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Lv 613,913 points

Johan from Sweden

Favorite Answers20%
  • How does a dream looks like?

    If you would try and imagine something you dream about and wants as a character or a person, how would that looks like?

    The vision should be positive, like a vish to become an actor, but it could as well have a negative/holding back effect on the character in question.

    And I am only after ideas and other peoples povs to give myself more choices, so the vilder and more unexpected the suggestions the better. Johan.

    1 AnswerTheatre & Acting9 years ago
  • Good names for a "bad" (antagonist) character?

    okey I founded out that the name I originally taked for my antagonist (evil character) in my musical isnt working, or at least taken already.

    Just to get my creative juices flewing on this matter whats some good names that fits the following criterias:

    *Dog name

    *Antagonist, male character in mid/late part off life.

    *Strong, not afraid to kill if it fits his cause. Kinda leader off the pack/mob. He went through horrible things in his past/youth that affect him today.

    *I see him as origin from almost upper/noble class but has done a class journey and is today more or less living on the streets.

    Get youre creative jouces flowing! Ten points to best answer!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Who holds the right for AC Clarkes book "Songs from Distant Earth"?

    So I am working with an idea to adopt this excellent book into a musical. But who hold theese kind off rights now when Clarke so unfortunately has passed away? Johan.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Whats the best love songs?

    Oki so to get something to base my writing on and get my brain tuned correctly I need good examples of love songs that fills the following criterias:

    *For two persons, male and female.

    *For persons that just felt in love so it has to be positive in the mode.

    Have fun and use youre talents here! Johan.

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Powerfull symbol of death thats work on stage?

    I need a powerfull symbol for death, or rather comiting suecide, thats work on stage (Simular to the Jorney to Heaveyside Lawyer in Cats). I was thinking about entering a door but I am not sure that works without a schoolbook of explonations... (No guns or firearms please and no to obvious religious symbols) And yes I know all the versions off "its youre call etc" (ive used em a number off times myself!) I only want to see if there is tricks in the book I havent thaught off yet... Johan.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • How do you cut in a theather play?

    Well in a movie you can easy cut to skip uninteresting part of a long conversation for example, or speeding up the tempo or a number off different trick. But how do you do in a play if some one has a lengthy conversation (this is determed by the theme) and you only want to show the beging and end of that conversation, or just a part in the middle?

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Whats the deal about Disney Channel?

    Okej Ive seen a hundred of question about how to be in Disney Channel and audtions of them and so on so my question is whats so special about them? Whats make bunches off not so old people (my guess) dreams about acting or work at just that channel? I mean there is hundreds or thoundsends of tv channels all around the globe and more than one targeted for children.

    Ofc I know all about what Disney made and all theyre legacy but still. And ofc it would be fun for me to write a script or two (I write scripts on my free time) for them but I am not single headed aiming for that specific channel and that channel only. So my Question is whats so special with Disney Channel? Johan.

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • A daughter longing for her mother?

    What would be a good symbol for a young (teenager) daughters wishes to be with her mother? Or a good way to show this for an audience?

    Well I have this great script but the opening needs a rewrite and Id figured out that I need some sort of symbol that clearify the lead caracters wishes to be with her mother, she currently live with her father. The script is setted in past so I obviously need something that works without computers and modern days technology and it has to be a real powerfull, hit right into the heart thing.

    I know its my script and so on but I would aprociate some good input on this one. Tx in advance. Johan.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • As a woman, what would make you fell in love with a guy?

    If a man could do absolutely anything to fulfill your dreams, including changes his apperence and way of being, what would make you fell in love with him? (Just some research for a script) Johan

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Qestion about tiping.?

    When you tip at a ship like Jewel off the seas for things like room service what kind of amount is considered as minimum? $1? $5 or what? I dont wanna offense any one and I dont wanna put more dollar than necessery on tiping so please give me some good advice here.

    Please note that I am not talking about either mandatory tiping to the crew (pre paid) nor the 15% bar tips that goes automaticly here and I knew that you basicily can pay what amount you whant but I could use some guidelines here. Johan

    4 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • How to show a person as a extreme female?

    I am working on a script and I want to show that a female is somewhat extreme or pushing her female side. Its not about being a femenist (some one fighting for female freedom) its just about setting a roof on how to not behave like I wouldnt like my daughter to be like that, definetily not.

    Its an 18th century plot so nothing involving modern tech thank you. Serious answers only please. Johan.

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • I need to show a caracters longing to her female side?

    I am doing a movie script thats in the 18th century and I need to show how a young female that has been raised in a mens society aboard a ship misses her female side. I also need to show it so that I can make a comparision at the end of the movie when she had found her female side. I am not an woman so my knowledge of female is a little bit waque.


    What does you think is female? (it must be possible to show it in 18th century style movie)

    And how do I show it in the movie?

    Oh and please skip all answers of its your script so its your call. I am fully aware of that. What I am after is to get an idea of what normal humans think about this questions so that I can find a way to write somethings that realy hits the hearts of the audience. Johan

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Jewel off the seas pros and cons?

    I am going on a cruise with Royal Carribeans Jewel of the seas. I would like to know how your cruise experience on her was? Was the crew friendly? Did you like the food? Was the cabin (especialy balcony cabins) good? Good viewing spots? Serious answer only please! Johan

    4 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • What kind of uniforms in the new Star Trek movie?

    Hi star trek lovers out there!

    Has any one seen what kind of star fleet uniforms theyre gonna use for the new movie? I would prephere the classic original series uniforms but there is an option for the red white jumpsuits in movies to. So what uniform have JJ Adams chosen? And which one is your favourite? Live long and prosper! Oh and serious answers only please...

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How to be an extra in the Star Trek Movie?

    As a trekkie I would love to be an extra in the upcoming star trek movie Star Trek (also called Star Trek XI). Has any one heard how JJ Adams and Paramount gets their statists and where they are going to shot? Johan

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Reason to attack?

    I write on a book that got something missing so I need a little bit off brainstorming to make it work. And please dont answer things like its your book, its your call. It is but I need this brainstorming to find logical and working ideas for the book.

    So here is the question: Youre a leader off an empire. You know youre going to loose a battle and loose it big, like a large part off your forces. But you attack anyway and attack in force with all you got. WHY? Johan

    20 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Author need help: Hospital in Houston that works with NASA?

    Does NASA work with any hospital in Houston in or near Johnson space center? If so please give me the name of it.

    Or give me the name of a first class hospital in Houston area?

    Is there any good childrens hospital in the Houston area?

    I need it for a astronaut in a book so please give me serius answers only. Johan

    6 AnswersHouston1 decade ago
  • USA medal for civilians?

    Whats the best medal a civilian, employed at NASA can get? I am writing a book and a part of it is about a NASA boss that saves the day and inderecly the country. Any suggestions on suiteble medals? Johan

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • any adwise on writing a book?

    I have begun to write books (in swedish!) And would like to have a few advices.

    In youth books or childrens books are there any minimum numbers of sides? Do publisher accepts books thats say 20 a4 pages or do they want more pages?

    How many pages is a "normal" book?

    Is there any trick in getting say 200 pages out off a story and still make it a good story?

    Whats the best way to find fact if youre low on money?

    Any other hints and advices? Johan

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is the Objective riffle fielded yet?

    I read that the us army is developing a series of weopon called "Objective". Its includes a riffle, a sniper riffle and a replecement to MRE:s (Meals ready to eat) How far has they come and are the weopons fielded yet? Johan

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago