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Just be nice to each other. It's not that difficult to do - and it will make you feel better about yourself. Life is a trip, isn't it? You never know what's around the next corner! But, whatever life throws your way, know that everything happens for a reason - and that you are loved.

  • OMG - can you guess why I received an Answers violation?

    Yesterday, someone posted that he wanted some suggestions on how to get his 4 year old niece to play doctor with him. I'm sorry, but that not only hints at incest, it also suggests pedophilia. So, I answered and called him a low life piece of sh*t. Today, I get an email from Answers that I received a violation for that answer. Amazing.

    27 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How do you pick yourself back up after not getting a job you really wanted?

    I interviewed last week for a company I really wanted to work for. The position was just what I wanted, it was a dynamic company, would have been a short commute and with excellent pay. I ended up one of the top two candidates. Even though the recruiter thought I was the best person for the job, the company went with the other person. I interview well, have a great resume and a great personality. But, I just keep getting passed over for jobs. I was downsized at age 50 (along with 10,000 co-workers) from a giant telecommunications company in 2002, had one totally crappy job for three years and am now unemployed again. I just can't seem to get back on my feet, both career wise and financially. It's really beginning to get to me. Anyone have any words of advice/wisdom?

    13 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Shady "termination" by employer while on medical leave. Any insights?

    I have been on medical leave from my employer since late July of this year, after having major surgery. Although I have kept my employer advised of the status of my disability (including submitting certifying paperwork), I had never heard one thing from my employer until I received a certified letter today, stating that I was now considered an "inactive" employee and no longer on the payroll. My medical benefits have ended as well. I was never advised by my employer that my job was in jeopardy, nor given any status on my FMLA, which was submitted before my leave began. Now, my ex-employer is stating my FMLA leave of absence began when I was still reporting to work every day and that I was advised of this. I was never given status on anything. Now, I'm sick AND out of a job. They will never "re-hire" me. I have contacted my state's Fair Employment dept (waiting for return call) and will be meeting with an employment law attorney. I'm devastated. Serious replies only please.

    5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Has anyone tried the new Quadlines roller skates?

    I just discovered Quadlines roller skates online. I've loved roller skating since I was a little girl and I'm really intrigued by the Quadlines. (For those who haven't heard of them, they are similiar to conventional quads, but the wheels are almost four times the diameter of conventional quad wheels, Quadlines have a wider stance, plus the actual wheel is narrower than a regular quad wheel.) I'm considering purchasing a pair, but they're not cheap ($150 to almost $600 a pair). Any Quadlines people out there? Thanks... (and Happy Thanksgiving!)

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade ago
  • Could you please say a prayer for students involved in the Colorado school takeover on Wednesday?

    Especially as the mother of a teenage daughter, my heart is so heavy today for the students, parents and staff at the school in Bailey, Colorado. And as we learn additional details about the hostage-taking, it's just so tragic and horrifying.

    I don't understand what the world is coming to. How someone could victimize and murder others like this gunman did at the school is beyond comprehension to me. I can't begin to imagine what that the girls who were taken hostage went through. As a parent, I can't imagine what the parents went through, trying to learn if their children were alright - and are now faced with trying to help their children recover.

    Please say a prayer for the girls who were taken hostage, for the family of the slain girl and for their family, friends and the community.

    It's just all so very senseless and tragic. The man who did this is a good example of why I just don't understand the nature of evil.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Anyone seen the "My Cubicle" video?

    That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! It's sung to the tune of "You're Beautiful" by someone who sounds ALOT like James Blunt. Funny, funny, funny. Especially if you need a laugh today, don't miss this one. It's on todays Yahoo home page. Enjoy... : )

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Anyone gone through thyroid surgery lately?

    I was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid about 18 months ago. Because I felt fine for many months and was going through other things at the time, I just blew it off. Big mistake. My thyroid gland grew so large that I ended up with a racing heartrate, extremely dry, flaky skin that itched so bad I thought about killing myself over it, extreme fatigue and problems with concentration.

    After not having a good night's sleep for almost eight months, I drug myself to an endocrinologist. When medication didn't work, I ended up in a surgeons office, who advised me that untreated thyroid conditions can tax the heart so much, it can make you go into heart failure! I'm now one week post-op, and even though I'm still building up my stamina, I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel! It will take months for my skin to recover, but my concentration is back on track, my heartrate has returned to normal and I sleep like a dream! Please don't ever ignore a diagnosis like I did.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on the gospel of inclusion?

    If any of you caught the Dateline story last night about Pastor Carlton Pearson, just wondered what your thoughts are. I'm not looking for a screaming match, just honest opinions.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • WHAT is the deal with some of you people??????

    From time to time, people post here that they are seriously considering suicide. Most of you answer with concern - but there are several who will answer suicide posts with just pure hatred. One person even sent a list of ways for the person to kill him or herself. WTF?????? What if YOU were that person not wanting to live? Would you want some heartless jerk telling YOU to just go the nearest cliff and jump off? Some of you people make me totally sick. Life is not a joke. For those of you who respond with caring and try to offer hope to people who post with thoughts of suicide - thank you.

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • WHAT is the deal with Somethin on Flavor of Love?

    Lord have mercy - is Somethin the craziest woman in the universe or WHAT? First, she acted like a total fool during almost the entire show, THEN girlfriend sh*t on the stairs??? OMG!!! And she really didn't seem embarrassed about it! She was all like " hum, well, I had to sh*t"...with that stupid look on her face. You know how sometimes you need a really good laugh? Girlfriend did it for me last night. LOL!!!!

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Can I make a correction?

    I just posted the question, "Are you a military parent?" As one poster commented, I really meant "militaristic", and I certainly wasn't trying to insult parents, or children of parents who are in the military.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • Are you a military parent?

    I was in line at the bank yesterday, behind a woman and her little boy. He looked about 6 years old. There were about 500 thousand people in line and only two tellers, so I watched this mother-child interaction for awhile.

    Every time the kid so much as MOVED, the mom was all over him! One time, the kid just barely touched the little rope thingy and mom said, "...hands off!! and looked at the kid like she was going to kill him or something.

    I just want to remind parents that children need a parent, not a warden or a dictator. I've heard of parents who slap their childrens' hands dozens of times a day!! I mean, come on!!! No wonder kids can turn into such screwed up adults.

    For the "on your kids case 24 hours a day" parents, or anything close to that, I just want to remind you that what children need is the assurance that they're loved, that they're safe and that they can mess up sometimes. They will love you for it in return. And yes, I'm a parent.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What if YOU felt suicidal?

    This morning, someone posted that they wanted to commit suicide. You never know if suicide posts are real or not, but, because it's a serious thing, I respond to suicide posts as if the poster is serious.

    Many people who responded to the post offered words of hope and empathy, but there were some who responded with hateful words, urging the person to do it, or saying something stupid like "'l'll join you". We all know that life can be very difficult at times, and there are alot of people who have considered suicide at one time or another. I know I have.

    Growing up, I was taught 'if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.' Whether any of us here care or not, that poster is very likely someone's loved one. Think of your loved one, how you would feel if anything happened to him or her.

    Lately, alot of the posts have been very hateful. Can we just give someone a break sometime? Life is difficult enough.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Any Van Morrison fans out there?

    I've loved Van Morrison's music forever. I'm trying to find the CD that has the single "These are the Days (the days of Summer)" on it. It played at the end of the movie 'Nine Months' with Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore. (Nice comedy/romantic movie.)

    I can't find it! Any Van Morrison gurus out there?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Dang - I hate layoffs! Anyone feel the same?

    I had a dynamite job with AT&T for 14 years. Great pay, short commute, pretty decent co-workers. Then, layoff fever swept through the company and I was one of 10,000 downsized nationally in 2002. It's like, one year I'm a "Leading Legend" and two years later I'm just a seniority number.

    For the LIFE of me, I haven't been able to find a decent job since! I not only earn 50% less at the company I currently work for, but it's also the cheapest company on the planet.

    I am so tired of hearing people say "...oh, my layoff was the best thing that ever happened to me..." and "...oh, you just have to EMBRACE the opportunity for change...". Sometimes, things just don't work out right after a layoff.

    A few weeks ago I had the best interview I had ever had. I just KNEW I had that job! Only to get a "...thanks, but no thanks" letter in the mail this week. I do my best to stay positive, but sometimes it's hard not to picture myself in 20 years living under a bridge. Dang!

    6 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Mom diagnosed with Alzheimers four years ago - can anyone relate?

    My mom (now age 86) was diagnosed with Alzheimers four years ago. My mother and I were always very close, and this diagnosis has been devastating.

    Her diagnosis came three weeks after a horrible downsizing and things have been very difficult for me since. I now earn less than 50% of my former salary and have health problems, although I call my mom (who now lives in a nursing home) several times a week.

    For anyone who has a friend or loved one with Alzheimer's, you know what I mean when I say the disease just seems to take your loved one and just hollows them out. That spark in their eye, their vitality, it's just gone.

    Even though my mom is still alive, I feel like she's already gone. I miss her incredible cooking, how she'd always listen to me and remind me that things would be ok. My mom was a good, honest person all her life. She never hurt a soul. Seeing what the Alzheimer's is doing to her has truly shown me what a broken heart feels like.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Downsized blues - 14 years down the drain - anyone know what I mean?

    I was downsized (along with 10,000 of my co-workers) in 2002, after being with AT&T for 14 years. I know people who worked for AT&T for 28 years and were downsized.

    Since the downsizing (my second with the company), my wages have dropped 50% and the company I work for is the worst place I've ever worked. People are leaving in droves, but I haven't been able to find another great job with decent pay.

    Sometimes it really gets me down. I'm a union person, but, when it comes to layoffs, when you're in a union, you're just a number on a layoff list. Sometimes I feel like I'll never make good money and have a job I love again. I'm 54 years old and the clock is ticking. No jerk answers, please.

    5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago