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Lv 43,966 points

Leila L

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Loving life!

  • Military EOD backround... jobs in law enforcement?

    I was wondering if anyone, preferably anyone in law enforcement....what kind of jobs are available for someone who has a 5+ years as a USMC explosive ordinance disposal tech... & how hard it would be to actually get into something in the civilian world. In addition to EOD school & training... (my husband) has also gone to multiple training schools such as Breaching instructors school & worked as military SWAT for 3 years. We're talking about getting out soon & even though the economy sucks... Im curious what his options are if he wants to take this route. Thanks in advance for any helpful comments!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Tylenol w/codeine while breastfeeding?

    The nurses at the hospital gave me tylenol with codeine to take the edge off the discomfort I was having after birth... Im breast feeding my baby & concerned about how this will effect my baby through the milk supply. Has anyone taken tylenol with codeine while pregnant or breastfeeding? Any side effects to your infant? Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Damaged front door? Should I file a police report?

    I live in a town house. My neighborhood has been getting a lot of break-ins lately. I noticed this morning that it looked like someone tried to pry my front door open (the molding on the outside, next to the lock was scratched up, paint was chipped off) and the bottom lock (twist lock) had loosened screws. The top lock which is a dead bolt also looked scratched up from the outside but obviously didnt break or anything. Should I file a police report? What good would it really do for them to come out and see that there are scratches & stuff next to the locks? I dont know when it happened, could have been weeks ago and I just noticed it now.

    ** Mind you whoever is doing the break-ins around here uses front doors- at least they did with the last two reported break-ins

    ok thanks, sorry for the length, I'd appreciate any feedback

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Epidural vs 'Walking Epidural' ?

    I'm due in November and I'm writing up my birth plan. I decided that I do not want to be 100% numb during birth (if I end up giving birth vaginally) and I read that a 'walking epidural' allows you to feel contractions, and feel when to push but your not in excruciating pain...

    Has anyone had a walking epidural? If so what was your experience like? I'm just curious and trying to weigh out my options! Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Expired MA drivers license....?

    I have a MA drivers license that expired 8 months ago... My husbands active duty and we haven't gone home yet to renew it (I cant renew it online because its been over the time limit for a new picture) Am I going to have a problem because its been 8 months expired? and What will I need to renew it? Birth Cert? Soc Sec card?

    Thanks in advance for any helpful info

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • 11yr old Suicide bomber? Seriously?

    I came across this news story about this 11 yr old boy who is a suicide bomber, currently in prison for getting caught with wearing a jacket full of explosives. It breaks my heart because see & hearing this 11 yr olds confessions of how he is willing blow himself up thinking he'll get into heaven... and how he wants to grow up to be a mass murderer of non-Muslims... This world will never get better as long as their are children being brainwashed into thinking suicide bombing is part of their religious journey into heaven. Will there ever be peace in the middle east...?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do I have to pay the Realtor?

    I'm checking out rental properties online, hopefully find something worth putting a deposit down on. I'm having a friend in that area look at a few locations & take pictures... If I contact the Realtor to get more info, have her show my friend a few properties, and end up signing a lease with her... Do I have to pay her??? Or is she already being paid by the person who listed their home with her company? If anyone could let me know that'd be great! THanks in advance!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Do I have to pay the Realtor?

    I'm checking out rental properties online, hopefully find something worth putting a deposit down on. I'm having a friend in that area look at a few locations & take pictures... If I contact the Realtor to get more info, have her show my friend a few properties, and end up signing a lease with her... Do I have to pay her??? Or is she already being paid by the person who listed their home with her company? If anyone could let me know that'd be great! THanks in advance!

    2 AnswersYahoo Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Using Y!A to see if ppl think your pretty?

    Are these chicks really that self conscious that they have to ask strangers to check out their pictures and give them feed back? For what? Or are they just completely self absorbed and vein? Not to mention I'd love to know how many creeps are out there checkin out these lil 14yr olds pics and b***ing off to them... Gross...

    Dont they have friends to ask? or maybe not because they're so shallow!

    12 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Gitmo Guard converts to Muslim? your take!?

    So this this Army specialist who was a guard at Gitmo explains in the article he had a lot of interaction and time spent talking to the 911 detainees about religion politics and life.... How could a American soldier allow to be influenced by detainees that killed innocent people not only Americans but their own !?!? What do ya'll think ?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Engine Light- OBD2 code reader says....?

    I have a 2008 VW Jetta. The engine light came on yesterday ... hooked up the OBD2 code reader and this is what came up.....

    P2015- Intake Manifold runner position sensor/switch curcuit range/performance bank 1

    P2008= Intake Manifold runner control circuit/open bank 1

    Can anyone elaborate please? what could be wrong?

    Thanks in advance =)

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Electric heat pump vs gas heat pump?

    I'm looking for a new home in NC and most of the listings just say 'heat pump' and do not specify whether its operated by gas or electric. Does anyone which is better on your wallet? Someone told me I'd be spending double on my bill if its run by electricity!? Is this true. Please if anyone has any answers let me know. Thanks!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Designer Babies? Is it Ethical?

    As a mother… I would only hope my child would be born happy, healthy and without any complications. But now… Fertility Institutes are working on how to Design your own baby… you could potentially pick its gender, skin color, eye color, and hair color. Now I’m all for modern medicine and science but is this taking it a little too far? A child is not a hand bag that you design and buy. Pregnancy is part of nature and I’m a firm believe that ‘playing god’ is a no no. It’s bad enough that this world is very materialistic but now we’re trying to design your own baby… it’s like Build a Bear! When do we draw the line?

    Personally… I don’t care whether my baby is boy or girl, what color it has for hair or eyes… as long as its born healthy that’s all that really matters.

    What are your takes on this new development?

    20 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 'Water Boarding' - Your Opinions?

    So as we all know Pres. Obama thinks its ‘wrong’ to use water boarding as an interrogation technique on terrorists! Now… these people who had helped plot 9/11, who were responsible for killing all those innocent men, woman and children who are being held in GITMO… shouldn’t they get what they deserve? These are the same people that have beheaded our soldiers, raped innocent woman and children of their own culture… they are far from humane! What does Pres. Obama think is right… a little slap a wrist? I’m sure if he had a family member who had lost their life during 9/11 he’d think twice about following the Geneva Convention step by step. These men that hate America so much…. A little water is nothing compared to the innocent lives that were taken. ( & for the record I would feel the same way about an American terrorist- they should all face the harsh consequences for their terrorist actions) Anyways I’m curious to know how everyone else feels about this?

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago