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  • Could this be the flu?

    My daughter tested positive for flu on Sunday. I haven't had a fever but I've had a slight cough and headache all day and then right after lunch, it was like I was a balloon that all the air had been let out of. I'm aching and have zero energy. Still no fever, though. I don't think I've ever had the flu but I expected high fever, sore throat, etc. Could this be the beginning of the flu?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Need advice on dealing with the death of a family member?

    My younger sister who was only 40 passed away last week. It was a very sudden thing with no warning. The initial news was like being punched in the stomach. Then for the past week, we were totally busy with funeral arrangements and friends and family visiting. Now, things have settled down a bit. I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday - just finally let out all the emotion that I had been supressing. I cried for about 3 hours and then slept for about 3 more. I just feel so exhausted and so disconnected. I know grieving is a process and it's going to take time but I've never lost someone so close to me. I'm finding it hard to just get out of bed and get to work or wash dishes or do laundry. Anyone have any advice on dealing with these feelings?

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Ways to Reduce Job Stress?

    I've been working in a clerical/accounting job for about 10 years. I used to love it. Over the past few years, our staff has been cut in half but the work load remains the same. The manager is always late for work and is out at least one full day a week for things that she claims are "work related" so she never has to count them as vacation/sick days. I'm just at the end of my rope. Jobs in our area are tough to find right now so I can't afford to quit. I just need to figure out some way not to let everyting get to me. I've developed TMJ syndrome over the past couple of years from the constant clenching of my jaws and grinding my teeth at night and I have high blood pressure. Anyone have any suggestions? It helps a little just to be able to vent a bit on here.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do I keep trying to help?

    My sister is 40 years old with 3 kids ( 2 are under 10 years old). She's been addicted to opiates for the last 10 years at least. Her addiction has led to 3 rehab stints and several suicide attempts. My parents have mostly taken responsibility for her and her kids. They have basically raised the youngest, who is four, from the time he was a couple of months old. My parents are both in their 70's and in failing health. Of course, all the stress caused by my sister hasn't helped. My mom has taken complete control of my sister's finances so that the bills get paid and my sister doesn't blow the money. She even has to buy groceries to put in my sister's fridge so that there is food in the house. Every time there's a crisis, they are right there to pick up the pieces for her and take care of her. They have moved her from one apartment to another at least 5 times over the past few years. I have a family of my own with 3 kids and my brother has a wife and 2 children. We've tried to be supportive and help our parents but we think it's time that they used some tough love on her and make her face the consequences of her addiction. We've urged them to file for custody of the grandkids or turn custody over to their father and cut her off from financial support. They refuse to do anything other than complain to us about how hard it is to keep dealing with her. Just on Thanksgiving, my sister took an overdose and is in a psych ward for at least a week. My Mom just called me frustrated and crying. She complains to me but won't do anything to stop my sister from continuing to take advantage of them. My brother and I have both distanced ourselves from the situation because we feel that they are enabling my sister to continue this lifestyle of no responsibilities and no consequences for her actions. It is kiling me to see my parents hurting so much. They won't send the two youngest kids to live with their Dad (who is a fairly stable guy and could take care of them if he had to) because they think it would be too hurtful for my sister to lose custody of her kids. I've talked to my sister and my Mom countless times about all this and it's just pointless because nothing ever changes. My parents refuse to go to Al-Anon or any kind of counseling because they don't believe in it. I'm making myself sick with worry over my parents but I don't know what to do. I haven't slept for the past 2 nights and my stomach is hurting so much that I can't eat today. I want so badly to help but don't know what would even be a step in the right direction. Does anyone have any advice or guidance?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Did you vote for Obama?

    If you did, please get out and vote for the Democratic candidates for Congress in your state. Democrats need our support. Give the Obama initiatives a chance. Our country needs change and that takes time. So, fellow Democrats please get out and VOTE today.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where to get a necklace like the one Carrie Bradshaw wears on Sex and The City Season 2 & 3?

    I've been watching the DVDs of Sex and the City and love the necklace that Carrie wears in many episodes of season 2 & 3. The pendant is a silver circle with a gold sun in the center. I've looked all over the web and even on Ebay and Etsy. I can't find one like it anywhere. Does anyone know where to get one or have any ideas on even where else to look?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where to get a tough and inexpensive dog bed for large breeds?

    We have a lab/golden retriever mix who stays outside with invisible fencing. We have her a spot fixed up in the garage to stay warm but she prefers staying on the front porch most of the day. Since its gotten so cold, I want to put a pet bed out for her but she has chewed up two of the large pillow types. Any ideas on what to get or where to look for something durable and not outrageously expensive?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had real results from wearing hematite jewelry for chronic pain treatment?

    I suffer from daily neck and shoulder pain and almost constant headaches. I've heard some people swear by wearing hematite beaded jewelry which I think has magnetic properties or something that is supposed to help with preventing or treating the pain. Just wondered if it really worked?

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • What did you think of Katie Holmes on "So You Think You Can Dance?"?

    I was looking forward to seeing her dance. She has done tap dancing on some other shows I've seen in the past. I thought last night's number was okay but she just looks so sad now. Even when she smiles you can see that it doesn't go to her eyes. What is it with Tom Cruise and women?

    7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Should a vet be able to handle a frightened chihuahua?

    I dropped my 2 yr old chi off at the vet this morning to get her annual exam & shots. She's always been skittish at the vet but they've been able to handle her. I got a call a couple of hours later saying that they couldn't get her out of the cage. She had urinated and defacated in the cage (she hasn't done that for over a year) and was trying to bite them. They had attempted to muzzle her and were unable to. They asked me to come and pick her up and make an appointment to bring her in for an appointment when she could be sedated. When I picked her up she was obviously scared out of her wits. She was all the way in the corner of the cage with her tail tucked and her ears back. It made me sick to see her like that. The vet tech told me that I needed to work on socializing my dog. I was furious. Shouldn't a vet be able to handle a 6 pound frightened chihuahua? Or is it my fault for not socializing her?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would a stomach flu with several bouts of vomiting cause laryngitis?

    I had a 24 hour stomach flu with several bad bouts of vomiting. Two days later I still have a throat irritation and laryngitis. I figured I strained my throat with the hard vomiting but could it be what is causing the laryngitis too? Other than no voice, I feel okay now.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is Breaking Dawn an appropriate book for an 11 yr old girl?

    My daughter has been reading the Twilight book series - so far just the first 2 books. I have been checking into what happens in the story and have read that the final bok Breaking Dawn may not be appropriate for preteens due to the sexual relationship between the characters. If anyone has read it, opinions please.

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you pull yourself out of depression?

    I've been on antidepressants for years and I don't know what's happening but it seems that all of a sudden over the past few weeks, I have fallen into a deep depression again. I am anxious all the time - want to sleep or isolate myself continually - I'm exhausted and have body aches like I've got the flu - I just don't see any point in keeping up the brave face anymore - What could be causing this? How do I stop feeling this way? I'm afraid if it gets any worse that I'm going to hurt myself. I don't know what to do.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know when REC will be released for US?

    I'm dying to see REC, the Spanish horror movie which is the inspiration for the new "Quarantine" movie set to release in theaters in October. I've found several copies for sale but all say Region 2. Has it been released for Region 1 or does anyone know where I could download a copy?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't I be able to spend money without being held to account by my husband?

    I work full time and have a small part time home business as well. Recently, I spent about $200 gambling. I know it was a stupid thing to do but it wasn't money out of the household budget. It was my side business money and I had fun. I'm not a gambling addict. It's not something I've ever done before and probably won't do again but I didn't tell my husband about it and he found out when he checked the bank statement. He flipped out and said I was being stupid and might as well have burned the money. I felt like a little kid being scolded for losing my lunch money. I am so angry now that I don't even want to talk to him. What should I do to work this out with him?

    26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it selfish to want a week all to myself?

    For years, I've dreamed of taking a week by myself and renting a beach house - taking my favorite books and just having time alone. I'm married for 27 years and have 3 kids - 2 are now in college. I feel like I am always giving to my family and my job and never take any time for myself alone. Do you think it's selfish of me? Some of my family members think it's really strange and are asking me if we're having marital problems, etc. We're not. I love my husband and family very much but I do want some time away. Opinions, please.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you feed miniature frogs?

    In cleaning out a space that was vacated by a tenant, we found one of those cubes with water, rocks, bamboo and the tiny water frogs. I'm sure you've seen them in malls. They also sell those really colorful fish in the same containers. The previous tenants had just left them to die. No one here has ever had them before. Do we just give them a bit of regular fish food?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can a pain at the base of the skull be part of sinus/ear infection or is it something else?

    I've had a really bad sinus headache for about 4 days including sharp intermittent ear pains and a constant dull pain at the base of my skull - all on the right side. My sinuses feel stuffy - lots of pressure - the whole side of my face feels swollen but doesn't look it. I think it's a sinus infection - I'm prone to them anyway - have already called the doctor but haven't had a response from him yet. Anyone else with similar symptoms or any advice on treatment?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How can you tell the difference between a broken foot or a sprain?

    I fell on some steps yesterday and immediately felt a sharp pain on top of my foot especially on the side behind the big toe. Today, I have swelling and some bruising over the whole top of my foot and it's really hurting. I can walk but only if I walk on the side of my foot so the big toe area doesn't touch the ground. I've been doing the ice and elevation along with Advil but nothing is really helping. Coworkers says it's just a sprain but it feels worse than any sprain I've ever had. Also, they say even if it is broken, the doctor's office won't do anything except tell me to stay off it. Advice or opinions anyone?

    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Dp you ever feel like running away and leaving all responsibilities behind?

    I am 45, a mom of 3, wife and have full time job. Lately I have had almost continuous thoughts of running away and starting over somewhere with a new identity. I love my family but I just feel overwhelmed by their constant demands. I feel horribly guilty for even thinking these things and I know I could never actually do it but I can't seem to stop myself from thinking about it. Does anyone else ever have these feelings or do I need professional help?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago