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  • How to have sex with a girl?

    Lately me and my girlfriend have been having lots of conversations about sex and how we want o take the next step. Obviously I'm a virgin and she is well experienced but I can't help but ask her so many questions on how to do it. She said she'll do all the work but I tell her that I want to return the favor. She said you'll know when the time comes and I tell her your no help, but I still love you;) lol I already know I'm gonna be clueless when it happens and I just want a step by step process cause I'm so nervous and afraid I'll do something wrong. And any tips on how to turn her on and pleasure her. Also, no oral sex!!! I'm just not up for that/.\ lol 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER!!! Thanks;)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do I have a stomach ulcer?

    I'm 17 and for the past month or two I've been having stomach pains almost every time after I eat...the other night during a boxing fight I ate a little more than I usually do and when I went to bed I felt bubbles in my stomach and the pain made it hard for me to sleep. I've been losing my appetite and when I do eat I get gas and stomach pains that sometimes feel like a burning sensation...What's happening to me?:(

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Does cutting your eyebrows make them more volumed?

    Not as in plucking or shaving them to shape them, but to actually cut the length of the hairs to make them shorter. I hear that if they are shorter it makes your brows seem fuller rather than flat. Plus, how can I thicken them naturally? 10 points to best answer;p

    5 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • Is cursing a sin(not religion just to God)?

    I mentioned not religion because I'm not too sure of all of that or everything in the bible, just in God, I have total faith in God. When I say curse words, I don't mean words like f*cking pr*ck or any insults of any kind. But I mean like saying sh*t or f*ck whenever something falls on my foot or I get hurt or irritated. Sometimes it slips when I fall or something scares me. I would never use God's name in vain or use it to disrespect anyone in any way. I want to use it but if it absolutely offends or disrespects God in any way I'll stop. :/

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Who would win: Batman or Superman?

    I just found out that they're going to make a movie on this, so I just suddenly caught interest on who would win. Realistically, I think Superman would win. I think its a bit naive to even think that Batman could win. Sure he's pretty badass compared to your average person, but he's no super hero. During battle, even if Batman had armor covered with Kryptonite, Superman could throw a car on his head and even Batman couldn't survive that cause he's just a normal human being;p That's just my opinion;p I want to hear yours;) P.S I hate how Christian Bale bailed on playing Batman. That's some BS

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Hey guys, what kind of style do you like on a girl?

    I'm just curious. So many guys seem to have different tastes. Some are picky in detail while others don't really care;p Just want to see which preference is more common;) Girls too, if you roll that way like me;)

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • What would you do in a Zombie Apocolypse?

    I would travel to LA and hope to run into a celebrity and survive the Apocalypse together;) That and collect the most badass car an guns I can get my hands on;p

    10 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Why do athlete's wear sandals?

    I'm talking about the Adidas and Nike brand. When I go to soccer I always see the girl wear them after practice or a game. Is it to prevent athlete's foot? Or to give your feet air after they've been sweating? I have some but I don't wear them after soccer only for comfort at home

    4 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • Any ways to get pissed off?

    I have a soccer game in an hour and I'm just not in the mood. Anything I can do or think about that can get me pissed off and in a pumped mood?;o Thanks:)

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Do I have a disorder?

    A few months back in February my friend told me to try weed for the first time and like an idiot I did. I ate a weed chocolate which 30 minutes later made me "green out". At first I had felt VERY dizzy and sick to my stomach and had even given me odd images as though I was a video game. When it hit its climax, I felt sharp pain in my head as though my head was gonna burst and a racing heart that I felt was too fast for a human body to bear. I literally thought I was dying that I had sent myself to the nurse's office, which I don't like talking about. I've learned my lesson from feeling so close to death that the punishment afterwards was nothing compared to it, so please don't judge or insult me from my mistake. Anyway, a week later I was rethinking that day in my mind and I started to feel sweating and extreme panic that was followed by a racing heart. Immediately I was taken to the hospital where they had told me where I had a panic attack. I told them that it was probably just stress about school but I know it was really from reliving that day mentally. I've had probably an estimated of about 10 anxiety attacks since then. I've found it harder to live life without thinking that there's a possibility of me dying. I never forget to wear my seat belt cause I'm afraid to die in accident. I don't like eating out at fast foods with my family because I feel the unhealthiness of it will give me a heart attack. I know that my paranoia gives me a healthier and safer life but I hate feeling this way. Also I feel when I exercise my heart is going to give out from it beating too fast. I stress because I feel that too much stress will lead to heart failure. All these things run through my mind because of that f***ing desicion of trying a weed chocolate. I feel like I can't live life as a normal 17 year old anymore. Am I suffering from some disorder like PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, or just too much worry. Either way I can't seem to bear or shake it off. I've seen a therapist and it was no help. Please I need to know so that I can research for coping strategies to cure myself:(

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Tips on guy confidence?

    I'm 17 years old and an incoming freshman in college. My whole life I've dealt with guys chasing after me, but to be honest, I've never really liked any of them. Not because of their outer appearances, but because of their personalities. Most of them were too immature for me. I have had guys ask me out hours after meeting them and I can't help but think that its only because of my looks. I've even had my friends tell me that your pretty face attracts the ugly guys, both in and out. I didn't take this much into consideration because I don't look for looks in a guy. But it PISSES me off that they don't have the patience and maturity to take the time to get to know me. What's even worse is that whenever I seem to like a good looking guy, they never seem to like me back. Why do I get the ugly shallow guys but I can't seem to have a good looking guy with an amazing personality? I just feel like I have little potentiality when it comes to guys:/ Any confidence advice. P.S sorry for the weird description, its all over the place>.< I'm tired.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it bad to hold in your pee?

    I know its harmful if you hold it in for a long period of time. But for how long till its serious? When I hold it in, its no more than 5 minutes, but its still really painful because I suck it up. There are times when I have to hold it because someone is in the bathroom. Is it bad if I have suck it up and endure the pain even though I haven't held it in for long? If I continue this will it damage my kidneys? Also, sometimes after I pee I feel pain as though I'm having girl cramps. P.S when I mean I feel pain its because I'm holding it in really bad not because I have an infection....I hope.

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • Is being bisexual a sin?

    My family believes in Catholicism as well as myself although I'm not too sure with every detail of it. But I 100% believe in the existence of God. I have had my doubts of details within my religion although I'm not sure of this. I have a girlfriend and she's great but I can't help but think that what I'm doing is a sin and is wrong in the eyes of God. I'm afraid and I need advice that can help me. Should I end it and stick with male relationships or can someone convince me that God can accept my relationship. Religious answers only please :/

  • Is Dexter a good name for a duck?

    I just got a new baby duck today. He is a male and I wanted to name him after the serial killer Dexter from the show Dexter;p. Is it good or should I change it;o Any suggestions? I want the name to have meaning:] Thanks P.S don't know if this helps but he's gonna grow up to be white with black marks on his back kinda like these:

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • What part of the throat do I sing through?

    So I heard that there's a certain part of your throat that your singing voice is supposed to come out through. I don't sing through voice, I sing through diaphragm, but I can't help but think that I'm singing it through the wrong part of the throat. Sometimes when I sing my throat starts to hurt after a while, now Idk if its through bad vocal development or if I'm just singing it through the wrong part of the throat. Any techniques or strategies to help find the right part of the throat that I'm supposed to sing through?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • How can I make my butt smaller? 10 points to Best Answer!!!?

    Okay so I have a huge butt and its mostly stored fat. Its genetic that I store it there but its not naturally big. When I was little I had almost no butt but then I started gaining weight and my butt is where it was stored. I don't like it cause its embarrassing and I can never find any jeans. I just want to know if I should go jogging/running, jump on a trampoline(which I have), or muscle exercises. Although I hear muscle exercises likes squats and lunges will make it bigger cause it builds muscle. Idk if you have made your butt smaller with some special exercise routine please let me knowD; Thank You.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How can I calm myself when I'm having anxiety?

    I'm Lola and I'm 17 years old. I have an anxiety disorder because mainly of the fear I have for death. Whenever I think about it my heart starts pounding, mainly at night when I have all the time in the world to think. I'm having trouble sleeping because I'm always have anxiety. A therapist gave me some breathing and coping techniques, but they don't seem to help me at all. I feel like all this worry and anxiety will lead to bad heart conditions which will lead to a heart attack. Please I'm so scared and I don't know what to do.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What title should I give my book?

    Its about a griffin-like beast that falls in love with a human girl that crash landed on a deserted island that is full of undiscovered mystical creatures. He has a dangerous coup of a family that have a natural hatred for humans. He runs away with her after his family discovers her presence on the island and tried to kill her.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago