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  • Why does my cat throw up when she eats canned cat food?

    I tried feeding my cat canned cat food when she was just a kitten and she did not like it. I tried several flavors but she would not eat any of them. All she eats is dry cat food. Now she is 3 years old so not too long ago I tried canned food again and she actually ate a little bit of it. Well, she threw up. I wanted to be sure that it was the canned food that made her throw up so I gave it to her again a couple of days later and she threw up again. Now I know for sure it is the canned food but does anyone know why it would make her sick? Is it healthy for her to only eat dry food?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • my son pees on the bathroom floor?

    This is a serious problem in more ways than one. My son is 22 years old. He is autistic and mentally challenged with the mentality of around 5 years old. Recently we came to live with my parents because my mom has Alzheimer's and my dad needed help taking care of her. When my son goes pee he goes all over the bathroom floor and this is really pissing my father off. I keep telling my dad I clean up his pee when he leaves the bathroom so don't get so upset because I do not like you yelling at my son. Well sometimes I don't get to the bathroom before my dad gets in there and then he sees the pee on the floor and just blows a gasket and starts yelling at my son. This is a big problem for my father and I because I don't want him yelling at my son but he says that is the only way he will learn. He thinks that getting mad is the only way to teach anybody, anything. Of course we know that is not right. In fact I personally feel that yelling is abuse but my dad won't listen to me and continues to get mad at my son and yell at him. I can't take this anymore. I was thinking that maybe if I could get some input from other people about either how I can help my son not to pee on the floor anymore or even some input telling my dad how wrong he is about the way he wants to handle this, that might help my dad to stop getting mad because he certainly won't listen to me. Thank you.

    9 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Can someone block an SMS message?

    I sent a sms message to someone a little while ago on his phone and I got a message that says the phone # can not receive sms messages at this time. I believe the person was able to do that so that I won't text him but he swears he didn't do anything. I have never seen this message before with anyone I send sms messages to. Did he do this on purpose? I don't want to call him a liar if he really didn't do something on his phone to not accept my messages.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger10 years ago
  • How long should it take for my cats to get used to a new home?

    I will be moving next month. I have 2 cats who grew up in the house that I live in now. They are both house cats. Only one time I had to take them to my parent's house when I had my house exterminated and as soon as I took them out of their carriers they ran and hid under a bed. It was real hard to get them to come out when it was time to go home. How long should it take before they get used to their new environment? Is there anything I can do to get them to feel more relaxed or just let them come out of hiding when they are ready to?

    8 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Can I get on a plane with an expired I.D.?

    My daughter and her boyfriend have to make an emergency trip and want to fly because they can get to their destination faster. They want to take the first flight out of LAX but neither one of them have a current I.D. and they do not have time to take care of that right now. With all this new security stuff does anyone know if they will be able to fly with an expired I.D.? If they can will they be subject to background searches? One of them is on parole and wants to know if that is something that will be revealed.

    2 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago
  • I Need The Artist And Title Of A Song?

    The only words I know to this song are: Are you going to stay with the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love? Someone's heart is going to break when they know they have lost you, someone's gonna thank the stars above. It is an older song, not sure what year.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • i am looking for the current version of this song?

    Does anyone know where I can download the current version of the song Feel Good Drag by Amberlin. All I am finding on Aries is a different version of the song and that was from 2003.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How can I get my ex-boyfriend out of the apartment?

    5 years ago my now ex-boyfriend and I leased an apartment together. Both of us signed the lease. About a year later we were not getting along very well and he took off for a few months. While he was gone I decided I wanted to end the relationship and I told him over the phone that I did not want him back. He said he will move out but he needs to come back and pick up all of his belongings. He came back but the problem is, that was 3 years ago and he is still here. He says he has no where to go and he does not have the go anywhere because his name is on the lease so I can not make him leave. I am so miserable. He does not pay any rent because he does not have a job. I feel he is taking advantage of the situation because he can. I asked if I can remove him from the lease and I was told no, he has to sign off the lease. Basically I am supporting a dead beat ex-boyfriend! The only thing I can do is move myself but I can not afford to move. I just want him out of here and I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can't buy certain things on Sundays in Missouri?

    This morning my boss told me that in the state of Missouri you can not go to the store and purchase diapers, kotex or tampons on Sundays. I think she is kidding but she swears it is true. Is this true?

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my car?

    I drive a 5 speed chevy cobalt. Today I was driving on the freeway, no traffic so I was going 70 mph and after about 15 minutes I felt the car shake just a little, like I was going over a bumpy road but I travel this freeway quite often and I know there were no bumpy parts to it. Anyway, I am coming up on the off-ramp and it start shaking a little harder. Then I put the car in neutral to glide down the off-ramp and as soon as I put it in neutral the car started shaking real hard, even harder as I started breaking for the red light up ahead. When I started to go again the shaking was gone and I made it the rest of the way home with no shaking. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I need suggestions, fast!?

    We had an earthquake here in Southern California yesterday morning that shook pretty hard. I was at work when it happened but when I got home there were alot of things knocked over in my bedroom and even some broken things. My cat got so scared with the shaking and the noise of things falling and breaking that he went under my bed and has not come out since. He has not eaten anything since yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m. I have tried sweet talking to him but it is not working. I need some suggestions please.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is this normal behavior?

    I have had my cat for 2 years. He is an indoor cat. Last night my daughter brought home a kitten from work and my cat is so afraid of it he will not come out from under my bed. He tried to once a little while ago but he couldn't do it, he ran back under my bed. How long will this last? also, they can use the same litter box can't they? because I do not want 2 litter boxes in my apartment.

    21 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    I am a bookeeper for a finance co. I have been there for 17 years. Unfortunately the owner passed away and they left the niece in charge who does not know what she is doing and she is running the place into the ground. Because of her there is not very much work right now. She sent me home 4 hours early the other day without pay. What really upset me was I did have work to do and she would not listen to me. I also saw her giving work to someone in the collection dept. The collectors have nothing to do with our department! That work should have gone to me!. Today I did payroll and saw that she put in 10 hours that day plus she told me to give her 47 hours overtime! Also, her evil sister comes in whenever she feels like it, usually around noon, leaves about 4 hours later, spends most of that time outside smoking and I have to pay her for 40 hours a week plus an additional 20-30 hrs overtime every 2 weeks! I'm looking for another job but isn't there something I can do about this?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I need an answer fast?

    Because work is slow right now my boss is sending me home without pay. Can she do this if I am a full time employee? I told her that is not fair, it is not my choice to go home and that I need my full paycheck. I need to tell her if this is legal or not.

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Need Help With An Agressive Cat?

    My cat is about a year and 1/2 old and he is really getting agressive. If I am not going in the direction he wants me to go in he will attack my leg. He bats at my leg and bites it. If I am sitting down and he wants me to do something, he will sit right next to me then all of a sudden bite me. I don't think he means to hurt me but this is getting real annoying. Is there a way to stop him from doing this? Also, when I am walking anywhere in the house he will run in front of me and lay down and many times I have tripped over him. I am not experienced with cats enough to know if this normal behavior.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is giving a cat a bath really necessary?

    My cat is an indoor cat. He never goes outside. My daughter insists on giving him a bath once a month. I tell her she does not need to give him a bath so often because he is constantly cleaning himself. Unless your giving the cat a flea bath, do they even need to be bathed at all?

    20 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Identity Theft - What is the use of filing a police report?

    I became a victim of identity theft in 2005. I got all the evidence from my bank and credit card companies and took it to the police dept. and filed a police report. After doing a little investigating of my own I was able to find out the address and the phone # of the person who was using my identity. I took the information to the police department and gave it to the officer who took my report. All he said to me was "don't go over to this person's house and don't call her". Well, the police did absolutely nothing! Now it is happening to me again and even though I am told I need to file another police report, it seems like just a waste of time when they don't do anything about it. I was told by a fraud investigator at a credit card company that they never arrest anyone unless the victim has suffered a financial loss. Fortunately for me, I did not suffer a financial loss but isn't it a crime to steal someone's identity and use it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Which job do you think is more dangerous?

    My daughter now works at 7/11 but she says she wants to quit because there has been so much gang activity in the area lately. She wants to take a job delivering pizzas in a gang infested area. I told her that delivering pizzas would be much more dangerous than working at 7/11. what do you think?

    9 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I lost my bankruptcy papers?

    I filed chapter 7 in 2001 and today I received a call from a collection agency that says I owe a $3,000 balance on my Discover card which I know I included in my bankruptcy but I can not find my paperwork. I can not even remember my bankruptcy lawyer's name. Does anyone know if the bankruptcy court could give me a copy of my paperwork?

    10 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I need suggestions?

    My boyfriend of 13 years has left me and I am still very much in love with him. How do I get over this terrible pain? I feel so numb all the time. I just don't want to do anything or talk to anyone. All I do is cry.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago