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Lv 613,659 points

Thomas G

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  • So any chance after today that the Writers of General hospital will remember what a good actor John J York is?

    He was just great when he found poor Georgie.

    I am hoping that He and Monica will find each other in grief and we can end up with a sweet and tender middle age romance out of the useless carnage of the deaths of Emily and Georgie

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • General Hospital Text message Killer Theory One?

    Okay I have two text message killers theories

    First one:

    The Killer is Cooper but it is not as plain as black and white. Cooper is working for Helena and his Father Harlan Barrett (Father of Brenda and Julia) who is not dead.

    Letitica was never his target that night it was Carly. He killed Letiticia just because she saw him. Carly was targeted not becuase of her connection to Sonny but because of Jerry and Jax. Jax has foiled a number of Helena's schemes and can there be any doubt that Jerry and Helena and Jerry and Harlan have crossed paths before?

    Emily was a target because of Helena, she was however not killed merely kidnapped once again by Helena after Cooper administred one of the world famous Cassadine near death drugs.

    Maxie and Georgie became targets because Harlan still has a bone to pick with Mac from when Mac and Robert and Bill destroyed the cartel.

    Cooper's capture (which will happen soon) will lead to the return of Harlan, who will then reveal that Sam

    17 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Okay let's hear it for Monica on GH again. This time she ripped Sonny a new one?

    Maybe there is one writer on General Hospital who hears the minority of us old time fans who are fed up with the strange clut worship of Sonny and Jason. Monica was absolutely right Sonny has destroyed her family in the pursuit of his life of crime. He may not have strangled Emily (and maybe even AZ didn't) but it was AZ's madness that allowed things to get out of hand at the BW Ball and If AZ had not cut the island off from the main land then perhaps Emily would be alive. He surely drove AJ mad, stole Michael from his family and lead Justus to his dead though Faith Roscoe.

    It is past time for the good characters on GH to come back to the forefront and the evil ones to fade to the background. Let's see Monica, Jax, Bobbie, Lulu, Lucky, Mike, Maxie and others take the limelight and Jason and Sonny and the crime lords either reform or finally pay for thier crimes

    15 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Did Any one Else think it was Brilliant acting today when Edward Q on GH Compared the family to the Kennedy's?

    I thought that John Inge was just awesome when he told Skye the story of how he had meet Old Joe Kennedy and compared the family curses. My heart broke for Edward. And I thought that Monica was AWESOME for Calling a Spade a Spade and letting Jason know He is Nothing but a KILLER. Awesome. It is about time the other characters on GH stopped excusing Sonny and Jason for the havoc they bring down on the families

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • I know that all the Jason fans will hate me but didn't feel good to see Lucky slug Jason on Monday?

    It was good to see the Spencer come out on Monday in Lucky. I loved how he called jason on the carpet for being a liar and a killer. It is about time that Lucky took both Liz and Jason down a peg.

    I know that the writers want to make Jason be a big hero all the time but face it he is a "bad guy". He and Sonny are mobsters and neither one of them should be allowed near children. (One must conclude that a mob business that does not deal in drugs would make most of its money from women and porn)

    Maybe this is the turning point where GH goes back to making Lucky and Mac and the other cops heroes

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Okay it is Veterans Day. Can we defeat the trolls on both sides for just one day and all?

    Agree that we love our Veterans and we love our men and women who are serving our country? If you can't answer yes, or feel the need to attack either side please save every one the time and move on

    In Flanders Fields

    By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)

    IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

    Between the crosses row on row,

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders fields.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I have been out of town for a few days and returned to find that suthrnlyts has been suspended?

    Now I know I lean to the left and that suthrnlyts leaned to the right but does any one else think this is unfair? Is it time for those of us at YA to begin to police ourselves instead of allowing the YA people to police us? I call on all of those on the right and the left to boycott any question that is not a question but an attack, any question asked by some one who does not allow email or hides thier identity, any question that is a political rant and not a real question. Perhaps by policing ourselves and discouraging those on both sides who are just here to cause problems they will leave and allow this forum to be what it should be an exchange of ideas.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does any one else think that is 'out-of-character' for Leelya to fall into bed with Patrick so quickly.....

    We have been told she comes from a Iraqi/Arab family which implies a strong Mulsim/Cultural Background. She has been shown to be proud of her culture and worried about her family.

    Do the writers of these shows even for one second stop and think about the characters and the backgrounds that they create for them? Also Why oh why does every one fall into bed on the first date any way?

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Was any one else please when Scott Baldwin finally mentioned Lee, Gail, Karen and Serna?

    The other day when Speaking with Logan. I hope this means Serna is coming to Port Charles. I think she and Lucky would make a great match better then Logan and Lulu in fact.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • For today?

    Just for today 9-11, can we forget that we are Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservitives? Can we put the immigration debate, the presidential elections, the endless prattle of attacking the other side away for just one day? Can we instead bow our heads and remember the men and women who lost thier lives on 9-11-01.

    Is it possible for all of us just to be Americans? Just for today, can we not call each other names? Can we not ask inane questions? Can we not attack the Libs or the Cons? Can we not insult or belittle the opposition? Can we just forget the hatred for just one day?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can Some one explain how I violated community guidelines with these two questions?

    1) Deleted Question: On yesterday GH. Liz was watching what was going on inside the courtroom??????

    Question Details: Witnesses are not allowed in any case to hear the testimony of another witness. It is bad writing like this that makes soaps look bad. Further Ric never asked Sam a single question about the Alcaraz shooting. Just about Jason??? Like the people of Port Charles have not all ready heard everything they need to know about Jason. Awful awful writing here lately on GH.

    2)Praise the Lord, the writing drought on General Hospital may be over today's show was right on the mark, agree

    Question Details: Things I liked today 1) Ric Confronting Sonny: and calling him out, Sonny could end all this by speaking up. I like that we got to see him as the Mafia thug he is, putting himself before his friend 2) Lucky and Liz, finally some back bone from Lucky. He is still a dope for not figuring out that Jake is not his but at least he finally spoke up 3) Emily visits Jason.

    17 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Should Pitchers have the guts to pitch around Bonds and not let him break the record?

    Every one knows he does not deserve to break the record. So why are pitchers still pitching to him? They should walk him everytime he comes to bat, better to lose the game then lose all dignity left in the sport. Hank Aaron was a class act, Bonds is not fit to tie his shoes

    16 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't Diane on General Hospital defend Jason on the grounds of Mental Illness?

    Jason is brian damaged. He behavior in court confirms that he is not capable of control his impulses Why not just plead guilty on the grounds of insanity? Jason because of the nature of his brain damage does not know the difference between right and wrong. It was established when he first had his accident that he is incapable of feeling emotion that he simply reacts to those around him. His frontal lobes are destroyed he is incompetent. Why is she mounting an unwinable defense, when she could claim insanity? Then Jason could go to Shadybrook and get the help he needs to stop being a criminal, maybe they can treat him and we can get Jason Q back. This would also allow Steve Burton to stretch his acting talent beyond the wooden Jason M thing

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Can Democrats and Republicans both agree that the United States inability to help Iraqis who have assisted US?

    Troops as translators leave Iraq is both a failure and a blcak mark on the US? Many of these men are now marked for death by thier own people. Considering all they have done for us shouldn't they be given a "free pass" to come to the US?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Okay I found where the hide all the actors from General Hospital: They are on the Night Shift?

    I just watched the first eppy on line and I was impressed. What does every one else think? For the first time in a long time every one acting "in character", and I am impressed with the idea that it may be Brenda in the mourge/operating room, though I suspect it will end up being Julia

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • "Those who give up their Liberty for a little temporary safety deserve?

    niether liberty or safety" Benjamin Franklin

    Agree or disagree

    Why or Why Not?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • "I have come to the conclusion, that one useless man is a disgrace, two are a law firm and three are called a

    congress?" John Adams in the play 1776. Weather a Democratic Congress or a Republican Congress do you agree? Or do you think they actually get things done?

    No blasting of either side, this is a general question about the instiution of congress not whose party is better

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Female General Hospital Fans, Let me Give you Two Choices, In Your Real Life You can choose...?

    a) A Man you have known and loved since you were 15. When you were attacked and raped at 16 he was the one who stood beside you and helped you though the trauma, He helped catch the man who attacked you. When you had a child with another man He agreed to raise it as his own and has done so. He did cheat on you while suffering from a drug problem but he has pulled his life together and while he does have low self esteem he is always there for you. He does his job and does it well. He loves you and Both your sons.

    B) A Mob Killer. He is a good guy at heart but he does work for the mob and he does kill people for a living. In fact he is currently in jail for killing a man in cold blood, that man was a "bad guy" but He still killed him as he has killed others. He has no other life then as a killer. You left him once before because his life was dangerous. He is kind to you, but he leads a dangerous and illegal life.

    So Ladies in real life. A or B? Lucky or Jason.

    14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • WOW, Yahoo just removed my prayer request question Are people really that threatened by religion ?

    That they just cannot let those of us who want to pray do so, Are they really so insecure as to have to stifle free speech.?Posting a request here is not like praying in school or anything, do not want to answer then you do not have to so why would they be so threaten?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago