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Lv 58,870 points

Da Mick

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Hey. You ask and I answer.....

  • Ghosts and a possible after-life?

    If ghosts exist then obviously there must be life after death.

    I understand that some people do not believe in them but there is evidence to prove that not "just a delusion, etc..."

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • This thing we call light...?

    I was wondering: Does anybody know what light exactly is? I mean we are simply doomed without it. It keeps us warm and even grows the very things(food, plants, trees, etc.) we need for survival. But what is "Light" essentially?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it cool for 16 yr old to date a 20 yr old?

    I'm just curious. I know this dude that's a 16 yr old. I keep telling him that it's NOT COOL under any circumstances, considering that she's well...16. I would really like your opinion on this, because my friend is thick-headed, using the "I love her" excuse...

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Chavez becoming a Dictator?

    IF you read this, understand Chavez also plans on opening State run Restaurants also, again proving the case of Communism in Valenzuela. Obviously, if your understanding this, private ownership must be "against the law." My question. After reading this article, do you really think the people of Valenzuela are "Free?"

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like America today?

    "Racial and Religious oppression-Big business for domination-Inflation-These forces must be stopped and driven back while there is yet time."

    "...In recent years, our enemies have clearly demonstrated the disaster which follows when freedom of thought is no longer tolerated. Honest minds cannot long be regimented without protest."

    "...We have built our Nation not by trying to wipe out differences in religion, or in tradition, or customs among us, not by attempting to conceal our political and economic conflicts, but instead by holding to a belief which rises above all differences and conflicts. That belief is that all men are equal before God. With this belief in our hearts, we can achieve unity without eliminating differences, We can avance the common welfare without harming the dissenting minority. Just as that belief enabled us to build a great Nation, so it can serve as the foundation of world peace."

    Does this sound like America, only from a different perspective?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is exactly a "Savage?"?

    I figure a savage is "Something the other side won't or wouldn't do." An example would be the americans view of the Indians during those times. But flip the coin and its safe to say that the Indians probably thought americans were "savages" from their point of view. So...What is exactly a savage? Just curious as to the opinions out there...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The question of Truth?

    I truth sets you free, then why does it offend people?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Rick Warren for Obama inauguration?

    Really...What is the big deal. So Rick Warren is a Christian and will probably say the "Taboo Word" (Jesus) in his prayer. Does anybody else find this a bit discriminating? And haven't ALL our presidents been inaugurated in this manner?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How come Halloween sucks this year?

    Man is it me? Or people just not celebrating the holidays anymore? I've only seen a few places decked out for the occasion and I'm willing to bet the candy is going to be CHEAP this year for my kids.

    4 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Explain the following "ism's"?

    Explain what a wit had in mind when he penned the following:

    Socialism; "You have 2 cows and give one to your neighbor."

    Communism; "You have 2 cows & give both to the government; & it gives you milk."

    Fascism; "You keep the cows & give the milk to the government & the government gives part of the milk back."

    Nazi-ism; "The government shoots you and takes the cows."

    Republican; "The government shoots one cow,milks the other, & pours the milk in the river."

    Democrat; "You have 2 cows & can't use all the milk, so the government takes part of the milk & makes it available for those who have no pasture."

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Monks being persecuted in China?

    I was wondering what you think about this article. Keep in mind; It is true that the church has been persecuted in many ways under a communist regime in these countries.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are we headed for a new "Cold War" with Russia?

    Russia is making moves to secure South Ossetia and the other region in Georgia. (I believe this is further proof of Communism in Action.) Are we headed for another Cold War?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Christian Persecution in China?

    Pastor Bike was arrested by the Chinese Government basically for being a Christian. He runs an underground Church because they won't let him preach in public. Guess it goes to show you it SUCKS to live in a Communist Country. And if you would Please sign the petition. (Atheists at least think of his humanitarian rights.)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Russia's attack on Georgia...?

    This definitely proves communism still exists. Not only is Russia pretty much taking Georgia,(No, moron. Not the state...) but they are talking about launching an attack on Poland, should they get missile defense from the U.S. What do you think of Russia and their motives?

    15 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • U.S. chances in the Olympics?

    I can remember when the U.S. owned the Olympics, taking huge amounts of gold medals. What do you think of our chances this year? (We didn't exactly look great in 2004...)

    1 AnswerOlympics1 decade ago
  • Socialism (Communism) in Venezuela?

    CARACAS, Venezuela - Riot police used tear gas Wednesday to block hundreds of Venezuelans protesting the latest moves by President Hugo Chavez to concentrate his power. The demonstrators said a blacklist of opposition candidates and a series of socialist decrees are destroying what's left of their democracy.

    This was from todays news. AGAIN doesn't this prove Socialism does NOT work?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Today's Movies a bit "Darker"?

    Are movies becoming more "Sinister" if you get my drift? I just saw "*X-Files" and recently "Dark Knight" and I noticed there's a dark tone (Stylistically) to them as well as others . I'm just wondering what your opinion is on this.

    *Oh...It's worth seeing if your an X-Filer. Really suspenseful.

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Marijuna Debate?

    Why is weed such a crime? I notice people go crazy when they smoke crack or when people chug down alcohol. People can o.d. on these things yet you simply cannot o.d on weed alone. So why is weed such a crime? How is it that Alcohol is safer than weed?

    11 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Has anybody REALLY broke Roger Maris 61 homers?

    Bonds was on Steriods. So was Big Mac and "Slammin'" Sammy. To this day no true baseball fan can say that it was achieved honestly. Also Maris is NOT in the Hall Of Fame, yet Bonds, Sosa, and McGwire will be.

    My question: Should Maris record of 61 homers be reinstated? Pete Rose to this day cannot get a break, but the three mentioned have simply gotten away with "Baseball Murder."

    18 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Gas and the Government??

    Somebody want to tell me WHY the Government is not doing ANYTHING to solve the problem of gas? Everytime they bring these "swollen headed" Oil tycoons for a hearing we get the same result: Higher Gas Prices and Lame duck excuses. Big Oil is making a slaughtering in money, yet they simply cannot "produce" enough. (They even suck at the Karl Marx "Supply and Demand" theory...) When is the Government going to launch an investagation? When we go into a depression? Courtesy of Big Oil?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago