if you saw it there, sorry, but I think this is a better spot for it)

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What to eat after stomach bug?

    So ive been getting over a stomach bug (diarrhea bug, gross I know)

    and have been using the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) -- and some brothy soup with boiled chicken if I feel like it, and peanut butter too

    today i actually feel my appetite coming back, and my bowels more normal, so what is a good way to ease in certain foods (and what are those certain foods?)

    what should I avoid for right now/slowly ween back in? thanks!

    **PS. any example meals/dishes?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Best Hair Colorist in South Florida?

    I am looking to color my hair, since my last colorist can no longer do it. I need a top of the line hair colorist, I am very protective over my hair. Best recommendations in South Florida Area (I am in Boca Raton btw)? Thanks!!

    1 AnswerMiami1 decade ago
  • My reactions to alcohol....?

    Whenever I drink alcohol, my tolerance is soooo low. About 3 shots, and im a wobbly superstar trying to hold down her fort.

    The next morning/rest of the next day I still feel the "drunk" effects? Still more talkative, emotional, distracted and feeling loose?

    Anyway to counter this? I'd like to be able to drink even a little and not feel like im wasting my time in class the next day, or setting myself up to get fired.

    Not only tht, but I always come down with some sort of cold/flu sickness reaction the next couple days.

    could I be allergic? what could this be?

    16 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Remove dye from new jeans?

    Bought an expensive pair of very dark blue skinny jeans. Each time I wear them, even after been washed, my legs are blue when I take them off, and it stains my shoes! I wish I hadnt decided to keep them, I should have returned/exchanged.

    I MUST get the dye to cease the bleeding! Anyway to do this?? I'm really not concerned about the jeans getting lighter or anything, I just want to stop the staining so I can wear them!


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my stomach?

    So yesterday I had my usual breakfast of oatmeal (with a little chopped fruit, a spoonful of cottage cheese and some nuts on top).

    At around noon I developed what felt like mentral cramps + diarrea feeling that lasted for about an hour and a half...I had to lye down for about 2 hours. After that I ate a little and felt much better, went to the gym, totally normal etc etc...

    today I had breakfast at around 10 and around 12:30 I started getting the same pain/diarrea, cramps feeling. Ive just gone to the bathroom, again, and am still feeling pain.

    now im lying in bed with my hot laptop on my stomach

    both days ive been very tired

    im just endddding my period

    What is going on?

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my stomach?

    So yesterday I had my usual breakfast of oatmeal (with a little chopped fruit, a spoonful of cottage cheese and some nuts on top).

    At around noon I developed what felt like mentral cramps + diarrea feeling that lasted for about an hour and a half...I had to lye down for about 2 hours. After that I ate a little and felt much better, went to the gym, totally normal etc etc...

    I had breakfast at around 10 and around 12:30 I started getting the same pain/diarrea, cramps feeling. Ive just gone to the bathroom, again, and am still feeling pain.

    both days ive been very tired

    im just ending my period

    What is going on?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Ever had sharp vaginal pains?

    I'll get this sharp pain, spiking in my vagina. It will only last like 5 seconds, and maybe it would happen again a couple minutes later.

    This only happens once in a blue moon though. Its just so odd. Anyone else?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is this called??

    I have a friend who is in and out of the doctors more times in a week than I am in a year. Shes either got this or that. She went to the hospital this morning at like 7 am because she had a 101 degree fever. Then she texted me "they tested me for strep, mono, blah blah, i have a whopping virus and i'll let you know what they say"

    i think that maybe she should grab some chicken noodle soup and good dose of IB profen.

    this happens alot, she always seems to be sick with something. the thing is, her parents fully back all of this up. Her hospital bills must be through the roof. Shes an only child as well.

    Could this be Munchausen? Anyone with similiar experience?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How come I have a hard time telling if im full?

    I remember when I was younger that it was almost like a light bulb auto. flicks on, tell me im full.

    Now as im older I feel that doesnt come on!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Anyone dreamt of stepping out of their routine lives and...?

    I always dream of just "screwing" this realm of society and routine and then running around the world to travel, live beyond the means of money, and be ultimatly "free" and do as I please.

    Anyone know what im talking about? Anyone done it?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Working out but gaining weight?

    So ive been working out steadly and the first few days I saw weight loss of fat. Since then ive noticed a great increase in muslce (good) but not really a decrease in fat (infact its increased since that initial weight loss)

    I eat a very sensible diet

    why is this? i wonder if its just bloat or am I just building muscle and not burning fat?

    ive had this happen before... the first 5 days are good then it gets like this

    13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that I have Lupus?

    Please only knowledged people reply to this.

    About 4 months ago I came down with a bad sinus infection. 3 weeks after (having come back from Spring break in FL) I worked out for the first time in a while. When I returned a red butterfly-like rash (resembles that) appeared on my face for about 8 hours.

    At the hospital they took an ANA test = negative. They also said my sed-rate was a little high, at 44.

    I exercise alot and eat a very healthy diet. I do like to lie in the sun and I hardly get my period. I havent had that redness or gotten that ill since then,.

    Opinions? I'm going to the dr. to speak with him about having more tests done for Lupus. Does this seem like a real possibility?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Are guys just as backstabbing as girls?

    Just recently broke up with ex-boyfriend of two years, serious relationship, about 3 days ago.

    Including that day, his friend has been trying to take me out, even after he knew we just broke up.

    This seems so "un-guy" like behavior. Opinions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Condom Broke?

    OK. Had sex with BF last night, protected. At the end the condom broke, and he took it off, and continued to have sex with me for like 5 seconds (it was more of a bonding thing b/w us, weve been using condoms for 2 years and never not used....please dont negatively comment on his decision to do that) then he pulled out and finished JUST as he pulled out (he did NOT finish inside me).

    I am not on birthcontrol, and have VERY irregular periods (about 2-3 a year?) its been about a 2 mo. since my last one. I worry only because of pre-***, and of course the obvious of him not being protected. This is first time I have ever been in a sit. with out a condom.

    Its already been 24 hours, should I proceed to Plan B? Has anyone ever used this? What does it do to you?

    Anyone ever been in this situation, what did you do?

    Please help me out on your opinions! Thanks

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I text him?

    hes been contacting me the past couple days, texted me yesterday for a beach BBQ with him and his friends (who I know as well.)

    It was sort of awk at the beach since we hadnt seen each other... and i got this feeling all he wants is to get into my pants rather than how it was in the past (we went on a roadtrip once.. got close.. but had to stop since me and BF started going out)

    so now its summer. He texted me last night telling me to call him to today if i wanted to chill. I hate when guys do that. I dont want to be the one to set anything up.... if he really wants to see me he should call ME right?

    hope this isnt confusing. bottom line, should I text him to see whats up for tonight? I probably will NOT hook up with him, or even show up. Im just curious as to what is going on, and to sort of let him know im still interested. Hope im making sense. Or should I wait for him to contact me? help.....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Know this song??

    It was on the radio late last night from the clubs down in Miami. Its techno, kinda sounds like Bob sinclair/David Guetta (could be them, idk). But it mentions something about a rainbow.

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Afraid hes going to break up with me?

    Weve been together for about 2 years, but went off to different colleges this past year. During the year the relationship went many directions. First we were both in it... then I sorta met a guy and tried being on my own for once (it was my first time really meeting new guys). So my feelings felt sort of lost for him when I saw him thanksgiving break... and he was heartbroken.

    Then by Winterbreak we were totaly back in it and my feelings had grown even stronger. Spring break comes and we are in it still for sure, but I had some bad nights because he kept trying to get me to drink (= one emotional wreck). We sorta left on a weird note.

    Just came back for summer break (4 months long!) and hes been distant for a while. Talked to him over the phone and he didnt seem the same... totally rude and monotone. I feel like Ive lost him, and hes going to break up with me when I see him later. I can eat or function. Geez, what the hell.

    Any supporting words? Anything? Tysm

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago