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Lv 31,570 points

Miss. Rzechkowski

Favorite Answers11%

Ephesians 6:24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love. From a youth pastor to me "well, I can't teach them that, they aren't smart enough to learn that..." James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Ps 63:3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. "All that we call human history--money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery--[is] the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy." --Mere Christianity Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. “Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.” - Yul Brynner

  • My 25 year old boyfriend doesn't want to grow up! help me understand!?

    Alright so a brief background:

    He has great parents, good life so faar except... when he was 18 his girlfriend of 2 years or so died in a car accident. She was his first love and first girlfriend and he was affected deeply. He went through a rough time for several years and at 23 or so he was turning it around. Enter me. I met him and he had transfered from the community college to my university, changed from a business major to a criminal justice major and seemed pretty well adjusted.

    So here's the story. He worked for several years but lost his job shortly after we met. He's been on unemployment but not making a whole lot. He has never moved out of his parents house... which is understandable - his parents are great, its rent free, they don't really bug him or make his life hard at all, and they buy him stuff (they have a combined income of... well, a lot...). Now he'll be graduating with his degree in december and he wants to do something federal and would hate a desk job. Well, he's that guy who went to class and then home.... pretty blank resume, nothing special, a degree and that's it.

    Here's why I'm mad: I started looking stuff up (I know nothing about crj) and found out how terribly compeptative these jobs are.... really really crazy. Like, you have to be padding your resume starting in high school as a freshman. So we talked about things he could do to get any job and ways to climb the ladder. Well, its been several weeks and he agreed he'd start doing stuff. I had to remind him a bunch of times to even email a guy about an internship, he hasn't looked anything up, he still hasn't asked the one person he knows in the field for advice...! He hasn't done anything! I'm trying so hard not to nag but I ask if he did something and he says no!

    Why doesn't he want to help himself? Its already basically too late, so why isn't he understanding the urgency? He needs to apply next month and his resume is blank so far.

    Clearly I am... well I don't even have to explain my personality type... but can someone help me understand:

    1) why he is acting like this (its like he doesn't want to move on with his life!)

    2) how I as his girlfriend should help him through this

    I'm trying to hard not to nag but he feels like I am, before I said anything he wasn't doing anything and even now he's not doing much. WHY IS HE DRAGGING HIS FEET??

    Thanks (sorry this is so long!)


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am considering joining a reserve branch of the military for health care and other benefits... thoughts?

    I am a college student, I would join a reserve branch...

    I have no health insurance (including dental) and I need to see a dentist! :)

    I have thought about it before and didn't know if I wanted to join or not.

    Can anyone tell me personal experiences or such?

    I would go for a desk job, public relations or such.

    18, female, physically fit, economics major in college. Michigan.

    Thank you,


    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Website help. Will you tell me if this website is easy to understand, and if it "sells" well?

    The website is

    Check it out and tell me what you think about the set-up, how easy it is to understand, and such.

    Then tell me if it "sells" well, basically, if you were in the market for this service, would our site entice you to buy it?

    I'm not trying to scam you into buying, just looking for some friendly advice to help me set the site up in a way that it... is... what people want.

    Thank you!!! :)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Birth Control Question?

    Does it make sense to take birth control for a month or two and then stop? How long do you have to take it before it works?

    How would I go about getting on birth control?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Marketing Help! Will you tell me if this website is easy to understand, and if it "sells" well? Thank YOU!?

    The website is

    Check it out and tell me what you think about the set-up, how easy it is to understand, and such.

    Then tell me if it "sells" well, basically, if you were in the market for this service, would our site entice you to buy it?

    I'm not trying to scam you into buying, just looking for some friendly advice to help me set the site up in a way that it... is... what people want.

    Thank you!!! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Anything to do when I visit my 21+ yr old boyfriend in Colorado Springs? I'm 18.?

    We might want to go out at night, of course I know where to go in Michigan where I live, but not out there. Any clubs and such that are 18+? Anything else that would be fun/interesting to do? I only have 1 weekend.

    3 AnswersDenver1 decade ago
  • If I've been getting savings bonds since I was 3 how much money do I have?

    My question is more intellectual than that; basically I want to know three things:

    1) how do savings bonds work

    2) what are savings bonds, per say.

    3) how do you calculate the worth of savings bonds over time (I've heard it grows)

    If you can explain that to me I can figure it out from there, the question is more... the thought popped into my head and I'm curious... than me really needing an exact number.

    Say hello to -- everything is a learning experience.

    Thanks guys!

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Miscarriage at 2 1/2 weeks ?

    I had sex with my boyfriend once while he was home (Dec. 27th) and before that I had my period (Dec. 17th - it usually lasts 4 days, was completely normal). He pulled out but we went at it twice... so there is a small chance that I could be pregnant. I've been feeling strangely ever since; my uterus area has been feeling very strangely a little fluttery and I've been a little bloated. Plus I've been tired. The last 2 or 3 days I've been nauseous and my stomach has hurt a little bit. Today I started spotting, I shouldn't get my period till the 15th (I'm pretty sure) and now I'm worried. I don't know whats wrong, if I am/was pregnant why I'm spotting.

    Please help.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you set your computer so that you cannot download things without a password?

    Something like setting it so that every time someone tries to download a file from the internet (a computer game, a photo, etc) a password needs to be entered in order to allow it to download.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What is there to DO when you go "visit" focus on the family?

    In Colorado Springs.

    Like, what would one do while "visiting"?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me come up with a valid reason to go to Colorado Springs?

    This is going to make me sound like an absolutely horrible person that I need to come up with a reason, but I really want to go to visit because of how much I like it there, and I need a good reason to justify it...

    Apparently "It's my birthday and I am turning 18 and I want to do something for myself" is not a good enough reason...

    Any help? Honestly it would be the greatest thing to go, very fun, I love it there, I've been there once. And that is what I want for my birthday...


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me come up with a valid reason to go to Colorado Springs?

    This is going to make me sound like an absolutely horrible person that I would dare lie about why I am going somewhere but...

    I have to go to Colorado Springs for personal reasons and I need a good reason to give people for why I am going.

    Apparently "It's my birthday and I am turning 18 and I want to do something for myself" is not a good enough reason...

    Any help? Honestly it would be the greatest thing to go, very fun, I love it there, I've been there once. And that is what I want for my birthday...


    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Are vaccinations REQUIRED by LAW for someone to attend college? Or just by the college...?

    And can they legally force you to obtain these vaccinations and also is there a way around it (claiming religious exemption, etc).

    Out of curiosity.

    Thanks everyone!

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Are vaccinations REQUIRED by LAW for someone to attend college? Or just by the college...?

    And can they legally force you to obtain these vaccinations and also is there a way around it (claiming religious exemption, etc).

    Out of curiosity.

    Thanks everyone!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How much does an author make when his book sells?

    I need an approximate price per book that sells, averaged out of course. And I would like to know how you came upon this price.

    Thank you SO MUCH :)

    Have an amazing day

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is a popular song that came out in 2003 ish that is about being over in iraq ? ?

    I guess some of the lyrics are (its a rock song?) like I don't know who I kill and I don't know who will kill me stuff like that.

    Thank you!

    12 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What are some reasons hair would become filmy or greasy repeatedly?

    I've seen a stylist several times all they can do is put in a special mixture to take out the junk and then it is clean for a few weeks (with regular washings) I have tried washing more thoroughly and it doesn't change much. It keeps getting dirty (greasy looking) even after being washed, no amount of washing can get it out, I could wash and not condition 5 times in a row and it would still be "goopy" and "dirty".

    I am worried about this because I know there are some diseases that as one of their many circumstances make your hair get really greasy... also I'm sure there are a ton of other reasons this may be happening.

    Does anyone have any reasons (diseases, causes, and such) and/or any solutions?

    Thank you SO much!

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago