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  • Do I have a right to refuse work to attend stepdad's "funeral"?

    My stepdad passed away unexpectedly on the 11th of April. Due to legal complications (he had no will), we arranged to have a celebration of life for him on may 24th. My work granted me a few days of bereavement leave after my stepdad passed, as I was a mess.

    I am scheduled to work on the day of my stepdad's service. When I requested this day off, I was told the manager said I could attend the service, but I had to come into work afterwards (for what, 4 hours?). My coworkers as well as myself feel that this is appalling, as I'm sure I'm going to be emotional at the service.

    I found a (possible) solution in which coworkers offered to extend their hours so I won't have to come in, but I need the manager's approval. If she says no again, I would like to tell her "too bad, I'm not working" but I don't want to lose my job over it. The same manager tried to make my coworker come to work right after she was in a car accident (and suffered whiplash) so I think this is somewhat an abuse of labor rights. Do I legally have the right to refuse, so I can properly attend my stepdad's service? I live in ontario, canada. Would greatly appreciate help on this as I cannot find much on "funerals" that occur later after the person passes. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Stepdad passed away, mom wants me to move back home?

    Hi everyone, I'm in some serious need of advice and would appreciate some thoughts from others.

    My beloved stepdad passed away a week ago, very suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving my mom devastated and with an otherwise empty house to run. She has never been the sort of person who likes to be alone (she gets panicky and anxious). She's been like this her whole life.

    She has been asking me and my bf to move in, temporarily (a few years) to help out. She will NOT consider strangers renting rooms (she has done it before in the past).

    I'm more or less receptive to the idea although not keen on being a "Boomerang Kid", but my bf is pretty against the idea. My bf and I are at a point where we are trying to build our lives, have kids and he feels my mom will get used to being alone once the dust settles. I live about 10 minutes from my moms, so it's not like there's a lot of distance between us. At the same time, I worry that if I move home, my mom will grow dependent on me to a point where it will be difficult to move out. But of course, I love my mom and been helping out every other way - running errands for her, helping organize the house and even staying with her on nights she's alone (her sister and friends have also been staying with her, so she's not alone these days).

    I feel completely torn and guilty between my mom and bf, and not sure what the right thing is to do. Thoughts?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • 8 year old calling my boyfriend Daddy (neither of us are her parents)?

    Earlier this year, my bf went volunteering for 2.5 months in Jamaica where he made a lot of friends, including an 8 year old Jamaican girl. The girl as it seems, got attached to my boyfriend, even writing him a letter stating she wished he was her father. My bf is flattered by this and thinks that he's being a good role model in her life, since the girl's biological father was said to be a deadbeat.

    Fast forward to now (4 months after bf got back), she just called him Daddy on fb and announcing she got her own computer. There is no parental connection at all (my bf is not her father, never dated her mother, etc).

    I find that this girl calling my boyfriend daddy to be really disturbing and personally, don't think it is healthy. My bf is trying to tell me it's all a joke, but I'm having a hard time finding the humor.

    Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit weird? Any advice to go about handling this? My bf is going back to Jamaica in the new year for three months, so I'm a bit worried about how this daddy drama is going to go.

    Thanks in advance for reading!

    6 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • PC Sims Deluxe maximizing friends?

    I'm playing Sim Deluxe for PC.

    After achieving all skills, goals, etc the honest way, my Sim got married, so I want to get her husband to achieve everything as well before I make a multi-baby household lol.

    Is there a cheat with shift + ctrl + c that I can use to maximize his friends so that he can advance in his career quickly? I really don't want to go through all the work with making/keeping friends again. lol.

    I've tried the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat but the game tells me there's no such cheat. Holding shift and clicking on mailboxes doesn't work either.

    If anyone knows how to do this, can you please give me a walkthrough?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Child passed, keeping bedroom as is?

    There is a lady who I've known for about 5 years, and was pet sitting for her while she was away. About 2 years ago, her child died of a congenital heart condition, aged 14. I knew the child as well so I was saddened to hear the news. The child died about a year before the family moved to a new house, the one I was in.

    While I was pet sitting, I saw that a bedroom had been set up for the daughter as if though she lived there, even though she had died before the family moved into the house. In addition, there were A LOT of memorial stuff around the house.

    I respect those who do this and my question is not intended to offend anyone but rather, understand points of views. While I do understand losing a child can be devestating, does having a room for the child after death make it harder to recover? Doesn't it prolong grief? Why keep a room if it has/will never be used?

    I would appreciate any thoughts and/or opinions...

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Telephone call history records. Retrievable?

    This is asked on behalf of a friend who uses a mobile. I would guess and say that about 2, 3 years ago, there was a number that he had that was important. Some time later, a new phone was bought and apparently, this number was lost in the data transfer process. My friend has been quite upset about it, and figured it to be a lost cause. I'm stubborn and think there has got to be a way. I've been trying to think of ways to help my friend get that number back. Then I remembered that one usually gets a printout of calls that he/she has made each month along with their phone bills. Perhaps phone companies still have them after 2 years?

    Is there a way of retrieving copies of the phone call history dating back at least 2 years? I can only find stuff online that is about retrieving old bills, but not much on call histories.

    Has anyone seen/lived this sort of experience? Is there anything my friend can do to get the number back through his phone company?

    5 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Best kind of food for dog with Addison's disease?

    Hello, I am hoping to reach out to people who are experienced with dogs with Addison's disease, and their dogs' diets.

    My aunt has an adult dog (lab/rotti mix) who has Addison's disease, as a result of lacking adrenal glands (congenital).

    As of recent, my aunt is currently trying to find good quality dog food that is high in fiber, low in fat upon advice from the veterinarian. The problem is, most foods contain the opposite of what my aunt is trying to find.

    I would appreciate any help from anyone who had a dog with AD, perhaps even hints or tips on what we could feed or try? Any food recommendations?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Bamboo leaves turning yellow, but not stalk.?

    I know there are other questions asking this, but I'd like to hear input regarding what happened in my bamboo's case.

    I got my bamboo about 2 months ago (just one stalk, only about 8 inches tall with 4 leaves - just a baby!). Starting about a week and a half ago, a leaf started to turn yellow. At this point, I had only been topping up the water when it gets low as I had been instructed. I use a brita filter and made sure to leave the pitcher out overnight before giving it to the bamboo. Its had no plant food up to date, and it has not been exposed to sunlight (indirect light) which I thought would be a good compromise for the bamboo. The stalk of the bamboo is still green.

    I read somewhere that the container & rocks should be cleaned weekly, which I did for the first time about 3 days ago. Today, two more leaves have started turned yellow since the water change/clean (again, the brita had been left out overnight). I'm really starting to freak out. Thinking now that the light may still be too much, I moved it further away from the light. I bought miracle gro but I'm scared to use it, and I think that's the last thing the bamboo wants based on what I've read.

    What am I doing wrong? And what can I do to make "Twiggy" better? Should I cut the yellow leaves off, or give it a chance to go green again?? I'm hoping to get advice from people who are experienced plant owners, rather than getting links.

    Thanks so much in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • My cat has a meningioma (brain tumor)...?

    I am currently on an emotional roller coaster these days and sick with worry.

    Saturday night, my cat had an MRI in which a meningioma was found on the right side of his brain, and is now pushing on the left side of his brain due to it's growing size. I know this type of tumor is benign, NOT cancerous. It is allegedly very easy to remove and the surgeries are highly successful with no changes in the cat, so I've been told.

    Without surgery, my cat will have 2-3 months left to live and he's only 10 years old. If he does have the surgery, he'll have a good number of years to live but he may die during surgery or during his aftercare, and of course, the tumor could grow back if all of it isn't removed. Aside from the tumor, my cat is healthy as a horse. Even his blood work came back perfectly normal on Friday. This is a scary situation, but I am drawing closer to making a decision about what's best for my cat.

    I am hoping to hear from people who have had a pet that is going through what my cat is, perhaps your decision, and the aftermath. As of Monday, my cat is home from the vet so I am trying to spend as much time as possible with him, and spoiling him rotten, while I decide what is right for him...At this time, he is comfortable on his medications (one's an anticonvulsant and the other is an inflammatory), eating and drinking and is VERY happy at being home. The only things that are off about him is he seems to be very vocal (he's normally quiet, so I don't know if he's still THAT happy at being home, or if it's the tumor), his balance is a tiny bit wobbly at the odd time, and he tends to go in circles from time to time but aside from that, this is the best I've seen in him in just over a week. Believe me, he's not suffering at the moment, and I won't allow him to suffer if he ever displays signs of this.

    My question is, is there anyone out there who has had first hand experience with a pet in this scenario (pet had same tumor, and had surgery)? Maybe you worked in a vet and saw something similar? If so, how long did the pet live? Your overall feelings? Any changes to the pet's body coordination, personality, etc?

    I know there are links all about meningiomas and blah blah blah. But I would love to hear some personal first hand experience to hopefully give me that last bit of assurance that I need...

    Any help would be most appreciated!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Did you have a pet with a brain tumor (meningioma)?

    I am currently on an emotional roller coaster these days and sick with worry.

    Two days ago, my cat had an MRI in which a meningioma was found on the right side of his brain, and is now pushing on the left side of his brain due to it's growing size. I know this type of tumor is benign, NOT cancerous. It is allegedly very easy to remove and the surgeries are highly successful with no changes in the cat, so I've been told.

    Without surgery, my cat will have 2-3 months left to live and he's only 10 years old. If he does have the surgery, he'll have a good number of years to live but he may die during surgery or during his aftercare, and of course, the tumor could grow back if all of it isn't removed. Aside from the tumor, my cat is healthy as a horse. Even his blood work came back perfectly normal on Friday. This is a scary situation, but I am drawing closer to making a decision.

    I am hoping to hear from people who have had a pet that is going through what my cat is, perhaps your decision, and the aftermath. Today, my cat came home from the vet so I am trying to spend as much time as possible with him, and spoiling him rotten, while I decide what is right for him...At this time, he is comfortable, eating and drinking and is VERY happy at being home. The only things that are off about him is he seems to be very vocal (he's normally quiet, so I don't know if he's still THAT happy at being home, or if it's the tumor), his balance is a tiny bit wobbly at the odd time, and he tends to go in circles from time to time but aside from that, this is the best I've seen in him in just over a week. Believe me, he's not suffering at the moment, and I won't allow him to suffer if he ever displays signs of this.

    My question is, is there anyone out there who has had first hand experience with a pet in this scenario (pet had same tumor, and had surgery)? Maybe you worked in a vet and saw something similar? If so, how long did the pet live? Your overall feelings? Any changes to the pet's body coordination, personality, etc?

    I know there are links all about meningiomas and blah blah blah. But I would love to hear some personal first hand experience to hopefully give me that last bit of assurance that I need...

    Any help would be most appreciated!

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Forward foot on snowboard (does the 'rule of thumb' really apply?) & sole purpose of forward foot?

    I've just started (seriously) taking up snowboarding this season, and going pretty regularly but I'm still a pretty amateurish snowboarder girl at this point.

    At this time, my right foot is my lead foot on the board, which according to the rule of thumb, is the one I'd use when kicking a ball, or control sliding on ice. Back in my skateboarding days, my LEFT foot was the lead foot, and my right would control the steerage/back of my skateboard.

    My question is to those who have been snowboarding for a while (please don't post informative links, I've read them already).

    Are there any people who are generally right-footed, but use their left foot forward? I'm just trying to figure out how often the rule of thumb doesn't apply, before I go through the hassle of changing the positions of my bindings.

    And my second question is, which foot is more responsible for 'carving'? Is it the back foot that you'd use to steer the board, or the front foot/swinging of the torso? I'm hoping to get a general idea of how most people do it, as from what I've seen in the Olympics, it seems pretty similar to skateboarding so I'm wondering if I should change my forward foot and go back to what worked on a skateboard.

    Despite what may seem like a dumb question, thanks for any advice in advance! :)

    4 AnswersSnowboarding1 decade ago
  • Are chiropractors safe to use with a possible prolapsed disc (or other possible low back pathology)?

    Hey! Thanks for reading! Hope you can help me! :)

    My bf has been having this ongoing problem for about 2-3 years with his lower back (I believe it is around the L5/S1 area), and is experiencing symptoms that implicate sciatica (throbbing pain in his low back, butt and ankle). He has tried many anti inflammatories, muscle relaxants, tylenol 3's, massages all which have very little effect. Xrays have been done but there was nothing abnormal that was visible. Based on his symptoms, I'm wondering if he has a prolapsed disc even though his doctor and xray technician didn't see anything (then again, his dr is a schmuck!). My bf described the pain almost like it felt like it was in the bone. His doc thinks its a muscle spasm but I personally disagree considering its an ongoing problem and it appears far more severe than a spasm.

    For the last 4 days, my bf has been pretty immobile and in A LOT of pain, which does happen from time to time, but it appears to be one of the pretty severe incidents. He is currently trying Aleve which says helps a tiny bit but he's still suffering in an extreme way. Its at a point now where I'm prepared to take action and get him to a doctor that's better than his current one, even if my bf is kicking & screaming about it. I think at this point that he needs someone who is experienced with backs, rather than a regular physician but I'm not sure entirely if a chiropractor is the answer. My bf definitely needs something more than just anti inflammatories and muscle relaxants.

    My questions are:

    1. Are prolapsed discs generally noticeable on xrays, given the amount of pain that is being experienced in this case?

    2. Can chiropractors 'fix' a prolapsed disc without further pain or injury?

    3. Did anyone have a similar experience to what my bf is going through? If so, what was the diagnosis? How did you get it resolved/maintained?

    Thanks so much for your time. I would really appreciate any help with this so I can figure out what course I should take to get my bf's back treated properly and effectively for the long run.

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • When has flirting crossed the line?

    This is really an opinion question.....

    There is a guy who has been with his gf for 6 years. She has made it clear from the beginning of the relationship that she doesn't like flirting. Over the course of the relationship, she has caught her bf several times flirting. One such flirt that he has told to 2 women 'you are the hottest/one of most beautiful woman I have ever seen'. The gf was pretty upset about it, given the number of times he has done it previously. However, each time she said she was done with him, the guy begs her not to leave and promises to stop, says he wants to be with her for life, etc.

    My question is, while flirting is socially acceptable, is this guy crossing the line with his gf? If so, why does he want the gf around if he kept doing it? (as far as I know, there hasn't been another incident in about 3 months)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question for men! Input about shavers/trimmers?

    I'm looking into buying either an electric shaver or a beard trimmer for my bf for christmas, but I'm stumped as to which might be considered better for everyday life.

    My bf generally has a goatee and sideburns which on the rare occasion, he'll shave it all off and start afresh. He has a trimmer that he uses to maintain the goatee that works but the adjuster part broke. I was thinking of getting him a new one, so he can trim his goatee without worrying about accidently shaving a streak through it *LOL*.

    But then recently, he remarked on an electric shaver commercial "Cool.." so I'm wondering if I should get that instead? Is a shaver better and more effective, than razors?

    So my question is for the guys, since I'm a girl and I don't know anything about this stuff...

    If you regularly have a goatee, which would you consider more valuable, a shaver or beard trimmer? One guy told me that often, electric shavers don't shave closely as razors do, but they're great to use if you need to get out the door fast. But I need more opinions before I can make a decision...

    If you own either, what brand/model do you consider the best (Phillips? Panasonic? Braun?)?

    Any input on either would be awesome because I'm completely clueless on this one *L* I'm personally thinking a trimmer might be more useful but I need people to help shove me in that direction *L*

    Thanks in advance :)

    Men's Health1 decade ago
  • Mechanical bull riding in Calgary?

    I am planning on visiting Calgary in middle of November.

    I would really, really like to ride a mechanical bull, and cross this off my list of fun things to do *L*

    Can anyone please tell me of any bars or places anywhere in Alberta (preferably Calgary though!), that would have an electronic/mechanical bull?

    Would appreciate ANY help regarding this!

    5 AnswersCalgary1 decade ago
  • Where are my question marks and apostrophes!!!?

    I have never experienced this before, and it happens randomly.

    Sometimes my question marks appear as an E with an apostrophe over it and the apostrophes are also appearing weird too. How do I get rid of itÉ (thats supposed to be a question mark!).

    Other examples are:

    - Left-pointing arrow appears as a '

    - Right-pointing arrow appears as a "

    - Question marks appear as a É

    - apostrophes appear as a è

    - slashes appear as an é

    *sobs* I donèt like them. How do I get rid of themÉ

    This is going to keep me up at night *L*

    Could someone please help me eliminate them and howÉ

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Need advice on handraising baby sparrows?

    My bf found 3 baby sparrows that had been sitting outside his work for 3 days before bringing them home. They have their feathers, flying a little (but not very well) and their eyes are well open and they chirp.

    At the moment, he is feeding them a mixture of mealworms and water and is feeding them through a syringe 3 times a day.

    Can anyone please give advice as to how much, how often these guys should be fed? Is there anything else that they should have (ie. bowl of water for bathing, drinking, food - if so, what sort of food?)

    ANY advice would be awesome. Thanks in advance :)

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can I obtain copies of police records regarding a family members's death?

    I have no idea how this works..

    An estranged family member whom I had been trying to find, died tragically a couple of months ago. The police ruled it as a suicide, but there are flying rumours that it was murder and the police didn't 'have time' (I was notified not by the police, but by friends of the deceased).

    I need answers and want to see everything they have in their files. I would like to get copies of what they have (ie. note by the deceased, autopsy results, police record, ect). For example, only friends of the deceased can tell me if the writing on the note is really my family member's...but the police will only allow family members to view anything....

    If requested, can I have copies of this stuff, or do they refuse and keep everything? Can they refuse to show me anything (ie. death scene pictures)? What are the boundaries?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago