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  • Problem with Photoshop CS6?

    I am a photographer with over 70 wedding photographs to edit within 3 weeks, so this problem is pretty huge to me.

    I have a subscription to Adobe which automatically updates me to the latest software.

    I have been using CS5 for a while and it runs really well on my Macbook, but a couple of weeks back, it upgraded me automatically to CS6, and it is running terribly slow!

    It has taken me 4 hours to edit 2 photographs. It takes approximately 9 minutes to complete even the simplest of tasks, such as cropping, image resizing etc.

    I assume that my laptop is just a bit to old to be running this new software at it's full potential.

    I was wondering if anyone knew if there was any way I could revert back to CS5? I would much prefer this solution, as even if CS6 ran properly, I still prefer CS5.

    If this is not possible, does anyone have any advice on how to get it running at a more suitable speed?


    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • How to spot a site selling fake goods?

    I have been looking online for shoes to buy my sister for her birthday. I came across a site that "apparently" sells Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Blahnik shoes (which are usually hundreds of pounds) for around £70-£80.

    Everything seemed fine, the pictures were great and the shoes looked in perfect condition.

    I went to check the description and it seems as if someone who has terrible grammar/does not speak English as a native language has written it - and it is apparently a UK site. This immediately put me off.

    I'm not sure if they are genuine, or if the shoes are replicas, or if it is a complete scam!

    I need tips on how to spot these things, thanks.

    PS: Here is a link to the site, so if anyone knows if the site is genuine or if they sell genuine goods that'd be great if you could let me know.

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • How can I get over the guilt of being such a bad person?

    When I was a teenager, I suffered from depression and have had OCD my whole life. I had a pretty rough upbringing, and rebelled a bit when I was younger.

    I used to lie a lot to people, about minor things mostly but there was also a few major things. I didn't even know I was doing it. I also used my OCD's to explain rebellious behaviour. Even though sometimes, probably most of the time actually, it was nothing to do with my OCD's, but instead, me just being a little s**t. So I guess I probably manipulated some people into forgiving me or feeling sorry for me too.

    The worst thing is, I didn't even realise I was doing any of this until one day a few years ago. I just sort of woke up one day and realised how many lies I had been telling, and how bad of a person I was, and since then, I have felt nothing but guilt. All day, every day. I assume the reason I did it was to hide everything I was ashamed of, but also to get some attention and sympathy as I felt very lonely.

    I very soon after this, realised I did not want that life for myself anymore and had to do something about it.

    I have since then, confessed to all my lies (big and small) to the people I love. I explained how I didn't even realise and I understand how messed up it all was, and I begged for forgiveness. I have done literally everything I could to make it up to these people too. These people all stood beside me and were surprisingly very understanding, which I am eternally grateful for.

    I now live a very normal life, I have a wonderful boyfriend, a great bunch of friends and a great family. I have a good job and things are generally going great for me.

    I don't feel like a deserve any of it though. I feel like I deserve to be punished and that I don't deserve all these great people around me.

    Even though I turned my life around almost 4 years ago, and still to this day try my absolute best to be as perfect of a person as I possibly can, I feel nothing but guilt every single day. I feel like just being a different and good person now, can never make up for all the mistakes I made as a teenager.

    I sometimes think the only way I can stop feeling like this is to walk away from everything good in my life and be alone, because thats what I deserve.

    The guilt is taking over my life now to the point where I am feeling depressed again. I have no idea what to do.

    Please could someone offer me some advise.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I need honest and sincere advice about drugs. Sorry it's long but please read.?


    I have a little brother who is only 19, and he is taking drugs. He and my 2 sisters live with my Mum, and I live with my boyfriend.

    I know most of the drugs he takes.

    Firstly, he smokes marijuana. I was fine with this when he let it slip as my friends and I used to do that too when we were his age. I knew it wasn't QUITE as serious as some people think and expected he would grow out of it when he got a job, like most people I knew did. He never got a job however, and now smokes it like it's cigarettes. Every day, multiple times a day.

    He also let slip a few months back that he has tried multiple "legal highs", and also stuff like MDMA. I wasn't too worried about this, but then realised he could be falling into a slippery slope, and it seems I was right.

    His friend then let slip that he had tried speed. I started getting a little worried, but tried to keep thinking he would be fine, and he's not that stupid.

    I was however wrong about that. He basically seems as if he's ok trying anything, and that he assumes nothing will effect him negatively at all. Because now, it appears my Mum has found a small thin metal pipe in one of his wardrobes. She has no idea what it was, so she asked him about it, and all of a sudden, he got really weird, and REALLY angry, and just ran out the house. She hasn't seen him since. This was 3 days ago. (It turns out he's staying with his girlfriend.)

    I however, know what this pipe was. I've had friends who have used them in the past to put it simply, they're for inhaling nasally, the fumes of burnt heroin. My thoughts were extra confirmed when I realised it had the distinct smell of heroin too. (I studied health and wellbeing at Uni, which is how I know this).

    I confronted him about this and he said it was his friends.

    I don't believe him though. He has never been a good liar. I want to believe him so much, but like I say, he seems to be ok with trying everything and it's also really obvious when he's lying.

    I also told him I knew what it was, and if he even thought keeping it for a friend in my Mothers house, where his 2 sisters live also, was acceptable, he would be in for a shock. He just shrugged at me.

    I don't know how to get him to admit it to me or even talk to me. I've been up for the past 2 nights worrying so much about this. I'm so angry at him but at the same time, I don't want him to head down this road.

    He also drinks a lot too, maybe 3 bottles of vodka, quite a few beers and a bottle of tequila a week, if not more.

    I think confronting him and being angry will just push him away and further into this mess, but I have no idea what else to do as he won't talk about civilly either.

    Please help :(

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why is there no download for photoshop?

    So I just bought a monthly subscription on the Adobe UK website for Photoshop CS6.

    I have paid and checked out etc etc, but there is no download link!!!

    I'm starting to get worried now, as it isn't cheap at all, and I can't find anywhere on the site that I can download it now!

    Does anyone know what I should do now? Am I missing something?


    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • What is the best way to whiten your teeth?

    I'm looking for a way to whiten my teeth, naturally preferably, as I don't really have the money to spend on any cosmetic dentistry. I have tried whitening toothpastes of all kinds, and none really seem to make a huge difference, so i'm not looking for toothpastes or mouth wash.

    I have quite white teeth anyway, and take good care of them, and have very good condition teeth, but I'd like them to be whiter. The Hollywood Smile so to speak haha.

    Does anyone have any tips or ideas of how I can do this and what to use.

    I've heard that baking soda and peroxide 3% can help, but just wanted to know if this was safe and if it has worked for anyone before?


    6 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Why am I not losing any weight?

    I put on a lot of weight 3 years ago, 4 stone to be exact, because of getting the contraceptive injection. I have no idea what caused me to pile on the abundance of excess pounds, but I have never been one for eating badly. I always incorporate fruit, veg, fresh meat, herbs and spiced into my daily meals, and drink a suitable amount of water in a day. Usually about 3-4 glasses, which is more than most people I know.

    In short, I went from a very slim size 8 to a huge size 16 in just under 4 months!

    For a while I got really down about it, which didn't help, as I ended up putting on another stone in weight and ended up a size 18.

    But about a year ago, I decided it was time to change. I have walked 7 miles every day for about a year now. My job is also quite demanding, and I would expect that if I were to convert it into exercise time, i'm probably getting at the very least, on a quiet day, another 45 minutes of exercise a day.

    Like I said, I eat quite well too and I am always under my recommended daily calorie intake, as well as my daily fat intake.

    My sister has a thyroid problem and is on medication for it, so I went to get checked for that and I got the all clear from that too.

    I have lost absolutely no weight at all and I just can't understand why and it's getting me quite down.

    If you have any advice or secrets, I'd love for you to share.


    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Do money lending sites give you a bad credit rating?

    I have previously used a legitimate money lending site, and repaid when I was supposed to. I have used the site 3 or 4 times altogether now.

    I heard the other day that using sites like these can actually give you a bad credit score, but I was unsure. I'm now worrying though!

    Also, I have quite bad credit generally, and have just moved in with my partner. Will my bad credit affect his if his is perfect?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • Need advice about an abusive ex boyfriend - Warning - May be somewhat disturbing for some to read.?

    I ended my relationship with my ex around 3 years ago. He was very abusive, in many different physical and emotional ways, he was very manipulative, he was a liar, a cheat, he drank a lot (not every day, but when he did drink, everything got worse).

    It ended because he was caught punching me by a security guard, who then called the police.

    There have been so many lies and rumours circulating about our past relationship, some of which I assume were spread by him, and some of which I assume have been made up by other people. I have only told my closest friends what happened in our relationship. But these rumours always get back to me and they are disgusting and I hate to believe anyone actually thinks these things of me.

    For example, one of these rumours was that I was pregnant, and tried to kill the baby by sticking a knife up "in there"...But I was never pregnant, i'm only 25 and have never even thought of having a child. They are sick, horrible rumours and I feel sick even thinking that someone could say that about me.

    Needless to say, I do not want and have not had any contact with this man since our split. Apart from these rumours, I live a very happy and fulfilling life and I am in a very happy relationship, have a great job, great friends, the whole package really!

    Yesterday however, I got a text from my ex. He said that he saw one of my articles in a newspaper (I'm a journalist and photographer) and that it was really good. Then said he is always up for a hang out if I'm ever interested.

    Now I have a few problems with this. My main problem with this is that yesterday was the anniversary of something really terrible that happened in my home town. This affects him also because he knowingly caused this incident and actually went out of his way to cause this pain for me.

    I also have no idea how he could have got my number. I talk to no one that he knows, at all and have made my number extremely private considering I used to get a lot of hassle about these rumours.

    So basically I just cannot for the life of me understand why he chose to text me yesterday knowing it was the anniversary of something he caused which caused me great pain. I have no idea what his motives for this were. Worst thing is, he just texted as if nothing had happened.

    A few extra details - No he definitely did not forget about the incident that happened yesterday and I truly believe he went out of his way to text me yesterday. No I do not believe he texted in hopes of apologising as I know he has not changed one single bit. He has been the same with his current girlfriend (though their relationship apparently ended last week for the same reasons).

    I have not got back in contact with him either. I did not reply, nor do I wish to.

    Any advice or ideas why he would even think it was ok to contact me, especially yesterday, would be very helpful. Thanks.

    PS: Sorry for the graphic content, just thought i'd try and make things as clear as possible, and sorry for the length.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Do I have a problem? If so, what kind of problem is it?

    I absolutely hate being on my own. I sincerely hate it.

    I get really bored and boredom makes me feel stressed, lonely, sad and irritated.

    I get scared being on my own as well. I start creeping myself out, or assume something bad will happen while i'm in the house on my own.

    I feel like I always have to be doing something, so I end up trying to keep myself really busy by cooking, drawing, browsing the internet, exercising, anything to keep my mind active and to stop me from feeling bored.

    I sometimes think that even having a pet would make me feel a little less lonely, even just to keep me company, but I don't think my boyfriend wants a pet. I have mentioned it and he said maybe, but I think he only thinks I want one for the fact that they are cute lol. But I do actually think it'd help. (He's away on holiday at the moment, and thats when I realised that everything i'm feeling could be a problem).

    I get so lonely that I can't even sleep. I haven't slept at all at night in over 3 days, and even before then, it was every few days. I can only bring myself to sleep once it gets light. Even then, I have only had max 20 hours sleep in over a week (about 9 days). I have had problems sleeping for about 8-9 years.

    I eat out of boredom as well, which I hate. I'm not fat, but I certainly don't need to gain any weight, which I will inevitably start doing if this keeps up!

    I don't know if this is some kind of problem, or if i'm just being stupid. If anyone could offer advice, or reasons for any of this, I would really appreciate it.


    6 AnswersMental Health10 years ago