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Lv 42,966 points

Ranjan I

Favorite Answers22%
  • Registration of Marriage.?

    2 years back I was married as per Hindu religion norms and would now like to have a resigered marriage.

    I was married in Pune and am now putting up in Mumbai.

    What is the easiest way out?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • I want to Transport a cycle to Gandhinagar?

    I have a bicycle in dismantled condition packed in a cardboard box measuring about six ft X 4 ft which I want to transport from Surat to Gandhinagar which is the best and cheapest way out ?

    3 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • Flying insect problem?

    It is rainy season here and it is regularly raining very heavily . My problem is that when I am working in my PC in the evening hours say from 7 to 11 PM lots of fine flying insects (not mosquitoes) hoover around my PC and table lamp and irritate me as I am working with sleevless shirt.

    I am continuously spraying inceticides say around 4 PM and putting the good night but nothing is helping.

    I have wire mesh in my window but some how the insects appear in the evening which is not the case in day time. Can any body suggest any remedy preferably home made remedy?

    2 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • DVD not operational in DVD player?

    I sent function DVD recording to my relative in U.S It worked in their computer.

    They want to watch the same in their plasma tv through DVD player and have informed that the same is not working through the DVD.

    What could be the cause and how to overcome this?

    Kindly advise in lay man's language

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Like cordless mouse pad, do we also have cordless key board?

    Key board and mouse are essential requirements for operating PC

    I have a cordless mouse which has increased my efficiency for operating PC and is user friendly.

    What I wanna know is that do we also have cordless key board so that we can operate from a distance of our convenience?

    6 AnswersLand Phones8 years ago
  • How to delete visited sites?

    I work for a company and in discharge of my work, I am required to visit various sites to get references and compile the same to my advantage.

    We have WIFI system in the office and few others in my category are impressed with my work especially the facts which I fetch from sites and reproduce in my version and are keen to know the sources.

    Is it possible for another colleague of mine (sitting in the same office in different computer) to know which all sites did I visit after Ihave logged off completely?

    Is there any system to delete all the visited sites in a day including u tube so that no one can know which all sites I visited in the day? Kindly explain in detail.

    6 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • How to reduce my tummy?

    I am regularly going to pool for the past one year.

    I am 61+ and had knee joint problem so Dr. advised me not to jog or walk. So I go for mild cycling and swimming.

    In the last one year due to these activities I find my BP is within the permissible limit. My weight went down by 7 Kgs but I regained it.

    But main problem is my tummy which is not reducing. The other day I went to another pool where there was a life size mirror outside the shower room and I was horrified to see myself in swimming trunk with a bulging tummy.

    I do not eat excessively and consume gallons of water & thought I was doing the best thing for my age. But bulge in my tummy has frustrated me a lot.

    Please advise

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • How to enhance whiteness in white fabrics in addition to using blue liquid?

    I am not getting the quality of whitness in my fabrics despite trying all tricks (Soaking in water for long time, using bleach as also blue liquid) any suggestion to enhance the whitness in white fabrics after wash?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • dry skin due to regularly going for swimmng?

    I go to the pool for swimming regularly but of late my skin is getting very dry and itchy. So much so that I can literally write on my arms. Any remedy?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Does this comment befit the Post under the prevailing scenario?

    The comment by Hon. PM in his message on

    Friday .....Money does not grow in tree.... "Paise ped per nahee ugate" does it not tentamount to rubbing salt in the wound of common man reeling under the burden of increase in cost of essential commodities.

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • benefits of sun bath while sun is rising?

    I understand it is immensely beneficial to expose bare body to sun rays while sun is rising. What are the benefits and what precautions are to be taken including minimum/maximum duration for such baths?

    Any age bar?

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Is it necessary to fix a stabilizer with a Refrigerator?

    Recently I bought a 3 door whilrpool refrigerator. The Technician who came for installation advised me to go for a voltage stabilizer.

    I thought of late Refrigerators were manufactured with a built in stabilizer.

    Stabilizer if required will cost me additional 2500/- which was never discussed at the time of the purchase of fridge.

    Can I instead go for a spike guard? Kindly educate.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Putting photographs on the wall?

    I have recently shifted 2 my new house which I got painted spending a fortune. In my old house I had dozens of family photos which I had put on wall through nail. In my new house each time I put a nail to place a photo, paint gets spoilt.

    I wish to put photos with minimum damage to the wall.

    Any suggestions because when I replace the position of photos the nails would give a shabby look.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • I have read that intake of raw vegetable in form of salad is good.?

    Is there any time schedule that such and such vegetable should not be consumed after sun set. I remember having read somewhere that Carrot and beat should not be consumed after 4 PM. Other than cucumber, tomato, onion, beat and carrot else can be had as salad?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Where can I get a second hand web cam?

    My budget is limited

    2 AnswersCamcorders9 years ago
  • Why do people prefer painting their wall instead of putting wall papers.?

    Recently while modifying my house I had to go for painting and was astonished that the labour charge was exhorbitant nearly 40% of the material cost. The process for painting also was very cumbersome with repeated rubbing of the wall and coat of chemicals and what not. Each room took nearly 10 days time and still I did not get what I had visualized.

    For one room I have gone for Wall paper which was fixed within no time and I got the appearance what I had in my mind. But majority of people prefer the cumbersome process of going for painting.

    I want to know W H Y.....??

    11 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • After UP election results, should RG switchover to Half sleev Kurtas?

    Each time RG pulled up his Kurta Sleeves in various election rallies in UP it appeared as if the victory was only a forgone conclusion for the Party.

    The way he addressed the rally with his questions and answers in one go appeared to be very comic and for once majority of the auidiences would hardly have made out what he means but continued to remain a part of the show.

    And and the echo of tight slap by the voters in Amethi and Rai barelly will echo in the ears of G family for long time.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Tweeting & blogging details regarding how to start with?

    What is the difference between Tweeting & Blogging. How can a beginner start tweeting and blogging? Which is the best site to start with.? What are the benefits of T & B ? I am beginner and have heard a lot about this please guide me exhaustively.

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization9 years ago
  • Has PM given a ceremonial burial to the current agitation of Anna by his speech in Parliament today?

    With PM tactically assuring the house regarding considering Anna's Jan Lok Pal bill in Parliament with that of others and Leader Opposition also appealing to Anna to give up his fast, is it an anti climax to the hustle & bustle seen in the country in the last ten days?

    6 AnswersGovernment10 years ago