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I dont normally ask for relationship advice, but?
I am in college and i've always had guys around that i have known for years, but i have met this guy that is just totally different than anything i've dated before. He is always acting really interested one minute, then the next, he won't even speak to me. I suppose this is fueling my attraction to him, but should i pursue this potential beau or just forget about it? I feel like im acting like a 8th grader again :/
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoAnxiety attacks or am i just crazy?
I have gotten to where I am constantly on edge and i cant relax at all. I've had panic attacks when i was younger, so i know what they are but this is different. I'm in a history class where im squeezed up against the wall because the room is crowded and the desks and chairs are tiny because my college is cheap and these feelings have developed since i've been in this class. I get nauseous and i feel like i can't stay in my skin. Are these symptoms of anxiety or something worse?
6 AnswersMental Health10 years agoLight brown on top, bleach blonde underneath?
Im thinking of a new hair style other than my stupid blonde locks that i have had forever. I was thinking my natural dirty blonde/light brown hair on top, but bleaching the bottom. Would it look ok? Or am i just crazy?
7 AnswersHair10 years agoI need help with earrings....?
So, i got my ears pierced for the first time in January. I'm a girl and i love wearing pretty earrings and stuff, but most post earrings get on my nerves. And while dangling earrings are comfortable they get caught in my hair. I've been shopping for hoops, but i haven't found anything i like. But i want something that ill slide freely through my ear without squeezing the back of it or pulling. My boyfriend has his lip ring and i was wondering if they make earrings (for women) like the ball and hoop design. Or if they are called something else... 10 points to anyone who can make sense of this!
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years agoLoratabs (sp?) and other pain killers?
If taken in access, such as an addiction, can these cause random bruising? My friend is starting to get addicted to them, and he looks really bad. What i thought were bags under his eyes are bruises. He says he hasnt been hit or done anything to hurt himself. Im trying to get him help. :[
1 AnswerOther - Health10 years agoI'm ready for some new anime...Any suggestions?
I just finished Elfin Lied, and I've seen Inuyasha, Bleach, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Naruto..etc..... I'm just looking for something different. Romance-y? And if possible preferably available on netflix. :) Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Entertainment10 years agoThe tudors....Netflix has confused me?
I just started watching on netflix and so far, i am confused as heck... Does the series jump around...or am i really missing episodes?
4 AnswersDrama10 years agoCould i be in a depression?
Heres the deal. Im almost 19 years old and im home from college on break. My parents wont let me do anything. Not even going to my friends house whos 16. I do what they ask, and ive ALWAYS been a good kid. Ive never partied, had sex, gotten drunk...pretty much, you name it, i havent done it. Im surprised they even let me dress myself. I've been trapped in my stupid house for 3 weeks now and i havent been able to see my friends, or go see the guy im trying to date. But its kinda hard to date someone if you cant leave the freaking house. With that said, i've started having these really violent outbursts and i can cry at the drop of a hat (Not period time) and i sit by myself and i dont want anyone to touch me or talk to me. I feel like im losing my mind. Im not motivated to do anything, like do my hair when my parents actually take us out of the house and go eat, or get dressed in something other than a tshirt and shorts. I even wear crocs all the time just to piss my mother off. Everytime my mother talks to me, all she does is yell and fuss at me. Im sick of my life and i have started to accept the fact that im just a waste of space. Without giving a smarta$$ answer, what do you think is happening to me?
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoDo other phones besides the iphone have dual cameras?
Like, camera on the front and camera on the back? For skyping purposes. I want an android, but that is the only thing making me lean toward the iphone.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoCould this possibly work out?
I met this guy on this chat site thingy and he lives about an hour away from me. We've been texting for a few weeks now and we really seem to like each other. Were supposed to meet soon to see if we would really like each other. I'm 19 and he's 24, Realistically do you think a relationship can grow from this?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoRandom dull throbbing pains?
I'm getting these pains that pop up spontaneously. And they hurt so bad that the only thing that I can do it wrap said area in an ace bandage and try to go to sleep. Ibuprofen won't even help it. My mom has rheumatoid arthritis and I was wondering if I could have possibly inherited it. They only last for about a day, but its horrible. I've had knee injuries and this feels like joint pains but in my lower arms. If you can help that would be great :)
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoToo much of an age difference?
I'm 19 but I'm talking to this guy that's 24... Is that too big of an age difference?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat is this song? (rap)?
I dont know who sings it, but its like hes rapping so fast that hes mumbling. Its not that mexican song where the guy mumbles the whole time, but it kinda sounds like it. I know this didnt help much and id give you some of the lyrics, but ive only heard it once. But i wanna know what it is. Its been bugging me all day!
5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoAm i being way too mean to this guy?
We just met at the end of January, and we started dating at the beginning of February, and by the beginning of march i was so tired of him. Im not the type of girl that dates around, but he is 22 and im 18. He was talking about marriage and junk and i really didnt have feelings for him. He has no friends and always leeched off of me for attention. I broke up with him and he begged me to come back, but i held my ground because to be quite honest, i didnt have ANY feelings for him at that point. I still dont. Now, i try to avoid him because he is being stalker-ish. Like, standing outside of my classes waiting on me to come out (were in college) and he parks near me so he can watch me walk to class. Its annoying. What would you do in this situation?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat is a good middle name for the name Aeryn?
Pronounced Aaron, or Erin.
I need something kinda original. :) thanks
4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoSpontaneous Knee Swelling... I didnt do anything?
I play fastpitch softball and yesterday i was warming up pitching and working on my drop ball when my knee, that i have had ACL surgery on 2 years ago, suddenly started feeling a little swollen, so i went back inside and by the time i got into the building, my knee was doubled in size and throbbing. I went to my family physician and he said the ACL felt fine and he could only think that i tore a muscle above my knee, the problem is, i didnt feel any pain that is usually related to my knee problems. Im going today back to my surgeon but ever since 2 o clock yesterday afternoon, the swelling has not subsided and my knee is puffed up and hard as a rock. the best way i an describe it, is it looks like a beluga whales forehead above my knee cap. Its quite nasty. I wasnt able to walk yesterday due to the favct my skin hurt so badly but today, i can walk just a little. I would really like to know what you guys may think i could have done... :)
2 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoI need to loose weight without loosing muscle... Advice?
Im trying to get back onto a prom dress and im a fastpitch softball pitcher and the muscles in my back have bulked up from pitching workouts and now my dress is tight in the back... what are some ways to loose fat on my back (that sounds so nasty lol)? Its mid season and im the starting pitcher so i cant really just quit pitching... Any workouts i can try?
10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWhat is the song that Temple Grandin sings in her Valedictorian speech?
Thank you!!!!
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoAdvice giving issues?
I have this guy friend that is like my best friend and he tells me everything and were really close. Hes got this girl he likes and they are pretty much just "Makeout buddies" and he doenst want to ask her out cause he doesnt want a girlfriend and his mom is on his case about it... Hes turning to me about this but i dont have the heart to tell him to either ask her out, or dump her completely. Im completely stumped on this one and usually im full of infinate knowledge...but i've seemed to run out.
HELP!!!!??? thanks! :)
Friends1 decade agoPMDD? (Ladies or doctors??)?
Im 17 years old and ever since september my periods have started getting farther apart, but i still have them every month, and im not sexually active, but they have become more and more painful these last few months and i have become where Im very violent the week before my period, so bad ive scared myself.... Is this PMDD? Will/can birth control help with the pain and moodiness?
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago