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  • My son is on disability and his 'friend' keeps taking most of his check what should we do?

    My son met a guy in the neighborhood a few years ago who seemed fine but then my son met his brother; the guy kept asking my son for money so my son started giving it to him then he asks to borrow his playstation but he doesn't give it back unless it's time for him to get his check then he asks for it again this same guy keeps threatening to kill us we went to the police and they said they can only lock him up for a little while until trial then when he gets out the real trouble starts so I didn't press charges especially since he has a family member who works for the city attorneys office and they have let him out of jail when other ppl in the neighborhood got him locked up for stuff he does. I think the only thing we can do is move out when nobody notices. What else can we do?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • how long before my house goes into foreclosure.?

    I just made my April payment this month so I am two months behind I will make a payment every month but I cant get caught up and I want to move out to stop the madness. My credit is getting bad now so I probably can't get an apartment what can I do? Any advice. I read online to look for for rent signs in not so great neighborhoods with bad credit

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • I don't ever want to buy a home again and why should I?

    I own a home and there is some guy coming over saying he killed someone in my house before I purchased it and he wants me to get out. He has threatened to kill me and threatened to kill my son now he says he doesnt care if we get out he is still going to kill us. I am very afraid to say the least and I want out of here I have filed police reports but I have yet to press charges until I leave because the police said he will only be locked up for a couple of months until arraignment then the trouble really starts so I will wait until I leave to press charges. What am I supposed to do. I will have to stop making payments the house is stolen so I can now rent and that is what I will do from now on unless I hit the lottery. any advice please HELP

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Have you ever heard of something like this because I need help?

    I purchased a home five years ago almost six and a guy in the neighborhood started coming over four years later. He says it's his house he said he killed his sister in the house and I'm his sister and he's going to kill me next. My mother owned the house before me and she said he did murder someone in that house and he was in the psychiatric hospital for years and he was bothering her but my sister and I thought she was crazy so we had her put on medication she got sick and passed away then I purchased the house from her estate. I am sorry that I didn't believe her especially since nobody believes me now my sister said she doesnt remember anything like that ever happening with our mother. I called the police and filed police reports because he keeps getting inside my house and brings a gun and a knife with him; I talked him out of killing me twice but now he is angrier and angrier and I know that I cannot stop him now he says he is going to kill my son first then me so I can suffer so I left town because he said even if you leave now I am going to kill you for coming here in the first place... so I have been on the road for 12 days and I am down to my last 30 dollars and a tank of gas. I called the city attorney, attorney general, prosecuting attorney, fbi, insurance company, and mortgage company. I went to a church for help and they told me to go to the police they cant help me and I already did.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Help getting away from a murderer?

    I purchased a home five years ago and apparently someone was murdered there without my knowledge. The murderer was sent to a psych hospital and got out four years later he lives in the neighborhood and keeps coming to my home telling me to get out or he's going to kill me he brought a gun and a knife with him and I talked him out of it twice. I filed police reports and told him not to come back he checked with the police and came again saying he is going to kill me for being in his house and stab me for filing the reports. I ran out of there but he keeps coming back and over the last five months he is soooo angry he told me he is going to kill me and my son so we got out of there and drove thru three states now he doesn't know exactly where we are and we are safe for now but we are running out of money and I don't know what we will do Tuesday when we run out for sure. I contacted the police, city attorney, attorney general, prosecuting attorney, fbi, cia, insurance company, and mortgage company. In the end they said hire an attorney and get a restraining order but that is not going to stop a bullet and a knife the police said wait for him and call 911 but that may be too late.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • crazy person trying to run me out of my house what can I do?

    There is a person in my neighborhood who murdered someone in my house before I bought it. After he got out of the psych hospital he came to my house telling me get out of his house or he will kill me and my son. He said I killed my sister in this house and you re my sister and I m going to kill you next. I filed police reports talked to the state fbi city attorney prosecuting attorney attorney general and everyone I could think of the insurance company says I should burn it down and they will pay that is the only way what can I do besides that I can go to jail for arson

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • I bought a bumper to bumper warranty on my used car (2 yo) now five years later the motor smells like its burning?

    but my mileage is over warranty now what can I do I still owe almost two years on the car and I don t have anything to put down on a new one

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • How can I get some sales?

    I had a website where I was trying to sell cosmetic products but nobody ever even came to my site. What can I do the next time I have a website to get some sales?

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales6 years ago
  • Has you man ever seen you talking to another guy?

    If so what happened how did you attend to it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • how much does the lottery increase every week?

    I was thinking of mega millions and powerball how much do they go up each play because I was thinking mega only increases by about five million for the first few plays and powerball goes up by about ten million

    5 AnswersGambling7 years ago
  • What can I do about fraud case?

    I was a child star in 1974 also my parents had a problem with my success and reported me as committing fraud that year. My entire work record was erased with IRS and social security. I called them and they said they don't have records that old and to try me old employer. I was hesitant to contact me old employer because I will have to sue for wages that were never paid. What is the best thing to do get a lawyer?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Is it wrong for me to arrange a marriage for my intellectually disabled son?

    My son is 24 he has never had a girlfriend but there is this great girl who is studying to become a school teacher and she runs her own little business on the side. I am moving up in the world and things are going to exceed all my expectations. I can help them out finacially and they can spend lots of time together although my son is a tap dancer he's good at the arts and we can work on his career. I know that he is interested in her but I just don't know if I should stick my nose in where it doesnt belong or does it?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago