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i am a student, pregnant with my first baby and about to pop! I have a lot going on but try to make time to learn something new and appreciate yahoo answers as a site where people can share information and help each other out

  • little fetal movement at 38 weeks?

    Yesterday i went in for a routine check up,while there i had an ultrasound to check the babies position, it is diagonal, head down but diagonal. they also decided to give me a nonstress test. we failed and had to have a biophysical which we just barely passed. the baby was active the whole day squirming and rolling, even in the evening. it has always been active. today it has barely moved, i have felt some pushing, and acutally put headphones up to it, it reacted but has moved little since. Is it normal to go from being so active one day to barely active the next? Should i be concerned?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • First borns usually come late?

    My due date is dec 16th based off a second trimester ultrasound, but my original due date was 11/29 based off of my menstrual cycle which i am sure of. Yet the big gap between the due dates makes me nervous. The baby has dropped and the doctor says it feels big for its age but i haven't had any bloody show yet.

    I have school and other major things to wrap up before the baby comes yet, it drives me crazy not to know when it is coming.

    How accurate are due dates?

    Is it true that you often have you first child later than the due date?

    What are some good signs that the baby is coming?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If my baby is breeched at 35 weeks?

    My doctor has told me that if the baby is still breached at my next check up(36 weeks) we will have to get an ultrasound and discuss my options. How likely is it that the baby will turn within this week?

    I know my options are basically either having the baby physically turned by palpatation or a cesearn, as the baby is transverse it can't be delivered in the breeched position.

    which is safer

    cesearn or having it turned by ecv?

    has anyone here had to choose or had either done?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • babies due date???

    i was told originally based on my last period that i was due nov. 29. i had an ultrasound at 17 weeks and then another to get a better view of the baby three weeks later. after the ultrasound they said my baby appeared smaller than they thought and i was told i was due december 16. i just went in for my 32 week check up and the doctor commented that the baby seemed bigger than what it normally should be at 32 weeks. could my due date of dec 16th be off? how accurate is the due date when given in your 2nd trimester?

    I am especially concerned about this as i work and am in school trying to finish my degree and am worried the baby might come before my exams. i am just trying to be as prepared as possible, as this is my first baby and i am unsure of what to expect.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are the best Breast pumps?

    i am eight months pregnant and would like to breastfeed, but will need to bottlefeed when i go back to work. I have been reading reviews, and asking around and have gotten mixed opinions on which breast pumps are best. so far the medela advanced, the adema purely yours, and doctor brown's natural flow electric have had the highest ratings. has anyone used any of these? i am on a fairly tight budget, and really don't have the $320 for the medela advanced. but was looking more for something between $150 and $250. of course comfort and durability are more important than price. can anyone reccomend a good pump?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • not gaining weight and pregnant?

    i am obese and was told by my doctor not to gain over ten pounds when i started my pregnancy. i am now almost 29 weeks, and rather than gaining i have actually lost weight, almost 20 pounds. the baby is healthy and growing and i am eating i just have cut out a lot of junk and carbs. is it normal to lose weight if u are heavy and pregnant? and why is it that my doctor keeps asking me if i am eating ok when she is the one who complained about my weight to begin with? anyone had a similar experience?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • when did u decide to stop working while pregnant?

    i am currently 27 weeks pregnant and am already becoming exhausted, i cut back my work hours to about 28 hours a week and about 7 hours a day. i work on my feet all day and have an irregular shift as i am a cashier. i also am a student and am trying to finish my degree before the baby comes. I don't have a lot of money and so i want to work as long as possible but i also want to be well rested and able to balance everything. My question is basically how long did u keep working up until your due date, and how do you know when it is time to take time off?

    Ideally i would like to work and finish up school and take care of the baby but i already feel like i am getting behind and more and more tired. any advice?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Full moon and births?

    i have heard a lot of things about how it is more likely that women will give birth near a full moon. while i have found no science to prove that theory has anyone else heard of this? is it true that u more likely to give birth near a full moon. I am due dec 16th, the full moon this year will be the 24th, but i really don't want to be in the hospital for christmas. any opinions would be appreciated.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • obese and pregnant?

    I am obese and pregnant. i dont' eat a terrible diet, never have, but i gained most of my weight from prolonged illness and a busy lifestyle, that consisted of either eating to little or eating on the go. now i am pregnant and while i am heavy, my health has been good so far, and i have been strict about my diet. yet everything i read says i am going to have issues with the pregnancy, delivery, and even a hard time breast feeding. I CANT SEEM TO FIND ANY INFO THAT OFFERS HELP OR SUPPORT TO WOMEN THAT ARE ALREADY OBESE, my doc only said to gain very litte. Has anyone here been or known someone that was heavy and pregnant? were they ok? where can i find more info on being heavy and pregnant?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why are people so afraid of becoming socialist?

    i mean people hear the words national healthcare and they are all up in arms screaming out no! socialism! Yet i wonder if they really understand socialism which is simply, a

    Political-economic doctrine that, unlike Capitalism which is based on competition, seeks a cooperative society in which the means of production and distribution are owned by the government or the people.

    Furthermore adopting national healthcare will not make us socialist, whether u feel that is a terrible thing or not, it will just give people a chance to be taken care of. there can still be private care for those who can afford it. national healthcare would cover the gap for those lower middle class and upper lower class individuals who can't afford healthcare and are not eligable for state aid. what is so wrong with that, and why do people believe it will lead to socialism? Furthermore what is really that bad about socialism anyway. BE SPECIFIC, SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG.

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • just curious?

    I am having a baby in nov and already picked out a name but we have been thinking of other names for future kids we wanted a girls name that would use the letters b and d to honor our grandmothers. we hate the names bridgett, brenda, debra, darby, and brady. the only one i found was belladonna, which means beautiful lady, and is really a pretty cool plant. i am not sure how others will react to such a different name. So what are your honest reactions to the name BELLADONNA?

    And yes i am aware that it is a poisonous plant.

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • To find out or not to find out?

    hey my fiance and i have been debating whether or not to find out the sex of our baby at the ultrasound. both of us like the suprise of not knowing, and we really don't want a ton of pink or blue presents from unimaginative family members. Yet our practical side know the baby is due in november and it will be cold and we will need winter outfits not just little thin sleepers and one-z's and their is little unisex clothes out there for colder months. any advice? how would you decide? please provide reasons.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Honest Opinions on these names?

    I am due to have a baby in the fall and have already picked names but wanted to get a feel for how they would be perceived by people. For a girl i picked Avalon , i wanted something unique and i got the idea from king arthur as it was the island that he laid to rest on, and the source of the legend's power. For a boy i picked George after his father and grandfather. I picked it because they were both good men, and while it is an old name, it is not so commen now. Plus their were a lot of famous george's. Thanks for the opinions positive and negative, i just wondered what people would think of these names.

    31 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • is it ok to go to a concert while pregnant?

    i love to go to rock concerts, just about every summer, sometimes local shows sometimes big ones i will be 4-6 months along in my pregnancy this summer, is it ok to go to a concert while pregnant?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you name the song from this George michael video?

    I was thinking of it today for some odd reason, i like the video when i was a kid. The video is of a cat walk, with girls in wild costumes walking down it, and he is the camera guy filming them. Can anyone tell me the name of the song?

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • I have a Cat problem?

    I just got a cat for christmas from the animal shelter. She is supposedly litter trained but she hasn' t used her box yet. She has been with us for a day now and she really hasn't eaten either because she is nervous. I haven't found any poo yet but the whole thing seems weird to me. Is she okay, Is it normal for a cat not to go to the bathroom for that long?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Marriage and commitment?

    Perhaps i didn't phrase my last question well. I am in a relationship and am very committed. We have not made any plans about marriage but that doesn't mean won't. We are however planning on having a child. I find it funny that so many people on this site think that is awful because we are unmarried. Marriage doesn't garuantee a commitment to you or your child. Yet so many people insist that it is the best type of relationship? why is that? If i plan on raising my baby with this man, and he plans on being a devoted father a piece of paper won't change that. Yet I have recieved many responses on this site siting that marriage is better. Why is marriage better? can that really be proven. It doesn't guarantee security for the wife or child. My parents married, then they divorced. My father didn't pay child support and more importantly he didn't care to see me when he lived but five minutes away. So tell me what matters more a slip of paper or a commitment that is heartfelt and geniune?

    23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is marriage the only way to guarantee a healthy relationship?

    why is it that so many people feel like marriage is the end all be all. that if a couple has a child and is unmarried they are crazy or irresponsible. Has anyone considered that they may base their love on something bigger than a piece of paper. Why do so many people feel like if you are married you will have some security. Half of all marriages end in divorce, isn't it better to be with someone and know you are devoted, rather than have a piece of paper that says you are. Many marriages fall apart, people cheat, they don't trust each other. Yet anytime anyone asks a relationship or parenting question on this site, someone responds with are u married? Like marriage is going to make your life better? I don't dislike marriage, but is it not true that u can be perfectly happy in monogomus relationship for decades and never marry, yet still be devoted and happy? what difference(other than some legal rights)does a piece of paper Make?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are relationship and family rules more twisted than ever before?

    This question is a little open so let me explain. I am 22 and in college my boyfriend is 25 and works a decent job. He and i plan on marrying someday but we don't want to rush into it. I recently got off the pill and hope to be pregnant soon. My boyfriend thinks we shouldn't tell anyone that though, he thinks that if i get pregnant it would be more appropriate to tell everyone it was an accident. I find this odd, but true. That if you tell people, that you are young, unmarried, and yes poor and are planning to have a child they think your foolish. Yet if you have one accidentaly that is okay because you are young and poor and according to most probably not too bright. To me if i have thought about the consequences and the hardships of having a child, and plan to work hard and raise it to the best of my ability that is what should matter. Yet society frowns upon this. Should only middle class, and married people have children? Why are accidents considered more acceptable?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago