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Emily Ross
Can this dealership repossess my car?
On 8/19/16, I was involved in a car accident, and the cost of the repairs were more than my car was worth. I went to a dealership to see if I could get a car loan, and drive away with a new car. I did this on 8/24/16. I was bale to sign all of the paperwork for the car, and drove off the lot with it that night. I was called on 9/15/16 by the car dealership at 9pm, stating that the original lender was unable to finance my car. I apparently only have one option now, and it's to finance with another company, and put a down payment of $5,000 down, by 9/16/16. If I am unable to do this then they will take the car back. They also do not guarantee that I will be able to get the car that I traded in back. So my question is, can they do this after I signed a contract stating that I was approved, and would be able to take the car?
6 AnswersBuying & Selling5 years agohelp me figure out the name of this song.?
Ok, this may sound dumb but I have a song stuck in my head and I can't remember the lyrics, but I remember the melody.
At the beginning it goes "Do do dodo do do dododo dodo do do do." It's played at bars and on rock stations all the time. It sounds kind of Irish-y if that makes any sense.
3 AnswersLyrics7 years agoAre my plugs infected?
I've had stretched ears for about 2 years. I'm up to a 00G and have been for around 6 months. I started out with single flared plugs but eventually went to double flare. I've been using double flare plugs for about 2 months and yesterday I took them out to clean them. When I was done cleaning my ear holes my right hole was really swollen, and was sort of warm. I went outside since it was about 12 degrees and since cold is supposed to help swelling. After about 10 minutes I went back inside and my hole was sort of crusty, and there was a little bit of clear puss. I let put in a smaller size plug and it was fine since the swelling had gone down, and then i out my single flared plugs back in and they went in fine, but my ear is still really tender, and has the weird crust around it. Is my right plug infected? Do I just need to clean my plugs more? What should I do?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years agoCompare and contrast Don Quixote with King Arthur?
Ok, I'm not asking for anyone to do that work for me, but to help me improve my answer. The question is "Compare and contrast Don Quixote with either King Arthur or Sundiata. How are the two figures you have chosen alike? How are they different? Be sure to use specific examples from the stories you have read to illustrate your points."
What I wrote is: Don Quixote and King Arthur are similar because they were both thought of as heroes of their time. Although they were not real, people still looked up to them because they represented the important values of the time that the stories were written. They both show the traits of a warrior, or knight. An example of the knight-like traits of Arthur can be seen in this quote from the text: “’Sir, when I came home for my brother’s sword, I found no one there to give it to me. I did not want my brother Sir Kay to be without a sword, so I came here quickly and pulled this one out of the stone with no trouble.’” This quote shows that Arthur cared more about his brother not having a sword, than he cared about status. Modesty is considered a very good quality in knights. The knight-like aspects of Don Quixote can be seen in this quote from the text: “…urged on by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, as there were so many wrongs to right, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to perform.” Don Quixote was hell-bent on making things better in the town he was in.
King Arthur and Don Quixote are different because Don was in a sort of delusional state, and didn’t perceive things as they were in actuality. He thought an Inn was a castle, and that a magician had taken all of his books about chivalry away. His delusions can be verified through these quotes: “The innkeeper, who, as has been mentioned, had some suspicion of the state of his guests’ wits, decided to humor him.” And “[In his first adventure, Don Quixote is badly beaten. He is taken home to recover from his wounds… They resolve to cure his madness by getting rid of his collection of books of chivalry.]” In this case madness can be defined as insanity. King Arthur was fully aware of the events that were unfolding.
Anything you can think of for me to improve my answer?
2 AnswersHomework Help7 years agoWhen it says total on amazon does that mean I haven't paid it?
Ok, so on Amazon I ordered some stuff using gift cards that I had gotten for Christmas. After it said my total was zero on the invoice, and I thought nothing of it. After I bought something else using one of those debit cards that you can use that are like gift cards, and it said the total was $15.56 on the invoice. Does that mean that the card didn't go through or is it fine?
3 AnswersCredit7 years agoWhat is it called when your eyes change colors naturally?
For as long as I remember, my eyes have changed colors. They go between, blue, green, and grey, sometimes they even have a hint of brownish-gold. I've never heard of this happening to anyone else besides me. Is it rare? Is there a technical name for it?
1 AnswerOptical8 years agoAre there any of these types of cheat codes for Minecraft?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheats to get an enchantment table without having to actually build it? If not, are there cheats to get the items needed to make an enchantment table? I was also wondering if there were any cheats to get a map.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoHow do I get these EBooks on my NOOK?
I have some EBooks already on my NOOK, but I wanted to add more, so I downloaded some from a website I often use to download things, but when I try to add them to my NOOK they don't show up after I eject it. What do I do? They're all EPUB files, and that was what all the other files were too.
2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years agoDid I just have a seizure?
I was calmly going to the bathroom, and was changing my plugs, when all of a sudden I became very sweaty, light headed, shaky, and started to feel like I was about to pass out. I was finding it very hard to move, and I struggled to get to the living room, and sit down on the couch. Once I managed to get to the couch, I started hearing a ringing, and it became bad enough to give me a headache. I couldn't breathe very well either. I am extremely afraid. Both of my younger brothers have seizures, and I am not sure what to do.
7 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years agoHow do I heal a blowout?
I was at a 0G for about 3 months, and my ear was completely healed, so I stretched up to a 00G one day, but it started to hurt so I took out the taper and put my 0G plugs back in. A few weeks later I did what I normally do when stretching, I did it while I was taking a warm shower, since it always made everything easier because it made my ears more, stretchy I suppose you could say. In doing so I did use soap though because it was a bit hard to get through my left ear, my right ear went swimmingly. Yesterday I was able to put my single flared plug into my right ear, and that went fine. When I took the taper out of my left ear, it began to bleed, so I cleaned it up, I avoided using alcohol because I know it dries your ear out, making the blowout worse, so instead I used soap and water. My ear looked a bit dry too so I used antibacterial, unscented lotion too. My ear feels better now, but is there any way to make the healing process go a bit faster?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoWhy am I suddenly having my period after being on depo for over a year and not having my period?
Alright, so I've been on depo since November of 2011 and still am as of this day (May 31st. 2013) but as of recently I randomly had my period again. I haven't heard of this happening to anyone before. All I've ever heard is people asking when their period will stop. I'm wondering if it's because I have a younger sister and her hormones are all extra high because she's about to get her period for the first time, or if it's because I got a dud shot, or I don't know. I would like some honest professional advice, and answers, please do not make fun of me, or say anything rude.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago