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Lets see....... I have a wonderful horse. I live in a house with 2 sisters, 1 brother, 1 mother, 4 cats and 3 dogs. I can't wait to graduate. I read a lot. I write a lot. My favorite class is English. If I get below an A I am dissapointed in myself. I love words. I like X-Men. Im kinda a closet romantic. I in love. I'm pretty cynical. I can make killer cheesecake. i work I can coast through school and still get excellent grades without cheating. I want to be a child psychologist I play KOTOR (knights of the old republic) I question everything. I don't really have a 'real' religion. I visit the astral plain. I rpg.

  • Where can I buy Lavender Preggie Pops?

    My little sister is pregnant, and has horrible nausea. We saw the Preggie Pops and decided to give them a try. Of all them, only the lavender pop actually worked. And hey IT WORKED! However, I want to know if anyone knows of a place online I can buy JUST the LAVENDER pops?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Can you help me stay awake?

    I have a really bad cold and have taken cold medicine for it, and now I just want to fall asleep. However, the problem is that I can't, because I'm in an important class that I can't miss. I need help staying awake. Any tips?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Projects for Psych class?

    I have about only a few weeks to work on a project for psych class, he just assigned it. It should be something relatively simple, must be legal, and have a viable come out. This is for a high school AP class. It will run a few weeks. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Dealing with anxiety?

    I have just recently sought help for what my school psychologist believes may be some sort of anxiety disorder. She referred me for full evaluation to a psychiatrist and told me to either quit my job or cut down my hours.

    She believes a bunch of the stess may be the fact I have four high school classes, two college classes and a nearly full time job, as well as a hectic family life and that may be what is causing my panic attacks.

    I've had a lot of almost constant anxiety and two full blown panic attacks just in the last month. It will be at least another week or two until I see a psychiatrist or start counseling and this is really scaring me. It's causing me not to act like myself; I'm always on the edge of freaking out, and have gotten really shy and feel like I need to bolt.

    So here's the question: I need some tips on how to deal with this anxiety until I can get professional help; I hate feeling like I'm losing my mind.

    I did cut my hours down to three days a week.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Could I be pregnant even with a negative urine test?

    My period is about 3 weeks late, I've had sore breasts, morning sickness like symptoms, fatigue, what might have been implantation bleeding. (I spotted for less than 3 hours). They did a urine test today at the community health clinic, and it was negative, as have been the home pregnancy tests I've taken. Could I still be pregnant?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can hours be removed legally from pay?(Quickly please)?

    (I live in Wyoming.) My boss is taking off one hour for each 8+ hour shift I worked because I didn't take my breaks. The company is doing this to everyone. I know that I personally didn't take breaks because there was no one to cover the register for me while I did. Is this legal?

    Please provide legitamite sources. Also, how would I go about filing a complaint if it is not?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that people from many religions can be friends?

    I have a paganistic religion, but have cristian friends, as well as wiccan and other religions. We can all get along and discuss openly our choices and why, so why are so many people so violent. I remember once being told by a person I considered my friend that I was going to hell, and so was my father and many others I loved, and new were good people, simply because we weren't christian. I regret losing that friend, but I have other's who still love me. Any one else have a similar friendship or interesting experience?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To become a physcologist?

    Im about to begin the tenth grade. I want to be a youth physcologist. Any suggestions on what would be the best path to take?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Fear for the future?

    Does anyone else fear for our future? They say children are our future. I'm 15 years old, and if the kids i see around me are the future, im scared.

    So many of my peers will get a rude awakening when they finally realize that they can't coast through life. I know there are a bunch of us out there that don't, but a majority of them do. Many of my schoolmates felt lucky to get a d- at the end of semesters. Not because they were dumb, but because they were lazy and knew they could get away with it. And they can. Because the standards for education are dropping, and requirements for thriving are too. Most kids that i know have parents who don't pay attention to that fact. and its sad.

    Strangly enough, i know a bunch of people who care about thier children's future and all that, but why is the vast majority of what I see upsetting?

    10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why is country music seeming so horrible? I mean, no one likes it anymore.?

    Except me and a few friends. I am mostly country, however, almost everyone else I know thinks country is stupid. In every book I read, the characters think country music is sappy and dull. In a lot of movies it is like that too. When we run in PE. They play this crappy music I can't understand. They've had about 2 country songs the whole time.

    17 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • SCA related question?

    I wish to join the SCA, and am only more intrigued by the information I have read about it, however, I am about 5 hours away from the nearest group. Is my case hopeless, and do you have any suggestions to help me? Please.

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Speech and debate? Mostly Interps.?

    I have my first tournament today and I'm nervous as can be...luckily we dont have to have it completely memorized today. Ok, well the question is for future reference. Can you use self-published work for the interps(speech) part? ex-poetry, drama, humor, duet

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Is it even possible?

    Is it even possible for a 14 year old girl with no money to get published by a publishing agency?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think of a horror story about cannibals, cops, and revenge?

    cause i've written one. Its a short story and its better than it sounds.


    "The headlines of the local newspaper read, "Three Cops Disappear, One Found." They thought they had the whole story. They’re wrong. Only two people know the whole story. Would you like to meet them? Well, if you happen to be a cop, or happen to know one, they would be delighted to have you for dinner."

    That's the intro. the back of the book says,

    "The headlines of the local newspaper read, "Three Cops Disappear, One Found." They thought they had the whole story. They’re wrong. Only two people know the whole story. Would you like to meet them? Well, if you happen to be a cop, or happen to know one, they would be delighted to have you for dinner."

    Join one cop, Kyle Fent as he discovers the grisly truth about his new partner. But will he make it through dinner to tell the tale?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think a book like mine would be like? Would you like to see a preview?

    Amanda Samuels is normal. She lives alone with her mother. But recently she discovered there is more to the world than she thinks. She discovers that her best friend and her mother are hunters, and that her best friend Lil is a immortal shapeshifter. The Immortal creatures are called Dusk creatures, and they rule the night. The people who hunt these creatures are called Dawn. Amanda has just discovered that since her mother is a hunter and her father was turned to a vampire, she is a Gray. A Gray rules both worlds. They get a power boost during dawn and dusk, but with this power comes a terrible price. Many Gray's commit suicide or are killed because of the grisly decisions they must and the pain those decisions cause them.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago