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Just another person trying to live in this world and end prejudice of all kinds Grown man not trying please man, get my drift. I like the world I live in just wish it were a little more equal with all human beings, from the Christiains to the devil worshippers and of course all nations and nationalities everybody deserves rrespect as long as they are not hurting anyone else

  • who thinks that churches are so sewgrigated that people outside the body can't or won't believe in God/Chris..?

    If we are so loving why can't we worship together, and I'm talking about HISPANICS WHITES BLACKS ASIANS POLYNESIANS AFRICANS ARABIANS ETC.

    Since Mk 12. 30,31 tells us to love all, IC or 13 gives us reason, don't you think that people would believe more if truly came together with the Spirit and bond of peace Eph 4.1-4.

    Be nice but tell the truth

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • corporate law in nonprofit org?

    Two men are not at this church anymore

    one listed as agent, other as director

    The last two agents wish to close the church. Can they?

    Do the members have a say so?

    What can be done about it?

    1 AnswerGovernment & Non-Profit1 decade ago
  • Is the Sabbath still in affect?

    Most of you denomonationalists say the Ten Commandments and sabbath day is still in why don't you worship on the Sabbath (SATURDAY)?


    MK 12.30,31

    And what does Col 2.14 mean?

    please answer the 2 Q/A's if you can with scripture backing

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Job applications in...Race out?

    I just read a comment from 40G to the Q/A "Racist, what do you think?" (Ethnic groups forming their own clubs and not letting whites in, by TAY TAY?) (close). Anyway 40g says instead of making a big deal out of getting your own color to come in. Just weed out those who don't fit what you want in. (not a quote). This is ttrue of America and the job market. For years When I'm asked what "RACE" I am, Ive put "Indy 500" (yes I got the jobs)

    But, don't you think we'd be better off taking that off the application? That way ethnic exclusion won't make it to the "chapter 13" file so fast.

    Take the race Q/A off the apps. What do you think?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Baptists Methodists Pentecostals Catholics?

    If your religion is not written in the bible and it says not to add another name than Christ (1Cor 1.10-13) how do you serve two masters and call it one or justify it as being the one? Especially when Chris t is the Church (Col 1.24)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • JACKARONI1229 says Christ works through the Church...?

    and the POPE is the leader and MEDIATOR for us all...

    If so, is the Catholic religion following what scripture says

    Mtt 23.8,9...Christ and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth for there is but one your Father and He is in heaven.

    Mk 13.6 For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he! ' and will lead many astray.

    Jn 14.6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.

    So is the Catholic religion following MAN or "The Church" of the BIBLE?

    Col 1.24; Eph 1.21-23; Rm 16.16... Christ or Catholicism?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I got an Email...?

    from a person asking "were we still under the 10 Commandments"?

    I said no, and gave these scriptures

    Mk 12. 30,31 ...none other c. greater than these

    Jer 31.31 ...under a new gov. and NOT the one ... given to the Israelites

    I left out the following.

    Q/A: Does Rm 13.9-11 clarify this for YOU?

    For this cause thou shalt not commit any ten commandment thy neighbor as thy self...and LOVE is the fulfillment of the LAW...

    Does it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can a man write...and kill...?

    so beuatifully about religion and turn around and kill shooting 18 on an Illinoi campus killing 5 with suicide?

    Because America teaches so many false and fake religions that even the searchers feel they have NO true place to turn.


    Is your faith one of them?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christian sex is pure... man makes up stuff...?

    If your going to make everything still unclean as a Christian then your not a follower of Christ (Acts 10.15) and LAW of death (2Cor 3.6,7) and you have no liberty (vs 17)

    Someone said Heb 13.4 meant you couldn't go backdoor (which I never mentioned, maybe he had this on his mind)

    1Cor 7.3-5 says your body is not you own...not your body parts...I wish MAN would stop assuming the worse when GOD says His thoughts are not ours (Isaiah 55.8,9)and I believe his is better... if we'd listen to MAN we wouldn't be able to drink the WINE JESUS made at the wedding!

    Christian sex never stops just for the time of prayer and fasting He (God) didn't say to stop if the wife said the rabbit was coming down (thats OT dogma)

    any questions and can you find scrpture for some your selfish thoughts.

    THE BIBLE IS RIGHT! SEX is gooooood!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people dispute Christ and The Word...?

    1. He built HIS church and is The church 33AD (MTT 16.18; Col 1.24)

    Why do you go to another one

    2. Women are not to have power over man (1Tim 2.12) Why do you believe mammon over Him

    3. We are not followers of the OT Tithe or Ten command..s (Mk 12.31) "none greater"

    Rm 10.4 Christ is the end of the LAW

    He died to make a New Testament (covenant) Heb 10.9,10, 26-29

    4. Prejudice is a sin (1Jn4.20)

    This one optional:

    5. Drinking is not a sin excessiveness of anything is: Eph 5.18,19; 1Tim 3.3,8; Titus 2.3 (much and NONE is totally different)

    Biblical answers and not FEELINGS please

    and I don't mind the non believers points either.

    If we all believed the truth there would be alot less atheism

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • nfl WHY there is noone named David in NE?

    cuz they have NO GIANT KILLERS!!!

    whats your answer?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What body acid causes muscle fatigue?

    When excercising fructose is needed, lactates and ethanol are too. What causes the the negative action of the muscles?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • You called it RACIST? But you show me where...?

    A white man is profiled onthe highways polled over and beaten half to death by police and they get off!

    When a white 17 yr old boy gets 10 yrs in prison for having

    oral sex with his 15 yr old white girfriend!

    ... or a white man or woman since Kennndy stood up on

    national television and said HEY! WE NEED TO STOP



  • White people won't stand up!?

    Whites that see the hate against blacks or minorities are scared to stand up and testify!!!

    You that don't see it should call them out!

    Why don't you stand and verbilize

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Jerry Falwells memorial,what the?

    Did you see those people lie and never say falwell was

    one of the most prejudice men to live and to be in a

    reverenated political pandora that would keep men

    hating the sick the heavy hearted and the minorities

    thereof....what a crock No man deserves praising that

    hates so much. "Ididn't see a spanish, Black, or

    any minority speak on his beahalf. Why? Because they


    OR HOME.

    What's yout thoughts?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, how many rings does robert Horry have?

    I know 2 Hs., 2La ? ; 2SA

    Am I giving or taking too much?

    He has been a really smart player ever

    since I've known him (kinda a silent assassin)

    you agree?

    9 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • I GOT ONE I GOT ONE! No vomiting please!?

    After reading about the dead rat and vomit I remembered;

    The old lady who stopped coming to church

    so the preacher went to her house and asked why whe

    hadn't been to service

    As he sat she got up to take some meds and replied I

    have a serious mouth infection and it's a bloody mess

    He just happened to notice some peanuts on the coffee table and began to eat them He said to her whered you find these

    large peanuts on the table they have a peculiar taste to them

    She replied oh those,? I could only suck the chocolate off

    1Cor 13:13

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why did I get bumped off "Pheonix Q/A" YIDIOT?




    I have also been surprised and thankfull that the atheists and the non Christians stayed off

    of two Christian Questions this morning

    canyou believe that!!! Thanx Atheists 4reel!!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So why do you follow imperfect man? Like a Pope or Cardinal?

    No man can talk to God for you

    so why do kneel for a POPE that doesn't exist in God's eyes?

    Since Christ is the only way and light why Rm 1:25 follow

    the creation more than the CREATOR? What's your reasoning and can you giveme scripture for it? I can give you scripture NOT to do so.

    Be honest about Mtt 23 isn't that talking about this same thing?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago