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Spycez Forever!

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Hiya, My twin sister, our best friends and I all share this account (all of us are 14). We love to read, write, watch movies (at least I do) and try new things. I‘m not sure about everyone else but my favourite books are The Hunger Games, Vampire Academy, The Night World and heaps more!


    Hey y'all! Thank you so very, very much for clicking on this question. Okay, so basically for Film and TV this term we're having to write a TV show pitch. I've come up with basic premise, concept, characters, et cetera, but for the life of me I cannot come up with awesomely catchy title. Care to help?

    The basic idea I came up with is that the TV show will be based on a married couple who lead double lives as a superhero and a villain. Of course, they have no idea that their arch-nemesis is their spouse, so they have to handle their daily lives as a married couple, their secret identities, and the fact their 18 month old son is starting to develop his own superpowers (which means each of them trying to hide it from the other).

    Anyways, I'm not looking for your criticism on my idea, though I suppose it's a free country and all that jazz. I'm just looking for insanely awesome titles! So please help. Please. I beg of you.

    2 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • I need an AMAZINGLY creative idea . . . fast?

    Okay, for SOSE this term (studies of the society and environment for those of you who didn't know) I had to create a 'designer child' in which I had to choose different attributes from a catalogue and write a justification and what not for WHY I chose said attributes.

    Anyway, to get straight to the point, other people in my class are displaying their answers in really creative ways. My sister, for example, is making a baby scrapbook with all her work in it. Some people are doing things like making a model of a nursery and others are creating their actual baby. So my question is: is there any incredibly creative way I could possibly do to improve my assignment? I can't seem to think of anything.


    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • Green Cheek or Quaker? I CAN'T DECIDE!?

    Okay, so I've done a lot of research on both these birds and I can't seem to choose which one I want to get! They both seem to have great personalities, and they both have their pros and cons, so some opinions on this would be extremely helpful. I'm constantly flicking from one bird to the other, and it's at the point where I HAVE to make a decision and stick with it. I know that whichever bird I do end up getting will be loved and cared for either way, but I just don't know. Price and noise levels aren't really a concern (my sister is getting a sun conure so we're prepared for a little noise) and I live in Australia so quakers are completely legal. Any advice on which bird I should choose would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance :D

    3 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • OPINIONS NEEDED: Galah or Conure?

    Hi there fellow yahoo answerers. So. I have a BIT of a dilemma.

    Here's the problem:

    I have the choice to get either a Galah, or a Conure (Sun or Jenday). The thing is . . . Well, I don't know which to get. Noise is definitely not a factor. Nor is money.

    I leave for work at about 7:30 am and come back at about 3:30-4:00 pm. As soon as I get home I will take the bird out and play with it and teach it tricks until bedtime. If you think this way too long a time to spend away from these little guys, then please tell me and I can work something else out.

    But anyways

    Back to the question.

    Galahs or Conures?

    Your valuable opinion is much appreciated!

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Help With Book Title Ideas?

    Hi guys! So I did this thing called NaNoWriMO (National Novel Writing Month) in November, and now that I've finished my book, I have NO IDEA what to call it! All opinions are welcome :)

    Here's a really crap summary of the book:

    River Falls. Population: 2386.

    But not for long.

    On her way home through the thick fields surrounding her house, Rowan Dupont comes across the unconscious body of a naked man. The man, upon awakening, has no memory of who is, or where he came from. All he can remember is his name; Quinn. Rowan decides to house the injured stranger until he is able to recall his memory, but the next day Rowan gets a visit from the sexy - and very serious - detective Phoenix Abdul. Phoenix bears terrible news about a mass murder that occurred in the fields during the night, with at least 12 women and men found dead. The worst part? Rowan is their main suspect. And things can't get any better when Phoenix discovers the injured man sleeping in Rowan's bed.

    As strange deaths begin to occur around town, Rowan begins to suspect that not everything is as it seems. Something evil is at work and Quinn may have a very big part in it all.

    Time is running out, and something dark and inhuman is on the loose in the sleepy town of River Falls. Now all Rowan has to do is find the killer, whilst dodging her over protective parents and two men who she very well may be in love with. But the most important thing on her list of things to do? Survive through the night.

    Because you never know what's lurking in the shadows.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • how to present my project?

    Hey everyone! In school we have this project where we had to answer twenty one questions about poverty and i really need a creative idea on how to format it. For example, there is a girl in my class who is printing out a huge map of the world and is placing each answer in little treasure boxes all over the map. I really want to think of an awesome idea for my project but my mind is completely blank.

    So, if YOU have any ideas on what i should do i would be very grateful.

    Thank you all in advance! (:

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • There Is A Bone Sticking Out Of The Top Of My Foot?

    On the middle of my foot there is a bone that is a little popped out. It's swelling a little bit and is red, feels like a bruise. I have NO idea how long I've had it but i only noticed it 2 years ago and thought it was because I sprained my foot 4 years earlier but now it's like popping out more. It's really wierd because one day it's HUGE then the next it's really small. But my other foot isn't like this so yeah. My mum wants to take me to the doctors but I don't want to make a big fuss over it. Can anyone tell me what this is? Additional details will be added if necessary.

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • What is this supernatural power called?

    I was just wondering what the supernatural power to transform objects into a different object was. I think one of the girls in Tattoo by Jennifer Lynn Barnes had it. If someone knew it would really help!

    By the way, I am using this particular power in a story I am writing, it would help a lot if I knew what it was actually called!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What Do I Do About Him?

    There's this guy at school. We were pretty much really good friends until some rumors and gossip started. At first I only hung out with him because my friend had a crush on him and wanted me to know more about him. Because she's shy with guys and I grew up with them. But then we became friends. Everyone seems to think that you can never have a guy friend without liking him. So people started teasing me. I'm not so good with teasing. Yeah, then I got told that he likes me, but I didn't say so. Everyone thinks that the only reason we sit together is to flirt or something. But what they don't know is that we talk about games, crack jokes and tease our teacher. I want the teasing to stop. I've tried ignoring him but he's really stubborn and just talks to me like normal. I've tried being nasty and he just takes it as a joke. I've tried telling him but he doesn't care what people think. I don't have the heart to tell him to scram. Everyone teases me like hell, nobody saids anything to him cos they don't have the guts. So what do i do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Is something wrong with my rat?

    My rats tail keeps writhing and squirming when she walks and when she is sleeping. When I try to touch it she pulls it away and sometimes squeaks, does anyone know what is wrong with it?

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What myth should I research for my project?

    Hey, this term at my school I have to try and crack a myth. But the thing is I do not know what to do. The myth has to take at the most 5 weeks and at the least three weeks to crack. I have looked everything I possibly can on Google but I can not find anything. Please help me.

    Thank you in advance :)

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What myth should I research for my project?

    Hey, this term at my school I have to try and crack a myth. But the thing is I do not know what to do. The myth has to take at the most 5 weeks and at the least three weeks to crack. I have looked everything I possibly can on Google but I can not find anything. Please help me.

    Thank you in advance :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Is the Gilan Province in Iran/Persia a rainforest and/or jungle? 7-10 points!?

    i need some details for an assignment im doing in S.O.S.E and i've barely started. i need some help! 7-10 points for the best answer. please i am desperate, help!

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my story so far?

    It started out as something to do because my internet wasn't working but then I really began to get into it. I know it's not that good and i can take harsh criticism so fell free to say what you think. Oh and in case you were wondering, I'm thirteen.

    “I’m going to kill you now,” Roxy said as she sat on the werewolf’s stomach, “You see this stake?” she held up a silver stake as long as her forearm, it was circular and smooth to touch, except for the pointy tip that could kill any werewolf or shape-shifter with a flick of her wrist. The werewolf gulped and nodded. Roxy smiled evilly.

    “I’m going to push it through your heart, slowly, and it’s going to hurt, a lot. But if you tell me where your little wolf buddies are you might just live. Or I might just kill you anyway.”

    The werewolf’s eyes widened, “please, I have a daughter,” he said a tear dripping down his cheek.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your daughter,” she said patting his chest reassuringly.

    Roxy grabbed his shirt and lifted his face to hers, “now tell me where your goddamned friends are!”

    The werewolf bared his teeth, “never,” he said. Roxy felt his bones begin to pop beneath her, she looked down at his naked stomach, which was starting to grow a layer of fur, then back to his eyes, “you shouldn’t have done that,” she said, grabbing her gun and shooting him in the middle of his forehead before he could fully change. The bullet went cleanly through his head and out the other side, a spray of dark red blood following it. The werewolf’s head flew back and hit the concrete. Ouch, she thought next shooting his heart. The werewolf’s eyes widened and he arched his back. He opened his mouth to scream or say something, but Roxy didn’t get the chance to hear what it was, instead a trickle of blood oozed out of his mouth and dribbled onto the floor. He convulsed violently and fell still, dead. Disappointed that she couldn’t kill him slowly like she had intended to, she got off the werewolf’s stomach and began to search his pockets. In his wallet was a picture of a little girl, around the age of three. The little girl had short black hair in two pony tails and a gapped tooth smile. Roxy’s eyes softened, poor kid, she thought stuffing the picture into her pocket. She kept looking for anything that could reveal where the man and his daughter lived. She wasn't lying when she said she would take care of his daughter, she really would. Digging around in his jacket pocket she pulled out a small piece of paper that held an address and phone number.

    “Perfect,” she whispered to herself, as she stuffed the paper into her pocket along with the picture. She would find the little girl tomorrow, when she had more time. Roxy walked across the room and opened the door of the dank house. As she stepped outside into the cool night air she turned halfway to the body, “you should have answered my question,” she whispered, and disappeared into the night.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • benefits and disadvantages on all cars should be yellow.?

    I have to do an exploratory essay and the topic is 'all cars should be yellow' (it was either that or use an exploratory essay to discuss if Australia's population growth will lead to more people living below the poverty line). I need a few benefits and disadvantages on the topic so i can write it. any other information would be greatly appreciated too. thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me a full summary of the 12th episode of the vampire diaries, please?

    Please, could you give me a detailed summary of the the 12th episode of the vampire diaries, because I missed that episode. I've tried looking for sites on the internet that would allow me to watch it for free, but i couldn't find any so if you know any good sites please suggest them too!


    4 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this story i wrote?

    it's not really a story, but it could be. I'm not sure yet. I wrote it in about 10-15 minutes. I can take harsh criticism so feel free to do so.

    by the way I'm thirteen.

    The girl sat on the boy’s stomach in the near dawn. A tear dribbled down her cheek and on to the boys pale one. Hastily she wiped it away. The boy’s eyes were closed, but she new he was alive, waiting for the pain, waiting to die. Shakily, she lifted the sword above her head and, taking a deep breath, plunged it through the boy’s heart. The boy’s eyes widened in pain and he convulsed violently under her, with one last gasp he looked into her eyes, as if to ask why, and arched his back falling to the floor. The girl got off the boy’s stomach and pulled the sword from his chest. Although she had been shaking, the sword had entered cleanly, right through the heart. She cleaned the sword on the boy’s shirt and sheathed it. Her mood lightened as she realized that she had just killed her first human. Sinaila would be proud, maybe even let her skip a day of training. As she left the clearing, the sun just peeping over the hill, she turned around and looked at the body one last time.

    “Goodbye, brother,” she whispered and disappeared into the trees

    So what did you think? Should i keep writing it, or just chuck it in the bin?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is my story good so far?

    Hiya! I'm 13 years old and i was wondering if this piece of writing was good for my age. And could you please tell me if I should continue it. Sorry if the plot isn't clear.

    Thud, thud, thud.

    My fingers paused, centimeters above the keyboard, as the footsteps sounded softly against the carpet in the hall. I listened carefully. Nothing. Not even a whisper of a noise. I went back to staring intently at the computer screen, still slightly suspicious. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the silver knob of my door turn slowly. I took a deep breath, slid out of my leather computer chair and stealthily walked up to the side of the door. The door knob continued to turn and then, suddenly, a figure dressed fully in black flung open the door, almost hitting me directly, and yelled at the top of his lungs. The person in black looked around in confusion, their eyes sliding to the bright computer screen, to the seat and then to the bed.

    “Looking for something?” I asked, my arms crossed tightly over my chest.

    My annoying twin brother, Jay, turned around and pulled a ski mask, made from one of his beanies, off his head. He shook his head, his dark pony tail whipping from side to side as he did so, somewhat like a horse’s tail swatting a swarm of pesky flies.

    “How, in God’s name, did you know I was coming?” he asked bemusedly.

    I suppressed a grin and strolled back to my chair, where I sat comfortably with my legs on the desk either side of the keyboard. “I have ears like a bat.”

    Jay sighed and came to stand beside me. “What are you doing at this ungodly hour anyway?”

    I glanced at the corner of my computer screen, where, in a little box, it had the time.

    “It’s only twelve-thirty,” I said.

    “Exactly,” he mumbled, resting a hand on the back of my seat.

    “Anyway,” I said, rolling my eyes, “I’m looking up survival quizzes.”

    “Of course you are,” Jay smiled, “That’s all you ever do.”

    A moment later, he leaned forward and peered at the screen. “Hey,” he said, “What’s that?”

    “What?” I asked, trying to see beyond his head.

    He stepped back and pointed at an advertisement on top of the questionnaire I was currently working on.


    I shifted the mouse across my desk and clicked onto the ad link. A photo of the Amazon rainforest filled my screen and words came up across the picture.


    Amazonia is the biggest rainforest on earth. It holds most of the world’s exotic animals, plants and insects.

    Some of them harmless. Most of them deadly.

    Entertainment inc. is hosting a new REALITY TV SHOW called Survival Of The Fittest for teenagers aged 13-18 from all around the world. We need exactly 6 contestants.

    The rules of the game: Each teenager is placed 30 minutes away from the other in the Amazon rainforest. Each contestant has a different supply vital for survival and one camera. Once all the contestants find each other they must search for exotic animals and plants from a list provided for them, all the while fighting for survival. Once they find all the things from the list, a helicopter will come for the remaining contestants.

    The prize money for each remaining contestant: $100, 000.


    If so, please complete the following questionnaire for your chance to be one of the 6 contestants.


    I looked up at Jay, my eyes gleaming with contained excitement.

    “We have to do it!” I said, scrolling down to the questionnaire.

    Jay shook his head. “No. No way. Do you know how dangerous this could be? We could get hurt, possibly die,” He shook his head again, “Forget about it, Sky.”

    I bit my lip and looked up at him. “Please?” I said as sweetly as I could manage, “This could be a once in a life time chance.”

    Jay ran a hand through his hair, his silky tresses slipping out of its hair tie and framing his face. He sighed. “Fine, we’ll do it. But there’s no way we’ll be chosen out of millions of other teenagers.”

    I turned up one corner of my lip slightly. “We’ll see.”

    I clicked on the first question.

    I know i'm supposed to put spaces in between the places where they're talking and stuff, but I copied and pasted it from Microsoft Word so I'm sorry if it's not very clear.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can someone pretty please help me think of a name for a survival show in my story?

    Hiya! I've decided to write a story about 6 teenagers (Aidan, Keasha, Jay, Alex, Delta and Sky) who are chosen out of millions of other applicants around the world to star in a reality TV show called…. The 6 contestants are placed in different parts of the forest 30 minutes away from each other with minimal supplies (one person has a box of waterproof matches; another one a back pack; someone has a large thermal blanket; one person has a large bottle of water purifier; someone has a large, sharp pocket knife; and someone has a first aid kit). The contestants must find each other to endure the horrors and beauties of Amazonia otherwise die of hunger or freeze to death during the cold nights. Once the 6 contestants find each other they must search for a list of exotic animals and plants all the while fighting for their survival. Once they have found everything they have to press on the tracking device that is on a necklace that must always be worn by the contestants. A helicopter will retrieve them from wherever they are in Amazonia and bring them back to safety.

    The story is in first person and everything is seen through the eyes of Sky Ulonka, a 17 year old Native American, as she embarks on the most exciting and dangerous journey of her life.

    So, can you please, please, please help me with come up with a name for the survival show? I'd really appreciate it!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What can I use my new notebook for?

    Hiya! I just got a beautiful new notebook from my aunty and I need some ideas of what to put in it! Can you please help?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago