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Lv 56,723 points

Mary B

Favorite Answers24%
  • How do i get my wireless to work on vacation?

    I have a toshiba laptop with an external wireless card. At home it works, but while on vacation i could not log on to a secure site. Yes i have the password but when i try to log on i get a message that says, problem applying profile. Any ideas as i am going back and want to be able to get on line

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I had a friend that was murdered in 2002 three men were accused of it? Where can i find out what happened with

    the case? I have looked at the dept. of corrections web site and none of these men are in prison. How do i find out what happened in the case?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Some of you christians why are you going out of your way to push people away frome Christ?

    We are supposed to be showing our Chirstianity by our love, yet so many are spewing hate and discontent I am afraid for you. If you do beleive in Jesus you should know that we will all stand before Him and answer for what we have done. Those that are trying to teach His word will be judged more harshly. Remember Jesus said, that what you do for the least of these you do for me. Do you hate Him? Because you are hating His people. Only God has the right to judge. again i quote -Judge not as you will be judged with equal measure.So why do you talk this way to others?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I am almost 45 and have been menstruating for two weeks, I am not on birth control.?

    I have cramps and back pain. I am perimenaposal but have never had this kind of period they usualy last three days and done. Could this be from perimenapose? should I go to the Dr's

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do i explain prejudice to my teenage son?

    He is Black and adopted into a white family and he has always been okay with that. I have tried to explain to him that not all people feel like we do. Now he wants to date a Lebaneze girl and her parents forbid it they are not even allowed to talk to each other. I asked the girl what the problem was and she said her parents don't like it because they are of different races. My son said they can't be prejudice they aren't white.

    how do I explain to him that it is not always a black, white thing. That prejudice come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

  • Do you think it is kind of sad that?

    the majority of people that complain about the government are the ones that don't vote?

    22 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Does it bother anyone else that the media calls President Bush Mr?

    When I watch the news I get mad that they refer to the President as Mr. Bush. I beleive that even if you don't like him you owe him the respect he is do, for dealing with that job in the first place. The media still calls clinton President Clinton. The media itself shows no respect for the position of President. They are the ones leading this country into the ground with this behavior. Does anyone else agree?

    12 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Help for a hurting teenager?

    My husband and I took in a fifteen year old boy two and half years ago. His mother had passed away and he was living with a step father. He is a middle child with older and youger siblings the older ones were all in jail and the younger ones had a grandmother that wanted them, she would have taken him but he did not want to go with her.. The state took him and siblings out of the house because of somthing one of the older ones said about the step father. The older ones claim sex abuse with both parents, my boy will not talk about his past at all. Not with counselers or a pastor or anyone, he just clams up. I worry about the repercussions of him not getting it out of him. How do I get him to open up with someone, anyone would be better than keeping it locked up. He is a very good kid but i see pain on his face everyday and it kills me to see him hurting because of this.

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why are we raising children these days with no morals or ethics?

    When I was young we were taught to be nice, like if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything,

    We respected the elderly, held doors for women and old people. We didn't snitch on each other. or threaten each other with guns. We knew how to be respectful. Now it seems as if all we teach kids is how to fight for what they feel their intitled to. They think we owe them somthing why is this?

    17 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • why is my 17 year old son choking in his sleep?

    My adopted son has been choking in his sleep usually it is about time for him to wake up. I have heard him twice before but he brought himself out of it. This morning he was choking so hard and couldn't stop I told him to sit up and he said he couldn't breath, then I went into his room and smacked him on his back and he finally threw up and then he could breath on his own. His biological mother died from sleep apnea should I be worried about this with him? He is also just getting over a bad cold.

    6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • where to move in the south us.?

    We are looking to move from michigan to a warmer climate. We want a small town that is accepting of all people. We can relocate anywhere what is a good small town for a moderate income and friendly people

    11 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Christians answer please?

    Where is there a good place on the web for serious questions about the Word? I feel attacked every time I read this board I know this is good because We will be persecuted for our beliefs. But this site is by choice so do we stay and keep feeling this way, or should we all spend time with like minded people. Do you ever feel that you have reached anyone from here?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago