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The Cats Meow

Favorite Answers15%
  • Should I be concerned?

    I have an 18 year old White German Shepherd. She slept inside last night because it was cold outside. When I got up this morning, she had pooped in the floor, but this was a totally different kind of poop than usual.

    This was almost like water, but really dark and had some mucus in it. And the smell - oh my!!!!

    My first reaction was that she needs to see our vet, but she hyperventilates when I take her outside our fence. The last time we went to the vet, it was not at all pleasant for her. She shook for hours afterwards and her heart raced very fast! Thanks for your help!

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What is wrong with my cat?

    In the past week, one of my cats has peed on me, not just once, but twice. The first time I was cooking dinner and he came and sprayed my legs then this morning, he climbed in my lap and peed. It seems he's doing it when the other cats are trying to get my attention too. We've had him and the other 2 cats for years - what could be causing this change in behavior? Thanks.

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How To Remove Pet Odor From Furniture?

    We just got a recliner from my parents - great reclliner, but it smells like their dog. Any tips on how to remove the odor? I've tried Febreeze, I've vacuumed and still smells like a dog. I love the chair, but can't abide the odor. Now it smells like a dog who has been Febreezed - LOL!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Question about elevated liver enzymes?

    I have recently been having some lower GI problems - most likely IBS, but I have one more test before that will be confirmed. Anyway, my doctor has ordered blood work twice now and both times my both my ALS and my ALT have been slightly elevated. ALS was in the 50-55 range, ALT was in the 88-90 range. Anybody out there know what might be causing this? Just curious.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Gallbladder tests coming back normal.....?

    I posted last week asking if I could possibly be having a gallbladder attack, but didn't receive much info. I saw my doc yesterday for what, in her opinion, is a typical gallbladder attack - pain in upper right quadrant, bloating, belching, gas, nausea, etc.

    She sent me for an ultrasound, but it came back normal - no stones or anything.

    So, she is sending me for a HIDA scan on Friday to check further.

    I have a family history of gallbladder disease, so I'm just wondering do they remove your gallbladder if your tests are normal yet you are still having the symptoms?

    Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Could this be a gall bladder attack?

    Last week, I drank a protein shake for lunch. I started having stomach cramps not too long after, but they went away by the next day. The next day, I ate a protein bar for lunch and had major stomach cramps after that and this time they lingered for about 2 days. Then on Friday, I started having some pain in my right rib cage area - kinda like a pressure pain. This pain went into a pretty uncomfortable pain then moved into my back and shoulder area. I then began experiencing diarrhea on Saturday and nausea on Saturday night.

    I am still having pain and discomfort in my rib cage area and am still nauseated with diarrhea that comes and goes. I called my doctor who prescribed Bentyl for me to try until I see her next week (unless the pain becomes unbearable)

    I'm just wondering if this is possibly my gall bladder. I have a family history of gall bladder issues on both my mom & my dad's side of the family.

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • sore spot in breast - what could it be?

    i have a sore spot deep in my breast. it's been there for a week or more and hasn't gotten any better or worse. i haven't injured myself or anything, so i don't know what it could be. i have also noticed some swollen glands under my arm pit. any suggestions on what this could be? i took a round of antibiotics about 2 weeks ago for a sinus infection and some swollen glands in my neck, so i don't think it's an infection. thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Question about headache?

    I have had a pretty bad headache off and on for the past 6 months. The last one I had lasted several months. I also had sensitivity to light in one eye, my eye watered a lot, etc. After being diagnosed with scleritis and taking some really strong anti-inflammatory meds, it went away.

    Now it's back - with a vengance. BUT, I discovered this morning that I also have a chipped tooth and some gum sensitivity in the same area. Now I'm wondering if my tooth may be the cause of my headache.

    I've had normal CT scans, sinus exams etc, but never thought to check my tooth. Anybody else ever have a problem like this?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • possible sinus infection?

    I have had a cold for over a week now - dry, annoying cough, sinus drainage, pressure and headache on one side, low grade fever. Could this be just a mild sinus infection? I don't feel horribly bad, but don't feel as good as normal either. Someone suggested this could be allergies, but my nasal drainage has changed color in the last couple of days. Thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • I am having very frequent headaches?

    I am having frequent (almost daily) headaches that are symptomatic of migraines. However, when I get these, I also have some motion sickness, light headedness, and lots of muscle/joint pain. I have meds for the migraines, but it's like they are more and more frequent. I've significantly altered my diet in hopes this would stop, but so far no luck.

    Anyone else ever experience anything like this?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I have a Bloodhound who is now starting to eat dirt every day! Any suggestions?

    I have 4 year old Bloodhound that has recently begun to eat dirt. Yes, I said dirt. He digs and digs then eats dirt and roots.

    He suffers from allergies and loses a lot of hair during the Spring and Summer, we have consulted with our vet, who gives us meds for the hair loss and itching. We just can't figure out the dirt thing.

    Someone said that maybe he's missing some vitamins/minerals but we feed him top quality food. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Need help finding a song, please?

    I am trying to find a song that is called (I believe) 'Adoration'. It starts out with "Praise, praise, praise, praise".... I don't know the rest. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is there a penalty for redeeming US Savings bonds?

    My daughter has several US Savings that were purchased between the years of 1994 and 1997. Will she have to pay a penalty if she redeems them?

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Can you get a tattoo if you have had thyroid cancer?

    My daughter is a thyroid cancer patient who is wanting to get a tattoo. She was diagnosed in September 2007, had a total thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine therapy. She currently takes Synthroid every day.

    I was just wondering if anyone knows if getting a tattoo would affect her Synthorid in any way or possibly affect any future tests she might undergo - i.e. body scan, MRI, etc?

    Thanks for your help.

    6 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Question about nerve pain?

    I posted here about 2 months ago to ask a question, but now I need some more answers, please.

    I had surgery on March 2nd to remove a rather large tumor from my shoulder/neck area. This tumor was located beneath two layers of muscle and required extensive "digging" to remove it. Anyway, here I am two month - almost 3 - later and am STILL experiencing some really bad nerve pain.

    The pain is located in an area across the left side of my chest and it quite uncomfortable most of the time. It burns, stings and just drives me crazy. If I do anything like ride for long distances, it intensifies, causing the discomfort to radiate upwards towards my ear. The skin on this side feels funny too - it's has a leathery texture and feels like there are hundreds of tiny bumps underneath the skin.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? What did you do for your nerve pain?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Horrible pain after surgery?

    Okay, this may be a crazy place to be asking this, but I've talked with my doctor's office and am just wanting to know if any of you have experienced what I am.

    I had surgery on Monday, March 2 to remove a 2 1/2" lipoma from my neck/shoulder area. Surgery went fine, went home that afternoon, etc.

    I have had relatively little pain as far as the surgical site is concerned, however, I have had some horrible pain under my collar bone and across my chest. This is not a pain as you would normally have, it is a sort of sensitivity pain. Anything that touches the area causes excruciating pain!

    I called my doctor's office yesterday and they explained that I am having what is referred to as nerve pain. They said that a lot of open heart patients have it too. It is like anything that touches the area across my left chest and up to my shoulder makes me want to scream! I have Darvocet, but unfortunately it is not effective for this type of pain. They said to take Aleve for the inflammation and Benadryl to help with sleep at night. I will say I slept all night last night.

    Have any of you ever had anything like this? If so, what did you do to relieve your pain? HELP!!!!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Anybody ever had a broken toe?

    On Saturday, I accidentally kicked my middle toe on my right foot against the door jam. I think I broke it.

    My toe immediately turned a bluish/purple color and started swelling. It has discolortion on the bottom of my toe and foot as well. I can't wiggle it yet and it hurts like heck to walk.

    I know that if it IS broken, there is nothing that can be done medically, but I was wondering if any of you have ever had this problem and what you did to help speed healing up.


    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • I would like a good, yet simple recipe for Chicken & Rice please.?

    Do any of you have a real simple chicken & rice recipe? My grandmother used to make one with white rice and cubed chicken, but I can't seem to find one that looks or tastes like hers. Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    I need some advice please. I'd rather hear from some "outsiders" so I'm posting here. This is lengthy, so bear with me.

    About 17 or 18 years ago, my sister accused my father of sexually molesting her. According to her, it had happened many years prior, she had just chosen to keep it quiet. My father denied any wrongdoing (yes I know everybody does that), and stood his ground. Needless to say, this accusation caused lots of conflict in my family.

    Several years later, my father was in a horrible accident and my sister came to the hospital and told all of us that she was sorry for all of the trouble she had caused. She apologized profusely and said that the story wasn't true, she just made it up and she knew that she couldn't undo any damage that had been done.

    Things were rolling along fine, my parents kept my nephews ALL the time, no problems, etc. THEN, all of a sudden, my sister said that she had sought some "wise Christian counseling" and was advised to not have anything to do with my parents. It just caused too much conflict, etc.

    So, here we are many years later, she has chosen not to associate with any of us, but all of a sudden, she is contacting me and telling me how much she "misses having a sister to talk to and share things with".

    My gut instinct is to run like hell (lol) but as a Christian, I know that I am to love even the "unlovable"... I know that I should agree to meet with her and try to mend the relationship. I am just having a difficult time knowing the pain she has caused my parents. I mean, she ruined my father's reputation. Plus, she has already told me that she wants no mention of our parents name, they are dead to her.

    So, what would you do??? Any suggestions? Please be kind. Thanks!

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Question about upcoming surgery?

    Has anyone here ever had a lipoma removed from their neck? I am wondering because I am scheduled to undergo surgery for removal on March 2 and am wanting to find out some information about recovery time, limitations, etc.

    I have a lipoma that is about the size of a golf ball on the lower part of the left side of my neck down where my neck and shoulder meet. This lipoma is situated between two layers of muscle and has grown so that it is now pushing the layers of muscle apart and causing considerable pain.

    My doc said a 7-10 day recovery time minimum, but I am planning on returning to work on the 7th day (I do office work). Anyway, I was just wondering if I'll actually be able to come back that soon.

    If any of you have any experience with this type of surgery, I would welcome your help. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago