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♥ PrincessLeia ♥

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I am a 25 year old Happily married stay at home mom of a 4 yr old and a second baby boy born on 12/21/08!! I love art and hope to be a well known artist someday (soon!). I have three tattoos and 7 peircings and want more of both. I am involved with community theatre and my husband is an actor/factory worker. I love to meet new and interesting people to talk to, but dislike people who are mean, disrespectful, racist and prejudice. Not big on Drama or troublemakers either!

  • Lopsided breasts while breastfeeding ?

    I am having a small issue with keeping my breasts even while breastfeeding. One side seemed to stop being so full, it is still letting out enough to keep baby happy but it is smaller then the other which bothers me. I tried what the books said about starting feedings on the smaller side until they even out...but the other side just ended up engorged...and even bigger. So then I tried pumping the smaller side and feeding on the larger but that failed too as I couldn't seem to pump right or something...milk comes out when I express with my hands but not with the issues on the other side with pumping. I am just not real sure how to fix or at least lessen this lopsidedness. This is my second child but the first at successful breastfeeding. I just gave birth 2 weeks ago so still learning and establishing a plentiful milk supply. Any advice on correcting the lopsidedness and general tips would be great! Thanks!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Severe Diaper rash....looks like acid burn!?

    What would be your assumption???...... The baby has chronic diaper rash issues...most of the time it is normal rash and goes away no problem...of course I don't let her sit in her own waste during the 50 hours a week I am with her (that is another issue all together).

    But we have come to a bigger problem with her that I can come up with a few things to look into. Sometimes...not all the time, maybe once a week or once every other week, we are getting what I refer to as “acid burn butt”. The baby will poop and within five minutes and LESS her skin will be so irritated the skin comes off in places and even to the point of bleeding. I am a mother of one son and another on the way....with my own son and the many children I have cared for over the years, I have NEVER seen poop do this...not even if it was left for a while nor have I ever seen rash this bad. The fact that this is pretty much instant has just blown my mind, it is so fast that she starts screaming instantly.

    It is not every I said it is once a week to every other week we have this. 5 days I have her and 5 days I change at least one poop diaper per day of hers so I know for a fact it is not every poop, to me that takes the possibility of an allergy to her own poop out of the loop.... I am no doc. Though.

    I do think that it could very easily be something she is eating, in fact that was my first thought. The mother says there is nothing new she is feeding her, but I also suggested looking at combinations of foods she is giving her or even as far as any medicines. For example It could be that she is fine eating peas and rice or carrots and rice but she can't do peas and carrots. I really think it is something that she is not given often.

    Anything is possible with her because her father is allergic to just about everything and she is showing signs that she is sensitive to more things then most children. I personally think that the first and best place to start is with anything she is consuming since that is the things that changes the most....even with just combinations of food. I even think that it could still be something alone because it happens at least once a week-every other week....something that is not regularly given to her. I have no idea what goes on at home as far as WHAT she is eating so I can not even guess there.

    My question is would you assume the same about the food? Does anyone know what else it could be? I know there are other diaper related skin infections, I just don't know what they all are or what they look like. Again I have not dealt with this sort of thing in ALL the time I have cared for children including my own....just normal diaper rash, so I am at a loss as to what else it could be or what else could cause it.

    She did just get over a skin yeast infection (or supposedly, mom said she called the pedi and they just told her to put this cream on her butt...they didn't even see her....) however this is an issue that goes back for at least a couple of months now with the “acid burn butt”, I see no immediate reason to assume any relation between them.

    Thanks in advance for the help....I know she is not my child, but I am hoping to give the mom some possibilities as to what this could be.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pain in the ***! LOL Please tell me what you think!

    I am 16 weeks pregnant with #2 and have recently been having some serious sharp pain in my rear end and hip, and sometimes it worsens when I particular way just sometimes when I's like being stuck with a large needle in my rear!. Feels like it starts at my tail bone and moves through my hip. I realize things are moving about, especially with #2 growing, but was wondering if this could be a pinched nerve? I have not fallen or had any trama to my poor behind so other then things moving and maybe a pinched nerve I can not think of what could be going on. I WILL be going to the doctor this coming thursday for a normal checkup and will ask, but would like to know what you think and any ideas for some relief?? I just can't imagine it being THIS bad (and I have high pain tolerance) just from things making room for baby. It has even been effecting how I walk!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Getting a new Cell Phone, anyone have any suggestions?

    In a couple weeks I am getting a new cell phone. I have Verizon and really like the Lg brand. I am looking at the LG ENV2, has anyone had any experience with this phone? Any suggestions for other phones(only real requirement being that it has a camera)? Also need to know of any DURABLE cell phones for my husband that has a camera on it as well....His phones take a beating at work and have to stand up to the abuse. Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • First time mom clueless?

    I mean no disrespect to the woman I baby-sit for, but the thing is I have found a few...problems. I am a mother of a 4 yr old already and have 1 on the way on top of my countless experience with baby-sitting and general child care, hence why this woman asked me to baby-sit her 3 month old for 10 hrs a day. 1 of the first problems I found was that the baby was needing changed every hour, so I did but I was running out of diapers way to fast! I told the mama & she seemed shocked telling me that she only goes through maybe 7-8 a day! So I politely requested that she leave me with more. She won't and this is where I am running into issues. THe baby has frequent Diaper Rash! From the info I heard from mama, this is b/c she is allowed to sit in her pee diaper for around 3 hours!!! She told me that I didn't have to change "every little pee diaper" & to let her sit in it she would be fine. I didn't like that at all but said nothing because she was convinced I was over doing it.............

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • SLIMQUICK? Ladies?

    Has anyone used SlimQuick product?

    If you have did it work even remotely the way that they say it does? Or is it just another dud?

    I would like to keep some of my more flatering curves after I lose some weight...I am afraid that working out is going to take I want to know if this product is worth it, or if there is one out there that works? Or even if you know any diet (picky eater) and exercise routines that work to keep curves but rid you of rolls? I already have a gym membership, but I don't have money to dish out for stuff like weight watchers or something.

    I need to lose 35-40 lbs without losing curves

    I am 25 yr old (female obviously)

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Modern day Bonnie and Clyde ID theft couple!!?

    OK so I was wonder if any have heard of this couple Jocelyn Kirsch and Edward Anderton, the ID theft couple?

    And what would you do if you have some pics and evidence that you knew at least one of them or dated them...would you cash in on it and try to sell the pics and the story? If yes Which mags would you go to with it? If No, why not?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • NEED IDEAS! Painting home?

    We are moving into a new place and I have been told I can paint murals for the rooms (will be given a screen the size of a wall for 2 of the rooms). My son is into Star Wars and comic book characters like Spider-Man. I don't want just one or the other, I would like to do one for him with a mix of Star Wars and comic characters....anyone have any Ideas for a good set up with that? THis one will be in his play room

    On the other one, which will be in his bed room, I would like to do something that has NOTHING to do with the jungle or sports. This is the one I am really at a loss for, he is so into Star Wars, but I wanted something else entirely for his room seeing how I am doing one for the playroom already.

    Any Ideas for creative decoration/painting in the master bedroom and living room are welcome though not as needed. (Fav color is RED/Black). We can pretty much do whatever we want paint wise.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Does your dog(s) have any WEIRD habits?

    All 6 of the dogs in our home have strange habits...but only one tops them all. My baby Leia has a habit of "hugging" people. Litterally she will put her paws on your shoulder and tuck her head into your chest and "Hug" you. She LOVES to cuddle like a kid..she was like this from day one. She does it all the is so funny! Out of all the dogs I have known in my life she has to be the weirdest....Good thing she just fits right in! LOL

    So Anyone else's pet have any weird habits? If so what do they do?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Legs falling asleep, any need to worry?

    I am 25 yr old female, a bit overweight, I recently started going to the gym just about every day....but this problem has been here long before that.

    No matter what way I sit it seems my legs fall asleep! And yes it is just about EVERY time I sit down...crossed legged, straight legged, but no problem when I lay down. Sometimes I don't even notice until I touch one and it is numb or until it starts to be uncomfortable. I was just curious of what I should watch for ...could this be something serious? I do also have an issue with being super sleepy all the time (part of the reason I started going to the gym....needed a kick start and I thought maybe in part was due to my inability to get a good nights sleep...but even when I do I still need a nap) Could they be related? Will going to the gym help eventually or does this sound like it could be something medical that can't be fixed with gym activity/losing weight?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Any Ideas for styling??(Picture)?

    I recently got a new hair is a lot different then what I normally get and is much shorter then normal. I would like to do some different styling with it...something fun, fancy ect.. but I am not used to doing short hair and don't want to come out looking like a boy!LOL It comes down at an the back it is short enough to show my whole neck, is an inch- inch and a half below my chin...and is made to be parted on the one side.....So any Ideas that might look good on me??

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Just curious?

    I was just thinking about this while reading some Qs on birds laying there a way to prevent them from ever laying fertile eggs? Kind of like you can get a dog or cat fixed...I know if you keep the males and females apart you won't have this issue, I was just curious if there is a way to stop it and be able to have males and femals together. We have 5 birds and know of 2 that have taken a liking to each other if you get my drift! LOL (we keep them apart)

    8 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Famliy scam....?

    What would you do?

    My grandmother was scammed about half a year ago and was "talked" out of it by my mother....of course this was only able to be done after thousands of dollars and bankruptcy for my grandma...

    Well we thought that she had finally gotten it that it was a scam and not her family trying to lie to her....yes she thought we were lying to her even after showing her proof it was a scam. ...but now we have found out that she is at it again! She believes that it was never a scam!! She is starting it again, already sent in some money and is not willing to believe that we are not trying to hurt her or keep her from money! She is bipolar and my mom is ready to send her to the hospital for delusions and her weird behavior. My sister already tried to talk to her but granny argued that it was real. I don't know what to do or how to help someone who doesn't even trust her own family over a scam artist!! We have even showed her that all of us get the SAME e-mails she is ...

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Pres. Canidates...?

    Please leave me your opinions, and reasons for those opinions, on each canidate. I just want to know what YOU think

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • I have an albino cockateil...possibly blind?

    About a month 1/2 ago I got a is all white, supposed to be albino (read there is no such thing as true albino) has the red eyes, pink feet and so on...I wonder if this mutation that caused the albino caused blindness in my bird? He is not even a year old yet, but my other teil (a grey) didn't/doesn't act this way. He is very clumsy, likes to stay low when he is standing/walking, seems to have no aim when she tries to fly (clipped wings though), he likes to stay VERY close to me when on my shoulder or just being held...not that I mind him being cuddlely =) I also have a tent thing in his cage that he is quite fond of, he didn't know about it until I showed him and now he is in it all the time. I am guessing he is blind or near blind...maybe sensitive to light more then normal? OH and the biggest thing is that you can move fast near his eyes of face and he doesn't flinch at ALL....the other 4 birds in the house all do or try to bite at you!

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Just an opinion...?

    Just curious to know what other people think of my photos! I am just getting started, and it is more for fun because I am an artist first....but if there is another route for me here it would be a nice addition for me. I need opinions though!! sooooo.....Which is your favorite, why? which is your least favorite and why? any good advice?

    16 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Ninja 2 PC, need help with some issues!?

    We just recieved a Ninja 2 computer and are having some issues. I am not sure about the set up because the person who gave it to us had everything set up and "ready to go" when it was given to us. The biggest issue is with the internet, whenever you type in an address a warning pops up telling you "windows cannot find ('null')." and then something about making sure you typed the address in correctly which we have! It even pops up when you hit a link. After you hit "OK" 3 windows pop is the site you wanted, one is the home page and the other is blank. Now if you try to go to another site by typing in an address from there it stops working all together and you have to close and reopen the explorer. The other issue we have is when we tried to watch a TV show from and 65 blank windows popped up when the player popped up...we are still able to watch the show but with the cost of 65 blank windows up! If you know anything about this please leave an answer and help us out!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My Preschooler is having trouble in school!!?

    My 3 year old preschooler is having a hard time listening and staying still in school. They have what they call "circle time" where they sit in a circle and do some activity for about 15-20 minutes. My son has apparently gotten up and run all over and started screaming during this time and generally not listening well. I am starting to work with him on this by doing our own "circle time" with activities like sorting cut out shapes and colors and numbers...but I wanted to get more Ideas for our circle time and maybe other ideas on what I can do to help out with the problem more!

    He loves school but has gotten in trouble both days he has gone (2 times each day! and it has only been the first 2 days!) nothing major but things that need worked on. I am a stay at home mom so he really was not used to sitting for so long, we worked with him on learning things but he would only sit for 5-10 minutes at a time to do anything and I didn't push it. He is very smart (can even add!)PLease help!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Help! EVERYTHING on my computer is HUGE and I don't know how to fix it!?

    I have 2000 windows Professional...everything on my computer is gigantic! I just want to go back to normal size and I don't know how to get there...please help!

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Parvaid for Parvo? Does it work or is it a crock?Any vets out there to answer?

    My dog was recently expose to Parvo...she had one set of shots but we had yet to get her second...point is that she is at risk to get it! (so please no rude comments or lectures). Through my research I found Parvaid, what I want to know is if anyone has used it, did it work as well as they say? I want to know because I am strongly considering it...she doesn't have ANY SYMPTOMS at this time! She may not have it but I want to be prepared for anything as her chances are high.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago