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  • How to undo psychological harm from childhood?

    I had severe asthma as a kid and was severely allergic to animal hair, and of course my parents kept a menagerie of animals, my parents wouldn't buy me asthma medication so I spent most of my childhood struggling to breathe, my childhood was basically one long uninterrupted asthma attack, I was severely underweight because when I couldn't breathe it was difficult to eat, my mother was diagnosed with a mental disorder and refused to take medication for it and I feel this is why I was refused medical attention, because my mother had an untreated medical disorder, There were times I would tell my mother I needed help because I couldn't breathe and she would blame me and say it was my fault, when I caught a flu or cold I would be bed-ridden for sometimes a week and be unable to lie down because I couldn't breathe, my parents would largely ignore me during these times. I feel this has a lot to do with how I turned out as an adult, I treat myself like a loser and often get told by others I treat myself like I'm not as good as other people and don't deserve love. Is this typical for someone with my upbringing? And what can I do to have a normal life and/or undo the harm that was done to my psychological well-being as a kid?

    4 AnswersMental Health7 months ago
  • can i make a call with a blackberry 10 without a blackberry id?

    I got a phone from a friend and it won't let me make calls and I'm guessing because it has a blackberry id in his name and if i go to sign into his id it asks for a password, is this why i can virtually do nothing with the phone? and he claims to not know the password.

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans3 years ago
  • What is legal age of consent in Nova Scotia?

    I'm 34, if I decided to meet a 16 year old for sex would it be illegal?

    According to what I read online 16 is generally legal age, but most people automatically accuse others of being a pedophile if they have sex with anyone under 18, why do so many people seem to be misguided as to the legal age of consent?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • were the golers from south mountain even real?

    Was there even a book called "on south mountain"? or is this whole thing a hoax? There seems to be little information on the golers on the internet with many links leading to dead ends and no place to buy the book, and I m starting to think the whole thing is/was a hoax.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Looking for info on something, pretty vague description.?

    I recall from my grade 11 english class (adult school) we read something on a historical bombing and there was a section on "anteaters" something or other (a group of people who had there faces turned toward the blast) who were disfigured because of it and shunned by other survivors of the blast/bombing, I m trying to find a source to read this story from again as the first time I read it english class I couldn t visualize what everyone seemed so freaked out about by this story.

    I just know it was about a bombing, and that the group of "survivors were revered to as some kind of "anteater".

    Any sources on the subject or name of the bombing would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • I don't have a soul, ask me anything.?

    It's obvious most won't believe me as I've posted these Q&As before, but whatever I'm sure I may help someone out so it's worth a shot again.

    I tread a path apparently no other has travelled spiritually, I would like to answer your questions.

  • Who is alive on earth right now that have a pure heart?

    Pureness of heart is incredibly rare apparently, maybe 1 to 5 in 1,000,000,000 possess a pure heart according to my research, and is becoming increasingly more rare.

    Ones such as Jesus, Moses, and Samson had a pure heart.

    Does anyone know of any alive today who have a pure heart? They say the ascended masters don't walk among us openly.

    Who alive today has a pure heart? Does anyone know any in the world today pure of heart?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Is it possible to give away or sell your soul if it's been promised to another?

    I want to know everything their is to know about deals with the devil/selling souls, as I need to exploit a loophole if found...

    One thing I heard was that if yur soul has been promised to another you can't sell it or give it away, is this true? What other ways are there to cheat the devil? I searched online and found some useful information but I need more.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Am I dead?

    Maybe people don't actually die, sometimes I think I'm dead because I tried to kill myself a few years ago and it didn't work, but sometimes I think maybe it did...

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Walking a dark path in a dream meaning?

    I had a dream several years ago of walking a dark path through a forest devoid of any stimuli for the senses (no light, sounds, movement, wind or animal life). I didn't know when the path would end but I knew when I reached the end it would be nothing but endless fire. In the dream I had begun walking the path simply because it was there and as long as it was there it was only a matter of time before I would choose to walk it.

    I feel this is a highly spiritual dream but it kinda frightens me as it is seems very foreboding...

    Any takers on what this dream could signify?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Baldurs gate/making a game with multiple characters?

    How can I make a game with a party completely customized by me? What I mean is I want more than one character and don't want to use the in game characters available, i.e. I want to make a party with a fighter and two mages, how do I do this?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • What does a wolf walking a path signify?

    What symbolism does a wolf walking a path have? I believe it's a very powerful omen or something, I usually refer to dream dictionaries to find what such things signify... Any thoughts on what a wolf walking a path signifies?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • So I met my twin flame...?

    And the outcome is not good, I see what I don't want to see, and nobody understands the path I'm forced to walk.

    Any advice?

    More details will be given if asked, but it will be difficult to explain.

    6 AnswersParanormal Phenomena4 years ago
  • I don't have a soul, ask me anything.?

    I literally do not, all questions are welcome, I am being completely serious.

    Ask me anything, test me, judge me, I am being serious.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • What really happens after death?

    In regards to afterlife? Do we simply cease to exist or is there something more? I want answers.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • I woke up at exactly midnight.?

    I woke up and felt as if I had just climbed from hell, I looked at the clock and it showed exactly midnight even to the very second...

    Is there any significance to this? I am a bit superstitious and pay attention to these things, and this one kinda freaked me out...

    What could this mean?

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Is there an afterlife? (read description)?

    Afterlife beliefs are other people's beliefs, much of what we believe is what others have told us to believe.

    So why would we have beliefs about an afterlife if there is no way to know such a thing exists?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Do we have authority over our souls?

    Do we have authority over our souls afterlife? Some say our afterlife is a personal choice.

    Any thoughts?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Is there an afterlife?

    I want proof, I need to know for sure.

    Anyone have any proof?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago