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  • Why is my facebook anniversary date wrong but right in his page?

    In my edit it shows the right date, on his timeline, but my page shows date it was posted instead. How can I fix that?

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • Are any natural fiber rugs soft under bare feet for a living room?

    Hemp, Jute, etc...I like the natural textural look of them, but afraid too rough for indoor living area. Also what about cleaning?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Is this a bad reaction to the wash I'm using?

    I thought this was just a bad acne breakout from going off bc pill and then starting a new one, but I also went off proactiv & started using Simple skincare. My face got so broken out, mostly all these little bumps all over and on my neck now too, it's gross! Could it be a reaction to the Simple products?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Can Simple skin care cause acne?

    I used Proactiv for years along with birth control that's kept my breakouts under control. But then I just had to change the bc pill I was taking. I also ran out of ProActiv & decided to try the Simple brand. My skin has gotten so bad! There are constant red bumps all over my face and neck, mostly on the right side, and sometimes it itches or hurts. I'm starting to wonder if this is a bad reaction, not just acne, to maybe the Simple skin care line? What do you think, have you had this happen?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Will these two get a divorce do you think?

    He does nothing but complain about her to everyone, making comments like how they're just cold to each other except with the kids, they've grown apart and don't see eye to eye, they spend a lot of time apart doing their own thing. He usually sleeps on the couch. He sometimes brings up the "D" word, says she's mean to him, she's irresponsible, and so on, he's not happy at all, yet she's gorgeous, and he admits he still loves her. However he's cheated on her before, and he's cheating on her again. Overall, based on this picture, what do you think, will they stay married or will it end?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How do you accept your illnesses that are for life and live and be happy?

    I'm single, all my friends are married with kids (or kids on the way). They're all basically normal and healthy, but I've developed more than one illness (physical, mental) over the past decade that's held me back from enjoying life to the fullest. I still try hard, I fall down and get back up, but I'm still limited and have to accept these things for life. Of those of you who deal with this, how do you cope? How do you not get angry or jealous or sad or depressed? How do you keep yourself upbeat and optimistic and all that, alongside everyone around you who seems to be fine and normal and complains about such silly mundane things?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • Do you worry about Big Brother, your identity being known so easily online all over the internet?

    Through social media, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, even news article comments or even just visiting a page online -- wherever you go, whatever you write or click or buy... It's all can be easily tracked. People can easily google you and find so much about you without even really knowing you yet. Employers can find out a lot about your personal business. This is just the internet alone where we expose ourselves, either willingly or unknowingly, or both. There's also the easy way to tap cell phones even when they're turned off, that's a fact. But no one seems to care, or they just ignore it and pretend that's how things are now. Is anything really private anymore? What's your take on this, do you worry about your privacy?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • If I'm just starting out selling my own artwork online, how do taxes work?

    If I'm just making a small profit and could probably claim costs meeting or exceeding profits at this point, do I need to file and claim in the state and federal for tax payment? I'm not sure how this works. Do I need to register first as a business -- if so, what, a sole proprietor? I thought I wouldn't need to do that as an individual artist?

    1 AnswerOther - Taxes10 years ago
  • What does it mean to have the DOW drop so much? Please explain to me?

    I was recently laid off, and I'm in a desperate search for a job. With the news of massive layoffs, the debt ceiling fight in congress to avoid default or a possible downgrade, and now the DOW drops massively... What can we do? What should we be doing? And does this mean it's going to be even tougher for people like me to find a job???

    4 AnswersEconomics10 years ago
  • How can I cope with this double loss?

    My boyfriend broke up with me out of no where, right after he was saying how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, and I was confused and devestated. Then I just lost my job, which is going to be really hard to replace, and I'm afraid of losing everything because of it. I'm all alone, scared and really sad. Advice?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What should I do: I just got laid off after buying a house?

    I depleted my savings on buying the house with the plan of building it back up again over time, but I got the shock of a lay off just a few months after buying the house. I'm single, I'm in a remote area where there isn't much business in commuting distance to make enough income to pay the mortgage. My job I've had I worked from home, that's how I could live in the country. I'm looking for jobs in a large enough radius but so far no luck. The job market is a nightmare, the housing market was a buyer's market (why I bought now, but not good to sell). I'm so sad to be stuck in this and don't know what to do. I really want to keep this house somehow, and I'm hoping to find a good enough job in time. Am I being too hopeful? Also rent is almost as high as my mortgage payment. So if I sold, I couldn't afford to rent either. I don't know anyone to share with or rent out to. There's no one I could borrow from that I know. Advice please? I have from now about a 2 month's time, maybe I could collect unemployment from that point (never did that before). But not sure if eligible, not sure if would be enough to cover bills, or how long that would give me.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • What do you think the green - eco market is missing? What would you add to it?

    What product that's green isn't out there yet, that you find yourself wanting, or that you find yourself making yourself, that could be on a store shelf or online to purchase?

    7 AnswersGreen Living10 years ago
  • How do I get rid of spiders running around in my kitchen cabinets?

    I've found those black ones about the size of a nickel/quarter that run super fast inside my kitchen drawers, and a dime size light brown one, yuck! I also found another black one speeding around the house. I hate spiders! I just had pest control spray the house a week ago for other bugs. Shouldn't the spiders be gone, too?

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Are you having a hard time finding a job? What can we do to change this job market?

    Should WE be the ones starting the revolution? Perhaps the demand has changed yet big corps aren't changing to our benefit. What can WE do to create jobs for us and make this place better again?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Have you ever done a petition to Saint Expedite, did you ever ask for love?

    Did it work? What did type of help did you ask for? How did you reward him? Did you ever ask for a relationship/ love?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why is Dell desktop making a clicking noise and crashing?

    I turn it on, it loads fine, then about 10 minutes or so of running, the CPU starts making a clicking noise and everything freezes. The first time it happened a screen appeared saying it needed to shut down, something was detected that was wrong (didn't specify). This time as soon as it froze and I heard clicking, I shut it down. What's happening and how can I fix it?

    3 AnswersDesktops10 years ago
  • Will you "boycott" anything that comes out that Casey Anthony could profit from?

    Will you agree to not buy any books of hers or about her where she could profit from, or watch any movies about her, or buy any magazines that paid her (or anything else I'm missing here)?

    15 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Is all online dating just a magnet for mental patients?

    I've tried it, and the few people I've met through there, and one I actually had a 7 month relationship with that failed because of his serious mental and emotional issues, makes me wonder: is online dating a place where you have to sift through a LOT of people who have psychological problems? Is there any hope to find someone who's mentally and emotionally stable through there? I simply use it because I no longer go out to places where singles go, all my friends are married now, and it seems easier to meet people that way. But I'm getting very discouraged by my experiences so far.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • If I took a pregnancy test and the result appeared negative, however...?

    It appeared negative. The control line showed up, and a pink line showed up as negative, however there was a very faint pale grey line that could've been a cross to be positive, so I was just slightly confused. I took it as being negative. But after watching that show "I didn't know I was pregnant" got me just a little nervous lol. I've been very tired, lethargic, my abdomen gets kind of crampy for no reason. I'm past the period (which came late and was a little strange). I take birth control pills, but I was a day late starting the last pack. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago