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I have FFELP loans, are they technically private or federal?
I understand that they are privately owned but backed by federal govt. I also understand that there are some different rules to private vs federal loans so I am wondering, if I were to default, would I be sued by the government or by a private company?
2 AnswersFinancial Aid5 months agoWill disabling imessage turn other phones send icon green before they send the text?
I know that when two iPhones text the send button will be blue even before sending the text , but if I turn off iMessage on my phone, will their send icon automatically be green when they’re typing their message to me?
Cell Phones & Plans7 months agoShould I wish my ex a happy bday?
She broke up with me
a couple weeks ago and I’m still not over it. We’ve FaceTimed and texted a few times this past week, always initiated by her but it doesn’t seem like she wants to be together again and I need to stop talking to her to heal. Her bday is tomorrow though, should I send a casual “happy bday” to her anyway?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months agoGf broke up with me under stress to “work on herself”?
We’ve known each other for 9 months, dating for 2. She was actually the one who pushed for the relationship and I caved. Things were great, hit a rough patch for a week. She also had some recent events that put lots of stress on her. Wanted to break up, says she can’t work on herself unless she’s alone. She keeps saying she loves me and even though I told her many times I can’t be friends with exes, still messages me and doesn’t want me completely out of her life. I want to continue our relationship and really it hurts to be “just friends” with exes, what should I do?
Singles & Dating8 months agoGf broke up with me under stress to “work on herself”?
We’ve known each other for 9 months, dating for 2. She was actually the one who pushed for the relationship and I caved. Things were great, hit a rough patch for a week. She also had some recent events that put lots of stress on her. Wanted to break up, says she can’t work on herself unless she’s alone. She keeps saying she loves me and even though I told her many times I can’t be friends with exes, still messages me and doesn’t want me completely out of her life. I want to continue our relationship and really it hurts to be “just friends” with exes, what should I do?
43 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months agoWhy did my IBR increase when I made less than last year?
I’ve had to pay $0 for the last few years. I went to recertify using my 2019 taxes and my IBR payments have now increased on 2 loans while the other 4 are on covid deferment, despite the fact that I actually made less last year than in 2018. Does anyone know why this would happen?
1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 months agoVery low tax refund, does that mean I got more money on each paycheck?
The last 2 years I’ve had very low tax refunds compared to what I’m used to. I know it’s because they changed things to where I’m getting more money on each pay check, but am I getting the same amount of money with bigger paychecks and no refund as opposed to smaller paychecks and a big refund?
8 AnswersUnited States1 year agoBest way to get scratches out of bare wood?
My cat clawed up my balcony and I’m not about to have that taken out of my rent deposit. What can I do about these? Thanks
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year agoWhy can’t I stop losing Instagram followers?
I used to gain 100 every couple weeks even between posts when I was in my prime and promoted by insta. That was 2 years ago though and even when I post something now and gain nearly 100 followers, I still drop just as many and in the last 2 years I’ve gone from 12.5 to 11. I’m almost thinking they have a bot having people unfollow me because it doesn’t make sense.
2 AnswersOther - Internet1 year agoDo SSRIs actually ruin your serotonin levels over time?
I got medicated with a SSRI not for depression but for OCD but the thing is I really don’t want something screwing up my serotonin levels. It seems like these work like meth does by using up your serotonin and leaving you worse off and completely rewired when you quit them. Is this at all accurate?
2 AnswersMental Health2 years agoWhy are the smallest images printing pixelated?
I started making buttons so I put 20 different designs on one sheet in photoshop, scaling images down that are all at least 800x800 and fitting only a 1inch button, but some of them come out pixelated around the edges! Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Sometimes even one design will print out ok but then next time look terrible. I’ve tried going over with blur and it makes them worse. Any ideas? Using a laser printer printing from PDFs.
5 AnswersProgramming & Design2 years agoCan I cross the Canadian border without a passport?
I have a US birth certificate and ID and most websites say this is fine but a couple others say you need a passport or nexus card without mentioning anything else. Does anyone have personal experience?
7 AnswersOther - Destinations2 years agoWhat insect is living in my car and eating paper?!?
I just found in my trunk a bunch of knawed on paper and plastic with either droppings or larva mixed in with it and I'm creeped out! Check out the photo.
4 AnswersZoology2 years agoWere fist fights less criminal in previous decades?
I've heard people who are older explain that getting in a fight was a slap on the wrist compared to now where it results in criminal charges and fines, hiring expensive attorneys etc. Is there any truth to this? Specifically the 80s-early 90s.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoWhy does my ex gf stalk my Instagram?
The day after we broke up she used to to message me on insta saying she misses me and it was very obviously her. Now a month later I notice this account watching every single story of mine even the ones of me with other girls. I heard she's dating someone else though. I messaged the account last night asking "can I just ask why you're watching me?" And was left on seen. Any idea what's up with her? I figure she's either unhappy with whoever or she's over me and just curious. I'm tempted to block but just can't because part of me wants her back.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoIs work giving me carpal tunnel syndrome?
I work in a warehouse and after a few months of being there my forearm really starts to give me a dull pain from pushing boxes down a conveyor all day. Over the weekends it usually goes away but it returns after a day or two of working. Is this job giving me carpal tunnel or something that can lead to permanent damage?
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years agoCan you register a car in a different state with tickets?
I'm moving from California back to Illinois so I'll need to register my car in that state but I have a parking ticket and a citation, will those violations follow me and I'll have to pay them before I can get my new plate sticker in Illinois?
9 AnswersInsurance & Registration3 years agoI'm about to fly out to stay with a girl I've never met, what if she doesn't look like her pictures?
I've been talking to this girl and I've decided to fly out and stay with her for a weekend cause I'm feeling adventurous. On Instagram, I'd say a third of her pics she looks great. Over a third she looks attractive but not super hot. And a few are super questionable. She doesn't use crazy angels or anything but uses filters however she is also a fashion model for a few hip brands. What's the chance I'm going to see someone who doesn't look like her pictures? Has this ever happened to you before? I'll be stuck with her for 3 days.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoDoes it matter what note is played first in a scale?
I'm new to composing music. I have a piece on synth that starts on a B note however it has an A note in it too and the notes align with the A minor scale but not the B scale. Sorry for my amateur understanding, would this be in A minor scale because it has A, B, C, and D notes or would it be a B scale because it starts on B and is mostly relying on that B note and it's just out of tune??
3 AnswersOther - Music4 years agoIs there a better option than a Prius C?
I need a new (used) car. The Prius C appeals to me because I hear they last forever with very little maintenance and a regular Prius is out of my price range unless I get one at least 5 years old with 75k+ miles on it. However, a lot of reviews knock the C. I've driven my gfs many times I don't see why it's so bad, compared to my dying 2000 Saturn it is amazing. I was wondering if there are any cars equal or greater to the Prius C, if it is really as bad as reviews say it is. thanks
2 AnswersToyota4 years ago