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  • I have numb index finger and unusual dryness/flaking on forehead, could it be early pregnancy symptoms?

    Hi, I have been TTC this month. It is day 30 of my usually 28 to 30 day cycle. I am experiencing slight cramps like I do normally before my period comes. However, two odd things are happening. I have been noticing that my face, especially my forehead, feels dry in a way that its never really felt dry before. Kind of like patchy dryness. Also my right index finger has a numbness feeling where it's not numb but it feels the way after you feel the tingling sensation of when your leg or arm fell asleep.

    I tested this morning using a very sensitive pregnancy tests (detects hcg at 20) and got a negative. But, I have read that some women don't get a positive until they more weeks along.

    I'm just wondering if this could be pregnancy since these two things popped up at about the same time, toward the end of my cycle and I was TTC.

    Oh, also, I don't really chart my temps but I have played around with it. Most of the time my BBT is 98.1. This morning it was 97.9, which I know a drop would mean I'm not pregnant more than likely.

    Thanks so much

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If you have a fibroid in your uterine wall is it operable?

    I am so confused. I have read a lot about laproscopic and vaginal surgeries for fibroids, but a receptionist at a dr.s office said that surgery would only work for fibroids outside the uterine wall. I just found out that mine is in the front part of the uterine wall and is 1.7 x 1 cm. Can anyone please let me know if surgery is an option for this type of fibroid? Thanks

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • If you have a uterine fibroid and want surgery do you make appt with ob gyn or other specialist?

    I found out I have a fibriod inside my uterus and I have been reading about treatment options. Since I am wanting to get pregnant and have been have horrible!!! periods I want to explore the option of surgical removal of the fibroid. If I want to this the quickest way, what kind of doctor should I get an appt with? I have already had an ultrasound pelvic and vaginal. It was ordered by my primary care doctor who is an internal medicine dr. So, do I go back to her or go directly to an obgyn who might do this kind of surgery or would my primary care dr. "book this" for me?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • If I got a speeding ticket in another state will it be mailed to me if I didn't pay it?

    Okay, this question is for a friend. About 15 years ago, when he was about 16 he got a speeding ticket in the state next to ours. He can't remember if he paid it. But, he knows that if it were mailed to him (his parents at the time) that they would have paid it. Do you know if it would have been mailed to his house?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My 8lb chihuahua ate a piece of onion, will he be okay?

    I was eating a fast food burger and the center of the onion fell out and he snapped it up. He is 8 years old and I think that he has probably gotten onion like this maybe a couple of times with no problem. I appreciate your help.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is a good plant/tree/shrub for container planting in zone 6 that is tall?

    I have a large container built of treated wood. It is about 4 ft tall, 2 ft wide, and 7ft long. I want to plant something in it that is tall in order to create privacy. I'm in zone 6. I've already tried white pampass grass which died after the first season and arborvitae. I have some privet hedges that I could transplant to the container, but I don't know if they are hardy enough to survive the winter here in a container.

    I would prefer something evergreen if possible, but if the privet hedges would live that would definitely work too. Thanks so much.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Should my pampas grass be sprouting up in zone 7 by now?

    I'm growing pampas grass in a very large container. I planted it last year and it did great. It got very tall and had plumes. I've cut it back and while my other plants are starting to leaf out and/or sprout up, I don't see any signs of growth on the pampas grass yet. Do you think it could be dead because it was in the container (huge) over the winter? Is there a way to check to see if its getting newer growth further down? I didn't cut it down too far because I was hoping that the new shoots would be supported a little by the old growth which might result in it being a little taller this year. I planted it for privacy. Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Chihuahua recovery time after seizure is slow. Is this normal?

    My chi had a seizure after a rabies vaccine last Wed. Today is Tuesday. He is on anti-inflammatories, robaxin (muscle relaxer). My old vet from another town who is very experienced always told me that these little guys take longer to recover than other dogs. It seems to be related to their nervous personality and perhaps how much they are spoiled. Over the weekend he showed a lot of improvement, so the vet said it was okay to reduce the robaxin to 2x a day. Today he seemed to be looking like he was not continuing his improvement. I called vet to see if I could give him more Metacam (anti inflammatory) because he responded SO well after his initial shot. She said no, because the dosage would be too high. Then she wanted me to bring him in. I asked what she was going to do. We have been there 4 times in 3 days. After realizing there's probably not much she could do ...other than probably charging me for a visit, she said if it were her dog she would take him onto the neurologist. (The vet charged me for some neuro referral fee, before we had even decided to do that. I found out at the register.) My doggie has been holding his head up a lot lately and especially for the first few days after the seizure he was way out of it, walking with a sway and seemed spaced out. (The seizure lasted about a min or so, paddling legs, rolled over, legs curled up, peed on himself, had trouble breathing. Scariest time ever.)

    BTW: Full geriatric blood profile normal, x-rays normal, physical exam normal, didn't show any signs of pain when doc moved his head in all directions. He's 8 yrs old.

    They took blood from his neck for the geriatric blood work. I don't know why, but I wonder if this is making him feel odd, he's little and they shaved that area.

    I love him so much and will take him to the neuro if he needs it. I don't want to take him to the neuro and make him more nervous (the vet's reason he got the seizure) while he is trying to recover.

    Please help me sort this out. I've been up with him around the clock since this happened, seriously sleeping with him and sitting with him all day. I'm appreciative of any help.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog had a seizure on Wednesday and is still not acting normal (it's Friday). Please help?

    My 8lb chihuahua (age 8) had a seizure on Wednesday. I immediately took him to the vet when he had it (after a rabies shot). And, I took him again yesterday to get a follow up. He is not himself yet. He's just laying around all day. Last night I saw two signs of his behavior returning to normal. 1 was that he dug himself under his blankie and he also growled at something he always growls at. He is eating a little and will drink a little, sometimes off my finger. When he does get up he holds his head up, like he doesn't want to look down. I checked and was able to get him to look in all directions with a treat. He, like many chi's, is a nervous little guy and had never had a seizure before. The vet said that he expected him to be feeling better by now, but he still has a spacey look. Vet also said that the way he's holding his head could be a sign of a brain problem.

    Anyone else had this experience? Could it be that it's just taking him a little longer to recover since he's little, he's 8 yrs old and he's nervous?

    The vet said the next step if he didn't get back to normal was for him to see a neurologist.

    Thank you so much for any help. I am very worried.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My small dog had 3yr rabies vaccine and had seizure about an hour after. Has anyone else had this happen?

    My doggie is 8 yrs old and never had a problem with reactions to vaccines before. He had a 3yr rabies vaccine 3yrs ago with no problem. The vet did not tell me about any adverse reactions. Is seizure a known adverse reaction. If so, is it known if the seizures continue or if it's just a one time reaction. I'm very worried and scared. If I hadn't been in the room, my doggie would have fallen on the floor during his seizure--he's little. Please help. Sincere thanks.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I am 7dpo when could I find out if I am pregnant or not?

    When is the earliest I can take a HPT and get a positive if I were to be pregnant? Could I go to one of those Lab Tests Now places and take a blood test? I am feeling symptoms of heartburn, stomach uneasiness, bloating, some cramping a few days ago and just feel different.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Saving money on heating my house: Is using a space heater in the room I occupy most going to help drastically?

    Hi, I have gas heat. My house is about 2200 sq. feet including the mostly finished basement. It was built in the 60s. Is it more efficient for me to use a space heater in the room I am in mostly or heat the whole house to say 69? I am not sure how much electricity I am using with the space heater, but my rooms are fairly small and its one I got from a place like Target. Also, are there any website that would help me calculate this? Thanks!

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Have you seen any Christmas ornaments where you put the photo in yourself?

    Hi, I'm wondering if any of the big box retailers have the Christmas ornaments that you put photos in on your own? I see that Walmart is advertising one for $14.99 but I'm not really interested in that. Thanks for your help! Happy Holidays!

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Are used car dealers not taking me seriously? I want to buy a car and have the money. What is up?

    Okay, I want to buy a used car (someone else can pay the depreciation on a new one). I have been to a few dealerships without my husband and I feel like these male car salesman aren't really taking me seriously. I am in the market for a luxury car and the car will be for me. Of course, I will want my husband to drive it and get his opinion, but I will be the main decision maker. Also, I will be paying with cash and I told them that. I can't even get one to call me back. I am driving a crappy loaner car to the dealerships. Is that why they aren't taking me seriously? I almost want to give up and just drive the loaner car that I have. Shouldn't the used car people be seriously in need of business...especially since I want an SUV?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Auto Market Question: If I offer 15K on a car priced 17,500 would they take it?

    Its an SUV. I know this is a very subjective question..but I just wanted to get some opinions. Aren't most people not wanting SUV's due to the gas mileage?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Attn Radon Experts: If I have a level of 26 in my basement, what do u think the level upstairs would be?

    My house is a brick ranch on a full basement. The basement does not have a walk out garage. I have two sump pumps. One is sealed up, the other is more extensive and the 2 radon companies say thats probably where the radon is coming from. Do you think if I try to seal up the second sump pump that I might not have to spend the big bucks to get a radon mitigation system? Thanks!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are Prenate Elite vitamins making me feel awful?

    Hi, Just started taking Prenate Elite prenatal vitamins about a week ago. Since then I feel like a completely different person in a bad way. I have no energy, am very irritable and depressed. Before taking these I had energy and enthusiasm to go to the gym and just felt better. I do have problems with depression anyway so I don't know if this is seasonal or because of the vitamins.

    I have googled this and didn't find anything definitive so I'm hoping you can help. Tomorrow I'm going to take the other store bought prenatal vitamin, just to see what happens. I'm not currently trying to conceive, but I would like to in the next 2 to 3 months.

    Thank you so much for any information.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I working out too much?

    For the past two weeks I've been going to the gym daily. First I do 30 mins on a cardio machine and then I either do upper or lower body on the weight machines. I then go back and do 30 to 45 mins on another cardio machine. I eat like a bird. I have yogurt each day, bananas, nuts, drink a bunch of water and have a sensible dinner. I have never worked out like this in my life. I really enjoy it. It makes me feel great and I can feel my muscles changing. But, I'm not loosing much if any weight. And, I definitely have some to loose. I'm 5'6' and about 165lbs and I'm in my mid 30s. What do you think is going on? Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago