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Why does it seem like there is a lot of hate against the 1%, aka the wealthy?
I am a diagnostic neuroradiologist, I make about 500k from my doctoral duties(including my practice), and I make an additional 150k in stocks. So I am obviously in the 1%. I am very happy, I grew up poor, I made something of myself. Despite my success, I feel hindered when I talk to people, I am afraid when talking to certain people to express my profession, and/or income(though I do not mention it frequently obviously). I understand those at the higher ends of the 1%, those making 5, 10, 20, 50 million+ of course could have higher taxes with all of that cash. Though for those of us making I would say 300k- 1 million, I think the full 40% is enough taxes, and there are lots of additional hidden taxes that the average American does not really know about. I am simply saying, just because I am technically in the 1% does not mean I am a CEO of a company, and I think a lot of people forget this fact.
Politics6 years agoMCAT questions?
How many hours is the exam?
How hard is it to get the 30/40 required for med school admissions?
How many times are you allowed to take it?
Thank you in advance.
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years agoWhy do some religious people not accept or want treatment?
I have had patients before who have told me they do not want treatment because it would go against their religion, God will asnwer their prayers. Have those who think like this ever consider that god enabling scientists and doctors to create treatments for you are the answers to your prayers?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhy am I always hungry?
I am 6'4, I weight 225 Ibs, my doctor said I should be 200-210, so I am a bit overweight, and I want to lose some weight for health reasons and for aesthetic reasons. The problem I have is I am always hungry and once I start eating, I am never full basically unless I have had a huge meal, it is really annoying. My friends have told me slowly ween off eating as much and my hunger will go down, is that true?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoWhat is with the republican hate?
I do not understand why I a moderate republican get bashed whenever I talk to someone who is a liberal. Or if a moderate democratic talks to a conservative. Why can we not just have peace and fair arguments. I agree, Bush did ruin the true image of republicans, most republicans are not racist white bigots, we are intelligent folk who just have different view then you. I do agree, the economy has improved with obama, with the help of a republican house, but for example, he messed up healthcare a lot. I just find whenver I find something wrong with the opposing party, they lash out. I know the same goes for the other party.
7 AnswersPolitics6 years agoTo my jewish folk... why does the media overexaggerate Chanukkah so much?
I mean, in comparison to holidays such as Rosh Hashanna, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah, Passover among others, the actual holiday is not that important, yet it is the single most well known jewish holiday. besides maybe a couple of the high holy days.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agohow to do a dihybrid cross between ppCc x PpCc?
1 AnswerBiology6 years agoHELP WITH Sex-Linked mendelian crosses.?
Hey guys, could someone please explain how sex linked chromosomes work with crosses. I know most of the time, diseases are on the x chormosome, and that it typically comes from the mother and goes to the son. Now for example, if you have a normal father(XY), and a mother who is a carrier for hemophillia(let us signify Hemo with H) how do you cross those, what are the results, and what do the results mean thanks.
2 AnswersBiology6 years agoThe first(evolution baby)?
So to my knowledge, a baby must have been the first "human", given that it must be able to reproduce, I will presume this baby was a female. Since there were no males at the time(once again, I am not a expert on evolution, so correct me if I am wrong), is it possible the mother underwent parthenogenesis before the first male was able to have sexual relations with the female to produce a "true" child.
9 AnswersBiology6 years agoEvolution threads...?
Hey guys. I am all for answering the biological questions of people, but the consistent trend of overflowing this forum with threads regarding evolution and religion is getting a bit annoying. I mean, I think the biology forum should be a place to help each other understand biology, and topics anwhere from a middle school to a graduate level. I do not think that this forum should be for evolution and religious debates. Now if someone has a question regarding evolution and NOT religion, I am fine with that. Does anyone think the debates should be sent to the relgion forum for an example.
7 AnswersBiology6 years agoWill I get into Boston University?
Credentials-Junior in Highschool-NY]
GPA:90(Including 1st Semester grades- that is how it is done at my school)
APs(Thus Far)AP Human Geography, AP Psychology, AP USH, AP Microeco, AP World History,honors bio( not many honors classes, almost universally APs in terms of what is offered)
APs(Next Year)AP Bio, AP Calc, AP American Gov., ( Possibly AP Chem, 50/50)
Clubs: Mock Trial( Vice Prez), Investment Club, Science Olympiad
Awards: NYSSMA:PIANO- Gold all years: Most likely National Honors Society
Internships: Medical Malpractice Law Firm
Volunteer Job: Teach kids hebrew every sunday morning in addition to some xtra stuff
Summer before Senior year:
Possible stuff: "mini-medical" school at U of Rochester. Summer college classes at Boston University(taking medical chemistry and infectious disease if i get in), Volunteer-Research Job at Weil Cornell Hospital,NYC, ER/Research Department) as last resort
Sorry for giving you so much, just curious what you all think. Thank You. Keep in mind, my goal for going there is for pre-med-major/undecided as of now, maybe psychology or a sub-biology major
Also, My father went there for a 7-year medical program therefore I am a Legacy: and My dad said BU lends the most legacy points out of all universities. I dont know if that is true. Please do answer, I would really like a non-biased opinion. My mom/dad can try to be realisitc(but biased) as can my guidance counselor( less biased, but we are close, but still biased most likely a bit)
, I want this opinion to kind of be a double-blind study kind of, No Hindsight Bias or any of that stuff lol
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoHey, I think I am in love with a good friend?
She is extremely pretty and has one of the best personalities ever in my own opinion. The 2 problems i have are
A. She currently has a boyfriend
B. She is Christian and I am Jewish
Im still a teenager and my parents are really strict about only dating and marrying Jews
2 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago