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Mom of three, wife of the wonderful CHARLES! Being both is my fulltime job, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love this answer page, I learn so much about myself and others. It's my window to the outside world when all I've dealt with today is baby spit-up and
Y&R Ashley Abbott - True love this time, or rebound babe?
Does anyone else NOT feel sorry for her and the big fall she is bound to take with Victor? She kind of rubs her relationship with him in the face of everyone and it's so clear that she's a rebound booty-call.
16 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoOMG Victor Y&R? Explain?
Sabrina isn't even COLD yet and he's getting rid of her things?! WTF?
14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoElectrical box humming?
Yesterday one of my kitchen lights (a recessed one) was humming. We figured the bulb was about to burn out, so we just turned the light off to switch out the bulb later. This morning, I walked past the electrical box in the laundry room and it too was humming. Any help/ideas?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoOk, now even I am sick of Carly!! ATWT?
Ugh.....I'm getting so sick of Carly....and she was the reason I started watching this show....
How long do they let her schemes play out??? I wish brad would grow some walnuts and tell the truth!!! He'd come out ahead in the long run!
5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoYAWN!! Yahoo askes for the scariest movie?! What about...?
The Changling???!!!? Hello....that movie freaks me out EVERY TIME!!!! They listed a bunch of second-rate scary movies......ugh......give me strength....give me suspense.....give me thrill....forget the Gorr.....and the predictabilty.......
Or....what is your suggestion?!
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agojourneyman on NBC?
Can anyone tell me what Olivia's deal is? She basically faked her she evil? Why is she always where Dan is? I haven't decided if I trust her yet or not.....and I'm wondering if I"ve missed some explanation of what her purpose is.
5 AnswersDrama1 decade agoY & R...who thinks Cane just opened Pandoras box??
I think Cane might've just made a HUGE mistake.....and I couldn't be happier!!! His "holier than thou" attitude might be coming back to haunt him.....Michael just told him that he's the only one that can help Kevin, Daniel and Amber because he's the only one with a clean past.....kiss of death for our Australian scammer, or not???
10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoHusband
Ugh....My husband is sick....not terminal (although he thinks so)....and he's an a$$hole. He's got me wondering "wtf?"
We were together 3 years before we got married....have been married one year. So....the good news is, he's not sick often (because he was never sick one time since I've known him) but now, it's unbearable.
He snaps....he's grouchy....he wants to "be left alone". We have a 9 month old baby (who doesn't understand why her daddy is ignoring her), we have day to day "stuff"....and let's face it......its been 12 days (who's counting?) and mama needs lovin!!
Anyone else go through this? The guys at his work say it's "normal" to want to be left alone. I'm the wife that wants to bring him soup in bed, wait on him, want to have him rest. He wants to do "chores", go to work EVERYDAY......ugh.
(today I told him that he couldn't go to work or do chores until he preformed in the
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoCoton de Tulear or Havanese?
I started researching the Havanese, only to stumble upon the Coton breed. Both sound absolutely wonderful, and I'm stumped as to which puppy to eventually get.
For those of you who breed and/or have both, can you give me some insight?
The perfect companion for me would be a little on the mellow side, mindful, one that curls up beside me but doesn't at all mind getting in the car and going somewhere. Basically a dog/puppy that just loves to go with the flow! One that thrives to be the center of my attention versus one that comes and goes as they please, a dog good with children. One that loves to travel, as we camp at least once a month and I would want him/her to go with me.
Also, what is your opinion on the sex of the dog? I have heard that females will "love" you while males will be "in love" with you.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agocan you negotiate price with a dog breeder?
What do breeders do with puppies that don't sell? Or is this an issue?
You can negotiate the price of a car, why not dogs?
For everyone who says go to the pound.....I know, and thank you for your advice.
20 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow much should I pay for a pet Maltese?
I am in Oregon. I have been doing a lot of research online and I'm almost to the point where I am throughouly confused!! LOL
I have seen Maltese puppies go for $450 on up to $5000!!! On the websites where they are that high, they write "getting a good dog is an investment"....
Ok, I actually agree with that, but $5k??? Most are $2000 and under. My question is this....there are breeders around, offering AKC Maltese puppies for $500. How do I ensure that I'm getting a dog (that will be neutered and be a pet only) that is like I read is standard for a Maltese? What if I decide to spend that kind of money and wind up with something only worth $500??
In the end....will I know the difference?
Any help is helpful.
9 AnswersDogs1 decade agoUGH! Nigel Barker Y&R?!?
Oh I was cringing during his scene!! I love him on ANTM, what was up with him??? He did such a terrible job....and was it just me, or was his accent deeper??
Janice Dickenson or Tyra would've been a better choice....
5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoOn Y&R...Just how old??
Ok, I watched the show years ago, and have recently gotten back in to it. Can someone explain to me just how old some of these people are supposed to be??
For instance...Jack. He was Nick & Victoria's step father, and I know he's been a character for at least 20 years....and 20 years ago he was mid 30's.
Sharon was married to Nick for 10 years, and probably got married at 20.....
So Sharon is about 30 and Jack is what?? 55?
Same with old do you think she is supposed to be?
It's confusing, because they have kids, and in "TV" time, they grow up faster than people do in real life....but the "old" characters never seem to get any
Another example of daughter was born a month before Summer.....and already Summer is "older" than my baby....(by already saying "dada")
And yes everyone, I know soaps aren't real.
5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoTough love. Tougher on mom or teenage son?
So I'm going through tough times with my 16 year old son. He has recently gotten a whole new set of friends, developed an interest in girls, new taste in music and has expressed interest in coloring his hair (darker, but not black). He's a good kid for the most part, has never been in any trouble or given me reason to suspect that he's on a path to destruction.
My question is this: I have always been strict with my two boys (my 16 year old has a younger brother). I always want to know who, what, when, where, why. So with this new group of friends, I'm nervous. He wants to hang out with them, but I don't know them. He won't bring them over to our house to hang out here. I just have red flags going up everywhere, with the complete change of friends, clothes, music etc. Is it too much to ask that his friends (boys and girls) hang out here so I can get to know them? Call me oldfashioned, but I see dark hair, dark cloths and hear the music they're listening to, and it worries me.
8 AnswersParenting1 decade agoOk locals, what are the MUST C's of PDX?
My very best girlfriend is coming to town this weekend for 4 days. We've got lots planned, but since this is her first visit to the NW, I want to make sure we get in all the "must see" places in Portland.
We are the type of friends that have fun no matter what we're doing, so activites can range from $ to $$$$.
Remember, 4 days, and we have to have time to sleep! LOL
So far, here are some of the items on the itinerary:
Local auctions
Dinner at Lovely Hula Hands
The antique Expo
Saturday Market
Pittock Mansion
Multnomah Falls
Dinner at Palmer House (it's my birthday!!!!)
Thanks in advance for your help!!
3 AnswersPortland1 decade agoDying a natural death??
My grandmother is 93 years old, and slowly but surely, her body is starting to shut down. Today she complained that her hands and feet were losing sensation, and joked that she thought she was slowing "petrifying" from her extremities inward. When I mentioned this tonight to my husband (because I thought it was a crazy old bird talking) he said that she is actually right, and that when his parents died (also of basically natural causes) that they turned "cold" or "petrifyed" from the outside in, their hearts being the last warm thing in the body. Does anyone know anything about this, and if it has any merit, or is it a wives tale?
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoInfant "hates" the car! help!?
My seven week old daughter seems to hate the car. When we ride in the van together, she copes, or seems to be content because I sit in the seat next to her. But during the week, when my husband and sons are at school/work and its just she and I in the car, she will scream non-stop from the beginning to the end of the trip. Because of this, I rarely leave the house during the week. We live in the country, so it's a 20 minute drive to the store, or to visit family/friends. When we do leave the house, I have to stop the car at least once during the drive to calm her down. She screams to the point that she's sweaty, sounds like she's choking, and I can't cope with the crying. I pull over in a parking lot or something, take her out of her carseat and hold her until she calms down, most of the time we nurse until she falls asleep....
I don't believe that you can spoil a baby that is so young. I believe that she needs to know I am there.
Short of never leaving the house, any advice
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat's a good lesson? Parents of teens please help!?'s the deal. My son has some buddies who are from broken homes, or with parents who may not supervise their children as much as I do mine. My boys call me "the anti-drug", simply because I demand to know the who-what-when-where-why of their activities. For that reason, and knowing they don't get the same supervision at their friends homes, most of the time the guys all hang out here at our house. We live 6 miles out of town, so I also shuttle all these kids back and forth. When they're here, they make themselves at home, there is plenty of junk food, pop and invite them for dinner. I THOUGHT WE HAD A GOOD THING GOING.....So the local sherriff just called....wanting to know if I want to press charges on two of these boys for breaking and entering in to my other home in town (it has been empty for a month or so).
My feelings are more hurt than anything. I would've done anything for these boys, as I would my own boys. Do I press charges? What else would be a good lesson
9 AnswersAdolescent1 decade agoInfant ear piercing?
I was 3 months old when my mother pierced my ears, and I've had them ever since. I always thought if I had a daughter, I'd do the same.....well, here we are, and I'm waffeling on the idea. Friends say I could do it as soon as 6 weeks.
What are your experiences with having your infants ear pierced?
Where did you go to have it done?
What was their reaction?
I'm nervous about just going to the mall, should I decide to go.
I'm hesitant, because I don't want to hurt her. I'd like to do it when she's asleep, but that's a terrible way to wake up.
My mother told me that the only time I made a peep was when they marked my ear with a felt tipped marker.....
Any help would be appreciated!
19 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBreastfeeding one week old - not going so well?
My daugter was one week on Tuesday. When we were in the hospital, she was nursing like a champ, but since we've come home, it has really been a chore for the both of us. I want to breastfeed this baby, but here are my issues. First, she sleeps a lot. I wake her for her feedings, but that begins 2 hours of crying, that I think has more to do with her being tired than hungry. After the 2 hour cry session, where I continually try to get her to latch on, she will latch finally, and nurse from anywhere between 20 - 30 minutes. I don't dare change breasts, because it's so hard to get her to latch in the first place. That creates the problem that I always have one breast that is full and has a burning sensation. Yesterday, she fed twice all day. Finally last night, I pumped my milk, and bottle fed her. I can't stand to think that she's not eating enough. Any advice to get us back on the breastfeeding track would really help. We went to the lactation support @ the hospital once already
12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago