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  • What Christmas song do you hate the most?

    I was just reading this article on Spark about what Christmas songs are the most annoying so I was wondering which ones other people hate the most.

    I personally despise the song "Drummer Boy." I have no idea what it has to do with the holiday and the "Barumtumu" part of the songs just makes me want to shoot whoever wrote it!

    Here's the article if you want to see what other people came up with:

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What Christmas songs do you hate the most?

    I was just reading this article on Spark about what Christmas songs are the most annoying so I was wondering which ones other people hate the most.

    I personally despise the song "Drummer Boy." I have no idea what it has to do with the holiday and the "Barumtumu" part of the songs just makes me want to shoot whoever wrote it!

    Heres the article if you want to see what other people came up with:

    8 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What minor character do you find super annoying even though you barely see them?

    The character can be from anything, a movie, book, show, whatever! Please give me the character and why you find them so annoying.

    For example (And if you haven't read the third book of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay than please skip over my example because this is a pretty big spoiler):

    I find Delly Cartwright from Mockingjay very annoying because she yelled at Peeta while he was Highjacked! If he was in his right mind then sure, she had the right to yell. But he wasn't in his right mind! You don't yell at mentally unstable people you idiot! He doesn't know what he is saying!!!! She just aggravated his condition more if anything!!! So yeah, I find her very annoying even though she was only in the last book and only got a passing mention in the first one.

    So who do you find annoying?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Does not supporting Gay Marriage automatically make you Anti-Gay?

    Before I start I am a Christian in support gay marriage and my mom supports Civil Unions and is a Christian. When my mom was talking with a gay activist (I was watching from the sidelines) on her veiws of the issue she was imediately called a n Anti- Gay bigot! She barely was allowed to get her point across! That was about a week ago and after hearing about the whole Chick Fil-A thing I heard people calling the Ceo and even the fast food chain itself Anti-Gay.

    But my only problem with this is that the Ceo (to my knowledge anyway) never said he hated gay people or were against their existence. So how does not supporting gay marriage make you anti-gay all together?

  • Should Chick Fil-A really be banned from some cities just because of the Ceo's veiws on Gay Marriage?

    Before I start out I guess I should say that I am a Christian but I also suppor gay marriage (yes we exist).

    Ok, so I'm sure most of you have hear about the Ceo's veiws on Gay marriage and all the crap it has started. If you feel the need to protest then fine protest! If you feel the need to boycott, I'm certainly not going to stop you! But I heard that the cities of Boston and Chicago just banned Chick Fil-A! Isn't that taking it a little too far? I mean its not like the fast food chain refuses LGBT people as customers or employees. The claims about Chick Fil-A support anti-gay organizations I don't know too much about so I won't comment on that.

    So do you think Chick Fil-A really be banned from cities?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: Do you agree with this statement?

    "Being anorexic isn't as bad as being obese.

    If someone was anorexic, in theory, he or she could just eat a few cheeseburgers.

    If a person was obese, it would take a lot more work."

    That was take from a question a while back, the link below isn't the question though. THe link is to another question that kind of reminded me of it, but instead was talking about which is more accepted: Anorexia or Obesity? It was actually pretty interesting and I suggest you look at a few comments before responding. So do you agree with this statement?;_ylt=Ak57m...

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why are K-pop fans so crazy?

    And why are they so Anti-American music?

    I was on a Girls Generation video a few months ago and I saw a couple of people bashing American music so seeing as how Western and American music has HUGE influences on K-Pop the reasonable thing to do was defend it in some way. This is basically how it went, I posted some replies from before I went in just to give you an idea of how the conversation was like before I interfered. Just to be clear this was copy and pasted from the video and I will give you the link right here:

    User A: "Kpop is much better than american music. IT'S A FACT. american music is just sex and that's why USA is number 1 in porn. while Kpop is cute, cheerful, sexy in a good way not like in american songs..."

    User B: "I agree so much! American music is 100% sh/it disgusting garbage! I'm even American myself but think Kpop is billions times better! Kpop is perfection..."

    Me: "You do realize a lot of K-pop artists borrow their style from the same kind of music you just called "**** disgusting garbage", right? Just some food for thought..."

    User B: "Wow you racist conceited American!!!! America didn't ******* invent music! The world does not revolve around America! Kpop is completely different from American music! Kpop is unique and original! WOW you suck balls!"

    Me: "Wow. 1: I never claimed that America, or any country really, "Invented music", all I'm saying is that all of the rap and pop Kpop uses usually is inspired from American music. There is nothing wrong with that. 2: There is nothing racist in my comment because I, in no way, said that American music is superior to that of Kpop.Thirdly, K-pop, while in some aspects is different from American music, is not original and unique as you claim it to be.

    Now, I actually like K-pop a lot (otherwise I wouldn't be here) and the only reason I didn't immediately lash out at you is because I believe in reasoning with people before that. You however jumped to conclusions that didn't even hold water just because I disagreed with you. Learn how to read a comment before making such statements and I'm sure you won't find yourself in situations like this again."

    User B: "I said some things that were not true and overly mean but I cannot stand talk of American music that isn't mean, and I will never understand how you can talk kindly about American music when you've seen the glory of Kpop..."

    Why did she put words in my mouth just because I didn't agree with her? Its glaringly obvious K-pop gets its music style from American music, and those fangirls that think otherwise, and I hate using this word to describe people with opinions that differ mine but I have to, are delusional.

    And what’s with the "Racist Conceited American comment?" This doesn’t even have to do with Race! The person was from Canada so it’s not like she has no experience with Americans and America.

    I think its ok to like K-pop. I think its ok to like K-pop better than American Pop! But what’s with all of the hate?

    And to top all of this off, this is apparently a common thing in the K-pop fandom. Why are they so Anti-American music and why are they so certain K-pop is the most amazing music in the world and anyone who thinks otherwise should burn in the fiery pit where all the other bad people go?

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Why are K-pop fans so crazy?

    And why are they so Anti-American music?

    I was on a Girls Generation video a few months ago and I saw a couple of people bashing American music so seeing as how Western and American music has HUGE influences on K-Pop the reasonable thing to do was defend it in some way. This is basically how it went, I posted some replies from before I went in just to give you an idea of how the conversation was like before I interfered. Just to be clear this was copy and pasted from the video and I will give you the link right here:

    User A: "Kpop is much better than american music. IT'S A FACT. american music is just sex and that's why USA is number 1 in porn. while Kpop is cute, cheerful, sexy in a good way not like in american songs..."

    User B: "I agree so much! American music is 100% sh/it disgusting garbage! I'm even American myself but think Kpop is billions times better! Kpop is perfection..."

    Me: "You do realize a lot of K-pop artists borrow their style from the same kind of music you just called "**** disgusting garbage", right? Just some food for thought..."

    User B: "Wow you racist conceited American!!!! America didn't ******* invent music! The world does not revolve around America! Kpop is completely different from American music! Kpop is unique and original! WOW you suck balls!"

    Me: "Wow. 1: I never claimed that America, or any country really, "Invented music", all I'm saying is that all of the rap and pop Kpop uses usually is inspired from American music. There is nothing wrong with that. 2: There is nothing racist in my comment because I, in no way, said that American music is superior to that of Kpop.Thirdly, K-pop, while in some aspects is different from American music, is not original and unique as you claim it to be.

    Now, I actually like K-pop a lot (otherwise I wouldn't be here) and the only reason I didn't immediately lash out at you is because I believe in reasoning with people before that. You however jumped to conclusions that didn't even hold water just because I disagreed with you. Learn how to read a comment before making such statements and I'm sure you won't find yourself in situations like this again."

    User B: "I said some things that were not true and overly mean but I cannot stand talk of American music that isn't mean, and I will never understand how you can talk kindly about American music when you've seen the glory of Kpop..."

    Why did she put words in my mouth just because I didn't agree with her? Its glaringly obvious K-pop gets its music style from American music, and those fangirls that think otherwise, and I hate using this word to describe people with opinions that differ mine but I have to, are delusional.

    And what’s with the "Racist Conceited American comment?" This doesn’t even have to do with Race! The person was from Canada so it’s not like she has no experience with Americans and America.

    I think its ok to like K-pop. I think its ok to like K-pop better than American Pop! But what’s with all of the hate?

    And to top all of this off, this is apparently a common thing in the K-pop fandom. Why are they so Anti-American music and why are they so certain K-pop is the most amazing music in the world and anyone who thinks otherwise should burn in the fiery pit where all the other bad people go?

    8 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Where did the "Americans hate soccer" rumor come from?

    I mean, its not an extremely popular sport over here, but "Hate" is a pretty strong word. I think "indifferent" would be a much more accurate word. And even then there are plenty of kids across the States that played in soccer camps, so I wouldn't say people hate it or anything.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Since Atheism = Intelligence and Theism = Stupidity then what does Agnosticism equals?

    You know, since obviously what you believe in is the sole determiner of how smart you are and ever will be I want to know what Agnosticism equals. Are they just in between or what?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Who is more annoying, Lisa Simpson or Brian from Family Guy?

    I was just reading a forum on TV tropes its right here if you want to see it, its actually a pretty interesting forum:

    But anyway despite the random American generalizing most people seem to think Lisa is pretty annoying for various reasons most of which I can agree with, however a couple of people brought up Brian from Family Guy and it seems some people think he is worst than Lisa but others think differently. Frankly when they get political I find both characters pretty annoying which I find strange because I actually agree with them at least a good fraction of the time. I think the political episodes with both characters annoy me because the people who disagree with these charadters on whatever issue they are talking about are usually portrayed as either bigoted idiots that don't know what they are talking about (like in that Family Guy epsiode where they took out sex ed in school, I agree with the whole message about keeping it but does the opposing side have to be portrayed as some crazy group with completly false information?) or in some cases just down right evil! (Pretty much every political episode involving Lisa and Mr. Burns)

    But besides the episodes themselves, the characters have traits (especially in these episodes) that are very annoying at times. Lisa can be a whiny know it all and Brian I just to much of a stereotypical Liberal Know it all but after reading the forum I'm a little torn between who can be more annoying so I want to see what you guys think! The most convincing answer will be chosen! : D

    5 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Are people permanently "bad in bed"?

    I'm asking this because I was looking over some message boards about waiting until you're married before sex and the general consensus (among men anyway) seems to go something like this:

    "I don't want to marry someone until I know whether they are good in bed! If we aren't "Sexually Compatible" (whatever that means) then the relationship will have no chance in Hell!"

    But the thing about this is they make it seem as though if you're "Bad in bed" (quotations because I'm not entirely sure what that means either, I will just assume one or both parties just never reach orgasm or something..) then your stuck like that forever. So is it true? Can you improve your performance in bed? IF you must know, Yes I am a Virgin and a girl this has just been bugging me for a while...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Anime Character you love but the fandom seems to hate?

    What characters do you love but every other person in the fandom seems to hate them for some reason? And why? Does the constant bashing of that character annoys you? Does the Fandom have a good reason to hate the character?

    Example: I love Itsuki Koizumi from TMoHS because I think he is one of the most interesting characters on that show and I wish we get to learn more about him in canon... But a lot of people seem to dislike him for some reason....

    4 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Why does my voice sound weird on a recording but good in a mic? What do you think?

    Um, hi. So my teacher in English is making us do recordings for a project and when I used the recorder on my Cell phone for the first time I sounded so gross! I then decided to sing a little on it and then I just sounded worst! DX I mean kids have always made fun of my voice and I kinda see why,, D :

    But whats weird is that I sing in my Church's choir and they always tell me how good I sound, and they aren't just being polite either because I sang in front of other people that probably wouldn't have been as kind. My friend even found a recording of me singing on my DS when she was playing with it and she said I sounded good but I still think I sounded bad.

    Is it a thing recordings do or is it me? I recorded my voice for you guys so you can make better judgment, you can just put the links in your search bar and it will come up as Real Player. I hope it works for most of you!

    Me just talking:

    Me singing:

    So is it just the recorder or do I just suck or something? Also how can I improve my singing?

    Also please be a little soft on me, I'm surprised I've found the courage to even put this stuff up! DX

    2 AnswersSinging9 years ago
  • Mickey and Oswald are brothers now?

    SI just finished the game Epic Mickey (greatest Mickey game EVER) and I have noticed that people are refering to them as either brothers or half-brothers and I just want to know where they said that in the game or how it works out. And the ending with Yen Sid doesn't really count because when he says "I hope they become friends. And prehaps more...prehaps.. even brothers." Because you can consider a guy you aren't related to as your "brother".

    1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Anime Characters that you hate but the fandom seems to love?

    I want to know what characters you guys hate, but the majority of the fandom absolutely loves to no end! They can be from any anime or even outside of anime, but I want to hear your thoughts! Not just, "I hate Mikuru because she is annoying." I would appreciate a little more depth to you answer!

    Example: I find Mikuru Asahina from THoHS extremely annoying because her voice is too squeaky and the main character, Kyon, puts her on a pedestal for doing absolutely nothing but look cute."

    And just so you know thats my character I really don't like, but everyone else seems to love. And for the record, I probably wouldn't even hate her this much if it wasn't in Kyon's POV (no matter how funny he is at times). Thats just how I feel and I want to hear what you guys think! : D

    5 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • When a girl doesn't like another female chracter in fiction, why do people assume the girl is jealous?

    I have noticed a pattern in various fandoms, when a girl in real life doesn't like a female character, and if they just so happen to be attractive then people (usually guys from what I can tell) immediately assume the girl is jealous? I mean, I know how catty some girls get but come on!

    Do you really think someone will get jealous of a fictional character that couldn't be a threat to you anyway?

    Sometimes they won't even listen to why they dislike the character! They just assume they are jealous!

    And I have seen guys hate male characters in fiction to, so it isn’t always women, guys just aren't as noticeable.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • When a girl doesn't like another female character in fiction, why do people assume the girl jealous?

    I have noticed a pattern in various fandoms, when a girl in real life doesn't like a female character, and if they just so happen to be attractive then people (usually guys from what I can tell) immediately assume the girl is jealous? I mean, I know how catty some girls get but come on!

    Do you really think someone will get jealous of a fictional character that couldn't be a threat to you anyway?

    Sometimes they won't even listen to why they dislike the character! They just assume they are jealous!

    And I have seen guys hate male characters in fiction to, so it isn’t always women, guys just aren't as noticeable.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • I'm Healthy, But I still want to loose weight?

    Hi, I'm a 15 years old girl and physically I am pretty healthy. I only eat at home most of the time and usually have a meat, veggie, and grain. I participate in a school sport (Badminton) and practice is every day of the school week. So far since I started I have only lost inches instead of weight, and while that is pretty good, I still don't look any skinnier! I still have a belly, which I HATE! It isn't VERY big but I still hate it and I have such a hard time getting rid of it! What should I do to get skinnier? I have only lost weight in my arms and legs!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is it true Americans are "squeamish" when it comes to nudity...?

    ...compared to the rest of the world?

    I always though of America as the "Wild Child" of the world with all of the nudity Hollywood has been showing us for the a while.

    Can anyone (preferably that has been to another country) explain this to me? Are we really the prudes of the world?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago