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Favorite Answers21%
  • How well do you know your criminal law?

    This(in this instance is hypothetical) is a great brain teaser for those of you involved in law and although this is an example it did come up in a well known case some years ago.

    Right: Here is the scenario.

    A husband and wife are sleeping (as normal) however the husband tends to talk a hell of a lot in his sleep and is currently the main suspect in say a murder case (he is on bail) now,in his sleep he talks vividly about the crime and the wife reports this to the police.

    There is only circumstantial evidence against the husband (hence bail) so the police only have a minimal chance of a conviction.

    Would you (perhaps as a jury member) be able to convict the husband with details given by the wife ?.

    Please give your verdict and your reasons why (this should get the brain going)

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is it time for the BBC to close?

    Some time ago the BBC admitted that it did put on too many repeat shows (still doing that) yet.,when it comes to their radio stations we seem to hear the same tracks by certain artists and bands many times throughout each day and,in the case of three (bands /artists) I get the impression that someone is being paid to play their rubbish and to be honest we are sick of hearing them.

    What with all the other corruption and disgusting behaviour by some of the presenters (past and present) and probably more to come it must be now that it is re-formed.

    9 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • How do bail bondsmen make money?

    I have been watching Dog the bounty hunter on television here in the uk and am wondering how they make so much money through bond work.

    I would like to know how this works and being a Brit cannot work out how they make their money as we do not have the same system here in England.

    Would it work here?

    In the uk if someone ignores their bail conditions they are simply re-arrested and placed in custody (remanded).

    I will be calling it a day with my job in a couple of years and am looking for different work although court related.

    Any American friends who can help would be great.


    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • What can I buy for a 93yr old lady for her birthday?

    One of our neighbours will be 93 years old in January and i am at a loss as to what to buy for her birthday.

    She is not in the best of health yet always calls us and others in the street to check they are all ok and is probably one of the most unselfish people we know.

    She does have a number of ailments so we can not buy things such as chocolates/flowers etc which makes things much harder.

    Any good suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Should P.C.S.Os become beat officers?

    One county in the north is considering making these people official police beat officers,do you think this is a good idea or feel they are not suitable for this position.

    The aim of this is to free up other officers for more serious crime (Hmm).

    I personally am against this having seen them in action and the state of dress they walk around in is not very encouraging.

    Your views would be gratefully appreciated.

    We need proper fully trained officers able to respond to whatever comes their way and I feel these people would not be able to cope.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Is it time to get rid of Jeremy clarkson ?

    Time and time again this miscreant has got away with openly insulting people publicly and just the other day was saying that all those on strike should be shot,it is alright saying he was saying it tongue in cheek and it is meant to be funny however,Johnathon Ross was sacked along with a number of other outspoken celebs who have also fallen by the wayside.

    Now I know you will say take what he says with a pinch of salt but I do not think we should as he is getting more and more insulting and has to be one of the most obnoxious people around in the public eye.

    He has completely killed Top Gear with his insults to the mexican people as well as trying to humiliate some of the guests who have appeared on the show.

    I would like to see the end of him and the BBC needs to accept some of the responsibility.

    17 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Am I the only person completely fed up with Euro problems?

    I am getting increasingly more and more fed up with all the problems and bickering currently doing the rounds within the countries who have joined the European community.

    Is it time for the whole lot of them to leave and go their own way including us here in the uk,as there were a lot less problems before it was formed.

    I feel every country should be responsible for its own citizens and finances and countries that can not look after themselves need to look at how they govern and manage their people.

    Perhaps it is time for a new solution for allies to work together.Am I wrong in thinking this only I am sick and tired of hearing of countries having to be bailed out all the time.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Another paedophile ring busted what next?

    There has yet again been another internet child porn ring busted,covering most of the world.No matter how many sites etc get shut down and people arrested there seems to be yet more and more taking their places.

    Now its alright saying what should be done with the pervs (I agree) but what can actually be done to prevent them being set up in the first place?

    I personally think that the service providers should take a lot of the blame for these sites and must monitor their customers and inspect all new sites before allowing them access as there seems to be an increase with these types of sites.

    What would you suggest would be the best way forward in order to protect these vulnerable youngsters?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Do we really have any privacy (UK)?

    With all the publicity surrounding hacking by the media are we actually missing the main point and that is none of us are now safe from our personal information being sold to all and sundry.

    I mention this because my son applied for an insurance quote from one of those comparison sites for his car and since then he is being deluged with texts,emails and calls to his mobile several times a day and night.he even gets calls from loan brokers and debt management companies.

    What can we do and who can investigate all these companies and put a stop to all this harassment.All this just for a quote.

    He has asked a number of time where they got his information from and they just say his details have been passed on to him from so and so company.This should be illegal (I thought it was) and the government must act.

    Any suggestion are gratefully wanted.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • How do you fix marks on carpets?

    we have just had new carpets fitted all over however,there are deep indentations where chairs etc are on the carpet,we have tried putting thin pieces of wood under the casters but you end up with larger marks.

    I heard somewhere that a warm iron may remove them but have not tried that.I will be grateful if someone can advise me on the safest and best way to make the carpet flat we like to move the furniture round now and again.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Just a fun question for you all?

    Why is it that men have to leave the toilet seat down for ladies when they never leave it up for men?

    Max points for best answer.

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Charge for Broadband,is this right?

    The government are proposing to charge us here in the uk for the "right" to use broadband internet connections.They are proposing to charge a minimum of £6 per year.Is this right or just another way for the poor to become poorer?

    What else is this government going to tax.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I have a major problem with firefox can you help?

    When I go to sites and come off the web I sometimes go to my temporary internet files to have a look for diagrams and technical pictures that I have viewed but when I go to my temp internet files there is absolutely nothing there.

    How can I solve this as some of the details I expect to be there are not?

    When I use internet explorer the sites I have been to,along with the diagrams and pictures are there.

    I do like Firefox but have to take it off to go back to IE.

    Thanks for your assistance.

    5 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Can you help with javascript problem?

    I am having problems with being able to go to sites that have java.I have done the necessary stuff and enabled the script in the usual way via tools and internet options/custom settings etc yet still am not having any luck.

    Are there any tips you can give me please,and is there anything I can download to rectify this long term problem.I am running xp pro.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to read Java based web sites?

    I keep getting messages saying I need to be able to read javascript on some technical sites I go to.It says the page cannot load correctly.

    I have installed the Sun Java machine and rebooted.

    How can I solve this problem please?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why do people shout whilst using cellphones?

    Have you noticed that when people us their mobile phones they automatically speak in very loud tones.

    Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why this is as I find this very annoying.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Mitsubishi rear axle question?

    Can someone please tell me the oil capacity for a 95 Shogun lwb rear axle (diesel).

    We have bought a replacement and need to know how much oil it needs.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is George Bush doing with himself nowadays?

    Now Mr Bush is no longer President what are his plans for the future?

    I know financially he is well off,I was wondering what he will be doing with his spare time.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What makes a computer freeze on a site?

    Sometimes when I am on a site the whole computer freezes and it appears that the site has locked onto you and the only way to get off of it is to hit the re-start button.

    Even when you bring up the task manager nothing seems to happen and the computer just says it is not responding.Is there a reason for this or is there another way to get off the site without having to re-start.

    I would be grateful if you could help with this.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Are these finance companies ripping us off?

    With the interest rates at a new low (uk) and vat being lowered are finance companies obliged by law to lower payments from customers.

    I have been told unofficially that they do not have to legally lower payments but,I thought that the vat rate was set by the government and was in fact the most anyone can charge customers.

    Can you please help with this as it needs clarifying.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago