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I am from New York I'm probably old enough To be your parent Some answers are mean But I'm actually nice Mail me if you want This is my profile In the form of a haiku I hope you liked it

  • Who's your favorite washed up actor?

    Christian Slater? Stephen Dorff? Cuba Gooding, Jr?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think of my movie idea?

    OK, my movie idea is that Quentin Tarantino (played by Stephen Dorff) decides that he's going to make a G-rated kids' movie. However, first he has to convince Hollywood. Nobody believes in him, except his best friend, Kurt Cobain (played by Emlio Estevez). Together, they convince the studios, fight terrorists who take them hostage, and restart Cobain's career (he faked his death and has been hiding from Courtney Love for 20 years). In the climax, it turns out that Courtney Love (Meg Ryan) hired the terrorists to kill Kurt Cobain, but then the terrorists realize that they made a big mistake, and they kill Courtney Love, instead. Courtney Love dies alone and unloved, and her latest song is hated by every critic. The film ends with Kurt Cobain and QT realizing it was all just a dream, but they decide the movie was a great idea, and they make the kids' movie, which becomes a big hit.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Is Stephen Dorff the best actor ever?

    Or just the best actor of his generation?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Could the Punisher really kill everyone in the Marvel Universe?

    Back in the mid-1990s, there was a one-shot Punisher story where Frank Castle's family was killed in a cross-fire between The X-Men, The Avengers, and some invading aliens. Outraged that his family was written off as unavoidable collateral damage, he becomes The Punisher and assassinates every single superhero and supervillain in the entire Marvel Universe.

    If you were The Punisher, how would you approach trying to defeat the heavyweights in the Marvel Universe, such as Thor, The Hulk, Wolverine, Doctor Doom, and Magneto?

    Personally, the only way I can think of to defeat most of them is by using The Ultimate Nullifier, described as the only weapon in the Universe capable of inspiring fear in Galactus. Anything less would probably just end up enraging someone like The Hulk or The Juggernaut.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Poll: When answering a question, do you say what the person wants to hear, just to get best answer?

    Or do you "tell it like it is", knowing that you'll never get best answer?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Fear Factory fans: Demanufacture or Remanufacture?

    Both are brilliant albums. Which do you prefer? For me, I think Remanufacture slightly edges out Demanufacture, because I'm a huge Rhys Fulber fan, as well. Obviously, Remanufacture was a bit of a dream come true for me. However, I recognize that a lot of people were weirded out by Remanufacture, given that the remix occasionally went in wildly different directions than the death and thrash metal that Fear Factory is more commonly known for.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Anyone know of a good, online UPS sizing tool?

    I administer a network of several desktop PCs, consisting mainly of Core 2 Duos. In looking at most online UPS sizing tools, they were written somewhere around 10 years ago, assuming that you're still using Pentium IIs and IIIs. Anyone know of a recent one, that takes into account the last few generations of Intel chips? I'll have three or four dual core desktops that I want to protect, either with two UPSes or a single UPS that can handle the entire network. It's a small office/home office setup, where cost is a high concern. Thanks.

    Also, is there an easy way to figure out the maximum power draw of a system, while still being lazy and cheap (iow, I don't have a digital multimeter or other bench test equipment)? Luckily, since everything is heavily integrated these days, it's not too much of a stretch to look up the power draw of all the components in a system, but how would I convert that a meaningful number, with respect to a uninterruptible power supply?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to tell a girl she's everything you want, without coming too strong?

    I've found a girl that I really like, and she's got just about every quality that I'm looking for. How do I tell her that, without coming on too strong? We've been e-mailing each other for a little while now, and there's a definite attraction (we've admitted as such to each other). I've recognized in her most, if not all, the qualities that I look for in a girl, and I'd like to say so, without coming on too strong. Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should the u.s. contution be changed to allow Barrack Obama to be Prestident for Life?

    we all know that Barrack Obama is the most popular Prestitent of the 20th century, but should we change the UAS contitution to allow him to be Prestident for Life or maybe Presitent of Earth?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's your dream rock supergroup?

    Huge egos are not a problem. 25+ year feuds are not an issue. Hell, even if they're dead, add 'em to the roster. I guess they don't even have to be in the same genre, time, or continent. Add Beethoven, if it makes you cry tears of joy to have in Primus.

    I want to know what you crazy kids have been dreaming about for years.

    19 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Philosophically speaking, why do so many people hate and attack postmodernism?

    Is it because postmodernism is perceived as an attack on logic, reason, and/or what is knowable?

    I'm looking more for what causes extreme reactions to it, rather than a simple, "I find it boring."

    10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • How would you change copyright law to reflect the reality of the 21st century?

    Personally, I would change it so that copyrights and patents lasted for a shorter length of time, obviously, but the length of time would depend on what licensing restrictions the owner put on the work. So, for example, you'd have the following:

    Credit must be given: 20 years

    Must ask permission: 10 years

    Must pay a license fee: 5 years

    Must pay royalties: 2 years

    Must pay royalties and a license fee: 1 year

    I would further allow the work's copyright or patent to be renewed once, as long as the terms are more liberal. Thus, the maximum length of time that you could charge for something would be 1 + 2 + 5 years, for a total of 8 years. After that, it could be renewed again, for ten years, if you only wanted people to ask permission, and then renewed again, if you only wanted proper credit. 38 years would be maximum allowed time for something to remain protected by copyright or patent, after which it would become public domain. I guess if it were really necessary, each of those numbers could be doubled, to allow 76 years of protection, like what we have now, but I think that's a bit excessive.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you support the concept of nation-states?

    Wikipedia article:

    tl;dr version: A nation-state is a geopolitical entity that is basically defined culturally and geographically. For example, everyone has the same culture, language, and racial makeup. It is the polar opposite to a one-world government, and stands somewhat at odds with concepts such as multiculturalism and diversity.

    You can stop reading now. The below is just my feelings on the matter:

    Personally, I find them detestable, because they often end up like Czarist Russia (and the Stalinist Soviet Union), Maoist China, Imperial Japan, Napoleanic France and Nazi Germany: politically extreme, militaristic dictatorships that purge dissenters and ethnic minorities. While not every nation-state suffers that fate, the rise in jingoistic nationalism and extremist political rhetoric never really goes away. (For example, the rise in nationalistic violence and terrorism by paramilitary groups in the USA, UK, and Ireland in the 1980s and 1990s.)

    Thanks for any opinions and input on the issue, and try to avoid calling up that old boogey man, the NWO.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Poll: What's oldest computer you or your parents own?

    Preferably still in working condition.

    Maybe this will help a bit. I did a quick copy & paste job from a few different Wikipedia pages:

    1976 Apple I

    1977 Apple II, Commodore PET

    1981 IBM PC

    1982 Commodore 64

    1984 IBM PC/AT, Apple Mac

    1985 Commodore Amiga

    1987 IBM PS/2

    1990 Intel 80486 (33 - 100 MHz)

    1993 Intel Pentium (60 - 233 MHz)

    1994 Apple PowerMac, PowerBook

    1997 Intel Pentium II (233 - 450 MHz)

    1999 Intel Pentium III (450 - 1400 MHz)

    2000 Intel Pentium IV (1400 - 3800 MHz), Apple iMac

    2003 Intel Pentium M (900 - 2266 MHz)

    2005 Intel Pentium D (2666 - 3733 MHz, dual core)

    2006 Intel Core (1066 - 2333, single and dual core)

    2006 Intel Core 2 (1066 - 3333, dual and quad core)

    2008 Intel Core i7 (2666 - 3333, quad core)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you built a time machine and saved Jesus from dying, what would happen?

    I think that would be a great movie. It would like combining The Last Temptation of Christ and Bill & Ted. Maybe we could even get Keanu to reprise his role! Bill & Ted Rescue Jesus. I'd watch that. At the end of the movie, they could learn the important lesson that you can't save Jesus... HE has to save YOU.

    Oh, you lovable pot-heads. What adventure will you go on next?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll: Does schizophrenia or bipolar disorder run in your family?

    My second cousin, two cousins, aunt, and myself are all bipolar. Oh yeah, and next door neighbor, too.

    I'm waiting to see who gets diagnosed next.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago