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hey peoples. im abby, i am a master of procrastination (this site, MLIA, FML, cyanide and happiness. xkcd, etc etc) feel free to email me :D
Friends with benefits?
ok, so me and one of my friends were hooking up for a little while. he ended it after a few weeks. what do you think made him end it?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat was your first kiss like?
how old were you?
where were you?
what was it like?
i want the whole story!
i just had my first kiss recently, i wanted to hear other peoples' stories
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodavid cook or david archuleta?
who do u think is the better singer?
and who do u think will actually win this season?
24 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoif u like the jonas brothers, which one is ur favorite and why?
the jonas brother and one of my favorite bands in the world, and id like to hear the opinions of other fans. please, no haters!
ps. also include your favorite song
17 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agowhat's with the whole "teens today" stereotype?
ok, personally, i am completely fed up with the discrimenation against teens these days. i am 14, and it is unfair that i am constantly judged by my age. my friends and i walk down the street, and we get all the dirty looks from adults who obviously think we are lazy, idiotic, and over-sexed. i and the people i associate myself with are athletic, on high honor role, and are capale of being social without being sluts! people think we don't work hard enough, but we take what jobs are available to us, such as babysitting, assistant work, extra jobs at nursing homes, and several of us are starting our own businesses (i am running a bakery/catering business out of my house). but no matter what we do we are still lumped with "those good-for-nothing teenagers". would any adult on Y!A please explain to me this mentality?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agolifetime movie????
i know a lifetime original movie was made of the book "the pact" by jodi piccoult. i love the book, but havent been able to find the movie as a dvd on amazon, or on tv at any time. any ideas on where i can find it?
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agowhats your favorite musical?
29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agodo any of you feel lonely? ;-(?
25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agomy mom sayz 1 of the jonas brothers has diabetes. is that true?
6 AnswersMagazines1 decade agoWhat is the last song u listened 2?
23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agonew jonas brothers cd???
ok now that nick is 14 his voise sound alot more like his brothers. does any1 know if he sing lead in any of the new songs, and if so, which ones?
3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agohow much does a video iPod cost?
3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoboy help please!?
ok i had a crush on this guy since forever, and when i told ppl who i liked they usually said "ewwww". now this guy played in an alternative band that performed at our eighth grade graduation dance, and suddenly all the girls r calling him hot. do i hav a right to be alittle mad at them 4 being so shallow?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow would you describe your personality/looks?
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoself-confidence---good or bad?
does self-confidence make a person seem concited, and is the lack of self-confidence good or bad?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes 1-4-3 mean "i love you" or "i hate you"???
17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agocan a teenager write a book?
this summer i want to write a book about basically teenage life. i will, u noe, combine different experiences that me and my friends have had, embellish and exagerate a bit, and i think it might turn out ok. what do u think? can a 14 year old girl actually write a book worth reading?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago