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Do I have to tip the stripper if he's a friend?
So me and my friend met these stripper guys. One of them seems to kinda be into me or whatever. Calls me and texts me to see if anythings going on. So we asked them where they worked and they were very excited that we wanted to go watch them dance. So question is, am I supposed to tip him? I have never had any interest in going to a strip club, and still not that interested. Just thought it might be fun and amusing. Don't want to spend a bunch of money. But don't want to come off as rude or cheap either.
6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoI am so confused. Advice?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years. And we just went on vacation to see our friend who moved. I have always thought our friend was cute. But now I feel a lot more for him. And I think the friend feels something for me too.
I don't know where me and my boyfriend are going. It has felt like no where for a long time. And I felt so good around this other guy. I felt safe and alive and just fun.
So confused. This friend lives 1,000 miles away. And I have no idea if he even feels the same. And even if he does he is also my boyfriends friend. He was just flirty and always smiling at me and touchy. Which isn't how he is at all.
Whatever. Just wanted to tell someone how I felt I guess. Have no one else to tell all this to. Advice would be nice. No lecturing because its not as if I have acted on anything. I'm not some slut. I'm an adult who would never cheat. Just really confused about my feelings about this other guy and where my life is going with my boyfriend.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs there such a thing as a bleaching kit for braces?
My ortho told me they have bleaching kits for people with braces. But my dentist told me there is no such thing and they will not bleach teeth with braces on.
4 AnswersDental1 decade agoWhat exactly does licensed/ bonded and insured do for you? ?
I am looking to get a 24 hour in home pet sitter while we are on vacation for a week. So what exactly does licensed/ bonded and insured do for me and my pets?
How does this protect us or the pet sitter? How does this benefit us?
Thanks so much for you help. I would of course be devastated for something to happen to my babies!~
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoBest time to conceive??/ depo shot?
I was on the depo shot for 6 years. I didn't mean to go off it, but I forgot to go get it in August. How long did it take you to get pregnant after getting off the depo? I have heard 2 years!
I thought I got pregnant on Halloween night. A lot of breast sensitivity, stomach not feeling so well, and it seemed to me implantation bleeding. Everyone says wait for a missed period to test for pregnancy. I haven't had a period in 6 years. I don't even remember them. But anyway, I have taken 5 pregnancy tests and all negative.
But anyway, how long did it take you to conceive. And without a period, when is the best time to conceive and when is the best time to take a pregnancy test? 16 days would show if I was pregnant right??
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoDo you think I am pregnant?
I was on the depo shot for 6 years. And I forgot to get it in August. Just a lot going on. So I never went and got it. Well on Halloween night, a bit drunk, didn't use a condom (we've been together the whole 6 years, its ok), and now I think I am pregnant.
I was reading about the implantation bleeding. Its the right time and its brown like described. And my breasts were really really sore and seemed a bit swollen as well a few days ago. Nothing else really.
Sorry to gross everyone out.
So anyway, do you think I'm pregnant or my body just going crazy from 6 years of no period from being on the depo shot?
I will probably go get a pregnancy test tomorrow, but just wondering for now.
And I feel horrible because I smoke and have been drinking too! Hope I'm not for those reasons. Not really ready to be a Mom yet. Only 25! And we have lots of animals! Make it hard to have a baby!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDermatologist question!?
I get prescribed Econazole Nitrate Cream 1% for a skin condition. Is there anything I can use over the counter?
I don't have insurance and don't want to pay a $90 office visit to be prescribed this stuff.
Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated.
I have asked this before and got one answer. They told me to use Proactive. But they didn't tell me what product and if there were any special instructions. This is not for acne of any kind if this is what they thought.
Thank you.
5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoDermatologist question....?
I have to use Econazole Nitrate Cream, 1% for my skin. Is there anything over the counter I can use as a substitute? I have no insurance and don't want to pay for an office visit then the prescription if theres another option. Why pay a $90 office visit when I don't even need a visit. Just need a prescription written for me.
So if anyone can help, please help. Thank you. I know there has to be something effective out there that will substitute this.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade agoWhy is my dog so itchy?
We live in AZ. We went to California and the dog beach 2 weeks ago. Since we came back Buddy can't stop scratching. I thought maybe its the salt water since he isn't used to it. So when we came home I gave him an oatmeal bath (oatmeal dog shampoo). He still can't stop scratching. Its not fleas or ticks. I'm a groomer and I check everyday. Although it is hard with his long black coat, I still check everyday. And its not food allergies. He's on a lamb and oatmeal food. Its the best food you can buy too. All natural. No crap in it. What can I do for him?? I feel horrible. I would hate to itch that much. And its just on his belly/sanitary area.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat can I do about my cockatiel?
I have a cockatiel named Ollie. And generally he is a pretty good bird. But he is driving me insane. On my days off he will scream at the top of his lungs all day long. He doesn't stop. From the time I wake up until my boyfriend gets home, he will do this. On my boyfriends days off he doesn't do this.
Why is he doing this? Why on my days off? What can I do to stop this? I really love him and want to keep him. I'm not one to find new homes for my animals because of problems. I believe in keeping your animals as your responsibility. But I am going crazy and I don't know what to do. My patience is gone.
I try putting him back to bed (his sheet over his cage), giving him millet, letting him out of his cage, leaving him in his cage, whistling at him, ignoring him, yelling at him. Nothing works!!!!!!
I've tried everything I can think of! PLEASE HELP! He's doing it right now, and won't stop. I fed him his breakfast, got him fresh water, and he doesn't care. He just screams!
6 AnswersBirds1 decade agoWhat kind of presents do you buy for a yankee swap Christmas game?
We are having a Christmas party and I'm not sure what kind of gifts to buy for the Christmas game. It has lots of different names, but I just saw it called the yankee swap.
Its where you stack the gifts up, let people draw numbers, then first person picks a gift, opens it. Then the second person can steal or get a new gift.....etc.
So back to the question. There will be a variety of different people at my home, with lots of different interests. So, help me with some great gift ideas that will make lots of fun stealing all night!
4 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoWhere can I get cell phone ringtones on the internet that I can pay by song, and not a monthly fee??
Or, if anyone knows anything about cell phones. I have bluetooth on my phone and laptop. I can send songs, but only play them, not use them as a ringtone. That option is grayed out on my phone??? My phone is a Nokia 6133 and my provider is TMobile.
I don't want to pay $2.50 a ringtone on my providers site, and only get 10 seconds worth of song. And I don't want to sign up for $10 a month like all these ringtone websites want. I want to pay per song if I want a song. I also don't want a shady site. Something good and reputable please. And full songs! Thanks so much for your help!!
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoPit Bulls?
I don't understand why someone reported me for posting something on pitbulls being banned in the whole state of California. I guess its some jerk that doesnt understand that pit bulls are good dogs that only get messed up and agressive because of bad owners.
Well for that people that understand that pit bulls are good dogs, they are trying to pass a law in california that bans pit bulls and they would most likely euthanize all pit bulls around. I highly doubt they are going to grandfather all the pits already there.
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy black lab and his eye boogers??
My black lab always has eye boogers. We will clean off his eyes and it seems like a few minutes later they are back.
Is something wrong with him? Is he sick or something?
He is fine besides that. Very active and great!
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoRed eared slider question!?
Why does my red eared slider have algae or something growing on his shell? It also grows on his rock, but not as bad. It doesn't grow anywhere else but on his shell and the rock.
We have a good filter, clean his tank, his rock, use a water conditoner, and even scrub his shell, but it grows right back.
Sometimes my cat will get on top of his tank and lay there for the warmth, could this be why? Would cat fur affect a turtle?
Please help. I feel bad for my poor turtle.
Heres a picture, so you can see what I'm talking about.
9 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago