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A quick summary: *45 years old *Single but committed *Background in Statistics and Psychology *Very accepting of different and unusual points a of view *A strong believer in open, free-expression *Also a strong believer in the adage: "Do as you will, but harm none" *Love to make bulleted lists I really enjoy talking to people about life - exchanging ideas and so forth. Feel free to write me...I tend to write a lot (I'm a fast typer) and am open with my ideas, which sometimes spooks people away. Oh well.

  • what is the name of this horror movie?

    It opens with a scene of a man and woman flirting with each other. He shows her his "dungeon", she is curious, allows him to playfully tie her up to a rack and he begins stretching her. Something happens and she gets pushed too far and her legs break at the ankles.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Is a new spouse potentially liable for the other spouse's student loans?

    I have several Parent Plus loans I obtained to help my sons through school. I am considering remarrying, but my possible future spouse is concerned that she might become liable for these Parent Plus loans should something bad happen to me. Should she be concerned?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • Women, which would you prefer: Surprise engagement ring or picking it out yourself?

    On the one hand, being surprised is pretty romantic...and knowing your partner went to a lot of trouble to consider what you'd like might be cool, too. On the other hand, picking one out yourself ensures that you'll like the ring that's selected.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How much will it cost to pigtail all electrical connections?

    We are selling our house. Inspection report comes back. Buyers want us to pigtail copper onto our aluminum wiring (among other things). I have no idea how much such a thing might cost, and we don't have time to have technicians out for estimates. Our reply to their inspection is due pretty quickly. The house has around 60 electrical connections, perhaps as many as 80. Is there a rule of thumb we could use to estimate the cost now, that we could use in our negotiations? At this point, we don't know if the cost will be $500 or $10,000 or somewhere in between...and electricians I have called won't provide us with even a guess over the phone.

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I own a home with ex-wife and might remarry...?

    I was divorced a year ago. I still own a home jointly with my ex-wife. The home has been on the market for about 9 months and no sale so far. We are thinking of refinancing the house in both of our names and allowing her to live there for the time being. I have a new girlfriend I am crazy about, but she is concerned that if she and I were to get married, she might be legally and financially vulnerable for this house that I co-own with my ex-wife.

    I guess my question is simple: Could my new future wife be held accountable somehow for this property, and is there a way to shield her completely from this? Or am I stuck not marrying her for as long as I own that house jointly with my ex?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it legal to charge an application fee for a property rental then rent to someone else?

    My son, a college student, paid a $75 application fee to submit an application for a rental property near his college campus. The owners took the $75, but rented to someone else. My son says that he can't get his money back because it was a fee simply to apply (sounds like a scam to me...what's stopping me from charging people money to apply to rent my home, then I just reject them all and pocket the money?). Is this practice legal? (We live in Colorado, if that matters).

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When buying a car, what does it mean to buy American?

    I may be in the market for a new car within the next few months. I would like to support the U.S. car industry, but am wondering something. Which do you think is more beneficial to America and its workers:

    1. Buying a car made by Ford, Chrysler or GM, even though it may be built in Mexico or elsewhere overseas?

    2. Buying a car (like the Toyota Camry), that is built here in the Unites States, but is not part of the American 'big three'?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • How to tell from VIN whether car is built in the USA?

    I recall that the VIN number of your car tells you somehow whether a car was made here in the USA or was imported from overseas. For example - the Toyota Camry is built in Kentucky (I think, or Tennessee). Does anyone know how to tell?

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't we simply permit the free market to finish off AIG, Citigroup, etc?

    Just about everyone is fed up with corporations accepting bailout money. They did an awful job of protecting themselves and their customers. I understand that the companies would take down many jobs if they are allowed to collapse, but isn't the alternative worse? We still have completely incompetent companies attempting to survive - they still make poor business decisions and they are still very much at risk and they seem like they are a black hole swallowing government money. Shouldn't we - as consumers - back the companies that are doing a good job? As consumers, we could finish this job. We could quit doing business with them and support others. Good idea?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What was "year 7" of your marriage like?

    Supposedly, the seventh year of a marriage is where they often fail. In my case, that is so true. We almost divorced at year 7. Times were tough - we didn't have a lot of money, and my wife had an affair that year that was almost the final straw (but not quite).

    So, to test the "year 7" myth, how was the seventh year of your marriage? Was it difficult, or was it just like any other year?

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can modern digital odometers be spun?

    Back a decade or two, I remember shopping for used cars and not trusting the odometer reading because everyone knew they could be spun back to show a lower mileage than the car really had. Is odometer spinning still a concern with the digital odometers that most vehicles have today?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Who wins: Vampire vs. Mummy?

    Mummies have no blood, so the vampire could bite all he wants to, but nothing is going to happen. The mummy could punch and kick, but vampires can't be killed by anything but wooden crosses. What on earth would happen?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Interesting question about marriage and swinging...?

    In a national advice column this week, a woman wrote in with the following problem: She began a relationship with a man who told her up front that he could not be monogamous. He wanted "swinging" to be a part of whatever relationship he was in. Feeling like a free-spirited, adventurous woman, she agreed to marry him. They tried swinging for awhile, but she got turned off to it. She wanted to quit...her husband said that he could not be monogamous. They went to counseling sessions, and no resolution could be reached. They are headed for a divorce. The columnist berated and insulted her for marrying him and expecting him to change the way he sees the relationship...he was, after all, being honest with her from the start.


    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does Jason from the Friday the 13th movies need counseling?

    Jason must have some variation of test anxiety, or some kind of disorder that prevents him from achieving his true potential. Here is why I say that: Every single film, he begins as a perfect homocidal machine. He takes everyone by surprise, is quick and efficient, never misses anything...until it comes down to the final victim. I feel bad for him, because he has shown his potential all through the movie, but here is where he chokes - suddenly, with his final victim, he can't seem to take her by surprise anymore. He misses every knife throw, can't quite seem to reach her foot as she's climbing out the window, and no longer seems adequate for the task at hand. How does a competent machine continually fail so miserably on the final victim? Is there a form of therapy that might help him? Perhaps a medication that can control the anxiety levels?

    *Take me seriously at your own peril. :-)

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Have the days of caring for elderly parents in our homes disappeared?

    Back in the generation of my parents and grandparents, it seemed like it was common for people to bring their older parents home to live their final days with them. That seems to not happen so much anymore (at least in my extended family). Why do you think this is happening (if you agree), and do you think this is a good or bad?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What American businesses deserve praise for the way they have done business?

    It gets exhausting to watch the news recently. So many American businesses and corporations are abusing government bailout money, giving unwarranted bonuses to execs who have destroyed the company, etc. We know who those corporations are. But, I would LOVE to start supporting U.S. businesses that have done a nice job of structuring their company, treating customers well, and protecting themselves from the kind of corruption we have seen recently.

    What are some U.S. businesses worth backing these days?

    I'll name a few:

    Ford Motors deserves credit for refusing bailout money.

    American Apparel - an excellent product line and good customer service

    In-N-Out Burger - same as above


    5 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Is it okay, if you are married, to have friends with benefits?

    My wife said NO, so I told my buddies down at the bowling alley to drop their dental and health coverage. They looked at me funny.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think the worst holiday song is?

    My vote: Little Drummer Boy

    Because they didn't seem to write enough lyrics to match the tune! Listen -

    "Didn't write enough words bah rum pum pum pum!

    Need some random sounds bah rum pum pum pum!

    Rum pum pum pum! Rum pum pum pum!"

    What's your vote?

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Does "closure" really exist?

    I've been thinking about the commonly used phrase, "This will help to give me closure." I have had close relatives pass away, and have had things happen that have been very difficult, but I have yet to experience anything I could call closure. I think we just all learn and adapt to the new experiences and move forward.

    Question: Does "closure" exist? Is there any psychological evidence that backs up the existence of such a thing?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Question about the product "Thermo-Shred"?

    I found out today that my 16-year old son has been taking this product. He is not overweight and otherwise is a typical teenager. I wanted to collect info before confronting him about this. I want to know if this is a potentially addictive product, and if there are any other health risks associated with Thermo-Shred. I appreciate any useful info that anyone can pass along (my web searches about this product turned up only advertisements and stores that sell it). Thanks!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago