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  • why does my husband make fun of me?

    For years now he has screamed at me, cussed at me, calls me names, makes fun of me, AND I am sick! I have lupus & if i am having a bad painful day he yells and says "well if you would get off your a** maybe you would not feel like this" but just the minute before he was rubbing my back asking if there is anything he can do for me. He used to hit me but that stopped! He abuses me in every other way now except sexual and physical. He screams at me if I don't do things the way he thinks I should but then if I do them the way he wants I get screamed at anyways. I even get screamed at while having sex IF he wants to have sex with me! I have had enough! Why is he being this way? I swear he is bipolar! 1 minute he is loving on me and the next acting like this maniac! I am trying hard to work things outwith him but I just do not think he wants to change. He does not live with me at this time but refuses to leave when I ask him to after he acts awful to me. He seriously needs help but if he refuses to then there is nothing I can do. He will tell me one day that he needs help because something is wrong with him then the next he denies saying it and says I am the one who needs help. He yells at me when I take my medicines but then yells at me if I am hurting. I get yelled at when I have a doctor visit but then he yells at me if I cancel the visits....he does not have to pay my insurance or copay because I have state insurance! anyways, besides going crazy what in the world is wrong with this man?!

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • my husband makes me feel like crap?

    i am so tired of the looks of disgust and feelings of being worthless. my husband looks at me rarely with love and sexual attraction and mostly gives me looks like i disgust him. he calls me names, screams at me, with holds money to get our kids to school, refuses to give me dr office copays, food, car repairs, toiletries, he went 3 months where not 1 bill got paid. he makes very good money, he just puts it in his checking account and i cant touch it or know how much is in there. he makes it a point to yell at me and tell me how crappy i am when i can hear others in the background, either when he is at work, in front of our friends, or his mom. alone he will talk about how stupid i am and blah blah blah but if i say anything about how awful he is to me he starts screaming and telling me i am a f***ing b*t*h. i cant take anymore but i cant just pack up and leave either. i have cried pretty much nightly over all this for years and i honestly see it getting worse and never getting better. i have no job because i am very sick so there is no saving money till i can afford to leave. the other day he was screaming at me and telling me i better get a job fast because "this gravy train is coming to a stop" (WHATEVER THE CRAP THAT IS SUPPOSED TO MEAN BECAUSE HE IS NOT A GRAVY TRAIN, MORE LIKE A MILK CURD JUG!!) anyways, i cant go to work because if i do i will be more sick and my kids wont get to have their mommy as much. ugh i just need a place to vent. i am tired of crying.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Breast reduction experiences only please?

    I'm needing a breast reduction and I want to hear about other women and their experience with it. I get anxiety when thinking about going under. My breast size January 2012 was 48ddd now in November 2012 I'm a 44dd but now they are not only still causing major pain they are very flabby and more saggy. My breast 12 yrs was a 36c and so letting my hubby feel or see them makes me embarrassed and is affecting our sex life, for me not him since he apparently likes big boobs and big butts.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Aaaaahhhhhh the itching and pain makes me cry!!?

    I have herpes, trich, yeast infection, lupus, rhemetiud arthritis, insomnia, ADHD, and so much stress dealing with my husband! He possibly gave me herpes and trich and the antibiotic for trich gave me yeast infection. My ******** is so itchy and awful pain I want to rip it off!!! I'm so depressed and I cry almost all day and most of the evening and into the early morning hours. I seriously just need someone to vent to other then friends and family. My family really has nothing to do with me at all and most of my friends seem to not care. I have less then a handful of friends I can actually count on but I don't want to continually vent to them. I am crying right now I'm still in so much pain and I can't take any more pills! Will this ever go away or is it here forever cuz of my autoimmune disorders??? I want the pain in my ******** to go away!!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • i have this weird uncontrollable muscle weekness?

    this happens all the time and comes and goes but gets worse each time it comes back. my muscles all over my body feel tense and achy but also feels like if i move them it would feel better, makes it worse. my upper body is the worse. my arms and hands have been going crazy today almost like i cant control the movements but my fingers are moving fast. im sure i sound crazy when i say it but it is so strange. i am barely being able to type this because i camy control my left hand very well. my whole body feels numb, tingly, and strange! im crying right now and have been all day cuz i feel so strange and cant control it. im scared and dont know what to do!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • i have awful night time itching for as long as i can remember?

    i dont remember a time in my 31 years of life that i havent had this uncontrollable itch. its everywhere on my body and mostly on and around my vagina. i know its not bed bugs, and its not an allergic reaction. i have always battled kidney infections, so could that be it? i calling dr when they open to talk to the nurse about it. it has gotten way worse this past week to the point i havent been sleeping but maybe an hour or 2 a night. please help me figure this out. ive done the cream and it doesnt help, allergy pills dont help either. i took 3 7.5 lortabs tonight to try and numb myself to not care about the itching and it has calmed down but is still here bad enough to keep me up. ugh im so tired!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • I can't sleep! Could my autoimmune disorder be causing this?

    I have always had a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting enough sleep since I was born. Lately it's gotten so bad that 3-4am is my normal bedtime and I'm up by 7. I'm so tired I fall asleep anywhere. It's like my brain says "no don't go to sleep. You can watch this, do this, ooooooh tomorrow you can do this, why don't you go do this tomorrow, why didn't you do it today, what do you have to do tomorrow, did you do everything you needed to today, what was that noise" you get the point. My stupid brain won't shut up!!!! I'm so tired and want relief but my dr is probably thinking that I'm full of it. I'm so tired during the day and can't keep eyes open but at night I want to glue them shut.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • What kind of snake is this? ?

    It had markings like a pigmy rattler but was more then twice as long, it's head was non poisonous when it slithered and when it came up to attack its heads changed to diamond shape, it was very very aggressive, and didn't have rattlers. The thing was so aggressive we had to call the wildlife department to come help us. This thing was over 4 feet long and about 3-4 inches in diameter. I have pics of it but I don't know how to put them in here

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • I'm on antibiotics but my symptoms aren't getting better?

    Dr said I have trichamonas and put me on 2 antibiotics. They don't seem to be working. I'm still going to finish them but I want the itching to stop. They said if it don't go away I will have to have hysterectomy. I don't want that cuz then I couldn't just get a reversal if I wanted more babies :/ having a hard time with it all. What else besides antib I can do for the itching ?

    1 AnswerSTDs9 years ago
  • I have trich and I can't pee?

    I went to the er last night and was told my urine was fine but I have trich. My husband obviously can't be faithful since he also gave me herpes 3 years ago. Anyways I feel like I'm going to explode but can barely pee at all. I really need to go to the bathroom but I know it's useless. I don't know what to do and I feel so miserable :(

    1 AnswerSTDs9 years ago
  • dr put 6 year old son on amitriptyline?

    My sons Dr. Put him on amitriptyline today. Just wondering if anybody has any experience with this medicine. He's borderline autistic, that's what we found out today. I'm nervous about giving him this medicine. Nice input only please or you will be reported.

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • My eye itches like crazy!!?

    My left eye does this allot. It will just itch like crazy and it burns bad. Sometimes it will burn so bad and swell shut. It's driving me crazy. Does anybody know what it could be? It's not pink eye.

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • My son wets the bed allot every night. ?

    My son just turned 6 and he wets the bed every night and often has accidents during the day. That's issue number one. Now on to issue number two, I can't get the pee smell out of his undies or his sheets. No matter how much I wash them it won't go away. Is there anything for either issue I can try besides stop drinks by a certain time cuz I've done that.

    2 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Strange things after taking my medicine ?

    For the past month I've been on tramadol, Valtrex, hydroxyzine, and ranitidine. I've taken the hydroxyzine for over 2 years now. For the past 2 nights I've had this twitchy feeling all over and can't fall asleep at might. When I finally fall asleep I keep waking up cuz I think I hear noises, ppl talking, things like that. I'm totally freaked out right now to the point of crying!! Is this the medicine or could my autoimmune disorders being messing with me?? :_(

    2 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • Is this a form of abuse?

    I'm not allowed to have the ac set on what is comfortable for me because my husband says "you can't have the ac set for 30 degrees below the temp outside" then tells me if I ever touch the temp on the ac again he will make it where it will never come on again. Me and my kids sweat all day and night and heat isn't good with me having an autoimmune disorder. It's so hot in my house you can't sleep. I feel like he's trying to control everything. I can't even get up to go to the bathroom without him acting a fool. I'm so ready to get out but I can't work and it's looking like I'm not going to be able to get disability or ssi so at this time I'm pretty much stuck in this "prison" I'm in.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why won't this itching go away?

    I have herpes and for about 6 or more months my ******** has been itching nonstop. I've been on Valtrex for 2 months then about 10 days ago my dr doubled my dose and it isn't getting better. Why is it not getting better and have any of you found a medicine that worked for you?

    3 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • Why cant I respond to my questions?

    I want to respond to someone who answered my question but can't! It would be nice to be able to say something back.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Pancreatitis and weight loss surgery?

    Ive heard that if you have pancreatitis you can't get weight loss surgery. I really need to get this weight off fast cuz I have fatty liver and several autoimmune disorders. Being over weight isn't helping live, pancreas, or those disorders and it would benefit me to have the surgery so why would they say I can't :/

    31 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Sharp pain in ankle after 2 seperate injuries!?

    I broke my ankle in 2 places and ruptured ligaments when I was 11. I was told I only sprained my ankle and given a splint for 4 weeks. A year later when it wasn't better they found the actual injuries. I had reconstructive surgery for it and have been fine since. On December 2010 I was walking and felt a pop andit brought me to my knees. It's been very very swollen since and the pain is unbearable!! I've been to several specialists and get told nothing is wrong. Well a couple months ago I felt a rip in my foot close to my ankle and still they say nothing is wrong. I've had 2 mris, several X-rays, and still they can't find anything. I know there is something wrong and tired of being treated like I'm full of crap! I'm hurting sooooooo bad and I'm crying to the point of breathing difficulties. I do have a bone spur but the pain is between my ankle and heal not the arch of my foot. Please help me :(

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago