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I'm a mother, wife, singer, friend... and so much more!!! If ya have any questions, just e-mail me. I'd be happy to answer... you can check out my myspace page at or Have a great day!!!

  • Is she cheating? Should I tell?

    My brother in law is a christian and has been married to his wife for about 15 years. They have 1 daughter together and she has twins from a former marriage. Recently, his wife says she is a part of a Pagan group and is practicing witchcraft. She now goes to monthly seminars and is usually not home for days at a time. She becomes unreachable on her cell at these times and leaves her husband at home to watch their 11 year old daughter. They home school her and she is very far behind where she should be. I have become a babysitter during those times so he can work. His wife has been acting strange ever since this started. She is always irritated and thinks everything should be about her and thinks everyone is out to get her. I found photos online of her with another man at one of these seminars and they are questionable. I worry for my niece's sake. Should I tell my brother in law about it or leave it alone? I don't want to be caught in it, but I feel obligated with how she treats him...

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Your Opinion Counts!! Skinny vs. Fat???

    What's more important to you in a professional singer: Someone who has an incredible voice who is a bit on the heavier side or someone with an okay voice but with an incredible body?

    I'd just like to see what people think. Remember, be honest!!!

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My lawyer is sueing me? Any advice?

    Okay, here's how it goes: About 2 years ago, I decided to file for divorce. I paid to have the paperwork drawn and filed it myself. Shortly there after, my husband hired a lawyer. Seeing as how I wasn't represented, I hired one as well. I paid him a $1000 retainer. It was months that went by. My lawyer called me a grand total of 4 times! My hubby's lawyer did most of the work. We finally went to court. My lawyer did a poor job of representing me! He didn't even prepare! We were at the courthouse about 2 hours. A few days after that, my husband and I decided to get back together. I informed my lawyer and he wished us the best. My husband's lawyer did the rest of the work.

    Now, my lawyer charges $200/hr. According to my records, he actually owes me $, but he is now sueing me for $1065! I'm not sure how to go about this! He did a piss poor job of representing me and I don't feel I owe him anything! I know he's a lawyer and will be better in court than I will be. What do I do?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Birthday Ideas for a 4 year old?

    My son going to be 4 this month and he's really into Superman and the Justice League. I was wondering if anyone had some good ideas? Thanks!

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How many of you have tried out for American Idol?

    I'm just curious how many people on here have tried out. I have before. And what do you think of the tryout process? Fair or Unfair?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Lawyer or no lawyer? What are his rights?

    My father was working for a store in Texas as the manager. He came in one morning, only to find 3 robbers in his office trying to steal the safe. They tied him up and beat him severely, almost breaking his back. This was almost a year ago.He has now gone through back sugery and is in constant pain, not even able to tie his own shoes or bend over. He is kind of stubborn and doesn't want to hire a lawyer. I have been trying to convince him to, but to no avail. What are his rights in the state of Texas for this kind of injury? What should I do to convince him that hiring a lawyer is his best course of action? I need some help here!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Michigan or Florida? Your opinion please!?

    Who do you think should go? Who would you like to see go? Who do you think will go? Just curious what people have to say.... BTW, do you think the system is flawed? Should there be playoffs instead? Best and most thurough answer gets 10pst! Good Luck!

    19 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Help with Algebra!!?

    If the sides of a square are increased by 5 meters, the area becomes 100 square meters. Find the length of the sides of the original square.

    I'm lost here. Can someone explain and help me solve this thing?

    16 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How do you make a sugar free chocolate pie, including the pie crust?

    My Grandmother is diabetic and said she hasn't had a chocolate pie in years. I would like to make one for her for Thanksgiving. I know how to make a normal chocolate pie, but I can't seem to find a good pie crust that is sugar free! Any advice?

    6 AnswersThanksgiving1 decade ago
  • Topic for a final paper? Any ideas?

    The only requirement is that it has to be an expository essay. She has given us free range, but I just don't know what to pick!! I thought about the war and global warming, but I would really like it to be unique. Any ideas? It's going to be about 1500 words long, so I need something with a lot of good credible sources. Links are a plus!!

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Lack of sex drive during pregnancy. Any advice?

    I'm going on my 25th week of pregnancy. During the first part of my pregnancy, my sex drive was very normal, but lately I have none at all. It bothers me a lot that I'm not really there for my husband, but he is throwing a huge fit about it. He constantly bugs me for it and throws a fit if he doesn't get any. Last night he woke me up at 4am because I guess he figured it wasn't right that he can't sleep because he isn't getting enough sex. We had a similar problem with my first pregnancy. I'm trying to figure out how to keep him pleased even though I am not in the mood to have sex. My orgasms don't even feel good, so I just don't want to, but he can't seem to understand that. I am sick of him being mad about this and wish he would just drop it and try to be a bit more understanding. Anyone else have this problem? Any advice on what I can do to make him a bit more happy and keep his mind off of it?

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • With Peterson out for the season, does he still have a chance at the hiesman?

    I'm not expert on sports, so I was wondering if this alters his ability to win the hiesman trophy this year?

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Looking for a good site...?

    I have some Contemporary Chateau Hand painted Stoneware made in Japan and I am looking for a site where I can find prices on these. They look similar to these, but are all brown and tan...

    So far, this is the only thing I have found that is similar to what I am looking for. I have tried E-Bay, but no luck. Is there a website where I can find things that look similar to this that might have pricing info on them? Please help!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Do you think television is a "symptom" of children with ADD or ADHD?

    ADD and ADHD are some of the most commonly diagnosed things in children today. Is it parental laziness? Not enough Discipline? Are school systems just tired of seeing children not paying attention or being "too active"? What are your thoughts on this?

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Should Pluto be considered a planet? Why or why not? And what about the others they have found?

    I'm curious. I have seen so many documentaires about this subject. I've heard dwarf planet and stuff about it being out there in the belt. Do you think this is going to stick or do you think the discovery of other things out there may change the viewpoints of scientists and others in the astronomy feild in the future?

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the rulings? OU vs. Oregon?

    I asked the experts, and this is what they had to say...

    What do you think about this? Let me know. I personally believe the rulings were wrong, but that's my opinion. Here is an excellent video of it as well. I have to question why Oregon got the football, when you can clearly see that OU got the ball from the onside kick. What do you think?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Can you compare Steve Irwin to Timothy Treadwell? Why or why not?

    I want to know what people think of this. I will not give my opinion. I simply want to know what others think. Thanks!

    14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Low fat diet for a pregnant woman?

    Before you judge and say that it is bad for me to be on any kind of diet while pregnant, I have a good reason for it. It was prescibed by my doc because I have Cholelithiasis Biliary Colic, or irritated gall bladder. I have to be on a low fat, clear liquids diet. The clear liquids don't bother me at all. Water is pretty much what I drink most of the time. I don't really drink pop.

    Anyway, I wanted to know if anyone could give me recipes or good things I can eat that are low in fat? I still want to eat healthy for my baby. I can't do fish, but am open to other suggestions. Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Need a Topic for Comp 1. Any ideas?

    I have to do a descriptive narrative for my English class and I can't seem to pick out a topic. Any ideas? She usually picks out the topic, but is giving us free range on this one. Nothing disgusting please.

    7 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy complication? Anyone else experience this?

    I am about 16 weeks pergnant and about 2 days ago, I noticed a sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. It hurts bad enough to make me cringe and have to sit down. I called a nurse care hotline and they told me to go to the ER. So I went. The hospital staff were very nice, but didn't do much. They did an ultrasound on the baby and everything looked fine. My bloodwork and urine came back normal, but the pain still persisted. They told me to go see my OB and sent me home. I took Tylenol for the pain, but it didn't help much. I called the next day to my OB's office and they told me to go see my primary care doc. So I went. He sent me back to the ER and gave them a list of tests to do. They did was an ultrasound on my appendix. Came in the next day and they did more ultrasounds. I was diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries 2 weeks before concieving. I noticed bumbs on them during the ultrasound. Do they normally cause this much pain? Should I have a c section and have everything removed?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago