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  • How do I tell my parents to stop asking me for money?

    My family is kind of in a tough spot right now, and they keep asking me for cash. The problem is, I'm running out of money for myself, and it feels really weird giving my parents cash.

    This past week, I've leant them over $200 for basic groceries and amities. Now they want me to pay for my little brother's birthday party, too, which will be another couple hundred. I don't know what is causing this sudden financial trouble since both my parents have steady jobs and nothing has changed at all lately, but it seems like they've started asking me for crazy amounts of cash to the point where I have nothing left for myself.

    I'm only 14 and the only job I have is babysitting. I was saving up the money I made for myself so I could get a computer, not to pay for my brother's elaborate 12th birthday party or for my parents' groceries. I tried telling them this, but they just said I was being selfish and I should try to support my brother.

    How do I get them to stop borrowing money I know they probably won't repay me? It just seems really unfair to me that I have to fund my brother's party (I'm not even getting a party, by the way) and all this other stuff.

    9 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Can someone legally sleep with their adoptive sister's biological brother?

    Like, they obviously wouldn't be related, but if the biological brother was not adopted along with his sister and they meet later in life, could he legally marry his blood sister's adoptive sister?

    Also, I'm not planning on sleeping with anyone. This is for a fanfiction. Don't ask.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • What the heck is this bump on my vagina?!?

    So I was on my period last week and noticed a small, hard bump on the outside of my labia. It looked almost like a pimple. It was there for around two days, and wasn't painful unless you touched it or played with it. On the third day, it popped by itself and some white goo came out. No weird discharge or anything. It just confused me because I had never had anything like that before, and I was wondering if you can get cysts or pimples there. (I'm 13.)

    13 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • How would a family of eight prep for a pandemic apocalypse?

    Don't call me crazy, this is for a book.

    I know the basics, but assume that any and all water in the planet Earth is poison and will kill you if you drink it after the apocalypse begins, and it's impossible to filter. How much water would they need to stock up beforehand in order to survive and be somewhat clean for a year, and how much would it cost?

    What types of food should be collected and how would they eat it? How long would canned soup last, and could you cook it on a Bunsen burner?

    Thanks :)

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink5 years ago
  • Is the Star Wars radio drama appropriate for children?

    So I just found out that they apparently made a Star Wars audio performance after A New Hope, and according to my friends it was really good, and they all liked it. We're going on a family road trip soon,and the car ride will be very long and my young brothers (who are basically my kids, by the way, cause my parents are both sick) are HUGE Star Wars fans, so I figured I'd download the radio program on my iPod and play it to keep them entertained. However, I've heard from several people that there are some pretty graphic scenes, particularly a long and drawn out torture scene, with a lot of screaming, that takes place with Vader and Leia on the Death Star. Both boys absolutely love Princess Leia and the scene in the movie where the door closes freaked them out enough; I wouldn't want to scare them. I was hoping it would be better with no visuals but everyone keeps saying the scene was much worse than the movie. I have no way of sampling the scene for free, and I don't want to buy the program without knowing if I can actually use it first, since I'm short on money. So if you've heard the program, know where I can listen to this scene for free, or otherwise have input: is it appropriate or should I find something else?

    3 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • My teachers play favorites! Help?

    So there are these four kids in my grade that are genuinely awful. They're rich, pretty and a sort of plastic nice, like they're only being polite to you because they have to. They get chosen for everything, even when I know that I'm more capable or someone else is. Recently, they were put in charge of a position I was really excited about, and also got asked to present to the parents about our school. We also had a contest about Memorial Day essays and I'm a really good writer, but I think they're going to win again. How do I stop myself from feeling crushed if I lose, without seeming bitter?

    4 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Big clot during period, do you know if this is normal?

    Hi! I m 13 and I ve had my period for two months. Today I was sitting on the toilet and a clot, about 1 inch or so, came out. There wasn t any pain or anything, it s just that I haven t experienced something like this before. It s the second day of my cycle, if that helps. :) thanks!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • I think I might have had a splinter. I'm not sure though, so can you help?

    Okay, so awhile ago I was cleaning up cover slips for a microscope. These are VERY thin and several broke whole picking them up. I felt something poke my finger but didn't pay much attention, because I looked and couldn't see anything. A week or so later, the area where it was poked has a callous like area on it, but it's on my fingerprint area. It doesnt hurt unless you press it hard and I can't see any splinter, but it sort of feels like there may be one under it. I'm a huge hypochondriac, so even though it's nothing I'm panicky anyway (and I am terrified of doctors, so can you try to help me out here?) Thank you so much :)

    1 AnswerInjuries5 years ago
  • Is there a splinter?

    I just stepped on a SMALL piece of glass (literally thinner than a millimeter) and it cut my foot slightly. The actual cut is no bigger than a seeing needle injury or something similar; it's really just the size of a speck. It bled a bit, so I put a band aid on it. I was wondering if there might be something in there though. Im fine while walking on it, really, but if you press hard on it there's a dull ache. This happened only a half hour ago so I'm not sure if there was an infection or not. There aren't many urgent cares or doctors around here, and I'm not driving an hour and a half for a splinter I'm not even sure is there, so can you help me?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid5 years ago
  • What should I do for my party?

    I'm turning 13 and having a a hotel party. Three of my friends are coming and they're polar opposites. One is really immature, one is downright nuts, and one is a goth, while I'm a total fangirl. I want to find something that's fun for everyone. My mom wants to do makeovers but me and two other people won't be into that at all, but if I want to have a movie marathon no one else will want to watch what I do. I know it's my party, but it won't be fun if no one likes what we're doing. Also, some of my friends can get really cranky and act like total jerks when they're tired, and one goes to sleep really early while the rest of us like to stay up late. I don't want that one girl to miss out because she falls asleep at 8 o clock sharp, but I also don't want to force my freinds into going to bed really really early. Even food is an issue- One has a dairy intolerance, so no pizza. One has a peanut allergy, so no Chinese food (most of it is cooked in peanut oil). One is gluten free. I have none of that. Also,one can be really sensitive and not get the others sarcastic jokes or whatever. I just want this to be a fun party and not exclude anyone, but we're all so different that's hard to do. Any advice?

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • Can I go to a watermark wearing a pad?

    I'm 14 and we're going to a water park. I'm not allowed to wear tampons or diva cups because my mom has never had a day of sex Ed in her life. What do I do?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Chest pain. I'm only 14! Help, anyone?

    So yeah. I've been sick for awhile (coughing) and I get this chest pain sometimes. It's been going on for years now. It's a sudden sharp burst of pain that disappears completely after a second, but usually leaves me with a fast heart rate. I am under a lot of stress, a girl, and no heart disease runs in my family, if that helps. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • My parents ignore my anxiety. Help?

    I have VERY obviously had extreme anxiety and hypochondria for the past three or four years. I have panic attacks regularly and flip out in certain situations. I will legitimately feel like I'm dying and be scared Im having a heart attack. There is not a week that goes by without me looking up some crazy rare cancer and convincing myself I have it. I desperately need help but they won't listen. My dad keeps telling me to toughen up and deal with it. They yell at me and scream at me to grow up. They don't care. I'm a nervous wreck. Help me.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • I'm sick,must my parents won't let me stay home.?

    Okay. I get sick a lot. I've already been absent twice and it's only September. But I am sick- I have chills, a fever and I'm wheezing. I also have a headache and a loud cough, and sneeze. I've been like this for a week and it's only gotten worse. I can't drive, so there's no way I can go to the doctors on my own. I can't miss school again, but I feel horrible. What should I do? Thanks in advance. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • I need something to download for my sister to play. She likes dress up games. Recommendations?

    Okay. This is simple. My sister wants to play on my phone but always winds up on stuff like my Instagram or Wattpad because there aren't any apps she likes to play. She destroys my Minecraft so she's not allowed on anymore, so I'm looking for a dress up game. Not one that's cheap and requires a zillion dollars to have fun, just a free, good dress up app.

    Thanks guys.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • The character in TEH book I'm writing comes from a dysfunctional family. How do I write her?

    Okay, her father died when she was a baby and she lives with her five cousins because their family can't support them. When she is 11, her mother remarries a man who seems nice and his daughter is her best friend, but as time goes on and the plot of the story gets worse for the characters, it is revealed this guy is a relapsing alchoholic. Her mom is struggling to take care of seven kids (the girl, her stepsister, and five cousins) and becomes depressed to the point where she can barely function. One of the cousins has anxiety and hypochondria, which I myself have, but I don't know how to write the effect of this on the rest of the kids. (Also, all of this is happening with the impending apocalypse and people are dying and there are corpses piling up outside.) Another of the cousins starts doing drugs and drinking, despite being only 14, and this has a huge effect on the family. Any help in writing this?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • I come from a ritzy area, but I'm not rich! What do I do?

    Okay, I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either, and I come from an extremely well off area. I'm not even CLOSE to the driving age, but most of my peers already have fancy sports cars waiting for them, and they go on cruises around the world, when the most we can afford is New Jersey. I've never been out of the New England area, while most kids have been all over the world! I live in a nice house, but mostly everyone else has mansions. They all have the latest phones, fashions and whatever is popular because their parents buy them anything! It's difficult for me to make friends with all of these ritzy, snobby people. Sure, there are a few I hang out with, but whenever they talk about fancy vacations or the 300 dollar purs they got for no reason at all, I can't help but get jealous. Sometimes I feel like they even try to make me feel like I'm below them. I'm in the gifted program, but I might even not be able to attend college. One kid even said to me, after helping with his homework, "well, you're smart, but it doesn't matter anyway because I'll go to a better college." It just aggravates me so much! I feel like I can't even take people to my house or they'll be disappointed. It's not that I'm really poor, I'm just not like these upper-class snobs! I don't want to sound spoiled or ungrateful, but what do I do?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • My little brother is addicted to YouTube. What should I do?

    About a year ago, my parents got my brother an iPad. He plays with it every day, but not on games like a normal kid. He spends all of his time on YouTube! He'll watch hours of it every day, up to eight hours or more. He wakes up at five in the morning to play YouTube, and doesn't even eat breakfast. He won't come to the table to eat lunch or dinner, and when he does, he brings his iPad with him. If we have to go to a doctor or relatives house, he panics until he gets the wifi password, and if the Internet goes out, I have literally seen him get anxiety attacks. We can't go anywhere where there's no Internet because of him, and my parents don't want to do anything about it. I'm not old enough to drive, and I need to go places! Any advice?

    6 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Is this normal?

    Someone very close to me just passed away, and I feel nothing.

    A few years ago, I would cry at the death of people I barely knew. Now my aunt is dead and it s like I can t even feel.

    It s not that I m numb, I just keep thinking that she s in a better place now. But I ve been continuing on with my life, like normal. I didn t even cry, nothing. I feel like there s nothing I can do, so why worry?

    I suffer from anxiety and normally an event like this triggers it. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. I got the news a day ago and It s like nothing even happened. And no, I m not on any antidepressants or anything.

    This is all weird to me, but lately I ve been getting less and less emotional. It s like I don t care anymore. I am still happy with the little things, but I tend not to show my emotions to others.

    What is happening in my brain? Please tell me.

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Is dad cheating?

    I have noticed a lot of odd behavior going on lately. Our cell phone Bill is off the charts, and I don't even have a phone so it's not me! He works late all the time and his hours change like crazy. The job he has shouldnt be changing hours like that- one time he was gone for three days. He made some excuse about something coming up. Whenever my mom touches his cell phone, he gets all angry, and he won't let my little brother play games in it anymore. His colleagues are always calling him late at night, and he has lots of odd contacts I've never heard of in his phone. My grandfather cheated on my grandmother which is why I'm worried, and I'm old enough to understand what this means. I was hoping I could get a second opinion. (I'm a 16 year old girl, by the way, and I really, honestly don't have a phone!) My brother and sister are 12 and 8, and aI was also wondering what would happen to us.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago