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Lv 56,344 points

A Nony Mouse

Favorite Answers39%
  • Using Ebay from 2 different computers?

    I use a desktop computer in my office downstairs but sometimes I use my laptop computer upstairs, I can login to my eBay account from each computer at different times or even from both computers at the same time. eBay doesn't seem to care.

    On my desktop computer I bid on some computer parts and also bought some..

    On my laptop computer I bid on some household items and I also bought some of them.

    (No problem - the transactions are completed, vendors ship items to me, etc.)

    BUT - Each computer shows a different list of items bid on, purchased, delivered, etc.

    For example, the computer parts I bod on and purchased from the desktop don't show on my laptop when I click on "My eBay" from the laptop.

    And the four or five household things I'm following or bidding on from the laptop don't show up on my desktop computer, when I click on "My eBay"

    Is there a way for both computers to show the same (combined) list of transactions on BOTH computers?( eBay Help was no help - the very pleasant young lady I spoke with couldn't even follow what I described.)

    Thanks. . .

    3 AnswersOther - Computers6 years ago
  • Is there a logical order to installing Security Updates for Microsoft Windows?

    My wife's computer picked up one of those really nasty viruses and I had to completely wipe the drive, overwrite all the sectors with zeros, etc. Then I restored the system to the original factory default with the system's Recovery disks to Windows 7 so it's just like a new out of the box system.

    One of the steps involves all the "Security Updates" for Microsoft.NET and Windows 7 - there are 156 "Important" updates listed waiting to be installed.

    The updates have dates that they were published - every-when from mid 2012 to the middle of 2014, and they aren't in any particular order of date, just the KB number.

    Do I have to worry about the order that I install these updates or can I just let the system chug through the whole list?

    Thanks . . .

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Can I use XP on my LAN without connecting to the WAN?

    I know it's no longer safe to allow a computer with Windows XP to have access to the internet, but is there any way I can allow my old XP computer to have access to my local network (LAN) but not to my wide area network (WAN)?

    I want t o be able to use shared folders between my newer computer and the older XP computer without exposing the older computer to the WWW (internet).

    5 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • Why did Google Maps change?

    I've used Google maps for years and every so often there was an improvement or update that made Google Maps more fun and useful. But recently I updated to the "New Google Maps" (or maybe Google did it to me) and EVERYTHING is different. I've tried using it now for several weeks, thinking I'll get used to it, but I just get more frustrated. Even most of the little icons and markers for addresses, businesses, etc., are often in the wrong place! - I HATE the New Google Maps. Is there any way to get the old, tried & true Google Maps back?

    4 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • Need help finding the right Chinese word(s)?

    I'm trying to find the correct (equivalent) translation for a certain law enforcement title.

    In the U.S. a Sheriff (郡治安官 or 警长) often is an elected official who typically has jurisdiction over a County or, in the old West days, is maybe just the town cop.

    A U.S. Marshall on the other hand is hired by the Federal Government and has jurisdiction over a much larger region.

    But I'm having trouble finding an appropriate translation for the title of U.S. Marshal or Federal Marshal. My Chinese dictionary only shows words based on the military usages of the word (上将, 少将, and 中将) and Google Translation says "联邦元帅" but I've seen Google screw up almost as often as not.

    Any ideas? (Thanks!!!)

    1 AnswerChina10 years ago
  • Just wondering about "50-centers" are they...?

    ... graded or paid bonuses based on how many "thumbs down" they get for their inane answers?

    4 AnswersChina10 years ago
  • Pedestrian "right of way" problem solved?

    I know that in China pedestrians are not supposed to assume they have the right of way over automobile traffic. I've even seen a young mother frantically jog backwards, pulling a buggy with a baby in it, so they wouldn't get run over by a speeding Mercedes. After all, when a Chinese citizen is able to buy a car, pass the hideous driving exam and pay 40,000 Yuan for license plates, he expects pedestrians to honor his elevated status and, at least, stay out of his way, if not bow low as he passes.

    But uninformed, selfish pedestrians just don't seem to get it. Do you suppose this solution might finally get the message across?


    3 AnswersChina10 years ago
  • Is Taiwan ready to handle thousands of tourists from the mainland?

    According to China Daily, Individual travel to Taiwan to be allowed in June. Tourists from selected cities of the Chinese mainland will be able to travel across the Taiwan Straits as individual tourists by the end of June, said a senior mainland negotiator here on Wednesday. The policy to let in individual tourists is expected to attract more high-end tourists, benefit small local businesses and tourist sites.

    Does Taiwan have enough hotel and tourist bureaus to handle the influx of thousands of filthy rich tourists from the Mainland? Will these individual tourists find enough to do now that they won't be shepherded around by watchdog tour guides from the Mainland?

    4 AnswersChina10 years ago
  • Are China's Military Internet Hackers Incompetent?

    Seeing as how Google has AGAIN discovered an attempt to hack GMail originating from the area of a well known Chinese military city, is this a sign that the Chinese military hackers are incompetent, heavy-handed amateurs?

    For the second time in months Google detected and blocked a serious campaign aimed at stealing passwords of hundreds of Google email account holders, including senior U.S. government officials, Chinese activists and journalists.

    Why would Chinese internet military be interested in personal email from the targeted people. Not likely they'd find State Secrets there. Are they dumb?

    4 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Was Wendy Kuan pushed?

    Taiwan woman fell to death in Shanghai - The daughter of Taiwan's top examination official died after falling from a building Wednesday morning in Shanghai, local authorities said.

    2 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • My wife died & left a lot of jewelry. What's considered the proper thing to do?

    Some of it is very old, so I'm sending to her daughter. Some are things I bought for her as gifts, other things she bought or we bought while shopping together. I can't bring myself to just sell the stuff.

    I could keep it all as reminders of the good times we had . . . but what if someday I get married again? Would it be improper to to give these things to a future wife?

    And what do widowers do with the wedding rings, his & hers? Is there an etiquette for this?

    Thanks for your help . . .

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Even though this is the China Travel Forum, is it OK to . . .?

    . . . wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth to Everyone?


    6 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Should this be a reason for tourists to stay away from China?

    In a previous post the person who uses the name Oprah (something or other) stated that in China:

    "The death penalty is the cornerstone of good government."

    1. Is this form of government carried out under Constitutional law with multiple opportunities for appeal, or are people summarily executed by whatever level of local government happens to be close by?

    2. In how many other civilized countries is this form of "good government" practiced?

    3. Also, should this be a good reason for people of other countries to think twice before going to China on a tour, or to live and work there?

    4 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Why is the CCP (CPC?) so paranoid that they are stopping Chinese citizens from leaving the country?

    China cracks down on foreign travel before Nobel ceremony.

    Chinese sympathizers are barred from traveling to Oslo for Dec. 10 ceremony to honor Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Okay - reprehensible, but understandable. On the other hand, why are the authorities so paranoid that they are barring other Chinese citizens from foreign travel?


    6 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • If China is such a "perfect state", then why are thousands of Chinese citizens eagerly going to foreign?

    countries for education or jobs ?

    Is it because China isn't a "perfect state" at all? But Chinese politicians and nickel workers want you to think that it is? (Instead of it being a police state ?)

    (This question is in response to an earlier question: “If China is such a "police state", then why are thousands of foreign companies eagerly doing business there?”)

    9 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Exit visa for Chinese citizen to tour other countries?

    What countries can Chinese citizens visit without posting tens of thousands RMB as a security deposit to ensure their return? (Kind of like posting bond, or ransoms to get out of the country for awhile.)

    Any Western countries?

    3 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • What is Falun Gong and what did they do to deserve this?

    What is Falun Gong and why would these people be treated this way?

    I ran across this article on the web and I am having a hard time believing it is for real. To be truthful, I didn’t know whether to bring this up this under Religion, Politics, Culture or where. Does anyone know about this?

    By the way, the article behind this link is long, seemingly well documented, and horribly graphic, so don’t read it if you don’t have a strong stomach.


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Regarding the police brutality aspect of this story. is this for real?

    I ran across this article on the web and I am having a hard time believing it is for real.

    To be truthful, I didn’t know whether to ask this under Religion, Politics, Culture or where. Does anyone know about this?

    By the way, the article is long, seemingly well documented, and horribly graphic, so don’t tread it if you don’t have a strong stomach.


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago