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  • My hormone level are imbalanced?

    Okay I am at the end of my rope. I have been struggling with life altering symptoms for years now and i am done with dr.s blaming me for it.

    About 10 years ago i took 1 depopervera shot and after gaining 30 lbs that a low carb diet and 2 hours of Pilates everyday I never lost more than 5 of those lbs and had to take out my wedding dress a week before the wedding. I never took another shot again. 18 moths later I had my first child and lost weight during the pregnancy. Determined to keep off the weight I was keeping active and eating a good diet for a nursing mother by my postpartum check up (6-8 weeks later) I was back UP those 30 lbs. And this happened two more times with my 2nd and 3rd child.

    Now I am over 50lbs over weight, I have no energy but still manage to stay active ( I do have 3 young kids and a job) I don't feel stressed out at all I love my life and I have been tested for thyroid imbalance numerous times and everything comes back "Normal" I have symptoms of both estrogen deficiency AND excess and adrenal fatigue except for the weight gain! HELP!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Dish network receiver?

    I currently have dish network at the house I'm living in. The boxes are old and out dated but the owners don't want to update them. I have a new model from the old house that I lived in previously. Can I use my box instead of the old one and just swith out the cards?

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • Dealing with a difficult child?

    I have three children, the oldest (4y) is fairly compliant, the youngest (21mo) is happy go lucky and a goof-ball. My middle child (3y) is both my lover and my fighter. He's the sweetest little boy when you are alone with him, but the second another child is added to the mix he is wild, and sometimes even mean. Right now he does this thing where if he's in the middle of doing something and you tell him to do something else, or if you are correcting him for something he will growl like a dog or hiss like a cat (It can be funny sometimes, because it's so animalistic) But most of the time it is very rude and disrespectful. My husband and I are at the end of ourselves with what to do about this, Any ideas?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of medical bills?

    I had a baby last December and the whole duration of my pregnancy I had insurance through my husbands work. After I had the baby my ob financial office said that I owed them money for the first visit that they had already charged me the co-pay for and the hospital is charging me three separate bills for a test that I had done on my doctors orders during that time in which once again I had insurance. Now how do I dispute this? Do I go to the insurance company we don't have them anymore? Or do I go to the ones that are trying to bill me and say send it to my insurance company even though you should have done that a year ago...

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • my toddler has own language?

    My two year old (three in about 4 weeks) speaks fairly well. He's farther along speech wise than the books say the average is but right where his friends (our friends kids) are. The only thing is that over the last two weeks or so he's been speaking this different language. It seriously sounds like Chinese or something really staccato sounding like that. He does it sometimes in normal conversation, we'll have to ask him " what" he'll roll his eyes and clarify. But he'll also use it when being silly and the most amusing is when he's angry, he'll scream something completely indistinguishable at one of us. So is this normal, or is he developing some weird psycho tendency?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Spotting on Mirena asdfh?

    Okay I know I'm supposed to expect some random spotting the first few months of having it put in. But what I want to know is what it was like for others on it. Was it light or heavy, was it like once a day or a couple of days every few weeks... I just got mine put in on monday and already started with the spotting after a couple of days

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how do you get the water into the color wonder watercolor brushes?!!!?

    It shouldn't be that hard to take off the end and of course I threw the packaging away. All I remember is that it says to add water... Help please two toddlers at home

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Please help my computer?

    My computer is about to die. My husband would like nothing more that to put it out of its misery, but I'd like to try and save it. I need to do a system restore in order to do that but I have a problem of about 5 years of music pictures and documents that we CANNOT loose (for work) what's the best way to save everything? Will I have to go through 100's of cds or what? And how long will it take to put everything on them? Is there a way to just automatically load everything up? Can I store on the internet? Please help

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • SEX survey ...........?

    okay how many wives out there (notice I said WIVES, not out of discrimination but for an intended purpose of research)

    Take care of their husbands sexually when they are on their periods... Either by oral or other means....

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hair removal for sensitive skin?

    My sister is very pale and has facial hair. You can't really see it but it bothers her alot. She also has very sensitive skin so she's tried waxing, all different kinds of creams and she breaks out every single time even if it's just her eyebrows! Does anyone know of something that she can do that won't cause her to break out? She's getting married soon and is very self conscious about pictures and such.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Infant heat exhaustion?

    Okay my one year old has had diarrhea for the last two days (today and yesterday) and so has my two year old. Sometimes they will be like that a couple of days and then return to normal, no problem it happens every once in a while with no other symptoms. Today when we came home from church (we live in AZ and it was really humid today) while we were driving home my husband saw and heard the baby making weird movements and noises he turns around and poor baby is throwing up. this went on for about a solid minute or two and then off and on during the car ride home. I got in back with him to take care of him and could see him going to sleep (it's his normal nap time anyway) but this seemed different. He wasn't outside that long but it was still hot in the back seat even with the air on. He was flush, fatigued, cool no temp, and clammy. My husband disagrees with me that it was heat exhaustion saying that he wasn't in the heat long enough.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • From someone who knows about spiritualism?

    Okay I can't ever find a strait answer but figure there might be a reason. Those who practice Spiritualism, who is the greatest Spirit of all? Is there one? Is there a heirarchy? Is everyone equal? And can you post any resources if you can find any? Thanks...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Child thinks it's funny to hit...?

    Okay, I think I've asked a question similar before, but this time the circumstances are different. My two year old has a hitting problem. He thinks it's funny to hit or kick his friends or people that he likes. he doesn't do it hard, nor is it out of anger or frustration, it's almost like a hand shake to him. My husband I think is exasterbating the problem by yelling at him, but even though we put him in time out everytime he does it. it's been a while now (about a couple of weeks and he still does it.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I need HELP!!! and lots of it...?

    okay my two year old has been showing signs of readiness for toilet training. He will bring us new diapers when he is wet or poopy. He will try to flush them in the toilet when they are dirty, he knows to tell us when he is poopy or wet, and this has been going on for about a year now. We have been pretty inconsistant with training only because he'll go on the toilet for a couple of days and then he'll start crying that he doesn't want to go potty. He's uninterested in sticker charts, anykind of prize system, the gum thing worked for a couple of days then it was back to no potty, we've tried big boy pants, and him being naked. All of this has been tried for at least a few weeks over the last year. I need help, Child number two is turning one and number three is due in Jan... I need at least one potty trained before Christmas!!!!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Sex question????

    Okay, my husband and I have sex about 3 times a week and well, I get really sore. Not for days or anything but right after and maybe the next day. Moisture isn't a problem and between foreplay and sex it's only about 40 minutes so what's the deal? I mean my stuff gets to' up! I have to wet stuff down before I go to the bathroom sometimes. does anyone know how to help me???? Mature answers only please.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • For my husband????

    okay, I have a problem with my husband and his radioactive @ss. My husband is in construction and he has to wear jeans everyday for work. The problem is that after a couple of weeks he rips a huge hole in his jeans, in the butt! Sometimes it's by the pocket sometimes it's not, but I am sick and tiered of buying jeans all the darn time! Anyone else have this problem and how can I fix it or stop it?

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Aggressive Child?

    I have a two year old boy who is a very spirited child. He is very social and daring, not afraid of anything. He is also very intelligent but still concidered pre-vocal. He has a large vocabulary but doesn't put words together and pretty much only uses words with me and my husband. My husband and I run the music ministry at out church that we have to be there 4 days a week two of those days he is in a 2-5 year old class. Since he wants to be social but he can't express himself verbaly he will hit or push, not out of anger but to get attention. my question is how do we deal with this (since he doesn't do it at home.) We can't be right there with him because we have to be in service and we can't arrange for a babysitter because all of our babysitters go to our church.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I get this look?

    Okay I love the 90's pam Anderson hair look, really big and I have tried looking on the internet but can't find anything so does anybody know how to do that?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Baby nutritional needs?

    I was wondering how much is too much for a baby to eat. My son Caleb is 7 1/2 months old and is a BIG eater. I have been keeping a diary of what he eats during the day and between breast, bottle and food he's eating aprox 72 oz everyday between 7am and 11 pm! That's twice the amount I see normally recommended. Now his weight is on the high side of average and so is his height believe it or not so I know that he's getting nutritional needs met because he's healthy and growing; my husbands side of the family they are all very tall and well lets just say thanksgiving at his aunts house looks like breeding grounds for the NFL. My concern comes from wanting to cut out one of his feedings, he eats every four hours (six times a day right now) I want to cut out either his 11pm feeding so I can go to bed at a decent hour or his 7 am feeding so I can get some sleep (I have a toddler who doesn't wake up until 9 am to start his day.) I have tried cutting out one feeding but he'll wake up at 3 or 4 am and take a full feeding, but he won't eat more than 12 (combined) ounces of food at a given time.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did I misscarry?

    I have a seven month old baby boy and about three months post-partum I started having my periods again (the same thing happened with my first who is 21 months. Well after my second cycle though normally ever 28 days to the hour I was a week early for my third cycle. The cramps were horrible it felt like labor and after only four months believe me it was still fresh in my memory. To top it all off I was bleeding through a super tampon and a panty liner every hour, for a six day cycle I went through a 36 pack of tampons! The periods before that one were pretty normal as far as timing, cramps and the amount of bleeding. I was also extreamly fatiuged and I went like a whole day with out going pee more than once. I did call my doctor right away they were only able to get me in a couple of days after I was already off and they just told me to watch the rest of my cycls to see how the go and the last three or four have been normal as well. I think about it all the time and I just need to know

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago