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I am a 48 year old man, with a past and a few problems. But to His credit (The Lord Jesus Christ) I am learning the truth of "being content in all circumstances I find myself" A lot of you will undoubtedly think I am just another "Holy Roller" conservative pointing a finger at all you sinners out there. The Past is a reference to that which I have done that was displeasing to my Lord. For 15 years I walked away fom Christ, but He never left me from the path we were on together. When He called me back to Him, and I really heard Him, getting back was like crawling over a burnt down forest to get to where He was waiting for me. He met me at that place I left Him at, and He told me He loved me, He washed me over, and proved to me what I had was a lie. I never lost my Salvation in Him, for Jesus saves to the uttermost. 7 years later this testamony of His love is still true. Send me a note if you wish, happy to reply. God love and bless you. al 4 now B

  • What was the name of this sitcom?

    I recall a sitcom on NBC that had a lead character named Flower in it, what was it called?

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Even if you didn't vote for Obama, don't you believe that electing an African American was a good thing?

    I did not support Mr. Obama's bid for the Office of President, but as ur basic average w.a.s.p. I am proud for our country and Pres Elect Obama for this reason. I believe racism has been dealt a severe blow. I see the America, I have longed for in which "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL".

    Truthfully if I had my choice of African American men to be President it would have been Gen.Colin Powell (ret.). But he did not run for the office, so my choice along conservatives was John McCain.

    I believe that regardless of our politics we should be thankful and supportive of Pres Elect Obama. I was just proud to see the ethnic boundaries of the past have been torn down (racism is in effect our Berlin Wall in this country). Any thoughts?

    31 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If marriage is so important to the Gay community,....?

    Why didn't the people opposed to the proposition of marriage "being only between one man and one woman" (Prop 8 in California for example), offer their own proposition for the ballot for voters to choose?

    If I am not mistaken there is another election in approx 2 years right, why not try to do it that way verses protesting and trying to use the courts to overturn the majority of the people?

    Please answer respectfully, and please let this question be heard. It is a valid question and is not ment to to degrade your choice or lifestyle. I respectfully request that you would be "community Guideline" disapprover's give this question a chance. Thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I have a question about a James Taylor Song?

    I was almost certain that There was a song on a James Taylor greatest hits album, a song in french, which mentions "Carley" (I assume a reference to Carley Simon) and I cant find the lyrics to this song, or a reference to it on other JT records (I have only ever owned the Greats Hits album, Flag, JT, and Sweet baby James), This is a great song and I want to find a copy of it, and the lyrics. Any help is appreciated.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how to get in touch with the actor/director Mel Gibson?

    I have an idea for his next Christian themed movie and he is the one to do it.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Current Events and End TImes Prophecies?

    With the current economic decline in the US, (failing financial institutions, down housing market, high unemployment, and recent disasters such as Ike, not to mention the predictions of earthquakes.) is it likely that we are beginning to see the ingredients that the antichrist will use to usher in a one world government?

    I see words like Global warming, and pandemic, wars and rumors of wars, tossed around and I wonder if there are not the instruments that God will allow the Devil to use for his advantage in deceiving the world as prophesied in the Bible. Any thoughts?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Re: Todd Bentley?????

    I asked once before for opinions regarding Todd Bentley of the Christian folks out there, and what they thought of his ministry... a real ministry of the Risen Lord, or a false teacher touting Christ for his own personal gain? In light of the recent events of his stepping down from ministry due to his involvement in immorality, have any of you changed your opinions? or do you still believe hew was a man of God called and empowered to do the will of God?

    Please note, in my opinion Mr. bentley is not the first person to preach a "another Gospel". A message that if I may paraphrase "requires us to rely on ministering angels" in addition to Christ. I read about a guy once... Joseph Smith, he said he saw a vision of Christ, met with an angel, was given a "new revelation" and was in fact the only one person, that was granted the permission and authority "By God" to establish the "one and true church".

    I believe that God heals, I pray for those that are sick as I ask God for myself in my infirmities...but I like Paul say this..."Not that I speak in respect of want, for what ever circumstance I find myself in therewith to be content..." to be in Christ?, is this not enough? Your thoughts and answers are appreciated.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Regarding Todd Bentley....?

    Has anyone seen any secular news networks (FOX or MSNBC, or others), that have reviewed Todd Bentleys evidence that confirms of the healings he has made claim to?

    I have seen many interviews and he has said in those interviews and in his reviraal sessions that he has the Doctors reports confirming the healings, but there has been no follow-up that I have been able to find.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What will it take for...???

    Jessie Jackson (and Al Sharpton) to just be quiet and let folks alone? With regards to Mr. Obama, if Mr Jackson really wants to "cut his n-ts off", should he not be wearing a white sheet, and a pointy white hat? Brother Malcolm is turning in his grave, Mr. Jackson, shame on you Reverend (or should that be irreverant?) any thoughts?

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What will it take....????

    First of all I not a democrat, and 2nd in light of Jessie Jacksons recent comments (or should I say "private conversations on a hot mike") , with regards to Mr. Obama what will it take for America as a whole to see him as a man, not a black man or a mixed race person, but a man that is doing his best to bring this country together in unity?

    Yes it is historic that he could be the first "black" president, but why should his color matter. In the long run I see Mr. Obama as a genuine person, ...(flawed like the rest of us) but genuine about his ideas for this country. Oh and BTW I see him as a man like any other regardless of the exterior, any thoughts?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Ok so if I said this to you would you think I was cursing you to die?

    There is a person on line that is sorta attacking me verbally, and I asked this person in private to stop. They refused by still posting on my 360 (we totally dissagree about stuff, but this individual will not leave my site alone) so I told this person the following

    If you want to fight, why don't you stick your head in a sink full of water and fight for air. (this is a variation on a theme of responses one could give to an antagonist so to speak).

    This person had decided that I had wished death on them, and went on to say stuff like "it is what all christians want"...bla bla so on and so forth.

    I merely wanted him to see the reality that I was done, and he was arguing with himself.

    What do you all think, was I out of line? any thoughts or opinions? personally I thought it was a good alternative to other things I coud have said....

    al 4 now B

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I need help with my Windows Media Ver 11....?

    I have an MP3 player that will play both MP3 and WMA file formats. I usually sink all my music files from Windows Media as WMA files, and I keep em big for best quality.

    I now have a cell phone that has a music player on it (a Samsung M520) however it will only support MP3 audio file formats. I want to know how to best format my already ripped music files (ripped to my hard drive in the best quality windows format) and transfer them to an SD flash memory card in an MP3 format. Or am I gonna have to rip my music all over again in another format?

    Hope this question is not to confusing, and thanks for the help

    all 4 now B.

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can any one tell me when Athiesm bacame a religion?

    Any info with regards to origin, and doctrines of your beliefs will be appreicted.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see "Facing the Giants"?

    I just did, I thought it was great. I wonder how many Christians saw it, and what was their opinion?

    I wonder if any non-Christians saw it, and what was their opinion?

    My favorite part was where the two coaches were talking before the big game, and one coach said... "the Bibles tells us 365 times 'Do not Fear' "...,

    now hows about that for a message!!!!

    God has a place in the Bible for every day of the year to tell us not to fear. Thank you God. Amen.

    ohh yes don't forget those opinions now

    all 4 now B

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Creationists are not scientists, then what do you think of this?

    I have read and heard all the junk I'm gonnal take about creationists; Please read this:

    "Modern evolutionists say..."Creation is not scientific, and therefore creationists are not scietists." A creationist discovered science...Not only that, but virtually ever major department of science wa invented or discovered by men who believed in the Bible, they were believers in Jesus Christ, they were believers in God...every single one of them."

    Here are a few:

    Antiseptic surgery: Joseph Lister

    Bacteriology: Louis Pasteur

    Calculis: Isaac Newton

    Celestial Mechanics: Johannes Kepler

    Chemestry: Robert Boyle

    Compaarative Anatomy: Georges Cuvier

    Computer Science: Charles Babbage

    Dimentional Analysis: Lord Rayleigh

    Dynamics: Isaac Newton

    Electronics: John Ambrose Fleming

    Electrodynamics: James Clerk Maxwell

    Energetics: Lord Kelvin

    Entomology of Living Insects: Henri Fabre

    Field Theory: Michael Faraday

    Fluid Mechanics: George Stokes

    (see additonal comments)

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If evolution is real then why is there racisim?

    Any one watch the documentary about M.L. King? To this day I can’t for the life of me...after hearing the "I have a dream" speech.... cannot figure out two things....

    One, why Dr. King (or any other person darker than the white race for that matter) was considered a "Black" man and not just a man. Two, why anyone after hearing that speech would not understand for a moment that there is a God... and that same almighty God chose to speak to all humanity.... at that moment in history.... through the mouth of this man.

    I am white, white as I can be (I don't do well in the sun), but I tell you this I am sure my blood was the same color as that which was given by Dr King from an assassins bullet, and that of a man that hung on a cross so many years ago.

    any thoughts?

    off my soap box, nd al 4 now B

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • In the category of Religion & Spirituality, is it fair...?

    Is it fair for people of a belief system (such as Christianity, or Judaism, or Islamic faiths) to ask a question regarding their belief system, without being ridiculed or insulted by individuals, that do not have or are involved in a Spiritual or Religious belief system?

    I would also like to point out I understand it is your right to not accept e-mails but why do some find it necessary to express negativity towards others, use derogatory remarks towards askers of questions, insult our God we believe in, and then you don't allow yourselves to be questioned or commented back to by not accepting e-mails?

    I have many friends with differing opinions with regards to my faith, and they don't feel the need to hide, why do some of you? …(You know who you are)

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is a Wendys Hamburger really all that tasty?

    In the last 20 years I have had to a time or 2 been forced to get a burger at Wendys. I have yet to aquire a taste for them, or any other Wendys food yet. I got a chocolate milkshake from them once, I nearly sucked the left side of my head in trying to get it throught the straw (although it was tasty after it melted a bit, but I had to wait).

    I find it odd that a company with pretty good advertising (except for the people kickin a tree comercial) finds it so dificult to deliver food of the quality that they say they have.

    any thoughts?

    31 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • are we ready for nationalized health care?

    I'm not a big fan of Michael Moore, but his latest film "Sicko" is so revealing and addresses a need in this country.

    We live in the greatest country in the world, why can't we go to the doctor or hospital for free, like in Canada, Britian, Mexico, and Cuba????

    11 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago